Aquaman vs Thing
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No Telepathy !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Magic hand allowed, Fight takes place in the city. Aquaman is stronger, Thing is more skilled more durable. Aquaman has magic hand !!!!!!!! umm i dont know, what do you think ???????
I have a Magic Hand too, ask the ladies
Ben wins, because he is a huge living rock.
Rock smash fish.
Lucid Lui
Uhh, i think you mixed it up. Thing is stronger and more durable, Aquaman is more skilled and way faster...
Anyway, IMO, Aquaman takes this more often than not...
Originally posted by Lucid Lui
Uhh, i think you mixed it up. Thing is stronger and more durable, Aquaman is more skilled and way faster...
Anyway, IMO, Aquaman takes this more often than not...
Yess Thing is more durable .... I don't think he is stronger.

Aquaman, he has strength feats that surpasses Thing's
It's possible his magic hand maybe even to heal the cosmic radiation in him to be normal again.
Lucid Lui
Well, i don't know much about Thing in the way of strength feats, but i've always assumed he was stronger than Aquaman... I could be wrong though...
Aquaman is about Wonder Woman strength and just below Superman.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
Aquaman is about Wonder Woman strength and just below Superman.
Nah mate, no where close. In Marvel terms he is um where around Current Juggernaught, or Abomination. IMO
Originally posted by Lucid Lui
Well, i don't know much about Thing in the way of strength feats, but i've always assumed he was stronger than Aquaman... I could be wrong though...
Thing has Little to no lifting feats. He was unable to stop a moving commuter train, and is given Level 6 strength by the Marvel Handbook. IMO he can lift somewhere in the region of 100 tons. Aquaman has lifted heavier weights, but infrequently. Thing has a good record against strong opponents, he has enough strength to hurt characters such as Thor and Hulk. Aquaman too has various battle feats, he recently threw a steel pipe through Despero (A character who usually has Thanos level durability) he can also hurt Superman and Wonder Woman. All in all i think Aquaman is slightly stronger, but Thing is more durable.

Originally posted by yahman
Nah mate, no where close. In Marvel terms he is um where around Current Juggernaught, or Abomination. IMO
Naaa....he's way stronger, he went punch for punch against Despero the guy who held up the Rock of Eternity and even threw a rebar into him. A feat where Martian Manhunter went up against him, he got destroyed and he has super strength. Even Wonder Woman admited Arthur was close to her in strength.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
Even Wonder Woman admited Arthur was close to her in strength.
When ?????

<<Even Wonder Woman admited Arthur was close to her in strength.>>
Originally posted by yahman
When ?????
When he still had his hook hand, I will rummage through the issues and try to get scans for you. Bear with me, I'm leaving now to write my mid-term.
"Aquaman is about Wonder Woman strength and just below Superman"
That would scrething it some. Thing level (or the level he supossely used to be) would be appropiate. Wonder Woman reference might had been something in the lines that he was stronger than she though (wich is true, he is underrated, even inside the DC universe.)
Or it was overall about powerset.
Things best pure feat regarding to strenght would be helding up an oil rig structure iirc and during a Byrne`s issue, helding the cables of a bridge so it wouldnt colappsed.
Im going by memory on those ones, tho.
"he went punch for punch against Despero the guy who held up the Rock of Eternity and even threw a rebar into him"
Despero in "Virtue and Vice" beat (not stalemated, he beat) on Superman, Captain Marvel, Power Girl, Hourman and Wonder Woman at the same time.
Either Arthur is stronger than any of those or all of them, or Desespero wasent at the same level in both stories. Wich is more probably accurate.
Besides Arthur was still defeated in that recent Desespero fight. He could punch him but not win. Wich is still an amazing showing for Aquaman, mind you.
Let's put it this way--
Aquaman is JLA caliber.
Thing is not.
That should be your first indication.
Aquaman is faster, at LEAST just as strong IF not stronger...., smarter, with far more experience, and a magic hand. I'd give Thing a bit more durability though, but that's likely the only meaningful category he takes.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
Naaa....he's way stronger, he went punch for punch against Despero the guy who held up the Rock of Eternity and even threw a rebar into him. A feat where Martian Manhunter went up against him, he got destroyed and he has super strength. Even Wonder Woman admited Arthur was close to her in strength.
The Despero who feature in the recent JLA was no where near as powerful as the one lifted the Rock of Eternity. Its all down to the Writers interpretation.
Originally posted by olympian
"Aquaman is about Wonder Woman strength and just below Superman"
That would scrething it some. Thing level (or the level he supossely used to be) would be appropiate. Wonder Woman reference might had been something in the lines that he was stronger than she though (wich is true, he is underrated, even inside the DC universe.)
Or it was overall about powerset.
Things best pure feat regarding to strenght would be helding up an oil rig structure iirc and during a Byrne`s issue, helding the cables of a bridge so it wouldnt colappsed.
Im going by memory on those ones, tho.
"he went punch for punch against Despero the guy who held up the Rock of Eternity and even threw a rebar into him"
Despero in "Virtue and Vice" beat (not stalemated, he beat) on Superman, Captain Marvel, Power Girl, Hourman and Wonder Woman at the same time.
Either Arthur is stronger than any of those or all of them, or Desespero wasent at the same level in both stories. Wich is more probably accurate.
Besides Arthur was still defeated in that recent Desespero fight. He could punch him but not win. Wich is still an amazing showing for Aquaman, mind you.
Are you sure he lifted an Oil rig ?????????? I know he punched one of the supports causing it to fall, but that isn't exactly lifting it.

