Superman Prime vs. Galactus vs. True Imperiex
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Two universal heavyweights, and one uppity bastard, who keeps getting powers due to silly writers.......(c'mon, supes beating up Lucifer??plezze)
Who wins outta the 3, and who goes down first?
My bets on the bauble being the first to crack. And Galactus coming out on top eventually.
Proceed and debate......I give you leave to do so
Not much to debate. Universe gets destroyed in this fight if everyone is at full power.
Supes prime power can't be measured. If he is the most powerful of the Supermen that includes a full blood Imp Supes, and a part Imp Supes (1M)
then he is far over powered.
We'll probably never see him again, so who knows.
Which Superman was prime again?
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Which Superman was prime again? The golden one that flew out of the Supersun which is said to be the most powerful of all of the Supermen, and the heros of the universe worshipped him like a god, and some of Superman's bloodline were Imps , other people in this series were nearly Godlike, so to say he's far more powerful than all of these people is a huge measure of power. Ressurection man could have ANY power he wanted whenever he wanted it, for example.
He also wielded the green lantern ring
And he crushed the enemy of the entire series, in one move.
Who was apperently killing people for last couple hundred centuries randomly.
what issues/series did Superman Prime appear in?
Originally posted by armandovalles
what issues/series did Superman Prime appear in? DC 1 million... a concept wherein, if a DC title happened to hit one million, it would be the 853rd century... so it takes place in that time.. and of course, current time..
The Ion
Yeah, 1 million months after Action Comics 1.
Supes 1M* was pretty ridiculous what with physically punching through time in his weakened state. Trying to match him physically would be suicide. If Prime is more powerful, well, damn....
Imperiex Prime would destroy them both...
I have no doubt Galactus could destroy Imperiex. He's destroyed Galaxys with missfires.
I'm very intreuged by this superman prime though. I knew he was strong and had a Gl ring, but the imp blood is new. Why does he need a GL ring if he has that?
The Ion
Supes Prime doesn't have Imp Blood. He's Kal-El with 80,000 years of experience and sundipped for 15,000 years.
Then I see galactus taking it.
Superman being in the sun matters as much as Hulk geting madder. He might get REALLY strong, hell he might get strong beyone belief, but Galactus would still be in another class.
Imperiex Prime has destroyed the entire DCU not just 1 time but many times, and a Universe is bigger then a Galaxy. Imperiex is way beyond Superman Prime and might have a big fight with Galactus but Galactus would still end up losing...
I thought Imperiex went from galaxy to galaxy destroying everything.
The Ion
Imperiex should beat Galactus everytime. Galactus gets hungry and weak while Imperiex stays at an infinite power level all the time.
But he can't output the vast amount of energy Galactus can.
The Ion
That's arguable. Both of them can destroys galaxies like nothing.
Can he? If it was that easy, why was it taking him so godamn long to blow up the milky way?
Because............. thw whole DCU (even villains) are stoppin him !!!
I made a good thread huh???
For the record, its generally agreed(except by fanboys) that SupesP is the first to go down? Riggghhhhhttttttttt?????? Oh yeah, for the record, Galactus crushed the GL ring, so no indomitable will bs. My rules my battle.
he wasn't really there doing it, he was letting his probes destroy everything for him until everyone was somehow able to stop his probes from regenerating in his ship. When he actually showed up to fight everyone else they all was tiny like bacteria is to us and even if u compare a medium powered Galactus to Imperiex Prime he would still be thousands of times bigger then Galactus.
Thats the problem with Uber-Powerful dudes........... their Uber-Cocky !!!
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Can he? If it was that easy, why was it taking him so godamn long to blow up the milky way?
Here's the silly thing about this comment the whole DCU had to stop Imperix while the F4 just four people have stop Galactus how many times now?
That's beacuse Galacttus was trying to do something much more complicated then blowing them up. He had to be on the planet and stay there for a while to do it.
If Galactus just wanted to destroy earth that time, he would have blasted the galaxy from far away and moved on.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
That's beacuse Galacttus was trying to do something much more complicated then blowing them up. He had to be on the planet and stay there for a while to do it.
If Galactus just wanted to destroy earth that time, he would have blasted the galaxy from far away and moved on. Impriex just did his purpose, he wasn't much of a thinking enemy, he just knew he had to GET to Earth, and start his death of the universe there, but not how or why or anything. As it turns out, he fulfilled his purpose the only way that it could be done, it was done 100% correct.
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