dark phoenix vs silver surfer
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From what I've DP is a tough cookie but then again so is SS, so who wins?
ur a senior member, u should know better than this.
indeed Silver surfer is way above her league....he takes it in a few seconds.
DP kills him instantly
lol, i guess gs really has made us hate pheonix.
a planet buster versus a universe annihilator? c'mon now fellas..........
The Ion
Originally posted by jffxex1980
a planet buster versus a universe annihilator? c'mon now fellas..........
Exactly. Surfer wins.

ya SS wins
Here is how:
SS goes back in time and then snaps the "Avatars" neck
But common now
Originally posted by kgkg
ya SS wins
Here is how:
SS goes back in time and then snaps the "Avatars" neck
But common now

Originally posted by kgkg
ya SS wins
Here is how:
SS goes back in time and then snaps the "Avatars" neck
But common now
DP goes back in time, makes SS wear a tutu, and telapthically makes him do the Irish jig for all eternity

hahaha...let the GS backlash begin!
C'mon guys!
Dark Urizen
Hasn't DP already defeated Galactus? Isn't SS like 1/100 of Galactus' power?
Yeah something like that. Phoenix force is more powerful than a full powered galactus.
DP would take that board of his and shove it so far up his cosmically powered a**
Dark Urizen
Originally posted by jffxex1980
DP would take that board of his and shove it so far up his cosmically powered a**

very graphic
well it's true.
Phoenix's weakness is her avatar, he kills her in one shot and the phoenix is inert.
This is just to bring in GS, isn't it ?
In that case, SS in a brutal curbstomp 1000^Googolplex/10
UH Hello!!!!! Magneto killed her once before and in one x-men comic, Jean was incubating inside an egg on a moon. U can't kill something that keeps on rising. FYI, the PF and Jean are one.
Well we got one Phoenix Fanboy does that count? LMAO
Fine every time she rises Surfer fries her avatar she goes back in her white room and picks another victum for him to fry.
Surfers beams are stonger then any of the mnay beam weapons that have etheir killed her or seriously wounded her in the past.
Bah, Wolverine comes in as Eternity and kills them both

Mr Master
Originally posted by Blain
Yeah something like that. Phoenix force is more powerful than a full powered galactus.

DP for the win
DP is the madden persona of Jean. Jean takes this one without so much effort. The PF magnifies the host's powers by infinite and JEAN is already an omega level mutant, so multiplying an omega power by infinite is scary. AND DP feeds off on cosmic energons and Silver Surfer is a living cosmic battery. He isn't going to go down without a fight but in the end DP will prevail. When chicks go bad, all hell breaks lose.
If Wolverines claws can kill her and a laser turret on the moon can kill her, then one really good blast from Surfer does it easily. Surfer just flies up to a sun and absorbs its power and blasts it at her, She's fired. IF she comes back he does it again.
Silly boy, did you not see what she did to D' Bari's own sun? She dove and consumed it and destroyed the whole solar system in the process. You're basing your fact on the movie itself but even so, she is still bad ass. In the comics, she's practically undefeatable. The reason why a laser cannon took her out is because her love for her friends and scott gave her a window of oppurtunity to hold the PF for a bit and sacrificed herself. NOW, if there are no factors that would prevent her from holding back the PF, do u honestly think, Silver Surfer would stand a chance against her? SHE feeds off on cosmic energy. Were you not listening to me? What SS can do, she can it multiple times better. AND this is DP we are talking about who has no thresholds or morals. When she's bad, galaxies shit in their pants!!!
And the newsest Phoenix fanboy emerges.
Wolverine killed her at the height of her power in Exiles #3.
She's been killed and serious injured by beam weapons from starships that are much weaker then what Surfer can shoot.
Xorn gave her a stroke and killed her.
What you birdlove people don't get is that the Avatar can be killed like any normal person, and that renders the bird inert until it gets a new avatar.
And it doesnt matter if she comes back, using the rules of these forums if he kills her once he wins the debate.
You need to get over your Fanboyism and face reality.
Tootsie roll, do you honestly think she's just going to stand there like a dumb ass and have SS shoot her down? She's a TK and in phoenix mode, her TK is godhood. How well does SS fare against telepathy in full magnitude? DP would crush him physically and mentally at the same time. There wouldn't be anything to hold her back.....no love and no friends just pure chaos and destruction. SS is uber but he has nothing on DP AND this is Jean we're talking here......the top notch wielder of the PF. Shit, she wields the force like no other. As much as I love SS, he's not taking her down, period. DP is the equavalent of Parallax. She's in a league of her own. What?!?!? SS rides on a freaking board and streaks around the universe feeling shitty and guilty about what he did and wants to remorse. His conscious is his downfall. DP on the other hand doesn't care who gets hurt in the process as long as she experiences human sensations. PLUS!!! she looks cooler than SS. She has a firebird aura around her that spans miles and miles while he's in some white skin tight tutu, prancing around on his board that looks like a sorry excuse for a closet door.
Wolverine killed her at the height of her power in Exiles #3.
She's been killed and serious injured by beam weapons from starships that are much weaker then what Surfer can shoot.
Xorn gave her a stroke and killed her.
What you birdlove people don't get is that the Avatar can be killed like any normal person, and that renders the bird inert until it gets a new avatar.
And it doesnt matter if she comes back, using the rules of these forums if he kills her once he wins the debate.
You need to get over your Fanboyism and face reality.
Surfer can move faster then jean can focus, he once went so fast he traveled in time. And Surfer has killed in the past many times. He once blasted Thanos to dust.
Read up on Surfer before you shoot your mouth off.
LMAO, there are other characters then your little bird.
Jean can open up stargates and travel from one point and in any tenses (past, present, and future) at will. I'm not a PF fanatic. I'm pointing out that there's no way for SS to win this one. Traveling back in time has nothing to do with the battle. You say, well, he can go back in time and just kill jean before she became DP. That concept won't work because, you change one course of time, the other two will be affected of the outcome. You kill Jean and what she had done or will do will never happen. Case and point, by killing jean in the past, she would never have saved her friends from the reentry in space, saved baby nathan during the inferno saga, became the epitome of a higher evolution (transcending beyond all planes), and wouldn't have written earth 616's history and scott would have forced to close the school for good and no more x-men continuation. IN FACT, when she met death in X-men forever, Death has stated that Jean has transcended beyond all planes that not even Death can claim her. She is one of the few mutants along with Toad, Mystique, and Iceman that have changed and will change the destiny of mankind. All I'm saying is that you're going up against a being whose power caused a major ruckus in the marvel verse. Think about it.
This is why people hate you Phoenix fanboys.
Read my last post shes been killed many times before by people and tech far less powerful then Surfer.
Shes powerfull but Physically weak and vulerable.
How much do we have to dumb it down for you to get it?
I see your point man but really dough, take out all the jobbing out of DP, she murders SS... Unless of course DP thinks SS would be a better avatar and fused w/ SS.. Heck Death once wanted SS to be her bethrowed/avatar.... lol again..
All of your excuses do not pertain to this thread, I have pointed out my cases and points to you but you have your head so far up Silver Surfer's ass.
My point if this is simple enough for you to get is that she can be killed by methods far below surfers power and he is to fast for her to stop.
If Wolverines claws can kill her the Surfers blasts can.
Originally posted by jffxex1980
LOL see guys this is what we call DARK Phoenix Fanboyism. LMAO
In exiles 3 all of her humanity had been erased, she murdered cyclops, Wolverine was abel to take her out with his claws.
Surfer blasts the avatar to a crisp and the Force back to the White padded room.