Eh, Batman is also JLA Caliber and there is no way id give a man a win against Thing even he was slepping.
Aquaman is not necessariy stronger. Both him and Thing manage to punch and hurt cl 100 characters. As far as im concerned strenghtwise they seem close.
"Are you sure he lifted an Oil rig ?????????? I know he punched one of the supports causing it to fall, but that isn't exactly lifting it."
Cant tell for sure Yahman. Im going by memory.
Originally posted by olympian
Eh, Batman is also JLA Caliber and there is no way id give a man a win against Thing even he was slepping.
Aquaman is not necessariy stronger. Both him and Thing manage to punch and hurt cl 100 characters. As far as im concerned strenghtwise they seem close. That's because in the JLA book, Batman is a god, and on top of that, he's the brains of the group...not the brawn..don't get it twisted. Aquaman however is very much JLA caliber powerset. Thing is not.
Shit, remember Batman beat Hulk. Although not a canon crossover.
But he DID give Superman a run.
He also kicked Captain Marvel into Billy Batson, during the Superman/Batman fight against Marvel/Hawkman.
Using Bat's as a benchmark isnt a good idea.
Batman on the forum<<<<<<<<<<<Actual Batman.
Originally posted by olympian
Eh, Batman is also JLA Caliber and there is no way id give a man a win against Thing even he was slepping.
Aquaman is not necessariy stronger. Both him and Thing manage to punch and hurt cl 100 characters. As far as im concerned strenghtwise they seem close.
This is how i see it :
Thing has battle feats, no/little Lifting feats
Aquaman has battle feats (Not as many as Thing but a lot), He has various lifting feats, including several occasions when he has lifted over 100 tons.
IMO i conclude that Aquaman is slightly stronger.
"Shit, remember Batman beat Hulk. Although not a canon crossover.
But he DID give Superman a run.
He also kicked Captain Marvel into Billy Batson, during the Superman/Batman fight against Marvel/Hawkman.
Using Bat's as a benchmark isnt a good idea.
Batman on the forum<<<<<<<<<<<Actual Batman"
Thats exactly where im at.
Batman isent Jla caliber to me. Outsiders definatly but not the big guns.
Not when they have MM who is also a prep man with everything else he packs.
And Marvel for all we know changed back to Batson to trick Batman. We know he fell for it.
What was wrong in that fight was how he managed to kick the man, without getting his leg snapped or at least hurt.
"Aquaman has battle feats (Not as many as Thing but a lot), He has various lifting feats, including several occasions when he has lifted over 100 tons."
He sure has the versability edge. Strenght on par with me. Aquaman doesnt have many lifting feats of high order.
The key is: one feat that he has seems better than the ones Thing has had.
Originally posted by olympian
"That's because in the JLA book, Batman is a god, and on top of that, he's the brains of the group...not the brawn..don't get it twisted. Aquaman however is very much JLA caliber powerset. Thing is not.
Shit, remember Batman beat Hulk. Although not a canon crossover.
But he DID give Superman a run.
He also kicked Captain Marvel into Billy Batson, during the Superman/Batman fight against Marvel/Hawkman.
Using Bat's as a benchmark isnt a good idea.
Batman on the forum<<<<<<<<<<<Actual Batman"
Thats exactly where im at.
Batman isent Jla caliber to me. Outsiders definatly but not the big guns.
Not when they have MM who is also a prep man with evrything else he packs.
And Marvel for all we know changed back to Batson to trick Batman. We know he fell for it.
What was wrong in that fight was how he managed to kick the man, without getting his leg snapped or at least hurt. He would have had to say Shazam to change back and lightning would have struck and shook the entire battlefield.
Or it simply happened off panel. I never saw Marvel changing back to Billy because of kicks and punches, have you?
Originally posted by olympian
Or it simply happened off panel. I never saw Marvel changing back to Billy because of kicks and punches, have you? Dunno, not sure how many times I've seen him KOed... dont know how many time's he's been Batkicked either.
Solidus Snake
aquaman has class 100 strength easily.
he lifetd a city block underwater where it would be heavier cause of all de water pressure on it.
the thing is slightly more durable, but aquaman would beat the crap outta him
Back on track.. . .
Fact is, Aquaman is different league than Thing.
Durability is the ONLY category I'd give to Thing in this fight. He's either CLOSE or severely outclassed in every other category..
