best kmc'er v kmc'er match ups!
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i know this is striding close to the edge of acceptibility, but reading some of the latest whurlysplat v galacticstorm battle, it got me thinking: what are some of your favourite debates to read? personally, i love reading gs v whurly. both are bright and usually entertaining. any other classic confrontations you enjoy following?
Blair Wind
classic: FF v Xmen: AC and Demigawd
waaay too scientific but still good (Superman vs Iceman): Whirly and Illadelph
grey fox
Those 'who can you take' threads , so many funny answers.
actually, illadelphia and gs also had a good one about (what else) pf.
colossus17 vs. everyone i love those fights. the guy is like totally cool
Originally posted by RAGE17
colossus17 vs. everyone i love those fights. the guy is like totally cool
nah.... he's an overrated zombie mouse

Originally posted by Scoobless
nah.... he's an overrated zombie mouse
you will pay you old bald Scottish guy.
Originally posted by Scoobless
nah.... he's an overrated zombie mouse
And he's nowhere near as funny as you !
"zombie mouse" ?

Originally posted by leonidas
i know this is striding close to the edge of acceptibility, but reading some of the latest whurlysplat v galacticstorm battle, it got me thinking: what are some of your favourite debates to read? personally, i love reading gs v whurly. both are bright and usually entertaining. any other classic confrontations you enjoy following?
Ummmm this one of my favourites :
Your tounge vs their ass cracks

Originally posted by yahman
Ummmm this one of my favourites :
Your tounge vs their ass cracks
Damn Yahman that was actually funny
But leave Leo alone you b*stard.

Blair Wind
Originally posted by yahman
And he's nowhere near as funny as you !
"zombie mouse" ?
something I came up with when rage said his father was chucky cheese and his mother was death....randomness at its best!!
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Damn Yahman that was actually funny
But leave Leo alone you b*stard.
Go edit your Wiki page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Blair Wind
something I came up with when rage said his father was chucky cheese and his mother was death....randomness at its best!!
I appologies then

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Damn Yahman that was actually funny
But leave Leo alone you b*stard.
Originally posted by yahman
Go edit your Wiki page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This follow up however is NOT.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
This follow up however is NOT.
The irony of G.S. 'lecturing' me on humour.
Mate .... making your eyes spin round is not funny.
I hate not being modest.
But nothing beats the Olympian and Leonidas matches about mithology and wich of it applies or not in comics.
I want an oscar for that.
Originally posted by yahman
The irony of G.S. 'lecturing' me on humour.
Mate .... making your eyes spin round is not funny.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
No mate it really isn't !!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by yahman
No mate it really isn't !!!!!!!!!!!
Smilies are there to express emotion, not to try and get laughs.
Why do you feel so threatened by my use of them?

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Smilies are there to express emotion, not to try and get laughs.
Why do you feel so threatened by my use of them?
The closes you have ever got to threatening, was the 'helping hand' and that was more disturbing than threatening.
I don't totally agree with this, I have noticed that you regularly use the

as a 'punch line'.
I have no problem with you thinking your funny.

<<But nothing beats the Olympian and Leonidas matches about mithology and wich of it applies or not in comics.
I want an oscar for that.>>
ha! that WAS a classic.
<<Ummmm this one of my favourites :
Your tounge vs their ass cracks>>
er, is this directed at me? eer
so what you're implying is we shouldn't acknowledge that someone else may have a brain and make the (occasional) good argument? who are you again? oh yah . . . you're the one whose tongue i pinched off with my OWN ass cheeks.
ohhhhhh, wait a second, aren't you the one that started some silly thread (during that rash of stupid threads) and i said something like just don't read silly threads and they'll go away (like it did), then you said something else and were (apparently) po'd? is THAT why you're mad? wtf? and whurly always speaks so highly of you . . .
Originally posted by leonidas
<<But nothing beats the Olympian and Leonidas matches about mithology and wich of it applies or not in comics.
I want an oscar for that.>>
ha! that WAS a classic.
<<Ummmm this one of my favourites :
Your tounge vs their ass cracks>>
er, is this directed at me? eer
so what you're implying is we shouldn't acknowledge that someone else may have a brain and make the (occasional) good argument? who are you again? oh yah . . . you're the one whose tongue i pinched off with my OWN ass cheeks.
ohhhhhh, wait a second, aren't you the one that started some silly thread (during that rash of stupid threads) and i said something like just don't read silly threads and they'll go away (like it did), then you said something else and were (apparently) po'd? is THAT why you're mad? wtf? and whurly always speaks so highly of you . . .
Chill mate .... It was a bit of humour.

Oh well some people just don't like bannter.
Mad ???????? Puhhlease this is a forum ..... I find it quite funny to think that people can get wound up over the internet.

<<Chill mate .... It was a bit of humour. Oh well some people just don't like bannter.
Mad ???????? Puhhlease this is a forum ..... I find it quite funny to think that people can get wound up over the internet. >>
coolio. consider me chilled. didn't mean to overreact. hard to tell when someone's 'foolin'' v trying to get personal.
all's cool.
Tha C Master vs. Jinzin and creshosk, in 5 or 6 threads that all ended up as "Wolverine vs. Spiderman". Some thought it a bit sad, I found it endlessly hilarious.
armandovalles vs. Lord S...
Science vs. comic books. (Superman vs. Iceman) I'm pretty sure Whirly covered most of the support for Science, where a whole bunch of people supported comic books. xmarksthespot and Blair Wind did a fair amount, as I recall.
Originally posted by Dizzle
Tha C Master vs. Jinzin and creshosk, in 5 or 6 threads that all ended up as "Wolverine vs. Spiderman". Some thought it a bit sad, I found it endlessly hilarious.
armandovalles vs. Lord S...
Science vs. comic books. (Superman vs. Iceman) I'm pretty sure Whirly covered most of the support for Science, where a whole bunch of people supported comic books. xmarksthespot and Blair Wind did a fair amount, as I recall. Those are great ones.
<<Tha C Master vs. Jinzin and creshosk, in 5 or 6 threads that all ended up as "Wolverine vs. Spiderman". Some thought it a bit sad, I found it endlessly hilarious.>>
they ARE amusing, but they always say the same damn thing to each other . . .. guess that's what makes it funny!
Blair Wind
me and rage vs the off topic comic forum....
lol good times...
but serouisly wyndarr vs anyone who doesnt appreciate the FF. Those tend to be long and decent.
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by leonidas
<<Tha C Master vs. Jinzin and creshosk, in 5 or 6 threads that all ended up as "Wolverine vs. Spiderman". Some thought it a bit sad, I found it endlessly hilarious.>>
they ARE amusing, but they always say the same damn thing to each other . . .. guess that's what makes it funny! I retired!!
I liked AC vs creshosk, and when I went against him in the last of the FF vs Xmen threads, before his departure...
<<I retired!!>.
ya, well then . . .
welcome back!

