Ali vs Rocky
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who wins? The tick is the ref
and she is the ring girl
Ali is real, the real thing always wins.
Nathaniel Grey
Ali, all the way. Rocky rides the short bus all the way back to myasskickedville.
Rocky beat Mr.T.... Sorry but anyone who hands it to T has to be hella hard...
Rocky needs to be pummeled into a bloody mess before he ever wakes up and tries to win a fight. Ali will skip around the ring, making all kinds of derogetory comments about Italians and Philadelphia, and Rocky will swing and miss so much he will get tired, ask for a brisk, get reminded that's only for commercials, and eventually a sweet combination by Ali, faster than the eye can see, puts him down in the tenth!box
Rocky. Ali wasn't as great as people think.
He gets hyped up because he finally toppled Foreman and talked a lot of shit. Other than that, some of the guys who beat him or gave him trouble were heavywieght pussies.
Rocky on the other hand, has never been koed.
Mr. T/Clubber Lang K.Oed him in their first match. Whatya talkin' aboot?
The Faulken
Plus Foreman has the mean, lean, grilling machine.
Originally posted by Juntai
He was a GOOD Boxer no doubt, but not the best.. I consider Foreman the best, Foreman proved in his FORTIES that he was the next best thing to unstoppable.. Ali got him once.. but lets not ignore the facts, Ali lost to Frazier in one of the biggest, longest gruelingest matches ever..-- Foreman beats Frazier in 6 minutes. Ali lost to Norton.. Foreman beat him in the middle of round 2. Foreman was 6-1 odds against Ali. Ali got lucky, and now people call him the goat because of it.. but hey.... Foreman retired champ in his 40s, and Ali can't seem to stop shaking from too many headblows. That was mean man Ali was GOOD and should go down as a legend in the sport. Today I think he would get mugged by some of todays competitors but back then he was great and you can't sell him short on it. He isn't the best but he is up there.
I sure Rocky Marciano would murder Ali. lol
49 fights, 49 wins, 43 knockouts, and 0 loses.
Oh yeah and in 1969. He made a one fight come back and ko Ali in the 14 round.
Originally posted by Joker1237
I sure Rocky Marciano would murder Ali. lol
49 fights, 49 wins, 43 knockouts, and 0 loses.
Oh yeah and in 1969. He made a one fight come back and ko Ali in the 14 round. lol.
**** the fight, I want the ring girl.
Ali would smoke Rocky Stallone or Rocky M IMO. Just a better athlete in all categories...also a role model who had to overcome social and racial issues of the time. Stallone is what???5'4? And 160lbs? That would be a serious ass-kicking.
Modern Athletes are just so far ahead of Rocky M its not even funny....I havent boxed in 8 years but considering the shape I'm in, I wouldnt hesitate to fight a sloppy chump like that for 100 bucks.
About Foreman, I agree, I think Foreman is one of the most under rated athletes of all time.
Originally posted by Juntai
He was a GOOD Boxer no doubt, but not the best.. I consider Foreman the best, Foreman proved in his FORTIES that he was the next best thing to unstoppable.. Ali got him once.. but lets not ignore the facts, Ali lost to Frazier in one of the biggest, longest gruelingest matches ever..-- Foreman beats Frazier in 6 minutes. Ali lost to Norton.. Foreman beat him in the middle of round 2. Foreman was 6-1 odds against Ali. Ali got lucky, and now people call him the goat because of it.. but hey.... Foreman retired champ in his 40s, and Ali can't seem to stop shaking from too many headblows.
Foreman crushed Frazier and Norton, two fighters who's style gave Ali worlds of trouble. But then Foreman gets throughly schooled by Ali, who gets the belt back. What does any of this who-beats-who prove? Ultimately nothing.
Originally posted by roughrider
Foreman crushed Frazier and Norton, two fighters who's style gave Ali worlds of trouble. But then Foreman gets throughly schooled by Ali, who gets the belt back. What does any of this who-beats-who prove? Ultimately nothing. The fight with Ali and Foreman went for 8 rounds, when Ali got lucky and put the big man down... like I said, it's been said by analysts and Ali himself alike, he would NEVER have been able to perform that again.
I'm not saying Ali isnt a good fighter, I'm saying he's overrated and BETTER boxers are UNDERrated.
Stallone is 5'11 210 lbs.