Lord Urizen
Guys...no contest
Dark Pheonix rapes Silver Surfer
Spite Thread...
Lord Urizen
Originally posted by Ext@nt
LOL see guys this is what we call DARK Phoenix Fanboyism. LMAO
In exiles 3 all of her humanity had been erased, she murdered cyclops, Wolverine was abel to take her out with his claws.
Surfer blasts the avatar to a crisp and the Force back to the White padded room.
That is Dark Pheonix re-written or retconned...
If you own the original Dark Pheonix saga, then you will recall that all the X Men attacked her at once, and they phased right threw her....she was unharmed and simply laughing at thier attempts...
...Do not forget that she devoured the star, it exploded destroyed several Shiar planets and one star ship...
She survived...
She ended up having to kill herself, voluntarily..since no one else stood a chance....
Dark Pheonix has been rewritten to a lesser extant of power, so she can become defeatable....in that state, she may lose..
If you are talking about the original Dark Pheonix, than Silver Surfer gets his ass handed to him and gets his surfboard stained too

The Fanboys come out of the woodwork.
She was vaporized by a laser turret with less powerfull the Silver Surfers blasts.
Lord Slaydo
Take it to em, extant. These pheonix fanboys don't wanna see reality.
If Surfer goes all out in the first few seconds of battle before the pheonix starts devour his energy or a suns, he wins.
If not, the pheonix devours all.
But what many of the fanboys are ignoring is that Xorneto killed Jean with a planet level EMP.... and the Surfer has way more power than that.
So to say he can't beat DP is laughable.
the surfer fanboys are actually threatening to breach the level of GS nowadays! im not a great fan of phoenix far from it{mainly due to GS's idiotic influence} but PUHLEEASE no1 in their right mind can believe that surfer even has a snowballs chance in hell against dark phoenix! DP {even classical unbeliebeably less powerful one} kicked galactus's ASS, the surfer isnt even 1/100th of galactus's power. n currently phoenix is an abstract with even more power than eternity, giving her the ability to cause the death and rebirth of entire universes.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
the surfer fanboys are actually threatening to breach the level of GS nowadays! im not a great fan of phoenix far from it{mainly due to GS's idiotic influence} but PUHLEEASE no1 in their right mind can believe that surfer even has a snowballs chance in hell against dark phoenix! DP {even classical unbeliebeably less powerful one} kicked galactus's ASS, the surfer isnt even 1/100th of galactus's power. n currently phoenix is an abstract with even more power than eternity, giving her the ability to cause the death and rebirth of entire universes.
Phoenix above Eternity????