Tha C-Master
I don't have the time leo..
I come for the "ihatecmaster" threads, and I'm busy at my own forum, trying to make it grow...
Not many good debates going anymore
Few months back we had lot of shit going
Originally posted by Dizzle
Tha C Master vs. Jinzin and creshosk, in 5 or 6 threads that all ended up as "Wolverine vs. Spiderman". Some thought it a bit sad, I found it endlessly hilarious.
armandovalles vs. Lord S...
Science vs. comic books. (Superman vs. Iceman) I'm pretty sure Whirly covered most of the support for Science, where a whole bunch of people supported comic books. xmarksthespot and Blair Wind did a fair amount, as I recall.

Tha C-Master
Originally posted by kgkg
Not many good debates going anymore
Few months back we had lot of shit going KMC is slowly going to the downside, I miss the guys like cosmic cube, now there are just repeat threads and stuff.
Blair Wind Vs Quagmire
Quagmire always kicks his ass

any one vs Hit_and_miss is funny cuz all hit does is insult, he has no idea what debating is lol
Blair Wind
Originally posted by Scoobless
Blair Wind Vs Quagmire
Quagmire always kicks his ass
this is what I would do to him!!
or this!!
HE WILL DIE!!!! death

Tha C-Master
Yea Quagmire always wins...
Originally posted by Blair Wind
me and rage vs the off topic comic forum....
lol good times...
but serouisly wyndarr vs anyone who doesnt appreciate the FF. Those tend to be long and decent. Those were good times I really don't get into to many debates with single people but when I hope I do I hope they are good.
Tha C-Master
remember ours?
Originally posted by kgkg
Not many good debates going anymore
Few months back we had lot of shit going
I have to be careful Paola keeps warning and banning me, I even had a thread edited by the mods

I cannot be Whurly much at the moment

With th "clampdown" going on.
But I say feck it
Keep the faith
stay Whurly or Whirly whatever

Originally posted by wolverine8888
any one vs Hit_and_miss is funny cuz all hit does is insult, he has no idea what debating is lol

Tha C-Master
There used to be a lot of "archenemies" on the board. You know, people who never agree on ANYTHING and are pretty evenly matched on the battlefield. I don't see a lot of that anymore - most arch-rivalries have turned into cold wars. But the biggest archenemies I remember are Jinzin and C-Master, GS and Whirly. Creshok definitely gained respect for his thrashing of AC on the FF vs. X-men thread. And for gang warfare, you couldn't get better than the Undead Tribunal (Cosmic Cube, kgkg, I forgot the third) in support of Marvel vs. The Sisters (their DC equivalents).
Some other noteworthy rivalries:
Illadelph vs. GS. I wouldn't call them archenemies because Ill is too polite to make it entertaining. But reading his posts is always a joy - he's the most underappreciated person on here (largely because he IS so polite).
I had some great rivalries going with Beyonder, who would get pissed and explode sometimes, haha. Especially when it came to Dr. Strange or Gladiator or Dr. Doom.
I think one of the longest continuing debates was Storm vs. Dr. Doom, which is what shot people like GS and Stormfront to the forefront against the former board masters like AC and VV Doom. AC still claims victory on that thread, but I'd still argue Storm over Doom any day. And in the grander scheme - it went a long way to destroying Doom's "prep" chokehold on the board. Wyndar is really the only remaining hardcore Doom supporter. That change started with that thread.
But I agree - things have died down a lot lately. Maybe the backlash against the "insulting" style has caused people to be a lot more polite. Maybe too much so. While I think being endlessly consdecending is counterproductive to one's point, just the r ight amount of it definitely adds a bit of flair to the board. Creshok strikes a pretty good balance.
Originally posted by demigawd
There used to be a lot of "archenemies" on the board. You know, people who never agree on ANYTHING and are pretty evenly matched on the battlefield. I don't see a lot of that anymore - most arch-rivalries have turned into cold wars. But the biggest archenemies I remember are Jinzin and C-Master, GS and Whirly. Creshok definitely gained respect for his thrashing of AC on the FF vs. X-men thread. And for gang warfare, you couldn't get better than the Undead Tribunal (Cosmic Cube, kgkg, I forgot the third) in support of Marvel vs. The Sisters (their DC equivalents).
Some other noteworthy rivalries:
Illadelph vs. GS. I wouldn't call them archenemies because Ill is too polite to make it entertaining. But reading his posts is always a joy - he's the most underappreciated person on here (largely because he IS so polite).
I had some great rivalries going with Beyonder, who would get pissed and explode sometimes, haha. Especially when it came to Dr. Strange or Gladiator or Dr. Doom.
I think one of the longest continuing debates was Storm vs. Dr. Doom, which is what shot people like GS and Stormfront to the forefront against the former board masters like AC and VV Doom. AC still claims victory on that thread, but I'd still argue Storm over Doom any day. And in the grander scheme - it went a long way to destroying Doom's "prep" chokehold on the board. Wyndar is really the only remaining hardcore Doom supporter. That change started with that thread.
But I agree - things have died down a lot lately. Maybe the backlash against the "insulting" style has caused people to be a lot more polite. Maybe too much so. While I think being endlessly consdecending is counterproductive to one's point, just the r ight amount of it definitely adds a bit of flair to the board. Creshok strikes a pretty good balance.
Agreed. Any chance of a reply anytime this month?

demigawd mean the music thing? Pick a better uploading service. Yours transfers at .3 mbps. I don't want to wait an hour to download your shit. Try yousendit.

Tha C-Master
I love missing out on stuff, I was thinking he meant more around actual debating myself.
Oh, you mean a reply to the Phoenix thread that nobody will read but him? Sure, when I have a spare week.

Originally posted by demigawd
Oh, you mean a reply to the Phoenix thread that nobody will read but him? Sure, when I have a spare week.
Dont get me started.
Im on about the mp3's. Im currently slaving away with yousendit son so a lil appreciation wouldnt go amiss.

Blair Wind
hmmm.....going back on topic...stormfront vs Wyndarr on another random FF vs X-men thread....
And I'd appreciate it if you sent me the CORRECT link this time.
Fuking brits...
Originally posted by demigawd
Fuking brits...

Tha C-Master
Originally posted by demigawd
And I'd appreciate it if you sent me the CORRECT link this time.
Fuking brits... I sympathise...

Tha C-Master
Originally posted by Tha C-Master
I sympathize...

Blair Wind
Originally posted by wolverine8888

Originally posted by wolverine8888
any one vs Hit_and_miss is funny cuz all hit does is insult, he has no idea what debating is lol
I'm sorry you feel this way... But reveling your stupidity isn't me trying to insult you... its just me reveling your stupidity so you can learn..
Some of the more colourful wolverine8888 quotes;
"actually im going to college to study wrighting"
"wolverine can dodge cykes blast forever just like he did in the jungle" (referring to the fight in which wolverine got blasted off the panel by scott) then "woops my bad I totally fought it when down differently"
"Gambets will never hit wolverine" (just after he was shown a pic of gambit clowning wolverine round the head with his pole)
I know, I know those arn't the exact quotes wolverine8888 used... I improved the english and grammar, so you could understand them.
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
Whirly I'm shocked... The amount of off the cuff insults that come from your mouth... You have had a problem with me ever since I disagreed with you about the Phoenix, now you take every opportunity to belittle me.. *tisk tisk* not very liberal for someone preaching "opening your mind" 24/7....
Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
I'm sorry you feel this way... But reveling your stupidity isn't me trying to insult you... its just me reveling your stupidity so you can learn..
Some of the more colourful wolverine8888 quotes;
"actually im going to college to study wrighting"
"wolverine can dodge cykes blast forever just like he did in the jungle" (referring to the fight in which wolverine got blasted off the panel by scott) then "woops my bad I totally fought it when down differently"
"Gambets will never hit wolverine" (just after he was shown a pic of gambit clowning wolverine round the head with his pole)
I know, I know those arn't the exact quotes wolverine8888 used... I improved the english and grammar, so you could understand them.
Whirly I'm shocked... The amount of off the cuff insults that come from your mouth... You have had a problem with me ever since I disagreed with you about the Phoenix, now you take every opportunity to belittle me.. *tisk tisk* not very liberal for someone preaching "opening your mind" 24/7....

