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iron giant, from the movie vs the avengers.
congratulation to the poster of this topic... would be great matchup.. great matchup
although... i like Iron Giant, the movie, very much...... i dont believe he can survive a combined attack by those heroes.......
by the way: if you say.... versus the Avengers.... WHICH avengers.... their are many different teams in the course of time...
so you have to specify "your" avengers-team
there is no chance... for Iron Giant .... surving a bout between him and an avenger team.. consisting of Thor, Hercules, Wonderman, Iron Man, Vision, and probably the Hulk............ good night ... lovely Giant
The Iron Giant was teared apart by atomic bomb, but survived, beacuse of abiltiy to put himself togehter, but Thor himself could tear him apart, and finish his existence for good.
Anyway good cartoon, not in league of anime, but probably the best USA cartoon, for me.
If you noticed, it didn't actually tear. It was blown apart but all of its pieces were completely in tact.
The Iron Giant... great movie... almost a masterpiece.
Oh yeah, when he gets mad, he can cause massive damage.
yea, that explosion he caused near the end{which missed btw} was much greater than any nuke.
im talkin about the classic avengers, thor, iron man, hawkeye, captain america, vision, atlas etc.
Adam Warlock
Thor alone would send the Iron Giant to the scrap heap.
sentinals= iron giant
Originally posted by wolverine8888
sentinals= iron giant
Iron Giant is equal to at least 30 sentinels...
That was some inventive weaponry in it...besides, Atom Bomb didn't even destroy it completely.
and also at that time, iron giant was not in his invincible KILLING mode{in normal mode he was knocked back by a missile that did not even scratch it once it got all evil n stuff} n the giant has some seriously powerful weaponry, that supershot or whatever covered half the horizon and half the length of the sky.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
yea, that explosion he caused near the end{which missed btw} was much greater than any nuke.
Based on what, it was nuke.
no im talkin about the energy ball that came out of his chest n only missed the submarine cause giant was distracted. that explosion was much MUCH bigger than a nuke.
when he got angry he just like took everything they had. He had super armor and a blast that was awesome. All this freaky weaponry came out of his body. He could take at least half the avengers with that stuff.
There wasn't really anything super about it. It just sunk its head into its chest kind of like a bunker.
lets not forget his ability to heal or repair himself when h gets angry{like that bump he got on the head} i doubt any1 other than thor could do much to him, second in line is iron man but im sure than iron giant would just eat that metal armour of his.
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