Why CAN'T Superman beat Thanos??
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long pig
Ok, before I say anything, I don't want any of that bullshit fanboy D.C/Marvel bias.
I just want to know why someone as fast as Surfer & Superman & Gladiator can't beat Thanos. Why couldn't they speedblitz him? Why could they not throw him to space where he can't fly and use their powers against him there?
How does he beat someone who is so fast, and very strong and can fly when he has very limited movement?
I've often wondered if the heroes don't go through a P.I.S/C.I.S fase when they fight Thanos.
There is no real reason why Superman/Surfer/Gladiator/Strange couldn't beat him.
his durablilty level is insane thats why. and his energy projections are also levels beyond their own.other then that no reason
Originally posted by long pig
Ok, before I say anything, I don't want any of that bullshit fanboy D.C/Marvel bias.
I just want to know why someone as fast as Surfer & Superman & Gladiator can't beat Thanos. Why couldn't they speedblitz him? Why could they not throw him to space where he can't fly and use their powers against him there?
How does he beat someone who is so fast, and very strong and can fly when he has very limited movement?
I've often wondered if the heroes don't go through a P.I.S/C.I.S fase when they fight Thanos.
There is no real reason why Superman/Surfer/Gladiator/Strange couldn't beat him.
Thanos is stonger , dealth with Much faster char , Handles muliple peepz beyond superman level.
need i say more.
Power awareness I suspose. Thanos could see a plan like that coming ahead of time.
That and he can teleport and propel himself with the power cosmic.
To echo the Hulk vs Superman thread, I CAN see superman beating him, but most likely it will not happen.
Acually I take that back.
Beacuse of the aformentioned reasons, Superman CAN'T be Thanos.
superman also has a speed advantage over Galactus, but he's not beating him ethier.
long pig
I'm convinced that the heroes job to him. This is a no CIS/PIS fight.
Just because Surfer jobs to him, doesn't make Thanos badass, it makes Surfer a jobber. Same with Gladiator.
Kind of like how Wolverine catches Northstar, it happend, but it's obviously bullshit.
Instead of mentioning his feats against heroes who may or may not have been jobbing, why CAN'T Superman or Gladiator or Surfer or Strange beat him?
Pig, I feel you man !!!
You see, I'm also that mid-range fan (SS, Supez, Kallark) !!!
And I'm startin to think !! If Supez can beat DS why cant the Marvel "Supez" beat Thanos ??
Surfer = Suck all Thanos's cosmic energy, and return it to him as a planet destroyin blast !!
Strange = Tap into Eternity's power !!
Supez = Sundip, Speedblitz, ......... push him into vaccum space.. maybe !!!
Kallark = He's basically Superman + mohawk !!!
long pig
Well, I've just thought about it a lot recently, and there is no real answer.
When someone asks, a Thanos fan normally shows Thanos beating Surfer or Gladiator.
But, without mentioning fights against a hero who could have been jobbing to Thanos, there is no true reason why Superman or Strange or any of the four couldn't beat him or at least stalemate him.
Originally posted by long pig
I'm convinced that the heroes job to him. This is a no CIS/PIS fight.
Just because Surfer jobs to him, doesn't make Thanos badass, it makes Surfer a jobber. Same with Gladiator.
Kind of like how Wolverine catches Northstar, it happend, but it's obviously bullshit.
Instead of mentioning his feats against heroes who may or may not have been jobbing, why CAN'T Superman or Gladiator or Surfer or Strange beat him?
Just because SS jobs to him ?
hmm lets see
Regular Thor ------- Thanos took him
Drax -------- Thanos blasted a planet on him and beat him
Mad Thor (with gem) -------- Thanos was hanging with him.
Odin ----------- Thanos was still hanging.
Tyrant ------- Thanos was still hanging
Fallen one--------- Used warm speed --- what happend Thanos stop him dead cold with just by raising his hand.
Champion (with power gem) -------- Couldn't even punch him.
Well written Thanos easily takes world destroying blows like nothing, so what will superman do punch him? Not going to work , Speed hmmm he death with speed before , better question when has Thanos ever struggle with speed other than Runner ( with space gem)? In fact he handles people coming at him at hyper speed just by punching them out.
Heat vision. Ha he has taken shot from Odin himself.
it's not that people job to him , it's the same thing as say can superman /SS/ Strage can beat Odin.
hey he doesn't go around speed blitzing people he is above that so is thanos
Strange himself said that he can't take the Titan
long pig
See, though KGKG...you're doing what I asked not to do. Using feats against heroes who may or may not have been jobbing.
Surfer always ends up h2h with Thanos(For unknown reasons), but a bloodlusted Surfer with no pis/cis would never once touch him. Just do his 300x lightspeed while blasting.
Gladiator & Superman would do the same, but to a smaller degree.
Strange has taken on far more powerful people than Thanos, and yet he says "He's too powerful"? Strange has fought the LT and lived. Fought Dormammu(A full fledged Skyfather)and has a winning record.
Yet, Thanos...too powerful? That's jobbing to the extreme. What keeps Strange from simply banishing him?
Hell, Strange's highest feats(Other than I.G type stuff) make Thanos' look like childsplay.
At the least, they should all be capable of stalemating him.
I'm convinced Marvel makes Thanos out to be more than he is, or that at most, he's just extremely good with prep.
people give thanos way to mouch credite thats why. thanos is not stronger then superman or gladitor. I repeat not stronger he has never ever shown that strength level. he went up against prof hulk, thing. and etc way to go that a big deal......not realy. the thing that makes thanos above characters like superman,silver surfer, gladitor and even odin is 4 the fact that they have no means of hurting him at all. the inly way to kill thanos is if that person is more powerful then death. death mad him immortal under her own power so the only way to put thanos out is if ur above death in power. thanos would kill superman in a fight thats a none fact.............. but say one day death was bored and said to superman i m gonna make u an immortal then no one would be able to fu<k with superman.. not odin not zues not even normal powered G. i m not saying he would defeat them i m just saying the wont be able to put him down cuss he would get right bac up.
i've said much the same thing in the past but i don't think they could actually beat him -- i don't see any reason why they couldn't give him a hell of a fight though.
the teleportation thing is still a question to me (unless it has recently been dealt with) -- he WAS stranded in space by both thor and runner and apparently couldn't get back under his own power. and eternals do not all possess teleport powers.
his biggest asset is his ability to absorb vast amounts of damage -- more than any of the others can take. much as i hate to admit it, i also think he is stronger than the strongest of them (supes) and a greater energy wielder than the greatest of them (ss). strange may well have the best chance against him (though i seriously believe a bloodlust supes would make things interesting, as a mad thor did). i've never understood why he couldn't just be banished, though. basically, he has massive (though not terribly versatile) energy projection, enormous strength and ridiculous durability. thor however HAS had decent showings against him, so the others should as well. on the other hand, odin had some trouble with him (though i always thought it was silly all they did was blast each other when odin has so many OTHER abilities. one of the reasons i think odin didn't go all out against thanos).
and of course, thanos's pretty smart and usually has tech.
in these ring-type matches though, his brains would count for less than in a normal setting.
still, he's too much for any ONE of them to take i think, but a good combo of characters could do it.