I rest my case
looks like Wolverine8888 is right

Looks like you prove me right.....
Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
Some of the more colourful wolverine8888 quotes;
"actually im going to college to study wrighting"
Holy crap! That's classic. That is a true gem.
Originally posted by KharmaDog
Holy crap! That's classic. That is a true gem.
this was PMed to me recently - I see it as an attempt to bully Wolverine8888
Add Wolverine8888 to Your Ignore List
I am attempting to start a forum-wide act where EVERYONE is ignoring Wolverine8888. Why? Just read his posts. Make sure you have a garbage can nearby in case you need to vomit.
Unfortunately, Wolverine8888 is, almost admirably, very resilient to insults, degradation and other forms of ridicule. He just won't give up. He actually seems to feed on it. Since he acts like a hell-born child, we must treat him like a hell-born child. Children thrive on attention. If they are ignored, they will try to get more attention. But eventually, they will grow silent and finally shut-up. This is what I hope for Wolverine8888. If we ALL ignore him. Not reply to ANY of his posts and not POST his threads. Than he will ultimately feel rejected. And he will leave. And we will rejoice. So PLEASE. Add Wolverine8888 to your ignore list.
To those who don't know how. Simply click on a link with his name and read his profile. In his profile you'll see a button that says "Add to Ignore List" or something of that nature. His posts, past and future, will no longer be visible. Be warned we CAN still see when he posts. And you DO have the option to see his post by clicking on a link, but we won't be able to see any garbage he writes.
If we all come together, we can finally be rid of this 'pathetic stain of a man."
a very nasty pm indeed - people like hit and miss and the writer of this worry me - Kharma I doubt you are involved in this. It would dissapoint me if you were.
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
this was PMed to me recently - I see it as an attempt to bully Wolverine8888
Add Wolverine8888 to Your Ignore List
I am attempting to start a forum-wide act where EVERYONE is ignoring Wolverine8888. Why? Just read his posts. Make sure you have a garbage can nearby in case you need to vomit.
Unfortunately, Wolverine8888 is, almost admirably, very resilient to insults, degradation and other forms of ridicule. He just won't give up. He actually seems to feed on it. Since he acts like a hell-born child, we must treat him like a hell-born child. Children thrive on attention. If they are ignored, they will try to get more attention. But eventually, they will grow silent and finally shut-up. This is what I hope for Wolverine8888. If we ALL ignore him. Not reply to ANY of his posts and not POST his threads. Than he will ultimately feel rejected. And he will leave. And we will rejoice. So PLEASE. Add Wolverine8888 to your ignore list.
To those who don't know how. Simply click on a link with his name and read his profile. In his profile you'll see a button that says "Add to Ignore List" or something of that nature. His posts, past and future, will no longer be visible. Be warned we CAN still see when he posts. And you DO have the option to see his post by clicking on a link, but we won't be able to see any garbage he writes.
If we all come together, we can finally be rid of this 'pathetic stain of a man."
a very nasty pm indeed - people like hit and miss and the writer of this worry me - Kharma I doubt you are involved in this. It would dissapoint me if you were.
No, definately not involved in that. Not only am I not a fan of banning someone just because they are annoying (as opposed to trolls or the like) I would be seriously disappointed to see him stop posting. He's completely wiggy, but entertaining nonetheless.
Whoever participates in such a circlejerk loses alot of my respect.
Originally posted by KharmaDog
No, definately not involved in that. Not only am I not a fan of banning someone just because they are annoying (as opposed to trolls or the like) I would be seriously disappointed to see him stop posting. He's completely wiggy, but entertaining nonetheless.
Whoever participates in such a circlejerk loses alot of my respect.
and not all trolls deserve banning - some really are the devils advocate

The Faulken
I myself like it when Whirly and GS go back and forth its highly amusing with the old jgg

I don't understand why anybody would hate Wolverine888. He's always polite and probably more patient than anybody else on the board. Imagine if GalacticStorm was insulted the way Wolverine888 was. He'd come for blood.
ok, so Wolverine888 likes Wolverine. Jesus Christ - so the fuk what? So he's grammatically challenged - so the fuk what? That's hardly unique. Leave the poor kid alone. I'd never put someone on the ignore list just because I don't agree with him. It's immature to the highest degree.
Why are you trying to involve me?? I didn't create that.. and I haven't even had that PM... If you took the time to read what wolverine8888 posts you would see hes taken the time to single me out in several threads now... You even pointed the 1 out to me... where he said I was the worst debater ever... then again today, hes involved me in another thread... all cause I proved him wrong. Now I got you on my back because I disagreed with you, soo childish whirly...
Who is hit_and_miss by the way? I never heard of him until this thread....
Originally posted by demigawd
I don't understand why anybody would hate Wolverine888. He's always polite and probably more patient than anybody else on the board. Imagine if GalacticStorm was insulted the way Wolverine888 was. He'd come for blood.
ok, so Wolverine888 likes Wolverine. Jesus Christ - so the fuk what? So he's grammatically challenged - so the fuk what? That's hardly unique. Leave the poor kid alone. I'd never put someone on the ignore list just because I don't agree with him. It's immature to the highest degree.
I am not saying who sent that post but if you recieved it you must have lost respect for them also.
Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
Why are you trying to involve me?? I didn't create that.. and I haven't even had that PM... If you took the time to read what wolverine8888 posts you would see hes taken the time to single me out in several threads now... You even pointed the 1 out to me... where he said I was the worst debater ever... then again today, hes involved me in another thread... all cause I proved him wrong. Now I got you on my back because I agree with you, soo childish whirly...
Oh, heh heh...nevermind.
Why's he so hated? I don't remember even seeing him before now...
Originally posted by demigawd
Who is hit_and_miss by the way? I never heard of him until this thread....
he spends most of his time trying to talk to girls in the off topic

about 15 - 16 - I suspect
gets confused easily and a bit angry
always goes with cllques so......... if the cap fits

