X-Men VS Yu Yu hakusho
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x-men line up
Yu Yu hakusho after yuske death
Darth Macabre
I honestly cant see any of the X-Men surviving Hieis darkness flame attack.
ya but I think kwabara if he was actauly out to kill would have them all dead be for hie had his dragon out
come on some one answer lol
ha ha y didn't you add wolverine.didn't want him 2 get his ass pawned huh
When does the battle take place?
All the charaters get stronger as the siries went on.
sam_drugbringer is right. The X-Men would own the Yusuke who could only fire like....one spirit bullet. When is this all happening?
Yu Yu hakusho after yuske death
I stated it already lol. the saga is chatper black.
kuwabara at the time was the most powerful of all the fighters for the good team
have you conisdered the fact that Yuske died twice?
His team takes it though.
oh ya true lol but he died befor they were a team the first time lol
Still, all the demons were alive, as was kubara. You really should have been more spesific.
true also kuwabara would take this fight him self lol
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by wolverine8888
true also kuwabara would take this fight him self lol
You really think so? Sure he was powerful enough to cut threw the Kakai Barrier but all of them by himself? I dont know. I do agree with you that Yu Yu gang would win, but I think Hiei could destroy/beat them all by himself.
Why the hell you put after yuske's death up there.
The only two that have a real chance now are the two full demons.
Hei only due to extreme speed(like 1/10 near-light at time)
and kurama due to his thrown whip( cut through anything shy of magical or demonic source weapons, might cut through adamantium.)
You should've used the after dark tournament.
Then, yuske could whoop them all by his self.
jplatinum, wolverine8888 means chapter black when they are fighting Sensui.
Since this is after the Dark Tournament, anyone from team Yusuke could probably do this alone.
A better question is, who do you all think would give Yusuke's team the most trouble. I say Rogue only because she can fly. She may avoid energy attacks,dragons,etc for a little bit.
Originally posted by jplatinum
Why the hell you put after yuske's death up there.
The only two that have a real chance now are the two full demons.
Hei only due to extreme speed(like 1/10 near-light at time)
and kurama due to his thrown whip( cut through anything shy of magical or demonic source weapons, might cut through adamantium.)
You should've used the after dark tournament.
Then, yuske could whoop them all by his self.
actauly kuaramas whip can not go through any thing. it would not go throu adamantium. also the reason I think kuwabara would do it the easiest is he was stated to be the most powerful at that piont. He was the higest A level of the group. plus his demension sword is by far the msot powerful weapon of the three. it can cut through demensions and it reach is quite far. also the main bad guy would not allow kuwabara to hit him because it would go right through him well hie and karamas attacks were un effective vs him. also kuwabara at that pionwould of beaten the other two not at once but one on one with no doughts even hie dragon would prove no use to him. now hie dragon would probly kill the people there fighting thou.
My bad.
I thought you were talkin' about yuske's death right at the beginning of the series.
In this case,(the sensui saga) hell anyone of them can win by themselves.
No x-man will give them trouble except for wolverine, the insane healin' factor, the adamantium, and the fighting skills.
He still gets killed.
Any of them could solo it, Hiei with the Dragon of the Darkness Flame, Kuwabara with dimension cutting sword, and Kurama if he turns into Yoko(think thats his name)
Personally I think Kurama would pwn Wolverine. He would quickly figure out wolverine healing factor and place one of those torture plants on him. You know the one he used when they foght that little toguro brother during the sensui saga.
The plant would keep eating away at Wolverine and he'd keep healing in an endless cycle of chaos. And the more wolvereine would try to get it off the more it would feed off him. So Their is that.
But talking about the fight at hand, Yeah any of them could take it pretty easily
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