(kg, you remember the one man war i waged against you and cosmic cube in the ww/supes/cm v thanos thread a long while back? i STILL say those three could take him!!)
long pig
Well, no. Thanos has shown to be a bit stronger than most of the top teir characters combined. The question is, were they jobbing or not?
Originally posted by long pig
See, though KGKG...you're doing what I asked not to do. Using feats against heroes who may or may not have been jobbing.
Surfer always ends up h2h with Thanos(For unknown reasons), but a bloodlusted Surfer with no pis/cis would never once touch him. Just do his 300x lightspeed while blasting.
Gladiator & Superman would do the same, but to a smaller degree.
Strange has taken on far more powerful people than Thanos, and yet he says "He's too powerful"? Strange has fought the LT and lived. Fought Dormammu(A full fledged Skyfather)and has a winning record.
Yet, Thanos...too powerful? That's jobbing to the extreme. What keeps Strange from simply banishing him?
Hell, Strange's highest feats(Other than I.G type stuff) make Thanos' look like childsplay.
At the least, they should all be capable of stalemating him.
I'm convinced Marvel makes Thanos out to be more than he is, or that at most, he's just extremely good with prep.
I agree with you 100%, but I believe your arguments are falling on deaf ears.
Much props to you for this thread though.
<<I'm convinced Marvel makes Thanos out to be more than he is, or that at most, he's just extremely good with prep.>>
of course they do. people LOVE thanos. it's the wolverine-effect taken to the cosmic level. and to justify his popularity they make him immune to death and have death 'augment' him. thanos was at his best in the starlin days. i was likely more excited than anyone when they brought him back in the 90's, but the wolverine-effect soon worked to dampen my enthusiasm. wasn't long before i was wishing for someone to just take his arse out once and for all. again, a lot like wolvie . . .
long pig
So, Thanos is:
Above Juggernaut Durability
Far above Superman strength.
Far above Reed intelligence.
Far above Surfer's blast power.
I understand that much, it's a doozy and makes him insanely powerful, but what about:
His speed?
Skill?(Champ jobbed, it's that simple.)
Teleportation/Flight ability?
Any other abilities that would make him capable of fighting multiple heavy weights who are blitzing him at lightspeed.
Yeah, why does SS has to go h2h when he can "speed-blitz-blast" !!!
Originally posted by long pig
See, though KGKG...you're doing what I asked not to do. Using feats against heroes who may or may not have been jobbing.
Surfer always ends up h2h with Thanos(For unknown reasons), but a bloodlusted Surfer with no pis/cis would never once touch him. Just do his 300x lightspeed while blasting.
Gladiator & Superman would do the same, but to a smaller degree.
Strange has taken on far more powerful people than Thanos, and yet he says "He's too powerful"? Strange has fought the LT and lived. Fought Dormammu(A full fledged Skyfather)and has a winning record.
Yet, Thanos...too powerful? That's jobbing to the extreme. What keeps Strange from simply banishing him?
Hell, Strange's highest feats(Other than I.G type stuff) make Thanos' look like childsplay.
At the least, they should all be capable of stalemating him.
I'm convinced Marvel makes Thanos out to be more than he is, or that at most, he's just extremely good with prep.
well what does that mean
Thanos is stonger than the strongest hero
Thanos is quick enough to hit the fastest out there.
Thanos can also trap someone like Mad THor (with gem) without problem( and he doesn't need gun) ------- Now just think what that means.
SS , Strange , Adam etc collected energy couldn't contain something Thanos tired on Odin. Now which hero can escape that? none
Mad Thor was at least 10 Stronger than the Power gem made him Uber.
Why couldn't they speed blitz , Teleport him? well what will that do?
SS tried his best attack didn't have much effect , Teleport ? Thanos can teleport also.
As for Thanos is a team Killer.
Easy argument for Thanos is he trap them in energy fields the shit he tried on ODin.
and apparently Thanos never ever uses FUll power , so all the battles he is toying with his opponents.
Piggy I dig what you saying but that that could apply to almost any uber character.
Any battle vs SS ---- I can easily say he goes back in time before …… bab bla , or attack at 300X light speed ( how who is going to touch him)
Comics id full of PIS but it has to happen.
Originally posted by ImmortalOne
Yeah, why does SS has to go h2h when he can "speed-blitz-blast" !!!
People tried
He also tried blasting him.
I mean speed-blitz is a great idea.
His k.O the most powerful of the enemies likes that
Marvel wants to show that SS just can’t beat Thanos plain and simple.
Tho that might be changing, SS has been getting better.
But to level to challenge Odin? na
long pig
Probably the same reason Hulk never throws Wolverine into orbit even though it's obvious he could.
The Thanos v Odin fight was PIS, too. They basically h2h'd each other and threw out a few blasts.
Odin didn't use 1% of his power, Thanos used all he had, which compaired to Odin, wasn't much.
I'm not trying to put Thanos on blast saying he's weak, he obviously isn't. I just don't understand all the jobbing.
And yes, PIS happens a lot in comics, but that's why we have these forums, we have fights where there IS no PIS. No reason why Surfer doesn't blitz or Strange doesn't banish. In comics, Thanos is top dawg, here, he isn't. IMO
Originally posted by long pig
So, Thanos is:
Above Juggernaut Durability
Far above Superman strength.
Far above Reed intelligence.
Far above Surfer's blast power.
I understand that much, it's a doozy and makes him insanely powerful, but what about:
His speed?
Skill?(Champ jobbed, it's that simple.)
Teleportation/Flight ability?
Any other abilities that would make him capable of fighting multiple heavy weights who are blitzing him at lightspeed.
Speed? Unknown fact he opponent speed never bother him.(cept runner with gem)
Skill? hmmmmmmm you saw what he did to cham

, I say Wov skill level.
Teleportation/Flight ability? ya he can teleport himself and others
What will speedblitz do to someone who won't feel much pain?
Originally posted by leonidas
(kg, you remember the one man war i waged against you and cosmic cube in the ww/supes/cm v thanos thread a long while back? i STILL say those three could take him!!)
i remember i say thanos pretty easily
look at options.