Never read a post of his. What are some of his most infamous threads?
So I'm a sociable person.... Better then somone who still thinks they have the right to chose if they forgive the germans...
Confussed easily??? coming from the great "kabballah" man!
Originally posted by demigawd
I don't understand why anybody would hate Wolverine888. He's always polite and probably more patient than anybody else on the board. Imagine if GalacticStorm was insulted the way Wolverine888 was. He'd come for blood.
ok, so Wolverine888 likes Wolverine. Jesus Christ - so the fuk what? So he's grammatically challenged - so the fuk what? That's hardly unique. Leave the poor kid alone. I'd never put someone on the ignore list just because I don't agree with him. It's immature to the highest degree.
Make fun of him? Sure. Hate him? That's just lame. Ignore him? No way, the man's a certified super hero himself.
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
I am not saying who sent that post but if you recieved it you must have lost respect for them also.
I never recieved such a pm.
Whirly are you stalking me?
Originally posted by demigawd
Never read a post of his. What are some of his most infamous threads?
he doesn't have any

He really is just an off topic forum youngster - however he can be right sometimes he did a good post today in the smartest thread. He also takes things very literally because he is young

Originally posted by Whurlysplat
this was PMed to me recently - I see it as an attempt to bully Wolverine8888
Add Wolverine8888 to Your Ignore List
I am attempting to start a forum-wide act where EVERYONE is ignoring Wolverine8888. Why? Just read his posts. Make sure you have a garbage can nearby in case you need to vomit.
Unfortunately, Wolverine8888 is, almost admirably, very resilient to insults, degradation and other forms of ridicule. He just won't give up. He actually seems to feed on it. Since he acts like a hell-born child, we must treat him like a hell-born child. Children thrive on attention. If they are ignored, they will try to get more attention. But eventually, they will grow silent and finally shut-up. This is what I hope for Wolverine8888. If we ALL ignore him. Not reply to ANY of his posts and not POST his threads. Than he will ultimately feel rejected. And he will leave. And we will rejoice. So PLEASE. Add Wolverine8888 to your ignore list.
To those who don't know how. Simply click on a link with his name and read his profile. In his profile you'll see a button that says "Add to Ignore List" or something of that nature. His posts, past and future, will no longer be visible. Be warned we CAN still see when he posts. And you DO have the option to see his post by clicking on a link, but we won't be able to see any garbage he writes.
If we all come together, we can finally be rid of this 'pathetic stain of a man."
a very nasty pm indeed - people like hit and miss and the writer of this worry me - Kharma I doubt you are involved in this. It would dissapoint me if you were.
that's remarkable. sad, really. i've had the odd run-in with 8888 as well, but c'mon. if nothing else, you gotta admire his consistency.
i've said this before -- you have to be careful 'round here because there are so many young kids that are part of this forum. to call someone stupid is assinine. the person you're calling stupid may be 10 years old! not everyone is stupid, some people just really don't know better.
by the way, i've checked out a couple of the suggested debates - some of them ARE pretty damn good!
Originally posted by leonidas
that's remarkable. sad, really. i've had the odd run-in with 8888 as well, but c'mon. if nothing else, you gotta admire his consistency.
i've said this before -- you have to be careful 'round here because there are so many young kids that are part of this forum. to call someone stupid is assinine. the person you're calling stupid may be 10 years old! not everyone is stupid, some people just really don't know better.
by the way, i've checked out a couple of the suggested debates - some of them ARE pretty damn good!
agreed Leo as usual
and you have a sig!!!!!!!!
now all we need is Demi to get one

"He also takes things very literally because he is young"
The famous whirly twisting tactic... where whirly posts, but what he really meant, was what he didn't say, for what he did post wasn't really what he meant, but more of a way to get you thinking...
When actually whirly is just trying to hide the fact he was wrong....

Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
"He also takes things very literally because he is young"
The famous whirly twisting tactic... where whirly posts, but what he really meant, was what he didn't say, for what he did post wasn't really what he meant, but more of a way to get you thinking...
When actually whirly is just trying to hide the fact he was wrong....
perhaps you are not part of the anti WSolverine 8888 behaviour I might be wrong, if your not I take it back.

strange post - back to the welcome thread with you

Blair Wind
Originally posted by leonidas
by the way, i've checked out a couple of the suggested debates - some of them ARE pretty damn good!
which ones did you check out???
and ive read some of Hit and Miss's stuff....very small stuff but nothing that made me think he was annoying or dumb.....
Originally posted by Blair Wind
which ones did you check out???
and ive read some of Hit and Miss's stuff....very small stuff but nothing that made me think he was annoying or dumb.....
yes its all very small stuff
agreed he;'s not annoying or dumb - just young and inexperienced in the world

<<"He also takes things very literally because he is young"
The famous whirly twisting tactic... where whirly posts, but what he really meant, was what he didn't say, for what he did post wasn't really what he meant, but more of a way to get you thinking...
When actually whirly is just trying to hide the fact he was wrong.... >>
er, did that make anyone else's head hurt . . .?eer
and yeah, i broke down a while ago -- had the jla 1M sig for a bit but it wasn't too great. i like the new sig, though it is a bit small.
so you've not been 'round because you keep getting bans, whurly? how's that work? i've not seen or read anything from you that would warrant a ban. you been doing naughty things off forum . . .? it's not the same without you!
stay kuntz! no, no . . ., stay whirly!! no, not right either . . .

Blair Wind
Originally posted by Blair Wind
which ones did you check out???
to leo since it was on the last page......
Originally posted by leonidas
<<"He also takes things very literally because he is young"
The famous whirly twisting tactic... where whirly posts, but what he really meant, was what he didn't say, for what he did post wasn't really what he meant, but more of a way to get you thinking...
When actually whirly is just trying to hide the fact he was wrong.... >>
er, did that make anyone else's head hurt . . .?eer
and yeah, i broke down a while ago -- had the jla 1M sig for a bit but it wasn't too great. i like the new sig, though it is a bit small.
so you've not been 'round because you keep getting bans, whurly? how's that work? i've not seen or read anything from you that would warrant a ban. you been doing naughty things off forum . . .? it's not the same without you!
stay kuntz! no, no . . ., stay whirly!! no, not right either . . .
I got banned for opening a biggest troll thread on the forum - everyone said it was me and Paola banned me... I miss coming on but work is heavy at the moment and I am off for last orders and a lock in across the road as we speak. I hardly see you, Zeph, Snoop and the Superman posse these days
It might not be Whurly much longer I knew the stay irony would not be lost on you!