I seen a scan of Dark Phoenix fighting Galactus and at the very least a stalemate..SS is a part of G's energy.
DP gets it
Ultraman Baltan
Not 100% sure. Hmmm...... DP?
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
Phoenix above Eternity????
yep. not that i like that fact any more than u do but phoenix force IS currently an abstract. with the power of death and rebirth of a universe. these dual purposes put it slightly higher than eternity/death.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
yep. not that i like that fact any more than u do but phoenix force IS currently an abstract. with the power of death and rebirth of a universe. these dual purposes put it slightly higher than eternity/death.
death and rebirth of a universe ?? Phoenix never ever created or destroyed a universe
actually she did. ask GS hell give u a whole account of things. there was also a scan of the wathcer seeing in a vision, LT, eternity, infinite, death etc bowing down to phoenix.
Lord Slaydo
Yeah, but the Phoenix fanboys want everyone to think so Jugg because of what happened in here comes tomorrow and some stuff spewed out by Claremont, who has a history of making uber powerful characters that only his characters can defeat.
ie(mad jim jaspers, the fury, the pheonix,)
Now we all know the Pheonix Force can't be killed forever, but the host body can be offed until the Force ressurrects itself in the cycle, but to say Silver Surfer can't kill a host when Xorneto and Wolverine can kill one is pure fanboyism.
On the same note, the new powerful big bad, the First Fallen(another Uberpowerful character created by Claremont) is supposed to be the opposing force to the Pheonix and just as dangerous, but then psylocke and the others beat him in like 2 pages. That's how big a threat he was.
But then only another Claremont character can beat another. It's a rule of the MU.
Dark Phoenix never beat Galactus. Ever. Pheonix only stalmated him in a what if and then Rachel Summers as the Pheonix only stalemated him....and then Galactus told her to **** off and mindgamed her to go away... and he still ate his planet.
Is the Pheonix more powerful than Galactus? Since she taps into the life force of the universe in everyone that's ever lived or ever will be, then hell yeah.
But Galactus said it himself, by doing that too much she steals life from the unborn of the universe while Galactus only takes from the planets upon which HE HUNGERS.
But Galactus' power and his tech once brought down the Beyonder, and the Beyonder ***** slapped the Pheonix......so if it came down to it Galactus' power could get the job done.
Even a percentage of it like the surfer has.
Surfer strikes all out to kill before the pheonix can try to suck his energy he wins by blowing the host body to pieces. Or he uses the power cosmic to create another EMP like Xorneto did to take down pheonix.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
actually she did. ask GS hell give u a whole account of things. there was also a scan of the wathcer seeing in a vision, LT, eternity, infinite, death etc bowing down to phoenix.
Gs is an idiot he said that the Phoenix created the Multiverse
ur looking at the lower showings of the phoenix. why not start looking at the the low showings of surfer?
and when did galactus's power take out the beyonder. it was the opposite. galactus was fn scared of beyonder.
GS is an IDIOT. but his SCANS dont lie its his interpretation thats wrong and unbelieveably biased. im askin u to look at his old threads for SCANS not its idiotic posters comments.
I never said that SS wins i didn't say anything about the fight yet
Ok Phoenix uses Jean as an avatar and we all know that Jean is no to durable since she was taken out by a shiar laser ,wolverine,Emp,Onslaught pwned her big time ,SS just has to kill jean not the PF and he wins
Originally posted by leonheartmm
GS is an IDIOT. but his SCANS dont lie its his interpretation thats wrong and unbelieveably biased. im askin u to look at his old threads for SCANS not its idiotic posters comments.
Have you realised that he posts other comments for his scans???
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
I never said that SS wins i didn't say anything about the fight yet
Ok Phoenix uses Jean as an avatar and we all know that Jean is no to durable since she was taken out by a shiar laser ,wolverine,Emp,Onslaught pwned her big time ,SS just has to kill jean not the PF and he wins
Lord Slaydo
Unity across the Megasystems...
Yes, the same kind of Unity Rick James put on Charlie Murphy's forehead when he ***** smacked him.....
That's the kind of Unity Silver Surfer gives to Dark Pheonix
Silver Surfer getting gutted by Wolvy

Originally posted by leonheartmm
actually she did. ask GS hell give u a whole account of things. there was also a scan of the wathcer seeing in a vision, LT, eternity, infinite, death etc bowing down to phoenix. Did you even see that scan?
Stranger wanted to control the humanity, so he could be all powerful.
They were actually bowing to Stranger, and I don't think LT was there.
Either way, it's all basically bullshit, and learn your stuff before you spew the fecalmatter you were saying.
Originally posted by Ethereal
Silver Surfer getting gutted by Wolvy
Thank you for posting that.
This thread is ridiculous btw.
Originally posted by Ethereal
Silver Surfer getting gutted by Wolvy