Originally posted by olympian
"Shit, remember Batman beat Hulk. Although not a canon crossover.
But he DID give Superman a run.
He also kicked Captain Marvel into Billy Batson, during the Superman/Batman fight against Marvel/Hawkman.
Using Bat's as a benchmark isnt a good idea.
Batman on the forum<<<<<<<<<<<Actual Batman"
"Aquaman has battle feats (Not as many as Thing but a lot), He has various lifting feats, including several occasions when he has lifted over 100 tons."
He sure has the versability edge. Strenght on par with me. Aquaman doesnt have many lifting feats of high order.
The key is: one feat that he has seems better than the ones Thing has had.
On par with me ?????????
I heard he had lifted submarines and Ocean liners, or was that back in the Pre Crisis days ? I'll bethe first to admit that city block thing has been taken totally out of context. That thing can't weigh more than several 100 tons.
"Dunno, not sure how many times I've seen him KOed... dont know how many time's he's been Batkicked either"
Batkicked? That was the only time.
Im for it happened off panel. He has been ko and or down before (like for example during Virtue and Vice against Despero) without changing back.
"On par with me ?????????"
I meant both are on par FOR me. In my opinion.
"I heard he had lifted submarines and Ocean liners, or was that back in the Pre Crisis days"
I know he lifted tanks on land. Submarines seems something out of his range.
That city block/street feat as far as i know its his best in pure strenght post crisis and i think: ever.
Pre crisis i dont know. Probably he used animal control to move or pull those ocean liners or something.
I mean he has combat feats now that he never had pre crisis so he should be stronger.
Anyone have any examples?
A few Aquaman feats someone posted.
Originally posted by olympian
"Aquaman is about Wonder Woman strength and just below Superman"
That would scrething it some. Thing level (or the level he supossely used to be) would be appropiate. Wonder Woman reference might had been something in the lines that he was stronger than she though (wich is true, he is underrated, even inside the DC universe.)
Despero in "Virtue and Vice" beat (not stalemated, he beat) on Superman, Captain Marvel, Power Girl, Hourman and Wonder Woman at the same time.
Either Arthur is stronger than any of those or all of them, or Desespero wasent at the same level in both stories. Wich is more probably accurate.
Besides Arthur was still defeated in that recent Desespero fight. He could punch him but not win. Wich is still an amazing showing for Aquaman, mind you.
Possibly, I have to go throgh my stash to reread it. I just got home.
Oh he is weaker than WW, but I would say he is still pretty close to her in strength. Also he still hasn't fully reached his potential with his water hand, which amped all his abilites up.
Probally right.
He lost due to telepathy, not physical strength
Originally posted by Juntai
A few Aquaman feats someone posted.
That would be me
Originally posted by olympian
That city block/street feat as far as i know its his best in pure strenght post crisis and i think: ever.
In Aquaman #14, he held up a 8+ story (can't fully see how tall it is from the smoke) building. He held it up when the lower supports, and the main support cracked and was about to give way and he held onto it for a long time until everyone was evacuated. This was before he lost his hand and got the claw.
This was a flashback when he first appeared in the DCU.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
In Aquaman #14, he held up a 8+ story (can't fully see how tall it is from the smoke) building. He held it up when the lower supports, and the main support cracked and was about to give way and he held onto it for a long time until everyone was evacuated. This was before he lost his hand and got the claw.
This was a flashback when he first appeared in the DCU.
Do you have an image, it sounds cool.
Who do you think is stronger Classic Saquatch or Aquaman ?
Originally posted by yahman
Do you have an image, it sounds cool.
Who do you think is stronger Classic Saquatch or Aquaman ?
I'll try, my scanner is on the fritz right now.
Hmmm....I would go with Aquaman. Tanaraq controlled Sasquatch maybe different, but we really didn't see this form for very long.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
I'll try, my scanner is on the fritz right now.
Hmmm....I would go with Aquaman. Tanaraq controlled Sasquatch maybe different, but we really didn't see this form for very long.
Namor or Aquaman ?