I don't come into alot of the comic book threads cause I don't want to debate alot of these chars... some of the threads I though I would give my 2 cents in, and quickly found out I was going to be drawn into the world of whirly control... where you quickly get accused of conspiring and being called into threads... I just couldn't believe that someone would instantly cast judgement on me for disagreeing with him...
Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
I don't come into alot of the comic book threads cause I don't want to debate alot of these chars... some of the threads I though I would give my 2 cents in, and quickly found out I was going to be drawn into the world of whirly control... where you quickly get accused of conspiring and being called into threads... I just couldn't believe that someone would instantly cast judgement on me for disagreeing with him...
No one has cast judgement on you even I apologised - stop playing the victim
your post was garbled though, you're obviously intelligent, relax
<<I got banned for opening a biggest troll thread on the forum - everyone said it was me and Paola banned me... I miss coming on but work is heavy at the moment and I am off for last orders and a lock in across the road as we speak. I hardly see you, Zeph, Snoop and the Superman posse these days
It might not be Whurly much longer I knew the stay irony would not be lost on you! >>
and i hear you about work. since summer vacation has ended i've not been able to log much time myself. i try to get in for a few minutes a day if i can -- it's still fun. i'm actually in teh midst of a good discussion with illadelphia (smart cookie, that one) about astro-force and power cosmic. it's a good discussion, the kind of reasonably intelligent discussion i enjoy. course, the ultimate irony is never lost on me -- we posters almost CERTAINLY put more thought into the how's/why's/ what's of these characters and their powers than the writers/creators do! alsways seems kinda silly discussing some of these things in the depths we do, but - what the hell. it's fun!
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
agreed Leo as usual
and you have a sig!!!!!!!!
now all we need is Demi to get one
Feh. Real men don't need sigs.
Originally posted by leonidas
<<I got banned for opening a biggest troll thread on the forum - everyone said it was me and Paola banned me... I miss coming on but work is heavy at the moment and I am off for last orders and a lock in across the road as we speak. I hardly see you, Zeph, Snoop and the Superman posse these days
It might not be Whurly much longer I knew the stay irony would not be lost on you! >>
and i hear you about work. since summer vacation has ended i've not been able to log much time myself. i try to get in for a few minutes a day if i can -- it's still fun. i'm actually in teh midst of a good discussion with illadelphia (smart cookie, that one) about astro-force and power cosmic. it's a good discussion, the kind of reasonably intelligent discussion i enjoy. course, the ultimate irony is never lost on me -- we posters almost CERTAINLY put more thought into the how's/why's/ what's of these characters and their powers than the writers/creators do! alsways seems kinda silly discussing some of these things in the depths we do, but - what the hell. it's fun!
your right it is fun and its nice to have intelligent discussions, I have so much shit to plan at the moment I am involved in a project getting more ethnic minorities into higher ed and its great but its hard work.
Originally posted by demigawd
Feh. Real men don't need sigs.
You need a sig - Reed Richards perhaps

Tha C-Master
Originally posted by demigawd
Feh. Real men don't need sigs. As much as I like that statement, THAT is your sig...
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
You need a sig - Reed Richards perhaps
I'm just surprised he never broke down and got a Magneto sig.
Anyway, one of my regrets was never really forming a rivalry with anyone. I defended Spider-Man ad nauseum early on, and had a few notable debates (one of my fav's was defending Plastic Man against Hulk and Magneto for pages-upon-pages...I thoroughly lost the Magneto debate, but think I won the Hulk one...if I'm not mistaken both were against demi) but no epic rivalry. And now as a Mod that train has sailed, so to speak, and I have to be the level0headed one.


Originally posted by DigiMark007
I'm just surprised he never broke down and got a Magneto sig.
Anyway, one of my regrets was never really forming a rivalry with anyone. I defended Spider-Man ad nauseum early on, and had a few notable debates (one of my fav's was defending Plastic Man against Hulk and Magneto for pages-upon-pages...I thoroughly lost the Magneto debate, but think I won the Hulk one...if I'm not mistaken both were against demi) but no epic rivalry. And now as a Mod that train has sailed, so to speak, and I have to be the level0headed one.

Which is a shame as I would have enjoyed pissing you off

Originally posted by Whurlysplat
Which is a shame as I would have enjoyed pissing you off
Hehe...I'm sure you would have.

Originally posted by DigiMark007
Hehe...I'm sure you would have.

Blair Wind know i can understand what Digi is saying....I have no real rival here. I defend Iceman alot against people that think he is still just a snowball throwing loser, but i havent gotten a real rival here on KMC who I debate frequently with.....
and Demi just give in and get a Magneto know you wanna!!

Originally posted by DigiMark007
I'm just surprised he never broke down and got a Magneto sig.
Anyway, one of my regrets was never really forming a rivalry with anyone. I defended Spider-Man ad nauseum early on, and had a few notable debates (one of my fav's was defending Plastic Man against Hulk and Magneto for pages-upon-pages...I thoroughly lost the Magneto debate, but think I won the Hulk one...if I'm not mistaken both were against demi) but no epic rivalry. And now as a Mod that train has sailed, so to speak, and I have to be the level0headed one.

Yeah, I'm the guy who whooped you in the Magneto debate, but I actually argued for Plastic Man in the Hulk debate. I think it was my thread, though. I think that was where I argued for 10 pages with some guy that Hulk needed to breathe, and I started posting scans of Hulk passing out from lack of oxygen. Can't remember who that guy was, though.
Originally posted by Blair Wind know i can understand what Digi is saying....I have no real rival here. I defend Iceman alot against people that think he is still just a snowball throwing loser, but i havent gotten a real rival here on KMC who I debate frequently with.....
and Demi just give in and get a Magneto know you wanna!!
Why would I want a Magneto sig? I don't like his lame ass....he's not even powerful enough to destroy the multiverse, unlike his daughter! candy on my tongue...
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by demigawd
I think one of the longest continuing debates was Storm vs. Dr. Doom, which is what shot people like GS and Stormfront to the forefront against the former board masters like AC and VV Doom.
Fun times.
Sadly this forum has deteriorated into the written equivalent of excrement.
It's not THAT bad. There are still a lot of quality discussions to have, but usually only at the Herald+ level. The crazy fanboys have pretty much destroyed the street/meta level debates.
I am the bad guy, *****!
I'm serious too.
I'm just playin' wit you fool, and you thought I was serious.

Tha C-Master
Originally posted by demigawd
It's not THAT bad. There are still a lot of quality discussions to have, but usually only at the Herald+ level. The crazy fanboys have pretty much destroyed the street/meta level debates. Yea but those get generic and boring.
Fanboys keep things interesting...
Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by demigawd
Creshok definitely gained respect for his thrashing of AC on the FF vs. X-men thread.
You mean the one where his every valid point got crushed and it took 6 pages of him dancing around my point to finally agree with me? That? Because everyone saw that and it wasn't any kind of thrashing. It was example of the reason this board is now shit. Because people argue anything, relevant or not.
Originally posted by demigawd
AC still claims victory on that thread, but I'd still argue Storm over Doom any day.
Bush would claim he's a good president, even still.
The fact that you'd still argue Storm over Doom proves that you'd argue red over blue if you could. It doesn't change the fact that it was about sixteen members to three.
You and two (then) trolls vs some of KMC's longest serving comic fans.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
The fact that you'd still argue Storm over Doom proves that you'd argue red over blue if you could. It doesn't change the fact that it was about sixteen members to three.
You and two (then) trolls vs some of KMC's longest serving comic fans.
I certanly wasnt a troll.

I merely responded to the unwarranted abuse you threw my way after my first post. You set the ball rolling so you can hardly play the victim of that whole affair.
Tha C-Master
Uh oh, a pissing contest...
Just what I needed to see.

Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
I certanly wasnt a troll.

