Punisher vs Neo
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ok we all know about Punishers amzing accurace rite ?
soo how would he do agaisnt Neo ? woo is able to dodge bullets like a piece of cake ? lol
ok soo
Punishers >> a revolver , a M16 , Mac , Uzi , to slint pistols and a Sniper rifle and Shot guns a small Dagger and 1 med kit
Neo gets >> silent pistols Uzi Mac and a Long Kitanana
how would this fite be and the setting is in the Matrix
but Neo isnt lookin and Punisher is far startin wit a sniper rifle strait at his head dead on ....he shoots but Sparks warns him ....wat happns Next ... ?
here they go kan he dodge kan he fite bak ?

"kan he fite bak"
Come ON now. I don't exspect everyone to have perfect grammar, hell I don't. but at least spend more then 10 seconds typeing.
he can stop bullets by raising his hand, dude.
lol Just exited and woo kares aslong as you understand it its ok rite

"Are you saying i can dodge bullets?
I'm saying when the time comes you won't have to."
The End.
this fight last two seconds before neo snaps his neck like a twig
This is just plain wrong.
Punisher:"Damn, I can't hit him with every weapon I shoot, I miss."
Neo:"I'm the one and you are crippled."
Well I guess that means that the punisher isn't real and neither is the marvel universe..........oh no how will I live without marvel...I can't go on, so long guy's.........-blam-
If its in the Matrix, Neo wins against everyone except Smith
The Punisher cant go into the Matrix, he doesnt have the plug things
Frank shoots him in the real world
End of fight, end of debate, and hopefully end of thread
General Kon-El
Originally posted by Tassadar
End of fight, end of debate, and hopefully end of thread
then why the hell did you revive this?

if the agents cant touch neo, the punisher wont.
General Kon-El
Agents can't touch neo?
grey fox
Do not try to make the spoon bend , that is impossible.
Better yet realize that their is no spoon
Originally posted by General Kon-El
Agents can't touch neo?
after the fisrt movie the agents had no chance agiast neo, with the exception of SMith.
grey fox
Originally posted by spideycarnage
after the fisrt movie the agents had no chance agiast neo, with the exception of SMith.
Even the upgrades were getting their asses handed by him.
Originally posted by General Kon-El
he can stop bullets by raising his hand, dude.
Ah, YEAH. Have you forgotten?
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