Superman gets knock out or trapped
CM gets his ass trapped like odin/mad thor
WW knocked out or trapped.
the best they can do to thanos is lasso which is not very logical seeing how smart thanos is
Originally posted by long pig
Probably the same reason Hulk never throws Wolverine into orbit even though it's obvious he could.
The Thanos v Odin fight was PIS, too. They basically h2h'd each other and threw out a few blasts.
Odin didn't use 1% of his power, Thanos used all he had, which compaired to Odin, wasn't much.
I'm not trying to put Thanos on blast saying he's weak, he obviously isn't. I just don't understand all the jobbing.
And yes, PIS happens a lot in comics, but that's why we have these forums, we have fights where there IS no PIS. No reason why Surfer doesn't blitz or Strange doesn't banish. In comics, Thanos is top dawg, here, he isn't. IMO
1% ? hmm seem to me like he was trying to K.O Thanos.
he might have not gone all out but he was trying his best to K.O thanos.
going by your style of debeating
No one whould beat SS , or strage
Could Thanos be the product of legendary hype from Jim Starlin, going way back to the original Captain Marvel days? Even looking at his Marvel profile, his levels are still vaguely written. Is it just because he has an insanely dangerous mind and is such a diabolical plotter, that he's like the boogeyman to other heroes who should be able to hang with him? Are we just conditioned to the idea of "Thanos. We need a LOT of help to defeat him"?
long pig
No one who can't handle & stop a blitz should beat Surfer, no.
In my mind, Surfer will be flying as fast and outputting as much power as he possibly can 24/7 in a no PIS/CIS "VS" fight.
And there are very few who can beat Strange, although he is more powerful than Surfer, Surfer's speed would more likely be the deciding factor if they fought. Unless Strange had prep.
Thanos needs a device to teleport. I've never seen him do it under his own power.
K Von Doom
Once during the Infinity Gauntlet story, Strange transported the essences of Silver Surfer and Thanos to another dimension to "work out their differences". Both had their cosmic powers removed and only had some knight armor and a horse of some sort. Surfer came out on top and probably could have killed Thanos then and there, until some choice words from Thanos made the Surfer back away, resulting in a quick turn of events and Thanos came out on top. It seems that whenever these two fight, Thanos can easily get into Surfer's head, and that advantage gives Thanos the upper hand most of the time.
That and Thanos is more powerful.
long pig
Well, SS isn't known for his intelligence. He's a bit retarded at times.
K Von Doom
Before he was changed to the Surfer, Norrin was a smart guy.
long pig
He's too naive for his own good.
i think if they wrote him more he would be depowered but he hasn't been in too many comics lately, look at venom, doomsday.
I don't think beating champion should be the measure of his skill. The Champion is Marvel's patsy. No one should be able to beat him, yet everyone does. The measure of Thanos's skill is Gamora. He made her what she is, and when they spar it's dead even.
I wouldn't say Odin was commiting 1%. He summonned Gungnir to blast him with it. He almost never resorts to that. He did get a little CISish in so far as continuing to fight Thanos head-on rather than using his power in some more creative way to diffuse the situation. That's not entirely out of character though.
What lets Thanos win is not power per-se, though he has that in abundance. Thanos is perhaps the character least prone to CIS. He actually does go all out on much of the time. He's always one step ahead, and always has at least two backup plans. Plenty of heroes could beat him at their best (Strange in particular) or if they took him by surprise (like when Warlock turned him to stone). He's almost never surprised though, and when somebody comes at him with a bigger bang than he's got he's usually changed the circumstances before the blow falls.
Finally, as far as raw might goes, he's just so hard to hurt. I'm not talking about the "can't die" thing. I mean that seriously injuring a cosmicly powered Eternal (Thanos, Mentor, or any of the Eternals of Earth) through physical means is nigh impossable. How do you think one small city of Eternals could dominate against the entire Deviant Empire for thousands of years? We've only ever seen two of them die. Zuras fell when the Celestials shattered the Uni-Mind. Forgotten One had his energies disrupted by Immortus. I don't think it's possable to just beat one of them down. You could hurt him, wear him down maybe, and Old School Thanos did run low on power when they fought for several days straight against the Magus's army.
What's he do when he's overmatched? He changes the fight. That's what would happen if someone like Superman just started speed-wailing on him. He'd soak it up for a bit, then grapple once he's got the timing felt out. Once they're grappled, he cuts loose with the Big Energy discharges. Highly competant, very powerful, and nearly immune to CIS (apart from all that power-mongering).
There is no jobbing involved. He has been written since his creation to be that uber.
Hes more durable than the top tier. More vicious than the top tier. Cant die. Its the champion of Death, same way Warlock is of life.
Uber energy manipulation. Uber prep. Uber strenght above what normally the high tier shows to do. (And yes, combat showings do count. He also defeated someone who busted a star and destroyed a planet in the process while slugging out with that someone).
And unlike the whole high tier has one low showing ever.
Hes simply written as better. Therefore he wins against that tier.
Not that they cant get a win, but not on regular levels. It would be somewhat of an extreme situation.
If they ever start to beat him that would be jobbing. Just look at Darkseid.
Originally posted by long pig
So, Thanos is:
Above Juggernaut Durability
Far above Superman strength.
Far above Reed intelligence.
Far above Surfer's blast power.
I understand that much, it's a doozy and makes him insanely powerful, but what about:
Long Pig can i just congratulate you on a simply brilliant Thread !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some excellent opinions as well, (Not that it probably doesn't mean much coming from the kid whose spells come, .... cum

I really don't think he is as powerful as this though. For example Thor's God force put Thanos on the deck, Juggernaut was left standing. He has also been knocked out by Thor, something that he cannot do to Juggernaut.
He is definitely stronger than most higher tier class 100 characters, but we can assume he wasn't as strong as the Mangog (One rarely hires a body guard weaker than ones self). Thor with his belt (It does substantially increase his strength) demonstrated that he was equally as strong as Thanos. Kurse on the other hand, was shown to be far stronger than Thor ,with his belt. Kurse and Mangog are therefore probably a lot stronger. I honestly believe Superman to be alot stronger than any Class 100 character. His consistent feats, demonstrate this IMO (NOt just lifting feats).
He has shown to be at least as intelligent as Reed, his tech and scheming, puts him on a level above Doom. This can be used to explain some his miraculous victories (Against opponents, who are much faster, can teleport and with Skill). IMO he is like a marvel version of Deathstroke. Using his immense intellect's he can predict his opponents attacks and act accordingly. Deathstroke has an arrange of semi Super powers, which are inferior to a variety of D.C. opponents. Yet Identity Crisis,clearly illustrated the power of intellect. Deathstroke literally made the JLA look like amateurs. Its not hard to imagine Thanos doing the same.