I can't tell you how redicules that is.
That surpasses Spiderman vs Firelord.
Make him interesting, not overwritten.
THe key to stopping Bigbird here is the avatar.
Shi-ar weapons have killed the avatar in the past Surfer can do allot more.
the Darkone
DP will absorb his lifeforce right out of him, and leave him for dead.
No she doesnt do that, she absrobs energy not life force.
IF your goona be a fanboy at least read up on the stupid brid.
Dp wins. I could defend Surfer all I want, and I can, but it won't change the fact that Surfer is going to get his ass stomped in this fight.
and the pendulum swings. this is what it looks like when people let personal feelings lead to total, total idiocy. when everyone loses their anti-phoenix boner, it will swing back again.
jesus. silver surfer beating phoenix?
for one, the shi'ar laser likely had more power than surfer, considering their armaments can hold back galactus for days. for two, in both the xorn and laser cases the phoenix obviously killed itself. xorn so she could perform surgery on the 616, laser so she wouldn't blow up another solar system.
bleh. forget it.
How? DP was killed by
1. A laser turret
2. Wolverine claw's in Exiles (Keep in mind that was when she was at full power, her humanty gone, and not holding back anything anymore)
3. Xorn
4. A blast from a Shi-ar Ship.
SS can produce blasts way mroe powerfull then any of those and all he has to do is take out the avatar to render the bird inert.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
SS can produce blasts way mroe powerfull then any of those and all he has to do is take out the avatar to render the bird inert.
prove it. if you want to play stupid, than how's this: wolverine's claws have cut thanos, who silver surfer has never been able to hurt (besides which, you're refering to an AU.) the shi'ars weapons have been stated on panel to have power that can hold back galactus for days, something silver surfer could NEVER accomplish. that lasers power was impossible to judge.
and you still haven't countered the suicide theory.
Lord S
Originally posted by leonheartmm
actually she did. ask GS hell give u a whole account of things. there was also a scan of the wathcer seeing in a vision, LT, eternity, infinite, death etc bowing down to phoenix. Bull-****ing-shit! Try to examine that scan in its entirety, and you'll see it's something totally different.
Originally posted by bigbran
They were actually bowing to Stranger, and I don't think LT was there. Actually LT was there...but it doesn't matter. It was presented as a hypothetical situation, but it didn't make any sense to include LT in that, as he represents the multiverse, and what was being discussed was only the universe. A gross error on the part of the writer, who probably didn't know the character of LT very well.
Originally posted by Ethereal
Silver Surfer getting gutted by Wolvy

Come on now that's a 'What If'...and an extremely stupid one.
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
death and rebirth of a universe ?? Phoenix never ever created or destroyed a universe Thank you.
People love talking about the ending of 'Here Comes Tomorrow' and credit the Phoenix with recreating the 616 universe, but it could just be a metaphorical presentation. 'She's got the universe in the palm of her hand' type thing. (Credit goes to Expletive Deleted over at CBR for this eye-opening analysis).
Originally posted by manorastroman
prove it. if you want to play stupid, than how's this: wolverine's claws have cut thanos, Pis.
Originally posted by manorastroman
who silver surfer has never been able to hurt (besides which, you're refering to an AU.) Because Wolverine is a god.
Originally posted by manorastroman
the shi'ars weapons have been stated on panel to have power that can hold back galactus for days, something silver surfer could NEVER accomplish. that lasers power was impossible to judge. Stated.....hmmm. Sentry has been stated to have the power of a million suns.
Originally posted by manorastroman
and you still haven't countered the suicide theory. Sure....

I really don't believe that. Plus, your also putting right in there "theory", good luck getting that to pass.
DP wins.
Originally posted by Lord S
Actually LT was there...but it doesn't matter. It was presented as a hypothetical situation, but it didn't make any sense to include LT in that, as he represents the multiverse, and what was being discussed was only the universe. A gross error on the part of the writer, who probably didn't know the character of LT very well.
Seems like you have quite a bit of knowledge under your belt there.
But, I thought that was Entropy, or was it Oblivion?
Anyway, I'm going to need the scan.
theories are all we are dealing in, unless somebody can get official statements from marvel
as long as we're talking about PIS, do you really think that dark phoenix would have been a threat to ANYTHING if she could get killed by a laser whenever? that's pretty textbook PIS, and fits in with the resurrection theory.
Originally posted by manorastroman
theories are all we are dealing in, unless somebody can get official statements from marvel
as long as we're talking about PIS, do you really think that dark phoenix would have been a threat to ANYTHING if she could get killed by a laser whenever? that's pretty textbook PIS, and fits in with the resurrection theory. How is that pis?
What is her best duribility feat?
It's also obvious, that the laser was powerful. I'm just dealing with your "statements". Plus, how the hell does that mean, she wouldn't be a threat to anything, if she got killed, by one of the most advanced planets in the universe's laser?
Thanos, on the other hand, has shown the Wolverine feat to be little more than a joke.
considering that when DP was shot it was clearly jean (the art and language), and DP said something along the lines of "hurry, i don't want to kill anymore", and also knowing that the shi'ar are huge proponents of the entire "phoenix mythology", and ALSO knowing that the shi'ar worship and fear phoenix as a god...doesn't it seem a little PIS that they had this laser lying around with the power to kill one of their gods? and that if so, they didn't use it until the end of the storyline, when they should have been fully aware of the situation, seeing as they follow phoenix religiously?
and if the resurrection theory were unfit, that means the laser would have more power than the sun, as well as galactus.
You phoenix fanboys really have trouble understanding shes a powerful being with a major flaw, she must have a physical avatar to be effective. That Avatar is suseptabel to attack and once its dead the stupid bird is inert.
Many things weaker the SS have killed her. One blast from him fries the avatar. SS wins.
Suck it up and go cry with the rest of the fanboyism crowd.

