Adam Warlock VS. Aquaman
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Adam Warlock
Aquaman held his own againt Despero. Can he hold his own against the Warlock?
Not a chance. Adam beats the living crap out of him.
Depends, does Aquaman have a swarm of sharks nearby to do the dirty work for him?
Originally posted by Khellendros
Depends, does Aquaman have a swarm of sharks nearby to do the dirty work for him?
And how well would a swarm of sharks really fare against Adam Warlock?
warlock kills that idiot then calls namor 2 take a piss on his corpse
Depends, what if their fighting 2000000000 leagues under the sea (possible ?) With millions of Sharks (Great Whites) !!!
Aquaman can win !!!
Lucid Lui
If Aquaman had the advantage of suprise, he could do a fair bit of damage. But Adam takes this...
long pig
Adam has a trump card against nearly anyone who's soul isn't protected.
Those damn infinity gems are too much for almost everyone. Take that away from Warlock, and he still wins, but he'd have to actually fight for it.
This a SERIOUS thread?
Adam Warlock; it's so not even close.
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