Thanos's blast power is highly rated, and is clearly beyond the Surfers level. (E.G. Surfer would be unlikely to hurt Tyrant, Galactus and co,) but is it really on a planet destroying level ? I am yet to see evidence of this. As dually noted before, even Doctor Strange's Feats are far superior.
long pig
Strange's feats dwarf 99% of the heroes in DC or Marvel, so saying Strange's feats are more impressive isn't a put down.
Originally posted by long pig
Strange's feats dwarf 99% of the heroes in DC or Marvel, so saying Strange's feats are more impressive isn't a put down.
That isn't a Biased oppinion is it ? shifty
I can't believe you ignored all he other stuff !!!!!!!!!! That essay took ages !!!!!!!

long pig

So you want us prove why Thanos can't be beat by Superman but we can't use anything from the comics?
Is there another medium you want us to use?
If you throw out every fight in comics as PIS then what do you have left?
Marvel really doesn't have any reliabel stats written down so what else is there to use?
Is it possible that no one is jobbing to Thanos but that they simply can't beat him?
Why Supers can't beat him:
Strentgh: Thanos all the way combat feats show that as far as hittign power goes Thanos tops supes.
Speed: I've never seen Thaons move as fast as supes. However Thanos apperantly can't get speed blitzed either by surfer or nova or pretty much any of the herlads. While they might not have been going their max speed we don't know how fast they were going, mayb ethy were going faster than light but for whatever reason Thanso was able to hit them bassically all the time. You call that PIS but Thanos doesn't really seem to have many limitations when it comes to cosmic energy control.
Durability: While I don't belive that Thanos is as durable as Juggernaut, he strikes me as being far more consitently durable than Superman. Once agan the only thing we have are comic book feats.
Fighting Skills: Thanos all the way not only did he outfight Champion but he trained Gamoraa the deadliest assasin in the galaxy.
Another thing you are forgetting is that Thanos has strong mental powers. Not to mention that anything Surfer can do with the power cosmic Thanos can do with his own. In all likely hood Thanos cna just as easily drain Surfer as the other way around.
Logically Thanos shouldnt even be able to hit superman considering that to superman (if written correctly) Thanos would be in slow motion, and considering i have seen thanos get knocked out by a fake thor in the gauntlet series there no reason to think that superman couldnt do the same. I mean think about it if you have a character like superman or gladiator or silver surfer you have to think about their combined stregth and speed. If someone moving 180,000 miles a second ( speed of light ) and had the stregth to lift 100000 tons were to hit Thanos it should be able to kill him, hell it should be able to make him explode, i mean ive seen a log that was flung at speeds of 500 miles an hour (by a tornado) go straight threw a steel door. So you would think if superman was going 180000 miles a second he would bust right threw thanos. But the reason they dont is just because thanos is to bad ass to be takin out by heros of super man or silver surfers caliber, but yes honestly i believe with the advantages they have gladiator, supes or silver surfer should be able to take on thanos.
Originally posted by long pig
Surfer always ends up h2h with Thanos(For unknown reasons), but a bloodlusted Surfer with no pis/cis would never once touch him. Just do his 300x lightspeed while blasting.
the first time Surfer ever met Thanos he used full power cosmic blasts on him to no effect...... that's probably why he doesn't waste his energy on pointless assaults
"considering i have seen thanos get knocked out by a fake thor in the gauntlet series there no reason to think that superman couldnt do the same."
In nowhere in that storyline Thanos was knocked out by Macsterson Thor.
Being able to punch Thanos its something in the range of the high top tier.
Beating him its what its not.
Originally posted by olympian
"considering i have seen thanos get knocked out by a fake thor in the gauntlet series there no reason to think that superman couldnt do the same."
In nowhere in that storyline Thanos was knocked out by Macsterson Thor.
Being able to punch Thanos its something in the range of the high top tier. Beating him its what isent.
So if Aunt May punched him, she would become Top tier ?

If he felt it or was hurt by it ?
But we all know the old bag its actually skyfaher level in disguise. She owns everyone that comes in her path.
Originally posted by olympian
"considering i have seen thanos get knocked out by a fake thor in the gauntlet series there no reason to think that superman couldnt do the same."
In nowhere in that storyline Thanos was knocked out by Macsterson Thor.
Being able to punch Thanos its something in the range of the high top tier.
Beating him its what its not.
Actually while he had the gauntlet when he was fight the all the heros Thor suprised him with a punch and knocked him out for a few seconds and then doom tried to take the gauntlet from him but thanos quickly gained back consiousness, so yes actually thanos was knocked out for a few seconds if you would like i could give you the page number when i get home later.
I though you mentioned when he punched him. The instance your talking about was when he trew the hammer (full hit) at Thanos and he fell. Doom tried to take the Gauntlet and Thanos blasted him.
Originally posted by olympian
I though you mentioned when he punched him. The instance your talking about was when he trew the hammer (full hit) at Thanos and he fell. Doom tried to take the Gauntlet and Thanos blasted him.
He didnt just fall he was laid out on the ground, as in he wasnt awake. Why else do you think doom said something along the lines of i need to take it while i have a chance.
Im not saying you are wrong. Your interpretation is valid.
If he was, it was definatly for some seconds only, since he was like that when Doom tried to take the Gauntlet and in the next moment he was blasted and Thanos was up like nothing happened.
Either that or he was stunned in the floor. Either works.
Originally posted by long pig
Ok, before I say anything, I don't want any of that bullshit fanboy D.C/Marvel bias.
I just want to know why someone as fast as Surfer & Superman & Gladiator can't beat Thanos. Why couldn't they speedblitz him? Why could they not throw him to space where he can't fly and use their powers against him there?
How does he beat someone who is so fast, and very strong and can fly when he has very limited movement?
Because Surfer flying around and blitzing Thanos with energy blast and such don't do jack to Thanos. Surfer has never hurt Thanos with PC.
Speedblizting doesn't work for Superman or Gladiator because his durability is greater than there punch. And in comics, the laws of physics don't apply in exact. Class 100 punch X Lightspeed = Someone getting knocked away into some mountain or wherehouse and then getting up to fight some more.
As for limited moment, he's fast. Not superfast. But he's not one to run about. Ever really seen him rush anything? That's not his style. The only time you see him active is in a fight with someone stronger or on par with him. Surfer ain't that guy.
No. As an Eternal Titans, he's already powerful. A mutant of his race he's more powerful than your average Titan. He's enhanced his powers through mechanic means. Fought Drax and an even footing; foot Thor and Thing on an even footing. After that, Death gave him an even more powerful body.