yes yes, everybody is a phoenix fanboy. now hush.
Hey it's the truth.
You guys refuse to see that the phoenix you all love and worship has a major design flaw. The avatar can be easily killed and once it is the bird can't do squat offensively.
Fanboys its time to see the truth.
momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird. now hush.
in other news, phoenix 10/10, unless there's some sort of universal surgery to be performed.
Originally posted by manorastroman
momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird. now hush.
in other news, phoenix 10/10, unless there's some sort of universal surgery to be performed.
And this is what makes you a typical Phoenix Fanboy, you ignore arguements and logic and just cling to your misdirected bird-love.
Surfer can do more damage then most of the things that have killed your little bird in the past.
Phoenix Fanboyism = Denial.
SS 10/10
sigh. must i buy you a diamond ring as well? hush, hypocrite.
considering rachel stalemated/defeated (depending on how you look at it) galactus, and that DP>>>>>rachel, and that even a hungry galactus>>>>>silver surfer, i'm not entirely sure how this is even being argued.
Originally posted by manorastroman
sigh. must i buy you a diamond ring as well? hush.
No you stop being a Phoenix fanboy and you must face up to logic and reality as shown you through events in the comics.
And right now your just spamming.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
No you stop being a Phoenix fanboy and you must face up to logic and reality as shown you through events in the comics.
And right now your just spamming.
whereas this post was extremely relevant and progressive. almost as much as your last three.
my god, the injustice...silver surfer against dark phoenix? criminy.
DP>rachel>=<galactus>>>>>>>silver surfer. prove otherwise.
DP>rachel>=<galactus>>>>>>>silver surfer>>>>>>>>Xorneto>Phoenix
and thus, the suicide theory. which while impossible to prove is equally impossible to disprove.
I have,
The only reason Rachel did that to galactus is cause she got the drop on him while he was feeding. Element of suprise, nothing more.
Phoenix has been killed by many methods far weaker then that of the SS.
All he has to do by forum rules is kill her once which he can do with a high powered blast. She's been killed by less. Resurection doesnt matter under forum rules.
If you Phoenix Fanboys can't accept that shes not all-powerful you need to find another board cause as you've seen on this one we don't accept it.
And if you dont like the rules of the forum then go elsewhere, Phoenix Fanboy.
Wow. GS really did a number on Phoenix's credibility. I hate the Phoenix, but even I realize that the Dark Phoenix would crush the Silver Surfer.
i completely agree with celestial demon. yes, including the hating phoenix part.
phoenix may have been killed by less, but she's also taken more. and the rachel v galactus fight lasted more than a surprise shot panel. it's not like galactus was unawares for the remainder of the fight after the initial blow. in fact, there was a conversation inbetween.
She's been killed by people and methods far weaker then the Surfer.
He was in the middle of feeding, if galactus had the time to use all the weapons on his ship, phoenix would go down in flames as she always has.
i don't really condone recycling. so stop "spamming". is there a term for reverse fanboy?
you still haven't proved that any of the methods aside from an AU (non-canon) wolverine killing (which really shows more about wolverine's multiversal jobber aura) are weaker than surfer. and you still haven't countered the suicide theory, nor the fact she's also taken damage far greater than surfer.
in fact, you've done nothing but repeat yourself, ignore counterpoints, call everyone who disagrees with you a phoenix fanboy, and be a general t wat about the whole thing. at least other detractors are coherent.
if galactus had preptime, you mean?
What is DP going to do to beat Surfer?
something along the lines of telekinetically dispersing him.
Originally posted by celestialdemon
Wow. GS really did a number on Phoenix's credibility. I hate the Phoenix, but even I realize that the Dark Phoenix would crush the Silver Surfer. Yup.Originally posted by thedude1948
What is DP going to do to beat Surfer? Look, I'm one of the more knowledgable one's on Surfer. He isn't beating DP. In fact, Surfer is my second favorite character along with Galactus, Tyrant. So ya...
Originally posted by manorastroman
something along the lines of telekinetically dispersing him.
And she can do this to someone on Surfer's power level and Molecular Manipulating ability?
And people like who has been able to do this to Surfer?
luckily, extants friends who actually know what they're talking about have come to his rescue. unfortunately, thedude is just using rhetorical misdirection.
pick a method. DP has so much more raw power than surfer it's ridiculous.
Originally posted by bigbran
Yup. Look, I'm one of the more knowledgable one's on Surfer. He isn't beating DP. In fact, Surfer is my second favorite character along with Galactus, Tyrant. So ya...
I really dont think Surfer is anywhere near DP level either, I just want to hear a legitimate way he is going to get killed from people saying he gets annihilated (Which he probably would be, but how?).
Originally posted by manorastroman
pick a method. DP has so much more raw power than surfer it's ridiculous.
She is way better and more experienced than him at dying, I will give you that.
I do think Dark Phoenix wins 10/10. But she isnt going to snap her fingers and disperse his body around the universe.
Actually since Exiles is held as a canon book, that kill counts.
And Phoenix had unfair prep to wound Galactus cause she jumped him.
And you have done nothing but repeat yourself. In exiles she had lost all her humanity and wasn't holding back any more. No suicide there.
All he has to do to beat DP is kill the Avatar which he can do easily.
And don't criticize me for being incoherent, when you can't even spell corretly or use proper grammar?
Wasn't David Richards a Phoenix Fanboy? I think we have a return visitor here.
You Fanboy's need to realize shes not the almighty being you think she is.
SS can kill her at least once which is all he has to do to win the match under the rules. If you don't like the rules go elsewhere.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
SS can kill her at least once which is all he has to do to win the match under the rules. If you don't like the rules go elsewhere. Actually, he would have to kill her 5 or more times to win.
I believe Surfer could get one match.
But really, in all honesty, he won't win.
She's on a higher level than Surfer, is all together.
when did i spell something "incorretly"(hypocrite)? dang, looks like i'll have to move on to the looking glass. now hush.
