Venom VS Dracula(from Blade Trinity)
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Venom Dude No.1
who takes this one?? it would be long and dirty but in the end I think Venom wins
chilled monkey
No disrespect to Venom but I'd say Dracula wins. He's so powerful, he'll ran his sword right through the symbiote and into Brock's heart.
? Eddie would kick the crap out of Dracula. The Blade Trinity dracula
wasnt special. Venom is faster, stronger and much meaner.
the Blade Dracula has been alive for thousands of years alot longer then Venom

, he was worshipped as a god like being before. Dracula when he met Blade didn't seem all that impressed by Blade. at the end Dracula did win but still said that Blade was very brave and some crap like that then he faked dying.
Venom Dude No.1
Venom all the way, he just seems too fast, too strong, too agile, too durable for drac. and Venom has a better conviction that he is fighting for the right thing. And I don't think Drac. can really get to Venom because if he tries to attack Venom the Spider-sense will warn him, if he gets tired then Venom will web Drac in the face, giving him more time to think. In the end Venom would suffocate Drac with his symbiote tendrils. Only if Drac has a sonic gun or a flamethrower he can damage Venom seriously. But Venom is never gonna let that happen. I also think Venom is more brutal then Drac. i mean, when Venom gets serious about killing people, he is really kicking ass.
Depends on which Venom.
this is to close to tell
Close to tell?
Guys the Blade Trinity Drake was pathetic compared to Venom.
Class 2 tons of strenght in human form, probably around Class 7 in his beast form, he got superhuman durability, tough an arrow can still pierce him, his reflexes and reaction time were exceptional, but Venom has fought Spider-Man and other guys who are pretty fast.
Plus Drake never showed the array of powers a Lord of Vampires should possess, in Marvel Comics Dracula can mesmerize, call upon storms and lightnings, and got magic knowledge, plus is an exceptional hand to hand combatant and swordsman.
Drake just throwed down into sword fight with Blade, showed his skill, then got bored and shattered the floor with Blade's body and was gonna kill him through beheadment after using brute strenght.
Nothing impressive onestly.
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by kevdude
the Blade Dracula has been alive for thousands of years alot longer then Venom

, he was worshipped as a god like being before. Dracula when he met Blade didn't seem all that impressed by Blade. at the end Dracula did win but still said that Blade was very brave and some crap like that then he faked dying.
So many flaws with that post.Venom(the symbiote actually) has been alive since the dawn of time,Dracula from the Balde movie was only alive for thousands of years.Dracula didn't ''fake'' dying,he REALLY died.Learn more,then open your mouth.

Ultimate Hulk43
Oh,Venom wins.
learn more then open my mouth??? your the 1 that needs to understand Dracula never died at the end lol. Everything was planned out by Dracula to get to the point Blade and him was at! If you actually watch the end of the MOVIE you would understand Drac never dies, just giving Blades friends enough time for them to get him out of there!!!! If you watch the other ending of the movie in the DVD it shows Drake getting up and killing the doctors newbie!!! Learn to watch the movie correctly before putting people down...
At the best its a draw.
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by kevdude
learn more then open my mouth??? your the 1 that needs to understand Dracula never died at the end lol. Everything was planned out by Dracula to get to the point Blade and him was at! If you actually watch the end of the MOVIE you would understand Drac never dies, just giving Blades friends enough time for them to get him out of there!!!! If you watch the other ending of the movie in the DVD it shows Drake getting up and killing the doctors newbie!!! Learn to watch the movie correctly before putting people down...
At the best its a draw.
That was Blade numbnuts.

Apparantly YOU need to watch the movie again.I've watched it enough to memorize what happened.

Ultimate Hulk43
No offense with the numbnuts part.
eh no that wasn't Blade

duh... that was Drake. Blade wouldn't kill any of those doctors like what Drake did. trust me watch the movie alot more, you seem to not be getting it. If it makes it any easier don't watch the regular movie watch the extra movie instead<.
Ultimate Hulk43
Last time I checked Drake wasn't African American and didn't have tatoos.
Does Dracula have a sword? if not, venom
Ultimate Hulk43
Ryan Reynolds even said that was Blade at the end of the movie and they even showed him riding off on his motorcycle.Watch the movie again.Drake was stuck with a vaccine and it killed him(as well as all of the other vampires) but since Blade wasn't a full blooded vampire,he didn't die and they had him in that hospital and that's where he awoke and sucked that young doctor's blood to regain his strength.
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by DrDoom101
Does Dracula have a sword? if not, venom
In the movie?Yes.
last time i checked Drake could change into whoever he wanted, he even switched into looking like Blade. Notice when they brought Drake(looking like Blade) to the morgue to do a autopsy on his body, right when they started he switched into his regular Caucasian male and the doctors and nurses was scared and looked at each other then the movie ended. in the extra part of the movie it shows Drake( looking like Blade) getting up and killing the doctors.
Also at the end of the theatric movie it shows Drake( looking like Blade) with his shirt off, Blade had his shirt ON when he passed out, while Drake and Blade was fighting Drake was the 1 that has his shirt off. Ryan and the other girl came and took Blade away and left Drake laying there so he could give them time so they would have time to escape (and think they had Blades body which they didn't they had Dracula, to bad for them hehe) . Blade is sleeping, yes someday he will awake but that was Dracula not Blade.
Watch the movie again this way, they don't come out and say its Drake you have to use your head to understand whats going on.

Originally posted by Ultimate Hulk43
In the movie?Yes.
im not that stupid. i watched the movie. i meant does he have a sword in this battle?
chilled monkey
Originally posted by DrDoom101
im not that stupid. i watched the movie. i meant does he have a sword in this battle?
I think so yeah.
No offence to Venom fans, but comics tend to exaggerate everything. And they're not very consistent.
Venom wins. Or venom binds with drake and they become a uber powerful beeing who can free all virgins.
(did i really write that??)
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by kevdude
last time i checked Drake could change into whoever he wanted, he even switched into looking like Blade. Notice when they brought Drake(looking like Blade) to the morgue to do a autopsy on his body, right when they started he switched into his regular Caucasian male and the doctors and nurses was scared and looked at each other then the movie ended. in the extra part of the movie it shows Drake( looking like Blade) getting up and killing the doctors.
Also at the end of the theatric movie it shows Drake( looking like Blade) with his shirt off, Blade had his shirt ON when he passed out, while Drake and Blade was fighting Drake was the 1 that has his shirt off. Ryan and the other girl came and took Blade away and left Drake laying there so he could give them time so they would have time to escape (and think they had Blades body which they didn't they had Dracula, to bad for them hehe) . Blade is sleeping, yes someday he will awake but that was Dracula not Blade.
Watch the movie again this way, they don't come out and say its Drake you have to use your head to understand whats going on.
You're stupid.

Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by chilled monkey
I think so yeah.
No offence to Venom fans, but comics tend to exaggerate everything. And they're not very consistent.
Doesn't matter if they are consistent or not,they are where the facts are at so...Drake loses.

Stupid?? nah! I'nt not the person that thinks Drake is to dumb to be beaten by Blade...
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