Can they hurt him? Strange could, but even he has to exert his power and talismans.
Superman, Surfer, Gladiator would do what to him? Punch him? Drax hasn't been successful in that.
Also consider than Tyrant stomped a slew of bricks and energy wielders. Same argument could be made that PIS/CIS was on. Surfer, Bill, Terrax, and Gladiator weren't doing speedblitz or matter manipulations eithers. When it comes done to it, Tyrant is just more powerful and they couldn't hurt him with those attacks if they tried. Same with Thanos, Odin, Galactus, Hela, Set, etc.
Basically, Thanos appearances show him as a powerhouse. His experiences and achievements result in the current Thanos. There's progression in his power; in first appearance, he wasn't portrayed this powerful like most beings (PC Darkseid, Cube Beings, Thor, Surfer, etc.)
They didn't gain more power, he did throughout his years.
Originally posted by long pig
Surfer always ends up h2h with Thanos(For unknown reasons), but a bloodlusted Surfer with no pis/cis would never once touch him. Just do his 300x lightspeed while blasting.
Again, true

I am NOT saying Superman will win, or will have it easy, but there's no plausible explanation why Superman couldn't win.
Originally posted by kgkg
Thanos is stonger than the strongest hero
Thanos is quick enough to hit the fastest out there.
Tell me you are just kidding...

You know, I don't think the Spectre is faster then Superman. I can't rember him moving at light speed.
I guess that means Superman can beat him.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
You know, I don't think the Spectre is faster then Superman. I can't rember him moving at light speed.
I guess that means Superman can beat him. Spectre is not limited by concepts such as speed.
WHY CANT superman beat thanos?
CAUSE HES A MIX BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For a number of the characters out there that end up being pawned by Thanos, I guess I never completely questioned it as he does it so often.
Originally posted by K Von Doom
Once during the Infinity Gauntlet story, Strange transported the essences of Silver Surfer and Thanos to another dimension to "work out their differences". Both had their cosmic powers removed and only had some knight armor and a horse of some sort. Surfer came out on top and probably could have killed Thanos then and there, until some choice words from Thanos made the Surfer back away, resulting in a quick turn of events and Thanos came out on top. It seems that whenever these two fight, Thanos can easily get into Surfer's head, and that advantage gives Thanos the upper hand most of the time.
That and Thanos is more powerful.
I think it was more like an astral plane-like version as both of them never left their physical bodies and I think Surfer was told by Strange to eventually lose, despite getting the upper hand.
He was suppose to be a brillant, but due to the time gap of Zenn-la and what he is currently, his knowledge has deteriorated. In Dynamo City when his power cosmic was neutralized, he tried getting a job to get a ticket out of there and when talking to the job recruiter about his skills, he said he was limited to Zenn-la tech. knowledge and his typing skills were rusty as he hadn't typed in 50 years (the time may have been reconned now as before, he was only a herald for 250 years and not the 2,500 + years now).
Pacifist Surfer to a then unknown villain to him? I doubt he would go out with a full blast. Just a little more of a warning shot as he's done with Jack of Hearts when he sort of snuck behind him (when his containment armor was damaged).
also I like to piont out SS is a could deal faster then SM
Originally posted by radioboy121
Pacifist Surfer to a then unknown villain to him? I doubt he would go out with a full blast. Just a little more of a warning shot as he's done with Jack of Hearts when he sort of snuck behind him (when his containment armor was damaged).
he was trying to kill Thanos
K Von Doom
Originally posted by radioboy121
I think Surfer was told by Strange to eventually lose, despite getting the upper hand.
I don't remember this happening. From what I know, Strange had no control over the fight, nor did he have any way of communicating with the two of them while they were fighting. The rest of them on the physical plane... Drax, Hulk, Thor, Firelord, Warlock and Strange were worried about Thanos' well being when Surfer had that crazy look on his face. I'm quite certain it was Thanos' words that caused Surfer to lose.
marvel makes it seem that the only one that could beat thanos is adam warlock well thats my opinion
one of my faves. in honour of lp, who we just don't see enough of any more . . .
. . . .
I don't think anybody mentioned Starfox flying around Thanos and dodging Thanos's punchs before eventually getting knocked out by Thanos.
There was also that time where he didn't notice Surfer was trying to speed blitz the IG from his hand and Thanos didn't notice it until SS missed.
Thanos's reaction times are overrated.
Any of the above could beat Thanos under the right circumstances, especially Strange. However, part of Thanos's schtick is that he's always two steps ahead of his enemies. He makes it his business to not be in the circumstances where somebody like Supes could just pummel him 'til he drops. (Not that that would stop him permanently. You cant beat an Eternal to death.) The only ones on the list who could really finish Thanos would be Surfer or Strange. Strange isn't usually brutal and ruthless enough. Surfer isn't usually smart enough. Versus any brawler, Big T will eventually outlast him. No amount of physical punishment is going to finish Thanos, Mentor, or any of the Eternals of Earth. The only ones we've seen taken down have been at the hands of Immortus and the Celestials. Think about that.
Originally posted by Femi32
I don't think anybody mentioned Starfox flying around Thanos and dodging Thanos's punchs before eventually getting knocked out by Thanos.
There was also that time where he didn't notice Surfer was trying to speed blitz the IG from his hand and Thanos didn't notice it until SS missed.
Thanos's reaction times are overrated.
he noticed surfer commin at him, cause on the scan u can see the surfer reflected on his eye.
I wouldn't call that a bad showing considering just how fast Surfer was travelling and how far he travelled from.....and then still failed

Thanos even commented on why he was playing around and almost lost the IG to SS. He didn't notice SS until he passed him. He then willed himself to full power so something like that wouldn't happen again.
Wally West
Thanos did notice Surfer when he was going for the Gauntlet, you see a panel showing Thanos' eye with a silver glow in it which is when Thanos notices Surfer, and he watches him pass, and when you consider how fast Surfer was going at that point his reactions have got to be pretty good (Warlock even says he knew that tactic wouldn't work).
In his most recent fight Thanos fought Fallen One who is a herald and at one point FO flies towards Thanos and you see the stars streaking indicating the speed but Thanos just casually puts up a shield and smiles at him, you can't speed blitz the guy.
Cool, the image was actually in the Thanos respect thread:
Originally posted by Wally West
Thanos did notice Surfer when he was going for the Gauntlet, you see a panel showing Thanos' eye with a silver glow in it which is when Thanos notices Surfer, and he watches him pass, and when you consider how fast Surfer was going at that point his reactions have got to be pretty good (Warlock even says he knew that tactic wouldn't work).