you are the only person who thinks silver surfer would win. you are much more an anti-fanboy than anybody is a fanboy. and you STILL didn't counter anything, just mentioned wolverine's multiversal jobber aura.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
Actually since Exiles is held as a canon book, that kill counts.
And Phoenix had unfair prep to wound Galactus cause she jumped him.
And you have done nothing but repeat yourself. In exiles she had lost all her humanity and wasn't holding back any more. No suicide there.
All he has to do to beat DP is kill the Avatar which he can do easily.
And don't criticize me for being incoherent, when you can't even spell corretly or use proper grammar?
Wasn't David Richards a Phoenix Fanboy? I think we have a return visitor here.
You Fanboy's need to realize shes not the almighty being you think she is.
SS can kill her at least once which is all he has to do to win the match under the rules. If you don't like the rules go elsewhere.
that a lot of bull dude just because you don't agree with somebody doesn't make them a fanboy that just like in the 50's when everyone was a comunist if they didn't agree with macarthy. The fact of the matter is, that when phoneix was at her weekest she was stated to be as powerfull as thor. at her strongest (x-men forever or what ever the crap that book was called) even the living tribunal bowed to her. So while I can see the argument for Gal vs. Phoneix this is nearly a spite thread. (by the way the whole xorn crap was PIS Jean just lived though almost kissing the sun then a plantary strok kills her that's just bad writting) ........ you fanboy
If Wolverine can kill her with claws, If a Laser turret can vaporize her, if shi-ar and other alien vessels can wound her then SS can kill the stupid avatar as many times as need be.
Originally posted by jasofisc
at her strongest (x-men forever or what ever the crap that book was called) even the living tribunal bowed to her. So wrong....
They bowed to Stranger, in basically a dream sequence. I don't even believe LT to be bowing to him.
It also wasn't the power of Phoenix that made this happen, it was Stranger, trying to control humanitity.
though a bit ineloquent, jasofisc basically summed a few important points (though the LT was bowing to stranger, he was bowing to stranger with the phoenix force). jean not only lived through kissing the sun, she did so without even visible discomfort
Fine so all the Phoenix Fanboys are on right now, that's fine. Well see when more objective views come on.
And if you read through this thread, you will see I'm not the only one who sees that SS can more then effectively kill the Avatar all he needs to.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
If Wolverine can kill her with claws, If a Laser turret can vaporize her, if shi-ar and other alien vessels can wound her then SS can kill the stupid avatar as many times as need be. Since you like to bring up the claws part.
Wolverine also stabbed, through Surfer. What-If. It was posted. Pis.
But really, Wolverine killing, a Hulk being isn't believable.
Jean's physical body is fragile, but she usually has a shield on, and the force. Wolverine should never get to her. He could kill her... but this is a fight, and they start off prepared to fight. And, she would also have to be willing and ready for Wolverine to cut her, because, anyway you look at it, it was pis. Plus, I thought it wasn't canon.
*god I hate Wolverine...*
Originally posted by Ext@nt
Well see when more objective views come on.
jawdrop blowup stupid
bigbran brings up an excellent point. they start off ready to fight, thus shielded. if you don't like the rules, go elsewhere.
Originally posted by manorastroman
though a bit ineloquent, jasofisc basically summed a few important points (though the LT was bowing to stranger, he was bowing to stranger with the phoenix force). jean not only lived through kissing the sun, she did so without even visible discomfort No, LT I don't believe wasn't there.
Plus, Stranger wanted to control all humanitity, since they are supposed to turn into abstracts, therefore making Stranger, basically a god. He never had the Force.
Plus, it was also in Stranger's mind.
Plus, Surfer has tooken on, and tooken Stranger down by himself.
Phoenix, Iceman, and Juggernaut all fought Stranger...
bonk! i s'pose it's time to dust off x-men forever, even though it was a crap read.
No prep so she doesnt have the sheild up, he shoots her she falls down and goes boom.
Learn the rules of no prep.
And Exiles is held as canon.
I thought LT was the guy at the far right? oh well I guess I was wrong.
Because I feel like being an ass...
DP breaks his cosmic board in half, shoving one oh so far up his shiny silver ass, while beating him with the other
Yeah except he shoots her before she can do any of that and she dies.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
No prep so she doesnt have the sheild up, he shoots her she falls down and goes boom.
Learn the rules of no prep.
And Exiles is held as canon. Yes, but she doesn't need prep to put up her shield.
She also starts her fight with her shields up. Why would she have the Force without having her stuff up? She's not fighting Wolverine you know.
Plus, if it's canon, then a) she was jobbing, b) pis, c) she wasn't watching him.
Plus, anything Wolverine has done to any cosmic force is pis.
If you want to bring Wolverine in here, then in a true canon comic, he stabbed Thanos with the IG....
I told you, Wolverine has a massive jobbing aura.Originally posted by manorastroman
bonk! i s'pose it's time to dust off x-men forever, even though it was a crap read. I may be wrong, but I believe I am write.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
Yeah except he shoots her before she can do any of that and she dies.
You know, I can't believe why, whenever DP was about to do something, big, mean, and bad, that noone thought to just shoot her. Obviously, that would have solved everything!
Originally posted by jasofisc
I thought LT was the guy at the far right? oh well I guess I was wrong. I think it was Oblivion. Don't take my word though, but I think it was.
Plus, it was Stranger they were bowing to. It was also a dream sequence, of how powerful Stranger would be, if he had the power of humanitity.(or some shit like that)
Bottom line, Phoenix blows, Wolverine is a god, and Phoenix ass whoops Silver Surfer.
I'm what the border is, on a Surfer-know-it-all, and no, I'm not really a fanboy of anything.
I'm not saying I know the most about him, but I know a lot, and he gets whooped. He could take one or two, maybe!
Well I think Surfers Power Cosmic can blow through her sheilds after all many other starships less powerful then him have.
And it is prep, she doesnt fly around with the sheild up 24/7.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
And it is prep, she doesnt fly around with the sheild up 24/7.
Yes, yes she does. It doesnt help to say she doesnt because that helps your case.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
Well I think Surfers Power Cosmic can blow through her sheilds