Originally posted by yahman
Namor or Aquaman ?
What who is stronger? or who would win in a fight?
Originally posted by King_Mungi
What who is stronger? or who would win in a fight? I'd give slight strength edge to Namor, as long as he is in water. This however is still not so great of a difference.... but in a fight, I'd give it to Aquaman.
Originally posted by Juntai
I'd give slight strength edge to Namor, as long as he is in water. This however is still not so great of a difference.... but in a fight, I'd give it to Aquaman.
I think Namor is quite a bit Stronger (His feats and victories are more impressive), but i agree.

Originally posted by yahman
I think Namor is quite a bit Stronger (His feats and victories are more impressive), but i agree.
Just on that page of a few feats posted above, he lifts a city block. {Strength feat]
Also, you can see Aquaman beating up JLI and Martian Manhunter.
Namor definetly has more strength feats than Aquaman and he has even ko'ed the Hulk and Abomination. In a fight I would be pretty close, but I would give Aquaman a slight edge.
Like Sasquatch performed the same feat as Aquaman, but Arthur just did it better
Adam Warlock
Aquaman was running away while taking a beating from She-Hulk. That was before her strength increase.

Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Aquaman was running away while taking a beating from She-Hulk. That was before her strength increase.
Reread that issue,
She Hulk- "Hey come back! You're as slippery as an eel
Aquaman- "I'll take that as a compliament She Hulk and I wouldn't mind to find out some day which one of us would truely win a battle. What I have forgotten is that I don't need to beat you. Just to claim the prize and I can sense it."
He wasn't running away, because he was losing. Hell, that is also the weaker Aquaman who gets weaker on dry land and he took those hits and was fine.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
Reread that issue,
She Hulk- "Hey come back! You're as slippery as an eel
Aquaman- "I'll take that as a compliament She Hulk and I wouldn't mind to find out some day which one of us would truely win a battle. What I have forgotten is that I don't need to beat you. Just to claim the prize and I can sense it."
He wasn't running away, because he was losing. Hell, that is also the weaker Aquaman who gets weaker on dry land and he took those hits and was fine.
Its not like Sentry to misuse evidence to enforce his anti DC campaign.

lol notice it's not "I don't need to fight you", but rather "I don't need to beat you."
Originally posted by Juntai
lol notice it's not "I don't need to fight you", but rather "I don't need to beat you."
That was old Class 60 tons Aquaman, and Classic She Hulk, Class 75.
Not much difference, but She Hulk dominated the fight, but with his skills and experience he could have gain the upper hand, who knows.
Onestly I was on AM side in that fight.
Aquman wins he beat this super powerful power ring then he can win.
Originally posted by Fanboy
Aquman wins he beat this super powerful power ring then he can win.
...He beat?Power Ring was just talking and took the harpoon into his arm.
Lucid Lui
Originally posted by K3VIL
That was old Class 60 tons Aquaman, and Classic She Hulk, Class 75.
Not much difference, but She Hulk dominated the fight, but with his skills and experience he could have gain the upper hand, who knows.
Onestly I was on AM side in that fight.
Likewise, i think Aquaman would beat Shulky more times than not. Especially now with his upgrades. He's got a lot at his disposal.
Isn't Aquaman weaker out of water?
Lucid Lui
His water hand keeps him at full strength all the time now i believe...
Hm, that makes sense...
Correct, with his new water hand he is constantly at full power. He never dries out anymore.
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