Sersi vs Martian Manhunter
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who wins between these two every thread with Sersi in it some one says she could just turn people into something and I could see MM changing back so who wins.
the Darkone
Sersi will own Martian Manhunter like a hoe, Sersi will rearrange his molecules or mind rape him, pick your poison.
Originally posted by the Darkone
Sersi will own Martian Manhunter like a hoe, Sersi will rearrange his molecules or mind rape him, pick your poison.
telepathy wise shes not adept enough to bother MM. I think MM would win. Couldnt he stagger her with a speed blitz before taking her out telepathically.
the Darkone
Eternals can increase their mental powers and other abilities at will, dude she has more experience than MM hell she is over 5,000 years old she f**ked up Adam Warlock who would mind rape MM.
Sersi KO immoratl Hercules with one punch, she can handle MM any day of the week, f**k around with her she will turn him into sh**. Sersi is not to be f**ked with, ask the avengers.
Adam Warlock
Sersi did mess Adam up... Sigh... She is only one of 3 beings that has ever done that. Sersi, Exodus, and Man Beast. But once Warlock is hit with a powerful telepathic assault like that, his mind adjusts to it, so the next time it won't be as effective as it was the first time. Man Beast found this out the hard way.
He De-Evolved him into a Dog.
Oh, but Sersi wins. She can mainpulate matter as well as boost her strength, durability, and psionics.
Lucid Lui
When did Exodus fight Warlock?
Anyway, i think Sersi would probably win this more often than not.
True but didn't Invisible Woman beat her?
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
telepathy wise shes not adept enough to bother MM. I think MM would win. Couldnt he stagger her with a speed blitz before taking her out telepathically.
I think your right GS if its Sersi pre Proctor, post proctor (Who had the power of a Watcher being channelled into him) I think Sersi wins
the Darkone
Sersi crumb stomps MM into sh**.
Originally posted by the Darkone
Sersi crumb stomps MM into sh**.
sersi is cheap..........that being said, MM is turned into a pig.
the Darkone
sersi is not cheap she is one bad mofo.
no, she is a cheap badass mofo.
the Darkone
Nothing against MM but I feel that he doesn't have chance in hell of beating her.
Darth Kal-El
Martian Manhunter wins 6/10
the Darkone
Originally posted by Darth Kal-El
Martian Manhunter wins 6/10
Sersi well turn MM into peach cobbler with ice cream. Sersi 10/10
Superboy Prime
I have a question about Sersi: did she oneshot Immortal Hercules or the depowered one?
J'onn creams her.
Speed and mindrape ftw.
And she can't matter manip an intangible being.
Especially if he's invisible too.
And she'd need time to amp before she could affect him physically or mentally.
So... yeah, J'onn rapes.
Originally posted by golem370
True but didn't Invisible Woman beat her?
Yes, in FF Annual #25. Although I find it hard to believe Sersi couldn't take a few kicks from IW. It was a bit lame IMO.
Originally posted by Superboy Prime
I have a question about Sersi: did she oneshot Immortal Hercules or the depowered one?
I'm not completely sure but I think it was depowered Herc at that time - just after the Proctor storyline. Used to have that issue somewhere.
Originally posted by Lucid Lui
When did Exodus fight Warlock?
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Sersi did mess Adam up... Sigh... She is only one of 3 beings that has ever done that. Sersi, Exodus, and Man Beast.
Where did these Sersi/Warlock & Exodus/Warlock events happen?
Originally posted by Zeitgeist
And she can't matter manip an intangible being.
yeah, no way in hell she could do that . . .
jonn 10/10

tiamut has upgraded sersi
KK the Great
Originally posted by the Darkone
Eternals can increase their mental powers and other abilities at will, dude she has more experience than MM hell she is over 5,000 years old she f**ked up Adam Warlock who would mind rape MM.
I'm afraid I'm not sure why you believe being 5000 years old means she would have more experience than J'onn.
people seem to agree that sersi is pretty uber so why is it that people think ikaris sucks powerwise? the prime eternal is always the most powerfull overall!
erm i would say sersi 6\10
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