In his most recent fight Thanos fought Fallen One who is a herald and at one point FO flies towards Thanos and you see the stars streaking indicating the speed but Thanos just casually puts up a shield and smiles at him, you can't speed blitz the guy.
Cool, the image was actually in the Thanos respect thread:
great scan. now MOD's close this insane thread.
Dodging Surfer's grab attempt is a suspect feat considering he's wearing the Gauntlet. He's speed could have been amped by either the Power Gem, Reality Gem or both.
Wally West
Well at the time he was only using the power gem, it might have been but I can't remember that ever being used to amp up speed and reaction times (it probably could, but theres no indication Thanos was using it for such, he was fighting quite fairly). He was also not fighting at his best, he was giving Earth's heroes a chance so he could impress Death with his courage. When Surfer misses the Gauntlet, he decides to stop messing around.
He turned off the sensory abilities of the gauntlet. Basically, he shutdown his omniscience but still had omnipotence. He comments on it to Mephisto when he says that Earth's heroes now have a .005% chance of victory, putting himself in enough "danger" so that his victory would impress Mistress Death.
How come nobody likes to show the next scan?
i dont see supes ever hurting thanos, ever.
I think SS could beat Thanos if he is writin well his got more feat, everytime those 2 tango Thanos always had the advantage and given his resourcefullness thats all itll take.
thanos is to powerful. remember when ss got knocked out in one shot by odin, but odin couldnt put thanos down.
mighty adam
is this thread a joke?
grey fox
Originally posted by Validus
Dodging Surfer's grab attempt is a suspect feat considering he's wearing the Gauntlet. He's speed could have been amped by either the Power Gem, Reality Gem or both.
But then how do you explain him being able to activate his shield in time for fallen one to hit them (Like a bug on a windshield....

Originally posted by Validus
He turned off the sensory abilities of the gauntlet. Basically, he shutdown his omniscience but still had omnipotence. He comments on it to Mephisto when he says that Earth's heroes now have a .005% chance of victory, putting himself in enough "danger" so that his victory would impress Mistress Death. I always took it as Surfer just missing. lol.
Mr. Universe
lol...most people do. supes gets curbstomped.
supes loses in every way to thanos. cept mayby speed.
I duno, i just think superman has less to pull from in a fight against thanos
Whats he gona do, punch him to death? Fly him somewhere remote in space? use heat vision?
I dont see a well thought out way superman could outsmart thanos in such a way that would result in his defeat. With the exception of raw speed, everything superman can do, thanos can do better
thanos will knock him out just like this if supes trys to speed blitz.
I thought it was a blast, anyhow it was a calculated defense and i doubt the Fallen one was going lightspeed on that attack.
Originally posted by supremthor
people give thanos way to mouch credite thats why. thanos is not stronger then superman or gladitor. I repeat not stronger he has never ever shown that strength level. he went up against prof hulk, thing. and etc way to go that a big deal......not realy. the thing that makes thanos above characters like superman,silver surfer, gladitor and even odin is 4 the fact that they have no means of hurting him at all. the inly way to kill thanos is if that person is more powerful then death. death mad him immortal under her own power so the only way to put thanos out is if ur above death in power. thanos would kill superman in a fight thats a none fact.............. but say one day death was bored and said to superman i m gonna make u an immortal then no one would be able to fu<k with superman.. not odin not zues not even normal powered G. i m not saying he would defeat them i m just saying the wont be able to put him down cuss he would get right bac up. u must be out of ur mind thanos taps into the power cosmic for his strength . He is strength personified. thanos strength is far above sups and glads cuz with his already god like strength he can amp it up using the power cosmic and since fights with odin tyrant he has had 2 substantial power upgrads to say the least
the Darkone
Thanos doesn't have power of cosmic that's Galactus and his hearlders, but Thanos does have cosmic powers and can maniuplate any form of energy. Thanos over all is to powerful unlike his counter part darkseid who jobbers to Superman, Thanos won't he will crumbstomp superman into dog sh**.
Thanos took a full blast from an enraged Galactus and lived
N'uff Said
Supes can win this. Superman is not one who is an easy fight for anybody either, whether it's street level or skyfather...and Thanos is no skyfather.
If it's John Byrne Superman (who died at Doomsdays hands) then yes, Thanos wins. That version of Supes would barely handle heralds for long. If it is the Superman that DC powered up to beat Darkseid, and have dimensional barrier breaking battles, then Thanos is outclassed.
Outside of Marvel kissing Thanos nuts and giving him godly items floating around the Marvel U, he doesn't have anything over Superman.
Originally posted by Grimm22
Thanos took a full blast from an enraged Galactus and lived
N'uff Said
why did everyone ignore the post a few pages back that says: if we're not taking into account comic feats, what the hell are we taking into account?
thanos 9/10 (that one out of ten is for the possibility that supes winner aura is even stronger than thanos')
maybe DC boys hate thanos so much because they see way too much of superman in him.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Supes can win this. Superman is not one who is an easy fight for anybody either, whether it's street level or skyfather...and Thanos is no skyfather.
If it's John Byrne Superman (who died at Doomsdays hands) then yes, Thanos wins. That version of Supes would barely handle heralds for long. If it is the Superman that DC powered up to beat Darkseid, and have dimensional barrier breaking battles, then Thanos is outclassed.
Outside of Marvel kissing Thanos nuts and giving him godly items floating around the Marvel U, he doesn't have anything over Superman.
That was kinda biased don't you think?
So Marvel's kissing Thanos's ass when he does all this crazy shit but DC isn't when Supes beats those he shouldn't...........
It's simple really Thanos is above any regular hero period.You can question his speed all day but at the end of the day that's his only flaw.
thanos molests supes.
Originally posted by Skeets
That was kinda biased don't you think?
So Marvel's kissing Thanos's ass when he does all this crazy shit but DC isn't when Supes beats those he shouldn't...........
Pretty much.
Call me when they retcon all of Superman's losses into robots.
Originally posted by Validus
Pretty much. Call me when they retcon all of Superman's losses into robots.
BAH!!!! they did the same thing for Darkseid.........jockey
Plus Thanos lost to freaking Ka-zar that had to be a clone......

show me pics of thanos losing to this " ka- zar"
who is this "ka-zar"
Originally posted by branhole
show me pics of thanos losing to this " ka- zar"
I don't have the book but he did lose and then later on it was said to be a clone of Thanos.
Ka-zar's a boot-leg Tarzan who protects the Savage land.
Originally posted by Skeets
That was kinda biased don't you think?
So Marvel's kissing Thanos's ass when he does all this crazy shit but DC isn't when Supes beats those he shouldn't...........
It's simple really Thanos is above any regular hero period.You can question his speed all day but at the end of the day that's his only flaw.
