Guns N' Roses vs Nick Fury(h2h)
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The True Fear
truly the most random thing i could think of
Axle is apprently>>>>his girlfriends
Axle wouldn't show up for this battle because his voice is hoarse from the cigarettes and booze that he's still smoking and drinking.
The True Fear
if nick fury planned to videotape the fight axl has this
Guns & Roses because of numbers advantage.
Plus, what with all the drugs, I don't think they would feel anything Nick tried to hit them with.
My vote goes for Guns'n'Roses......cuz slash can make kool guitar rifts.
And Nick would be like"my god man,you rock"while duff is chugging booze in the back round.....
The True Fear
duff knows martial arts
Originally posted by The True Fear
duff knows martial arts
oh yeah thats right.....and drummers have to have killer arm strength.
The True Fear
slash is good at bmx if that counts for anything
Closing, do I need to explain why?
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