Thanos vs Strange/Surfer/Superman/Gladiator... No PIS/CIS
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long pig
In continuation of my other thread.....This fight will have NO Plot Induced Stupidity, NO Character Induced Stupidity. NO jobbing. Everyone is bloodlusted.
Happens on a planet like Earth, but nobody is on it.
Fighters start 20 miles away from each other.
Eh, Strange stands a decent chance by himself, with the others just distracting Thanos while he whips up whatever plot devicery the writer came up with this week.
long pig
Oh, blah.
Strange hasn't used a single spell that hasn't been in the book of the vishanti or Darkhold both written and printed back in the early 70's. The writers don't just pull spells out of their asses.
Thanos gets owned. Thats too many angles covered at once.
Originally posted by long pig
Oh, blah.
Strange hasn't used a single spell that hasn't been in the book of the vishanti or Darkhold both written and printed back in the early 70's. The writers don't just pull spells out of their asses.
Wait, the spell to pool all of the magical power from Strange's items and create a blast potent enough to stalemate the Infinity Gauntlet is in one of those books? Kickass.
Strange does use some plat devices, but who doesn't, really...
Surfer and Superman could probably end up taking him... Surfer just feeds Superman a constant stream of "yellow sunlight". It would probably be at least as effective, if not more, than a sundip. Plus Surfer can do fairly well against Thanos on his own, and that much added muscle can probably give them a win. Or at least a stalemate.
long pig
Well, the fact that his artifacts were used just like each gem before in the past, I'd say yes.
Each artifact was used in the past to get the same effect as each gem it was against.
Originally posted by long pig
Oh, blah.
Strange hasn't used a single spell that hasn't been in the book of the vishanti or Darkhold both written and printed back in the early 70's. The writers don't just pull spells out of their asses.
And which issue(s) list every spell in said books?
long pig
I believe it was an actual book of spells. It wasn't in the comics, but more of a novelty paper back which has been referenced in the comics themselves.
long pig Is the book.
Solidus Snake
surfer can ever exude yellow sunlight from himself to keep supes charged
supes and surfer do it alone
If you half those teams, they still win, I.e. Surfer and Supes or Strange and Gladiator.
Thanos gets owned.
Yeah! Good one, Long Pig. It's good to see the Mad Titan get his ass handed to him once in a while...even if it is overkill.
if u take strange out of the equation then thanos might stand a decent chance, otherwise, hes owned badly, strange is atleast at abstract level right now.
Stranger takes them all by himself.
Stranger is the result of the union of billion beings of a planet into one that can use psionic and cosmic energy for practically limtless purposes.
He was one of the beings the LT called upon to assault Thanos when he had the HOTU, he's above Skyfathers, Watchers, and Celestials, practically he's a physical abstract, certainly in Galactus magnitude.
Originally posted by K3VIL
Stranger takes them all by himself.
Stranger is the result of the union of billion beings of a planet into one that can use psionic and cosmic energy for practically limtless purposes.
He was one of the beings the LT called upon to assault Thanos when he had the HOTU, he's above Skyfathers, Watchers, and Celestials, practically he's a physical abstract, certainly in Galactus magnitude.
It's Doctor Strange, not Phantom Stranger... You know, the magic dude... Hoary Hoars of Hoggoth and all that. He's got a cape...
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by K3VIL
Stranger takes them all by himself.
Stranger is the result of the union of billion beings of a planet into one that can use psionic and cosmic energy for practically limtless purposes.
He was one of the beings the LT called upon to assault Thanos when he had the HOTU, he's above Skyfathers, Watchers, and Celestials, practically he's a physical abstract, certainly in Galactus magnitude.
Are you talking about the Stranger that got his ass knocked out by Classic Juggernaut in one punch?
Adam Warlock
If Strange wasn't there, Thanos would own the other 3. Not easily. But he would.
But I say the good doctor has a good chance of tipping the tides.
10 out of 10 for the team of heroes.
i say the team can take it 6 out of 10 but only with good team work....obviously if they try to just slug it out with him he will wipe out strange and then the team has a terrible drop in power.
Strange this and that
People don't realize that he himself has admitted he can't beat Thanos.
Please, Fake Thor and Spidey nearly out.
Spidey knocked him back....
Long Pig team wins.
How stupid are you?
He was letting them. ( he was master of space/time the universe was in his finger tip)
He defeated all of them.
Originally posted by kgkg
How stupid are you?
He was letting them. ( he was master of space/time the universe was in his finger tip)
He defeated all of them.
Shut up... adults are debating here.
Get back to us when you can write legible thoughts.

did you say debating
lol man ur killing me
K Von Doom
Originally posted by K3VIL
Stranger takes them all by himself.
Stranger is the result of the union of billion beings of a planet into one that can use psionic and cosmic energy for practically limtless purposes.
He was one of the beings the LT called upon to assault Thanos when he had the HOTU, he's above Skyfathers, Watchers, and Celestials, practically he's a physical abstract, certainly in Galactus magnitude.