Actually, it's highlighting that Marvel and DC do the same things for Superman and Thanos.
Biased is what you just wrote yourself about him being so above everyone. Thanos chalking up "wins" just for living through battles instead of actually winning. Superman has won his insane battles as well.
They BOTH have jobber auras, but Superman's is greater. While Thanos has lost battles with omnipotent items, Superman has won battles against powerful beings without prep, or items.
If just going by paper stats, and not feats, they are both damn powerful. Thanos is smarter, Superman is faster.
now i remeber him from x men legends2
thanos kills him, and how did thanos lose with the cube, i just never thought to ask, i know he got it.
Originally posted by Skeets
BAH!!!! they did the same thing for Darkseid.........jockey
Plus Thanos lost to freaking Ka-zar that had to be a clone......
The losses in Apokalips Now and Superman/Batman are still canon. jockey
the Darkone
Thanos is more powerful than Superman, Thanos bends superman over and proceeds to rape his ass. Thanos will make superman his b***h at the end of the battle.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Actually, it's highlighting that Marvel and DC do the same things for Superman and Thanos.
Biased is what you just wrote yourself about him being so above everyone. Thanos chalking up "wins" just for living through battles instead of actually winning. Superman has won his insane battles as well.
They BOTH have jobber auras, but Superman's is greater. While Thanos has lost battles with omnipotent items, Superman has won battles against powerful beings without prep, or items.
If just going by paper stats, and not feats, they are both damn powerful. Thanos is smarter, Superman is faster.
So Thanos isn't above any regular hero?
Those fights he lived through where all against skyfather plus characters,against multiple heros at once he's won with relative ease.
you should know that paper stats don't tell the whole story if they did Champion would have us all fooled as being a powerhouse.
Originally posted by Validus
The losses in Apokalips Now and Superman/Batman are still canon. jockey
But weren't they so-called "avatars" of the real Darkseid....jockey
Originally posted by Skeets
So Thanos isn't above any regular hero?
Those fights he lived through where all against skyfather plus characters,against multiple heros at once he's won with relative ease.
you should know that paper stats don't tell the whole story if they did Champion would have us all fooled as being a powerhouse.
And Superman hasn't done the same?
This is exactly what I'm getting at, and what started this thread in the first place. Not just for Superman, but for the others mentioned.
Originally posted by Skeets
But weren't they so-called "avatars" of the real Darkseid....jockey
Technically, Darkseid is always an avatar for his true self. All of the New Gods are. jockey
thanos did this, you really think supes is going to stop him.
oh and didnt this f*** supes up. thanos stops it casually.
Originally posted by branhole
oh and didnt this f*** supes up. thanos stops it casually.
Thanos has also been owned by it under the same circumstances.
Superman caught the same hammer with his hands...no force field needed.
Bad example.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Thanos has also been owned by it under the same circumstances.
Superman caught the same hammer with his hands...no force field needed.
Bad example.
Doesn't Thanos always carry about half a million personal forcefields? I think his tech should get some of the credit here. jockey
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
And Superman hasn't done the same?
This is exactly what I'm getting at, and what started this thread in the first place. Not just for Superman, but for the others mentioned.
I fogot the point of the thread.....dodgy
But yeah,Some do job to Thanos but the same goes for supes which is why I'm gonna stop with this point-less arguement........
*returns to his retarded state*......bloogenOriginally posted by Validus
Technically, Darkseid is always an avatar for his true self. All of the New Gods are. jockey
But for some reason Darkseid decided to use weaker avatars against Supes and Doomsday......jockey
Originally posted by Skeets
But for some reason Darkseid decided to use weaker avatars against Supes and Doomsday......jockey
You're right. Darkseid has low power moments which comes directly from his own mouth. jockey
Avalon brings up a good point though. Thanos is probably the only character on this forum who gets credit for LOSING fights.
has thanos ever tried to catch the hammer, no, and thanos got hit from behind once, and i have no f***ing idea what this is. and im pretty sure if supes has a force feild hed use it too.( please comic writers, dont give him a sheild) can somebody tell me what this is.
Originally posted by Validus
You're right. Darkseid has low power moments which comes directly from his own mouth. jockey
Avalon brings up a good point though. Thanos is probably the only character on this forum who gets credit for LOSING fights.
Well the Odin fight I can understand since it showed how durable he is but the one suspect thing about that fight is how hard was Odin really trying or if he even was.
Now the Tyrant one was just a beat down and no one should even mention that.jockey
Originally posted by branhole
thanos did this, you really think supes is going to stop him.
And Superman did this...this weapon was designed to kill skyfathers and gods...and they feared it.
actully thanos barely got beat up.
u see the odin and tyrant fights here, on the 2 page, tyrant fights thanos
Branhole just stop you're not gonna have more feats from Thanos then from the guy who's made more comic apperances then everyone else.
Originally posted by branhole
actully thanos barely got beat up.
He was also barely able to stand at the end and did absolutely no damage to Odin.
If Superman had that same showing against Odin I'm pretty sure we'd all agree he lost and move on. It's not until you look at it with rose colored glasses that you can rationalize it until it looks pretty.
thats bull****, supes is on the same level as thor and he can catch skyfather killer thing. supes is way overrated. and supes never loses, u call that not jobbing.at least thanos loses.
im talking about tyants battle. and odin did no daamage to thanos until he overpowered gungir.
Originally posted by Validus
He was also barely able to stand at the end and did absolutely no damage to Odin.
If Superman had that same showing against Odin I'm pretty sure we'd all agree he lost and move on. It's not until you look at it with rose colored glasses that you can rationalize it until it looks pretty.
You forgot the smilie.....mhmOriginally posted by branhole
thats bull****, supes is on the same level as thor and he can catch skyfather killer thing. supes is way overrated. and supes never loses, u call that not jobbing.at least thanos loses.
Oh please you sound like the rest of the Supes haters,Thanos lovers on this forum.
Originally posted by branhole
thats bull****, supes is on the same level as thor and he can catch skyfather killer thing. supes is way overrated. and supes never loses, u call that not jobbing.at least thanos loses.
Not on this forum. Thanos is cosmic cube level on this forum. You'll hear serious arguments for the Titan in anything less than a Thanos/Galactus thread.
Originally posted by Skeets
You forgot the smilie.....mhm
I'm getting tired. Making lots of typos.

Originally posted by branhole
u see the odin and tyrant fights here, on the 2 page, tyrant fights thanos
See that guy right there? Superman held up against him similar to how Thanos held up against Odin or Tyrant. In power levels, Asmodel would pimp slap Darkseid and Thanos together hard.
Guess what? The only being able shown to REALLY defeat this guy was the presence.