Anyway, ali would loose to rocky.
Batman would loose to rocky.
Bruce lee would loose to rocky.
I am a fan of all these people, they are the best.
Ali of of the top 3 best boxers of all time.
Bruce lee one of the top 3 best martial-artists of all time.
Rocky is a montage feuled slow-witted one track fighting machine that won't stop..Ever!
He wins against anyone who his punches can hurt.
Against Superman, no.
Against These guys, yeah.
Rocky wins.
Originally posted by jplatinum
Stallone is 5'11 210 lbs.
Anyway, ali would loose to rocky.
Batman would loose to rocky.
Bruce lee would loose to rocky.
I am a fan of all these people, they are the best.
Ali of of the top 3 best boxers of all time.
Bruce lee one of the top 3 best martial-artists of all time.
Rocky is a montage feuled slow-witted one track fighting machine that won't stop..Ever!
He wins against anyone who his punches can hurt.
Against Superman, no.
Against These guys, yeah.
Rocky wins. zxfdmhs;glhksfag
Reason is, rocky isn't better than any one I named, but
you could break everybone in his body and as long as a montage is playin' he'll still keep coming at you til you get k.o.'ed.
He's not human.
Errr lucky?
I wouldnt call it luck. Ali was starting to dominate in round seven and clearly had better skills than Foreman. When two of the best athletes in the world compete, its not necessarily about who can look good doing it but simply who can win.
I dont think there is much point in arguing about something that sports analysts have already established...its canon that Ali is the best heavyweight of all time.
But I agree that Foreman may be the most under rated of all time himself.
Originally posted by Wynndar
Errr lucky?
I wouldnt call it luck. Ali was starting to dominate in round seven and clearly had better skills than Foreman. When two of the best athletes in the world compete, its not necessarily about who can look good doing it but simply who can win.
I dont think there is much point in arguing about something that sports analysts have already established...its canon that Ali is the best heavyweight of all time.
But I agree that Foreman may be the most under rated of all time himself. But then Foreman came back as a 40+ year old man, took the heavywieght titles, refused a match, lost the title as a result, and retired with the others.
I think that makes him the goat.
On a side note: That also means in the line of this guy beat this guy so he's the better fighter, eventually ran into foreman a decade or so after Ali and he never got beat again.
Hey I agree...what Foreman did, to come back and trash people half his age is incredible...I hope I'm like that in thirty years. Nonetheless, Ali's skills were jus so unparalleled.
Regardless...Ali and Foreman would leave either Rocky's in a bodybag.
What the hell is this!?!
Originally posted by jplatinum
What the hell is this!?! laughing and mashing keys?
The True Fear
rocky stomps him hard
Originally posted by Wynndar
Hey I agree...what Foreman did, to come back and trash people half his age is incredible...I hope I'm like that in thirty years. Nonetheless, Ali's skills were jus so unparalleled.
Regardless...Ali and Foreman would leave either Rocky's in a bodybag. For his time Ali's skills were great, yes, but people get stronger faster and better every passing year. Ali's prime likely isn't even equal to anyone in the top ten. Check Mike Tyson for instance. He didn't magically become a crappy boxer, the caliber of athlete leaped and bounded. However, Foreman was able to still come back as champ, then retire unbeaten. A decade or so after Ali.
Stallone has never weighed 210 in his life. He is 180 right now and admits its the heaviest he's ever been. When Franco Columbo was his trainer before Rocky 2 or 3 (can't remember) Stallone attempted to bench 335 and tore his pectoral right off...not that big or strong IMO.
yes... thats stallone... not rocky... just like hue jackson doesn't have a healing factor...
And I'm not sure if Xavier is really crippled... I've got photos of him walking!
Originally posted by Hit_and_Miss
yes... thats stallone... not rocky... just like hue jackson doesn't have a healing factor...
And I'm not sure if Xavier is really crippled... I've got photos of him walking! Shit, I not only saw this.. but I saw him taking on a fleet of star ships in nothing but a black sneak suit.
Personally I think the borg implants have given him his powers,
Ya know those tight Lycra suits they were in have shrunken him by 2inches!
I was just placing emphasis on the fact that he's smaller than people think.
And its "Hugh Jackman"
Stallone is 5"7; he got measured in a swimming pool once. No pads in your shoes when in the pool!
Another one I'm closing...
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