I merely responded to the unwarranted abuse you threw my way after my first post. You set the ball rolling so you can hardly play the victim of that whole affair.
Funny how you knew who I meant though...quite telling.
I didn't abuse you, I implied that you had no clue what you were talking about, and you didn't. So you started being abusive, throwing personal insults in every thread, in PM etc. I don't quite understand why you're now viewed as some expert in the forum but how you act now certainly wasn't how you acted when you arrived.
I'm not about kicking it off, just saying that Demigawd can hardly claim that he had a landslide of support. You and Stormfront. A THEN troll and a biased Storm fan. Adding up to two biased Storm fans and one biased Doom-hater Vs about 16 people who were considered to be respected regulars of the forum.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Funny how you knew who I meant though...quite telling.
I didn't abuse you, I implied that you had no clue what you were talking about, and you didn't. So you started being abusive, throwing personal insults in every thread, in PM etc. I don't quite understand why you're now viewed as some expert in the forum but how you act now certainly wasn't how you acted when you arrived.
I'm not about kicking it off, just saying that Demigawd can hardly claim that he had a landslide of support. You and Stormfront. A THEN troll and a biased Storm fan. Adding up to two biased Storm fans and one biased Doom-hater Vs about 16 people who were considered to be respected regulars of the forum.
Are you saying GS is the troll AC- could be

ya know ac, i don't know you from adam, but i've heard and seen your thrown around in few different threads. you sound pretty cool. you should come 'round more. why IS the forum deteriorating (if such IS the case -- personally i still have fun here)? it's likely because some of the more 'respected' members refuse to come out anymore. why? because you/they somehow feel the new members are . . . what? dragging it down? then come in and help bring it back to where it was. there ARE plenty of good discussions still, and a few damn bright people on the forum. don't let a few sh!tsticks ruin it.
if it's an issue of time, THAT i can well understand. if it's a matter of the newbies 'wrecking' thing in your eyes, help try and fix things.
and gs was actually arguing for strom against DOOM . . .?
in a recent storm v ironman thread, it was almost completely in favor of im -- even stormfront acknowledged that she couldn't beat him often!
Alpha Centauri
Victor Von Doom spotted the exact problem with this forum. Everyone argues for pages even if they know they are wrong or even if the point they are dying to make, won't swing things in their favour.
Like Demigawd proved. Despite Doom Vs Storm being clear cut and quite the landslide. He continued, page after page, just because he didn't think Doom would win. Fair enough, that's his choice. I don't see why he felt it necessary to continue on a crusade when it wasn't getting him anywhere. He'd argue that his favourite type of cloud is better than yours too, though.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Victor Von Doom spotted the exact problem with this forum. Everyone argues for pages even if they know they are wrong or even if the point they are dying to make, won't swing things in their favour.
Like Demigawd proved. Despite Doom Vs Storm being clear cut and quite the landslide. He continued, page after page, just because he didn't think Doom would win. Fair enough, that's his choice. I don't see why he felt it necessary to continue on a crusade when it wasn't getting him anywhere. He'd argue that his favourite type of cloud is better than yours too, though.
that sounds like GS

Alpha Centauri
What does? I don't know what you're talking about. I have no problem with GS anymore, it was ages ago.
I have no "problem" with anyone on here. I just don't appreciate all this giving credit to members you like, coincidentally claiming they thrashed a member you don't like. Despite it not happening. That's the only reason I'm here, because it was brought to my attention that this was happening.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
What does? I don't know what you're talking about. I have no problem with GS anymore, it was ages ago.
I have no "problem" with anyone on here. I just don't appreciate all this giving credit to members you like, coincidentally claiming they thrashed a member you don't like. Despite it not happening. That's the only reason I'm here, because it was brought to my attention that this was happening.
I see - so who thrashed you then?
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Funny how you knew who I meant though...quite telling.
I didn't abuse you, I implied that you had no clue what you were talking about, and you didn't. So you started being abusive, throwing personal insults in every thread, in PM etc. I don't quite understand why you're now viewed as some expert in the forum but how you act now certainly wasn't how you acted when you arrived.
I'm not about kicking it off, just saying that Demigawd can hardly claim that he had a landslide of support. You and Stormfront. A THEN troll and a biased Storm fan. Adding up to two biased Storm fans and one biased Doom-hater Vs about 16 people who were considered to be respected regulars of the forum.
Not at all. Demi mentioned mine and StormFronts name and you were replying to his post. On top of that we've had thi sdiscussion before just a few months back so of course i knew it was me.
I wasnt trolling at all. You just threw abuse my way and i returned it in if that makes me a troll then so be it.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
What does? I don't know what you're talking about. I have no problem with GS anymore, it was ages ago.
Pay no attention to him. He'll side with anyone, agree with any point thats even remotely against me and my beliefs. Forum casualty. Oh well.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Not at all. Demi mentioned mine and StormFronts name and you were replying to his post. On top of that we've had thi sdiscussion before just a few months back so of course i knew it was me.
I wasnt trolling at all. You just threw abuse my way and i returned it in if that makes me a troll then so be it.
Pay no attention to him. He'll side with anyone, agree with any point thats even remotely against me and my beliefs. Forum casualty. Oh well.
shhh.....silence lad......GS& AC vs. C-17 & whirly......
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
I see - so who thrashed you then?
Why dont you read the thread properly then you'll find out who apparrently thrashed AC. Stop being so quick to jump on the bandwagon of anything remotely anti GS.

Originally posted by RAGE17
shhh.....silence lad......GS& AC vs. C-17 & whirly......
This is no competition Rage. Its about enlightenment for both sides of the debate.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
This is no competition Rage. Its about enlightenment for both sides of the debate.
i know how you look GS....and i am coming to Britain. and i will see the clubs you hang in....i will attack you at one of them....
Originally posted by RAGE17
i know how you look GS....and i am coming to Britain. and i will see the clubs you hang in....i will attack you at one of them....
Rage is not enough to overcome one such as I.
Know your place in the scheme of things ingrate.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Rage is not enough to overcome one such as I.
Know your place in the scheme of things ingrate.
you fool you talk to me like i am a regular do not want to go into conflict with will be a massacre. Phoenix lover.
Originally posted by RAGE17
you fool you talk to me like i am a regular do not want to go into conflict with will be a massacre. Phoenix lover.
Indeed it will. But fear not. Your organic steel hide will live on as Pepsi cans across the nation.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Indeed it will. But fear not. Your organic steel hide will live on as Pepsi cans across the nation.
thats it lad....we are exactly the same age...but the difference is that i am 6'5 and you are 5'9 i am coming after you during winter break..and you are getting attacked by fool i saw all your pics studied your facial composition.studied the places you hang with and the people you hang with.i realized you are drunk/high about 37% of the time.and thats when i will attack you and use your flames to warm me up in the winter.....little fire bird

DigiMark007 new member bashing. We're talking about rivalries, not starting new ones (or adding wood to the fire in some cases).
Originally posted by RAGE17
thats it lad....we are exactly the same age...but the difference is that i am 6'5 and you are 5'9 i am coming after you during winter break..and you are getting attacked by fool i saw all your pics studied your facial composition.studied the places you hang with and the people you hang with.i realized you are drunk/high about 37% of the time.and thats when i will attack you and use your flames to warm me up in the winter.....little fire bird
Quality over quantity russkie
You really dont know who or what youre dealing with. You dance with the devil son. Step back before your metal ass gets scorched.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Yeah thats what i thought. He's an odd one isnt he.