In a thousand years I wouldn't say Superman can really beat this guy all the time. I'll say the same for Thanos and Odin, or Thanos and Tyrant. In reality, surviving a battle doesn't mean you win.
blue energy superman is leagues above ol' red and blue superman. pointless example.
as is the mageddon warhead, which was "anti-sunlight" (what the f ck?) just so they could explain superman not being atomized.
that's right. anti-sunlight.
Originally posted by Skeets
I fogot the point of the thread.....dodgy
But yeah,Some do job to Thanos but the same goes for supes which is why I'm gonna stop with this point-less arguement........
*returns to his retarded state*......bloogen
That's all I was saying. I'm looking at things in a fair and rational manner. No hype from either one. Growing up reading both companies, I just try to be a fair judge.
They BOTH have ridiculous feats.
ok you really think supes is going to beat thanos.
Originally posted by branhole
im talking about tyants battle. and odin did no daamage to thanos until he overpowered gungir.
Thanos never overpowered Gungnir. He waded through the blast, made a grab for it and then got blasted into the ground.
This is what I mean with the rose colored glasses. The fact that attempting to snatch Gungnir and failing is the best thing he did in that fight is proof of how outmatched he was. Earlier in the issue Thanos AND Silver Surfer blasted Odin to no effect.
Originally posted by manorastroman
blue energy superman is leagues above ol' red and blue superman. pointless example.
as is the mageddon warhead, which was "anti-sunlight" (what the f ck?) just so they could explain superman not being atomized.
that's right. anti-sunlight.
There was an interview with Grant Morrison himself who wanted to use the original Superman in that battle. However, DC forced him to use Energy Superman since he was the one in his regular titles at the time. It's a valid feat.
For Mageddon....If Superman is powered by Sunlight, then "Anti-Sunlight" should have killed him.
He still absorbed the warhead of a skyfather killing machine capable of untold destruction.
Big Sexy
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
See that guy right there? Superman held up against him similar to how Thanos held up against Odin or Tyrant. In power levels, Asmodel would pimp slap Darkseid and Thanos together hard.
Guess what? The only being able shown to REALLY defeat this guy was the presence.
In a thousand years I wouldn't say Superman can really beat this guy all the time. I'll say the same for Thanos and Odin, or Thanos and Tyrant. In reality, surviving a battle doesn't mean you win. Avalon what comic issue is that. I am looking for it
Originally posted by branhole
ok you really think supes is going to beat thanos.
I'd put a wager that if there was an actual comic, after a while a bruised and pissed off Superman would beat the hell out of him after Thanos pulled off some stupid stunt to endanger someone.
And then the Thanos fanboys would burn this forum in their anger.
Forums are a bit different. I'm simply stating that Thanos under his own power doesn't really have any feats over Superman to state he gets any easy wins.
Originally posted by Big Sexy
Avalon what comic issue is that. I am looking for it
It's JLA#7 if I remember correctly. It's also available in TPB as "American Dreams"
Originally posted by Validus
Thanos never overpowered Gungnir. He waded through the blast, made a grab for it and then got blasted into the ground.
This is what I mean with the rose colored glasses. The fact that attempting to snatch Gungnir and failing is the best thing he did in that fight is proof of how outmatched he was. Earlier in the issue Thanos AND Silver Surfer blasted Odin to no effect.
earlier odin also blasted thanos to no effect, so whats your point.
Originally posted by branhole
earlier odin also blasted thanos to no effect, so whats your point.
The difference is Odin later proved he could harm Thanos. I can't say the same for the Titan.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
I'd put a wager that if there was an actual comic, after a while a bruised and pissed off Superman would beat the hell out of him.
And then the Thanos fanboys would burn this forum in their anger.
Well if you wanna sell comics that's how the comic should go......jockey
Big Sexy
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
I'd put a wager that if there was an actual comic, after a while a bruised and pissed off Superman would beat the hell out of him after Thanos pulled off some stupid stunt to endanger someone.
And then the Thanos fanboys would burn this forum in their anger.
It's JLA#7 if I remember correctly. It's also available in TPB as "American Dreams" Thanks
Avalon weren't you asking for a cyborg sig I could have it for you in a bit I wanna try this new Tutorial out.
actully supes would win, because they make the winner the one that gets the most votes. thats how wolves beat lobo, its called fanboys.
Originally posted by branhole
actully supes would win, because they make the winner the one that gets the most votes. thats how wolves beat lobo, its called fanboys.
That was only Marvel Vs DC. Superman palming Mjolnir was agreed upon by both companies. jockey
Originally posted by Skeets
Avalon weren't you asking for a cyborg sig I could have it for you in a bit I wanna try this new Tutorial out.
Sounds good to me. I'm down.
Originally posted by Big Sexy
You're welcome. If you find it, I hope you enjoy the read.
Originally posted by Validus
That was only Marvel Vs DC. Superman palming Mjolnir was agreed upon by both companies. jockey
That was just 1 win for supes everyone knows Thor would win the Majority in the end.......jockey
Originally posted by Skeets
That was just 1 win for supes everyone knows Thor would win the Majority in the end.......jockey
If Thor isn't even fast enough to hit Spider-Man, how does he hit Superman? jockey
Originally posted by Validus
If Thor isn't even fast enough to hit Spider-Man, how does he hit Superman? jockey
That was that retard Masterson who was just fecking around....jockey
Originally posted by Skeets
That was just 1 win for supes everyone knows Thor would win the Majority in the end.......jockey
Nah, Thor gives him props.
Norse Supes looks pretty cool actually.
Originally posted by Skeets
That was that retard Masterson who was just fecking around....jockey
Same powers as Thor and he got smoked by the webhead. He was afraid of getting knocked out. jockey
Originally posted by Validus
Same powers as Thor and he got smoked by the webhead. He was afraid of getting knocked out. jockey
And incidentally the same Masterson Thor who KO'd Thanos briefly during the Gauntlet.
He did better on his own than most of the others did combined.
Captain America beat Thor too. jockey
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Nah, Thor gives him props.
Norse Supes looks pretty cool actually.
Supes gets the props then gets the beatdown...jockeyOriginally posted by Validus
Same powers as Thor and he got smoked by the webhead. He was afraid of getting knocked out. jockey
Same powers but still not Thor besides Spidey's Top tier.......

He'll do the same to supes.......jockey
Originally posted by Skeets
Supes gets the props then gets the beatdown...jockey
Same powers but still not Thor besides Spidey's Top tier.......

He'll do the same to supes.......jockey
Silly wabbit, Thor gets beatdowns like Jay Z gets airplay...again, and again...

Spider-Man has blocked Mjolnir with a webshield. jockey
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