A the delusional mating call of the north american red-crested phoenix fanboy.
why would you think surfer could blow through dark phoenix' shields when galactus couldn't blow through the significantly weaker marvel girl's?
if you admit that you have no f cking idea what you're talking about now, you might be able to save face.
just to point out, one of phoenix' more advanced powers is energy absorption. the sort of absorption that has shown no limit (star, cyclops' dimension of energy, a black hole)
Galactus wasnt anywhere near full power.
Like I said starships weaker then him have done it.
You fanboys are the ones who need to save face by admitting the bird isn't as powerful as you people think.
You are David Richards aren't you?
david richards was a david richards fanboy. there goes your face.
Originally posted by manorastroman
david richards was a david richards fanboy. there goes your face. Or Hyperstorm.
so what if Gal wasn't full power how powerfull is sufer compaired to Gal lik 1/10000 he's diffently not half. A serveraly weekened GAl took out thanos' shield and thanos is like the surfer and half.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
Galactus wasnt anywhere near full power.
And Rachel wasn't nearly as strong as DP Jean
Originally posted by Ext@nt
Like I said starships weaker then him have done it.
No. Starships weaker then him have hit her. Not broken through the sheilds.
Originally posted by Ext@nt
You are David Richards aren't you?

Originally posted by SpunkySmurph
DP breaks his cosmic board in half, shoving one oh so far up his shiny silver ass
There isnt a force strong enough to penetrate Surfer's supertight rock hard ass.
Lord S
Originally posted by jasofisc
I thought LT was the guy at the far right? oh well I guess I was wrong. Yes it is LT on the far right.
In the front row, from left to right we have Death, Infinity, LT...in the back row there's Eternity and Oblivion (with the checkered suit that's difficult to see)...all bowing down to the Stranger.
The whole thing is just basically Eternity presenting a hypothetical scenario...what the Stranger thinks would happen if he succeeded in becoming the sole survivor of the next big bang, and becoming the supreme being of the reality. But as stated before, the writer ****ed up in putting LT there, cause even if the Stranger was successful, LT would still supercede him, as he does the head of any one reality. The writer (or artist) showed how ignorant he was of LT and his role in the MU.
No on 2 seprate occasions they have gone past her sheilds and wounded her.
Once in Untraverse which is held as canon since it ties into the onslaught storyline.
And At the begining of Phoenix Endsong.
Originally posted by jasofisc
so what if Gal wasn't full power how powerfull is sufer compaired to Gal lik 1/10000 It has been said that he is at 1/100 of galactus's power.
Originally posted by jasofisc
he's diffently not half.
Nope, but he is a power house.
Originally posted by jasofisc
A serveraly weekened GAl took out thanos' shield
It was a normal Galactus.
Originally posted by jasofisc
and thanos is like the surfer and half.
Thanos is like a skyfather. He's way higher than Surfer. He can stand up to Galactus. While in almost every encounter Surfer has with Galactus, he gets one shotted. Surfer can shoot Galactus right in the face, and it will do nothing. Thanos blasts a normal Galactus, halfway across the planet, and rip apart Galactus's armor.
Originally posted by Lord S
Yes it is LT on the far right.
In the front row, from left to right we have Death, Infinity, LT...in the back row there's Eternity and Oblivion (with the checkered suit that's difficult to see)...all bowing down to the Stranger.
The whole thing is just basically Eternity presenting a hypothetical scenario...what would happen if the Stranger succeeded in becoming the sole survivor of the next big bang, and becoming the supreme being of the reality. But as stated before, the writer ****ed up in putting LT there, cause even if the Stranger is successful, LT would still supercede him, as he does the head of any one reality. The writer (or artist) showed how ignorant he was of LT and his role in the MU. Yup, I was wrong. I wasn't quite sure though anyway.
Plus, LT is so far above all other abstracts. I was obviously thinking about Oblivion too, I thought people were mixing that up with LT.
Oh well.
It never happened anyway, and it shouldn't be brought up in a debate.
it was a full powered galactus? but he was only like three times the size instead of 50 times the size of thanos.
Lord S
Originally posted by bigbran
It never happened anyway, and it shouldn't be brought up in a debate. Yup, you're right about that.
Originally posted by bigbran
Yup, I was wrong. I wasn't quite sure though anyway.
Plus, LT is so far above all other abstracts. I was obviously thinking about Oblivion too, I thought people were mixing that up with LT.
Oh well.
It never happened anyway, and it shouldn't be brought up in a debate.
true I misunderstood what was happening, I thought they were bowing down to phonix
Originally posted by jasofisc
it was a full powered galactus? but he was only like three times the size instead of 50 times the size of thanos. He wasn't hungry. Artists usually draw Galactus, different sizes. Just look at how huge he is when he goes to Earth.
Lord S
Originally posted by jasofisc
true I misunderstood what was happening, I thought they were bowing down to phonix That's the way GS initially presented it...very cleverly in two scans, (on on top of the other), with the top one showing Jean's upper body, and the bottom showing her feet (and the cape, implying is hers) and the abstracts w/LT apparently bowing in her direction. The Stranger was almost completely cut out of the scans.
Very devious move on the part of GS...I give him full marks on pulling the wool over people's eyes.
Some people like Xplosive still believe it. rolleyes1
Originally posted by Lord S
That's the way GS initially presented it...very cleverly in two scans, (on on top of the other), with the top one showing Jean's upper body, and the bottom showing her feet (and the cape, implying is hers) and the abstracts w/LT apparently bowing in her direction. The Stranger was almost completely cut out of the scans.
Very devious move on the part of GS...I give him full marks on pulling the wool over people's eyes.
Some people like Xplosive still believe it. rolleyes1 Oh, do you have it? I want to see it!!
Mr Master
It was this fallacy that got that rumor started. (wonder by who?)
On the Scan that never existed....
let me break it down for you.
Scan 1:
Here Eternity is explaining to Jean how the Universe works and how it has lead to US....
Already proved this many times over... the Phoenix Force in it's Natural State is the SPARK that ignites the natural Big Bang of a Universe, which recycles it (a self perpetuating process)
Phoenix is NOT the Big Bang and the scan clearly tells us the Celestials SEEDED the Universe with Creation and the Celestials were created by Eternity.
Scan 2:
Ok, here Eternity says, "like Galactus was the sole survivor...so shall Humanity Begin the End, End the Beginning."
NOTHING about Phoenix.
"Oblivion will embrace all...creation will Renew itself"...(no need for Phoenix)
"And therein lies the Stranger's conceit"...
Ok, I'm sure you see now that the Stranger WANTS to BE ABLE to do... what Humans WILL BE ABLE to do one day.
(Which is WHY they are BOWING to HIM in the scan...
because one day WE (Humans), will NOT need the Abstracts or even the Living Tribunal...
they will be as NOTHING to US (Humans).
"He plans to spark Humanity's Evolution Now...to Engulf the cosmos."
How does he PLAN to do that?....
AT one time some even thought it would be with the power of Phoenix.
But I think not.
Scan 3 & 4:
The Stranger was going to use 5 (FIVE) individuals to accomplish his "Spark in Humanity's Evolution Now... to Engulf the cosmos"
Marko, Jean, Iceman, Toad, Mystique.
More Proof it was FIVE individuals the Stranger was going to use to "Spark Humanity's Evolution Now...to Engulf the cosmos"...
NOT Phoenix...NOT PHOENIX AT ALL....Jean didn't even have the Phoenix Force during this time.
"To pluck FIVE representative Earthlings to SERVE as his Evolutionary Vanguards"
Lord S
Originally posted by bigbran
Oh, do you have it? I want to see it!!
Please!!!??? Found it!
On Sept. 12/05. Three pics...with the third one being an extra close-up of the second.
Diabolically clever, indeed!
Got into a huge argument with him after that, as did a lot of people.

