Ice Man & Subzero vs Pyro & Human Torch
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Hulk Power
Who wins? A fight to the end. It takes place in NY City. No prep. (And Human Torch can't use his Nova Blast)
I'd say that Pyro and Human Torch win. Personally I think that HM can take Ice Man and Subzero alone but that's just IMO. So who wins?
Team cold. Not too much trouble, either.
Blair Wind
HM???? whos HM?? im soo lost...anyways iceman and Subzero win....why? because iceman freezes their molecules and him and Subzero go back to sleep.
Originally posted by DrDoom101
indeed. Indeed.
can't Human torch just go supernova and wipe them all out?
Originally posted by AcousticDoc
can't Human torch just go supernova and wipe them all out?
He isnt allowed to use it in this fight, as stated by the original poster. Even if he was allowed to do it, it wouldnt matter because Iceman would take him out before he can get the supernova off.
Ice man is hardly as unbeatable as some people imply.
Originally posted by AcousticDoc
can't Human torch just go supernova and wipe them all out?
iceman is in control of his form. Even as water, he could do whatever he wants, regenrate, and such
Blair Wind
Originally posted by Wynndar
Ice man is hardly as unbeatable as some people imply.

ya he is....unless you have greater moleculer control than him (maybe magneto?) and cause him to completely break down, or are a telepath who makes the first "punch" (remember emma frost and the flash freeze) or are the flash....then you aint gonna win...
Hulk Power
I don't know. I'd say that HT and Pyro win this. I don't know why but I just do.
Originally posted by Blair Wind
HM???? whos HM?? im soo lost...anyways iceman and Subzero win....why? because iceman freezes their molecules and him and Subzero go back to sleep.
Sorry about that. I meant to say HT which is short for Human Torch.

Blair Wind
well...its ok...but have no reason? I mean i personally think that the torch is awesome and should be more respected...but hes not gonna win this one....iceman has become too powerful for him....
yes but his control and skill r being over rated. Anyway water doesnt exist at 100,000 degrees.
Blair Wind
Originally posted by Wynndar
yes but his control and skill r being over rated. Anyway water doesnt exist at 100,000 degrees.
the thing is, that while one part of iceman is getting fried, he can be transporting his "self" into water vapor not being affected....its not that human torch cant do it, if they were in a contained area and iceman couldnt move......but he can, so that wont work....iceman still wins....
Hulk Power
Originally posted by Blair Wind
well...its ok...but have no reason? I mean i personally think that the torch is awesome and should be more respected...but hes not gonna win this one....iceman has become too powerful for him....
But isn't HT able to reach temperatures that are as hot as the sun?
Blair Wind
read the post above yours....
also it takes time for HT to do that, while iceman can flash freeze his molecules....
Ice-Man & Sub-Zero win...
Iceman and Sub-zero without breaking a sweat.
...Heh. I made kind of a backwards pun.
long pig
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Iceman and Sub-zero without breaking a sweat.
...Heh. I made kind of a backwards pun.
Ha! You did!

-High Five-
Originally posted by long pig
Ha! You did!

-High Five-
Score! ::high fives!::

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