Originally posted by DigiMark007 new member bashing. We're talking about rivalries, not starting new ones (or adding wood to the fire in some cases).
we are just trolling.....i am cool with GS....i hope he knows it....thats the problem in this forum people think that whirly actually hates GS or adam warlock when in fact all we do is joke around......
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Quality over quantity russkie
You really dont know who or what youre dealing with. You dance with the devil son. Step back before your metal ass gets scorched.
Yeah thats what i thought. He's an odd one isnt he.
we shall see fire bird.but seriosuly if i am comin to london can u atleast buy me a beer?
Originally posted by RAGE17
we are just trolling.....i am cool with GS....i hope he knows it....thats the problem in this forum people think that whirly actually hates GS or adam warlock when in fact all we do is joke around......
I realize the majority of it is harmless...just doing my job to make sure it stays that way. Though GS sure is good at finding rivals...
<<Victor Von Doom spotted the exact problem with this forum. Everyone argues for pages even if they know they are wrong or even if the point they are dying to make, won't swing things in their favour.>>
actually it seems at times BOTH sides argue pointlessly. he can't make a point and argues, you have WON the point and continue to argue. one's no better or worse than the other, is it?
Originally posted by RAGE17
we shall see fire bird.but seriosuly if i am comin to london can u atleast buy me a beer?
Such an honour must be earned my young friend. Only time will tell if you are truly worthy of my divine presence.

Originally posted by DigiMark007
I realize the majority of it is harmless...just doing my job to make sure it stays that way. Though GS sure is good at finding rivals...
lol yes SIR MR. MOD SIR!!!

...digi are you Russian by any chance? you really look like one....
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Such an honour must be earned my young friend. Only time will tell if you are truly worthy of my divine presence.
young friend you fool i am 21....
Originally posted by RAGE17
lol yes SIR MR. MOD SIR!!!

...digi are you Russian by any chance? you really look like one....
Erm, no. I'm from the states, and don't have any Russian in my ancestry. When did I look like a Russian though? Probably those few pics I posted on Sentry's (or AW's) "Members pictures" thread in the comics forum...
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Erm, no. I'm from the states, and don't have any Russian in my ancestry. When did I look like a Russian though? Probably those few pics I posted on Sentry's (or AW's) "Members pictures" thread in the comics forum...
indeed the one pic where you were dressed up...i am from the states as well i was just wonderin....
Originally posted by RAGE17
young friend you fool i am 21....
Yes but i am wise beyond my years. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for yourself. When that situation is rectified then you will be one step closer to being accepted by one of my stature. With that i bid you good day.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Yes but i am wise beyond my years. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for yourself. When that situation is rectified then you will be one step closer to being accepted by one of my stature. With that i bid you good day.
i am with whirly bub. and how would you know about my intelligence metro-sexual friend?....your cognitive processes do not correspond with your conscious thinking mind....your synapses to not transmit electrical impulses fast enough to comprehend my fractal and infinite complexity you are weak fire-bird. and the weak die first.
Originally posted by RAGE17
i am with whirly bub. and how would you know about my intelligence metro-sexual friend?....your cognitive processes do not correspond with your conscious thinking mind....your synapses to not transmit electrical impulses fast enough to comprehend my fractal and infinite complexity you are weak fire-bird. and the weak die first.
and i thought i was good at making absolute waffle sound good.

Tha C-Master
Originally posted by illadelph12
Alpha's back? I think this is the 6th or 7th time he's been "back".
Most likely rectifying something, I'm just waiting for demi to come.

Then it will be interesting.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
and i thought i was good at making absolute waffle sound good.
i am a professional counselor and i shall be a psychologist next year.if you come to the east coast in the U.S and you ever want to get treatment for your obsessiveness ...over a fictional bird like entity come right ahead...and i will treat you for me through pm's if you comply.....and in the words of whirly junior......go update the wiki page about Phoenix
Originally posted by RAGE17
i am a professional counselor and i shall be a psychologist next year.if you come to the east coast in the U.S and you ever want to get treatment for your obsessiveness ...over a fictional bird like entity come right ahead...and i will treat you for me through pm's if you comply.....and in the words of whirly junior......go update the wiki page about Phoenix
Says the boy who pretends to be Colossus on a comic books forum.
Forgive me if im wrong but havent 90 % of your posts over the last 3 months included the line "I am made of rage"
Me obsessive? It seems such a confused young individual is hardly in a position to be studying and critiquing the mental faculties of others.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Says the boy who pretends to be Colossus on a comic books forum.
Forgive me if im wrong but havent 90 % of your posts over the last 3 months included the line "I am made of rage"
Me obsessive? It seems such a confused young individual is hardly in a position to be studying and critiquing the mental faculties of others.
and yet i do..and its 93.8% ! learn the facts.....and i am not critiquing i am merely observing and offering my assistance to you so it wont affect the rest of your life. but you can do as you wish. and back to the external world....i am going to work.i shall talk to you later. have a good day mate
Alpha Centauri
Galactic Storm, I didn't abuse you. I said that one thing and it lead to you constantly pursuing me through PM and into other threads with personal abuse. I've not problem with you but I suggest you either admit it or don't really continue with it, because lying about it isn't cool.
To clear up this whole non-existant thing between Demigawd and I at the apparant request of Whirly and C-Master:
Demigawd believes Creshosk "thrashed" me despite him not doing so. There's not much more to that. Creshosk was going off topic, then accusing ME of it. Putting words in my mouth to make a point. I refuted everything he said to the point that he ended up agreeing with me. He does it to everyone. Purposefully misses points and twists words. He did it to Victor Von Doom recently. If that's me being thrashed, then I question Demigawd's logic. Don't quite know why you're all acting as if he's gonna turn up like the Ultimate Warrior, start shaking the thread and kill me.
As for the Storm/Doom thread, he said it himself. "I'll always argue Storm over Doom." He will. He'll always argue anything for the sake of it. He didn't win anything, he just kept continuing where as me and everyone else stopped when it was dead. You're all making more of this than need be, and so is he.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
As for the Storm/Doom thread, nothing will ever change the fact that all he did was continually reply with non-relevant essays, struggling to prove irrelevant scientific points. It won't remove from the fact that it was him, Galactic STORM and STORMfront against about sixteen of the forums knowledgeable members. Let's try not getting five when we add two and two.
He said it himself. "I'll always argue Storm over Doom." He will. He didn't win anything, he just kept continuing where as me and everyone else stopped when it was dead. You're all making more of this than need be, and so is he.
Illadelph: I'm not "back". I came to sort out this BS.
Dont attempt to negate from my contributions to that thread merely because the word "storm" is a part of my user name. That is distinctly juvenile. My name has nothing to do with the character Storm whatsoever.
Lets revive this F4 Vs X-men thread and we'll see if Demi was justified in thinking you were the victim of a thrashing most severe. Sounds like it was a fun thread i think i'll join in this time. 2 secs lets see if i can find it.
Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Dont attempt to negate from my contributions to that thread merely because the word "storm" is a part of my user name. That is distinctly juvenile. My name has nothing to do with the character Storm whatsoever.
Lets revive this F4 Vs X-men thread and we'll see if Demi was justified in thinking you were the victim of a thrashing most severe. Sounds like it was a fun thread i think i'll join in this time. 2 secs lets see if i can find it.
It was actually a really good thread. I came back here for a while just to involve myself in it. It was also relatively civilised.
The other good one, if you wanna take a look, was Sue Storm Vs Emma Frost. Except Creshosk did the same thing there. Only to VVD instead.
It's actually a headache to talk to the guy. You specifically say what your point is and he says "So you're saying this?" and says something completely different. He says "I read between the lines", instead of reading the actual lines.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
It was actually a really good thread. I came back here for a while just to involve myself in it. It was also relatively civilised.
The other good one, if you wanna take a look, was Sue Storm Vs Emma Frost. Except Creshosk did the same thing there. Only to VVD instead.
It's actually a headache to talk to the guy. You specifically say what your point is and he says "So you're saying this?" and says something completely different. He says "I read between the lines", instead of reading the actual lines.
What was the main point of the thread that you and Cresh were debating over?
Alpha Centauri
Who would win out of the F4 or four X-Men (I think it was Colossus, Cyclops, Emma and Wolverine).
It wasn't even a debate in the true sense. It was me posting my points, him purposefully and continually misunderstanding them until I dumbed it down to the extreme that he realised nobody found him funny, and he ended up agreeing.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
Who would win out of the F4 or four X-Men (I think it was Colossus, Cyclops, Emma and Wolverine).
It wasn't even a debate in the true sense. It was me posting my points, him purposefully and continually misunderstanding them until I dumbed it down to the extreme that he realised nobody found him funny, and he ended up agreeing.
In a sec im gonna make a similar thread. Care to contribute?