Originally posted by Lord S
Found it!
On Sept. 12/05. Three pics...with the third one being an extra close-up of the second.
Diabolically clever, indeed!
Got into a huge argument with him after that, as did a lot of people.

Damn I found it before your post. Oh well, thanks, it's going in my profile. (I checked the whos online, and found what thread you were looking at)
Mr Master
Originally posted by Lord S
Found it!
On Sept. 12/05. Three pics...with the third one being an extra close-up of the second.
Diabolically clever, indeed!
Got into a huge argument with him after that, as did a lot of people.
Dude, this is scary stuff...

Lord S
Originally posted by Mr Master
Dude, this is scary stuff...


No powerup (no prep) prior to the actual bout, SS kills Jean via a blitz atleast thats a win, and then gets ressurected, after SS dies horribly..
Originally posted by thedude1948
There isnt a force strong enough to penetrate Surfer's supertight rock hard ass.
learned from trial & error, eh?

Originally posted by Ethereal
learned from trial & error, eh?
How about Jean Grey cladded in a red brazilian bikini thong and just the phoenix emblem on her chest and nothing more?
This is such a bad ass pic. When she's good, she's good; when she's bad...... the galaxies shit in their pants.
Originally posted by jffxex1980
This is such a bad ass pic. When she's good, she's good; when she's bad...... the galaxies shit in their pants.
See this is Phoenix Fanboyism,
No they do not, The Shi-ar get in there ship and shoot her again. Or the many other people or races capable of taking down the stupid bird.
Aunt May would feed him with cookies laced with arsenic, then beat him up with her pretty umbrella repeatedly over the head while he's in a fetal position.
Originally posted by jffxex1980
Aunt May would feed him with cookies laced with arsenic, then beat him up with her pretty umbrella repeatedly over the head while he's in a fetal position.
What're you talking about? Get off the drugs.
Oh yeah.........I'm not the one who's delusional thinking that DP is going to get her ass handed to her by SS.
SS is nothing but a mere insect in power compared to Dark Phoenix.
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