I think you mean the Stranger. But he's not above the Celestials.
<<People don't realize that he himself has admitted he can't beat Thanos.>>
that's the kind of CIS long's thread is trying to eliminate. fact is strange HAS defeated threats far more potent than thanos. to simply admit he can't beat him is kinda silly.
Originally posted by leonidas
<<People don't realize that he himself has admitted he can't beat Thanos.>>
that's the kind of CIS long's thread is trying to eliminate. fact is strange HAS defeated threats far more potent than thanos. to simply admit he can't beat him is kinda silly.
Heck going by that no CIS , etc bull
Here is what we have
Strange > Skyfater
with prep he could beat Thanos not without
Originally posted by leonidas
<<People don't realize that he himself has admitted he can't beat Thanos.>>
that's the kind of CIS long's thread is trying to eliminate. fact is strange HAS defeated threats far more potent than thanos. to simply admit he can't beat him is kinda silly.
Haven't they all? Thanos is the new Goku.

long pig
Originally posted by kgkg
Strange this and that
People don't realize that he himself has admitted he can't beat Thanos.
Strange has fought and basically stalemated the cosmic god who Thanos worships and who gives him power. He didn't back away from Death at all.
But, Thanos is just too much?
I'm giving credit to Surfer, too, he should be capable of at least stalemating the titan by dodging and getting more hits in.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Please, Fake Thor and Spidey nearly out.
Spidey knocked him back....
Long Pig team wins.
That Spiderman he's so good to his auntie.
long pig
How powerful was Nebula? I never understood her.
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Are you talking about the Stranger that got his ass knocked out by Classic Juggernaut in one punch?
Juggernaut just knocked him off his feet.Did he beat him?No.
Hercules knocked Galactus off his feet, can he kill him or beat him?No.
Stranger can kill Juggernaut on a whim if he wants to.
Intelligence: Immeasurable
Strength: Incalculable
Speed: Superhuman
Flight Speed: Beyond light speed
Stamina: Godlike
Durability: Godlike
Agility: Normal
Reflexes: Athlete
Fighting Skills: None
Special Skills/Abilities: Scientific knowledge beyond the understanding of humanity
Superhuman physical powers: The ability to manipulate cosmic and psionic forces for a variety of effects, including projection of cosmic energy as a concussive force, molecular manipulation of matter, conversion of matter to energy for faster than light travel, creation of force shields, levitation, and the enhancement of his own strength, speed, endurance, and size. The full range of the Stranger's abilities have yet to be catalogued and the precise limits of his known abilities are unmeasured
Originally posted by kgkg
How stupid are you?
He was letting them. ( he was master of space/time the universe was in his finger tip)
He wasn't letting anything. He was surprised by the attack of the heroes and was knocked down. Rather easily if I may say...
thats isint nebula in those scans that's terraxia thanos perfect ***** that he made with the infinity gauntlet 2 get death jelous.terraxia is one powerful ***** she killed ironman and spiderman easily.
Surfer feeding Supes constant solar power....???
I smell a cross-over coming on!!
That combo by itself would destroy Thanos.
Supes is invulnerable except to KNite, red solar rad and magic. The only OTHER way to get through his field, is to exhaust his energy quicker than he can replace it.
This wouldn't happen if he's being contantly fed it. Of course, the added bonus that his strength, speed etc would be at multiples of his normal levels would help too.
Surfer amps up Supes to pre-Crisis speed n strength, who proceeds to smack Thanos around a bit, whilst Strange conjurs a magical nasty to banish Thanos into another dimension.
Originally posted by ZephroCarnelian
Surfer feeding Supes constant solar power....???
I smell a cross-over coming on!!
That combo by itself would destroy Thanos.
Supes is invulnerable except to KNite, red solar rad and magic. The only OTHER way to get through his field, is to exhaust his energy quicker than he can replace it.
This wouldn't happen if he's being contantly fed it. Of course, the added bonus that his strength, speed etc would be at multiples of his normal levels would help too.
Surfer amps up Supes to pre-Crisis speed n strength, who proceeds to smack Thanos around a bit, whilst Strange conjurs a magical nasty to banish Thanos into another dimension.
logical, how much will SS able to power Supes before he gets K.O thanos isn't the stupid type.
If anything he can put Superman or anyone trapped ( the thing he pulled on ODIn)
Other than that good plan
long pig
Why can't Thanos be banished? Or tied up in unbreakable magic bands? Or attacked mentally by the Eye? Or have the air around him transmuted into adamantium or some crap? Or his soul given to Satannish? Or yadayadayadayada....?
DUde, no one has paid attention to Kallark......
SS supporting Supez with insane amounts of UV rays !!!
Strange mentaling supporting Kallark to the highest confidence lvel humanoidly possible !!!
Lucid Lui
True, if Strange maxes out Gladiator's confidence he'll be insanely powerful.
I really can't see Thanos beating this team...
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