Alpha Centauri
Depends what on. Might as well, if it's good.
Man, the things ego compels people to say.
Cresh owned you in that FF thread. Of course AC is going to disagree because AC believes he's undefeated in debates. Just liked knocked out boxers claim it's a lucky shot, or losing basketball teams blame officials. It's understandable. But anyone is welcome to revive that thread and decide for themselves. It was a summary, textbook thrashing. No shame in happens.
As for Storm vs. Doom - I'll always argue for Storm against Doom because I believe that Storm can beat Doom. Not sure why you're trying to extrapolate more out of that statement than necessary. It's a simple, straight-forward statement. Did most people disagree? Yeah. But that doesn't count for much when most people said Doom wins because "he's Doom" and spread blatant falsehoods like he "beat" Silver Surfer. But that was when Doom had a stranglehold on KMC as the next best thing to Thanos because of crap logic like, "he's DOOM" and bullshit feats that we later uncovered never happened. I doubt he'd get as much support now.
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
It was actually a really good thread. I came back here for a while just to involve myself in it. It was also relatively civilised.
The other good one, if you wanna take a look, was Sue Storm Vs Emma Frost. Except Creshosk did the same thing there. Only to VVD instead.
It's actually a headache to talk to the guy. You specifically say what your point is and he says "So you're saying this?" and says something completely different. He says "I read between the lines", instead of reading the actual lines.
-AC That was still funny to watch though the first thread went on 30 pages.
And yes creshosk can be pedantic, but he's pretty knowledgable.
Alpha Centauri
Originally posted by demigawd
Cresh owned you in that FF thread. Of course AC is going to disagree because AC believes he's undefeated in debates. Just liked knocked out boxers claim it's a lucky shot, or losing basketball teams blame officials. It's understandable. But anyone is welcome to revive that thread and decide for themselves. It was a summary, textbook thrashing. No shame in happens.
It wasn't though was it? Let's be perfectly, drastically honest with ourselves here.
He, for many many pages, PURPOSEFULLY twisted and misinterpreted my points. Anyone with brain cells can see that. I was making clear points that everyone in the thread understood and he would quote me with "So you're saying this?" "No, where did I say that? I said THIS." "Well ok, you didn't technically say that but I can tell you meant it." "How?" "I read between the lines." "But that's not what I meant." "It is, I can tell". If that, to you, is an owning, then it's no wonder you consider yourself to be a great debator. That's exactly what he did, and I'm not playing the victim because he's done it to VVD and to C-Master. I'm not trying to demean that the guy might know a lot about comics, but he's an idiot. The fact that you are classifying that as an "owning" is for two reasons:
A) Because you dislike me.
B) Because that's what you define it as.
I'm willing to be it's the latter.
If the definition of owning is what I just showed you, idiocy, then yes. I got owned. If the definition of owned is completely countering someone's points relevantly, intelligently and with common sense, then he didn't. Because he lacked all three of those.
Originally posted by demigawd
As for Storm vs. Doom - I'll always argue for Storm against Doom because I believe that Storm can beat Doom. Not sure why you're trying to extrapolate more out of that statement than necessary.
I said that you would always argue that Storm could beat Doom, where did I say otherwise? You're turning into Creshosk.
Originally posted by demigawd
It's a simple, straight-forward statement. Did most people disagree? Yeah. But that doesn't count for much when most people said Doom wins because "he's Doom" and spread blatant falsehoods like he "beat" Silver Surfer. But that was when Doom had a stranglehold on KMC as the next best thing to Thanos because of crap logic like, "he's DOOM" and bullshit feats that we later uncovered never happened. I doubt he'd get as much support now.
Considering I went back over that thread ages ago, counted the amount of people who posted more than once and more in depth than "he's Doom" (I didn't count those people for argument's sake), I'd say you're just making excuses.
People on this forum are swayed by whoever the "clever" guy is. If you can convince people of something, no matter how much bullshit you speak, they'll follow you.
Originally posted by Alpha Centauri
It wasn't though was it? Let's be perfectly, drastically honest with ourselves here.
He, for many many pages, PURPOSEFULLY twisted and misinterpreted my points. Anyone with brain cells can see that. I was making clear points that everyone in the thread understood and he would quote me with "So you're saying this?" "No, where did I say that? I said THIS." "Well ok, you didn't technically say that but I can tell you meant it." "How?" "I read between the lines." "But that's not what I meant." "It is, I can tell". If that, to you, is an owning, then it's no wonder you consider yourself to be a great debator. That's exactly what he did, and I'm not playing the victim because he's done it to VVD and to C-Master. I'm not trying to demean that the guy might know a lot about comics, but he's an idiot. The fact that you are classifying that as an "owning" is for two reasons:
A) Because you dislike me.
B) Because that's what you define it as.
I'm willing to be it's the latter.
I don't dislike anybody on here - dislike is a reserved word for people I know in real life. As for whether or not he owned you, you can say what you want about how he's an idiot and how he was unable to counter your points, etc., but he did a damn good job of it to me. But hey, I'm not trying to convince YOU that you got owned....that's an impossible task. I'm just saying, if anybody here wants to decide for themselves, the thread still exists somewhere.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.
I don't know what you're talking about. I SAID that you said that I would always argue that Storm would beat Doom, which is accurate. But what you ALSO said is that it's because I argue for the sake of arguing, and that's not the case. I'll always argue that Storm would beat Doom because I believe that Storm would beat Doom. Nothing more, nothing less. There's nothing else to read into my tendencies or personality in there but that.
Naw, I'm just recalling correctly. It was a plague on this board that until a few months ago, severely skewed Doom debates. Few people offered more insightful opinions on Doom than that.
Indeed. Isn't that your MO?
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