Homer Simpson versus everybody!!!
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How far does Homer make it through the gauntlet? He does not get prep or time to heal or rest between his matches.
1) Punisher
2) Daredevil
3) Mister Freeze
4) Spider-Man
5) Spawn
6) Venom
7) Hawkman
8) Deadpool
9) Sinestro
10) Black Adam
11) Swamp Thing
12) Captain America
13) The Tick
14) Doctor Fate
The Ion
How did Cap make it above Black Adam, Sinestro, and Swamp Thing?
Why you ask ?? He drank too many Heini !!!
Just look at his sig !!!
D'OH !!!
Originally posted by The Ion
How did Cap make it above Black Adam, Sinestro, and Swamp Thing?
I didn't put it in order since he doesn't get heal/resting time anyway.
Don't you think Cap could take Swamp Thing?
The Ion
Originally posted by EsteemedLeader
I didn't put it in order since he doesn't get heal/resting time anyway.
Don't you think Cap could take Swamp Thing?
He doesn't make it past Punisher though. Homer sucks at fighting.
Please, I know he can take Punisher...
The Ion
Homer fought evenly with George Bush. Frank Castle would rape him.
Homer beat the crap out of Simon Cowell. No feat of Punisher's can match that.
The Ion
Got me there.

I love homer, even a little more than frank, but there is no way in simpson hell that he would beat punisher, even if frank had just got the shit kicked out of him by the russian...
Hower owns everyone.
In a beer drinking contest.
Originally posted by EsteemedLeader
How far does Homer make it through the gauntlet? He does not get prep or time to heal or rest between his matches.
1) Punisher
2) Daredevil
3) Mister Freeze
4) Spider-Man
5) Spawn
6) Venom
7) Hawkman
8) Deadpool
9) Sinestro
10) Black Adam
11) Swamp Thing
12) Captain America
13) The Tick
14) Doctor Fate
Homer will stop to the Tick cause he's indestructible.
Homer has impressive feats of the level of Peter Griffin, he once transformed into a sort of Hulk, he has survived falls into canyons and other deadly facts.His body fat grants him to take cannonballs like nothing plus he has knowledge of boxe and classical street-neighbourhood fight.He was beating the crap outta zombies on an halloween special in hand to hand fight, and he survived to climbing that giant mountain in Springfield, his body is also immune to radiation poisoning and blasts as showed in the episode where he became really fat so he could work at home and used his enormous body to stop radiations from killing all of Springfield citizens.
Black Adam has speed advantage, but slightly, Homer outruns cars and dodge objects throwed at him and when he doesn't he can take damage.
Black Adama will call upon Peter Griffin, tough I don't know if there was a retcon into the Family Guy universe, if there wasn't, Peter still has his amazing strenght, skills, durability, and reflexes, plus he can call upon Death itself.
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