Deadpool vs Scarlet Witch
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They fight in the avengers mansion before it was destroyed so its before H.O.M scarlet Witch madness. NO PREP.
And before everyone says Deadpool wins remember Scarlet Witch has beaten Cable before so she is no pushover...............
deapool dies seeing how if this was an all out fight she could just wish his existance away
Originally posted by willRules
They fight in the avengers mansion before it was destroyed so its before H.O.M scarlet Witch madness. NO PREP.
And before everyone says Deadpool wins remember Scarlet Witch has beaten Cable before so she is no pushover...............
I don't think anyone was going to say Deadpool wins lol.
Scarlet witch gets my vote
So long dpool we barely knew ye.
you guys do know this is the scarlet witch from before House of M and Disassembled?? I did say so in my first post...............
Not the reality altering Wanda. im talking bad luck, backfiring weapons Wanda here.............
Wanda hasn't been like that in YEARS. She was the second most powerful member of the Avengers since Busiek's run started five or six years ago.
What YOU are asking is Deadpool vs. CLASSIC Scarlet Witch, from, like, the 70s.
What did the in-between Wanda do? Was she that one that could like make metal rust instantly or make things catch fire and stuff like that? Or am I just imagining that?
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
What did the in-between Wanda do? Was she that one that could like make metal rust instantly or make things catch fire and stuff like that? Or am I just imagining that?
I would like to know as well. I only know lame SW to crazy HoM SW. What powers did she get in between?
She possessed something called "chaos magic" that she was able to harness. Chaos magic gave her the ability to pick something that was unlikely and make it happen. The powerful thing about it was she could CHOOSE what it was. It was basically low level reality warping. That including stuff like spontaneously making even the most powerful shields fail, or energy blasts directed at her dissipating. It was crazy powerful. She was pretty much regarded as a close second to Thor in power.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
What did the in-between Wanda do? Was she that one that could like make metal rust instantly or make things catch fire and stuff like that? Or am I just imagining that?
Maybe she can rust him to death.LOL. Or she could try and set him on fire.
Crimson Phoenix
Originally posted by demigawd
She possessed something called "chaos magic" that she was able to harness. Chaos magic gave her the ability to pick something that was unlikely and make it happen. The powerful thing about it was she could CHOOSE what it was. It was basically low level reality warping. That including stuff like spontaneously making even the most powerful shields fail, or energy blasts directed at her dissipating. It was crazy powerful. She was pretty much regarded as a close second to Thor in power.
She was also able to bring Wnder Man back from the dead, manipulate cosmic entities and stuff. She did more than altering probablity, she was actually harnessing magic.
Originally posted by StyleTime
I don't think anyone was going to say Deadpool wins lol.
I fully agree with this statement.
Originally posted by demigawd
What YOU are asking is Deadpool vs. CLASSIC Scarlet Witch, from, like, the 70s.

Yes thats what I meant to say.
Oh, ok, well, Deadpool probably wins that one. If he's sneaky.
if Deadpool under estimates her he loses liek cabel if not he wins.
Crimson Phoenix
How did cable loose to her?
he underestimated her and she beat him with her fighting skill and hex'es
Actually he could beat her but to beat her he would have to kill her.
Originally posted by steverules
Actually he could beat her but to beat her he would have to kill her.
Not necessarily true. He could put her into an unconcious state. She just happened to be quicker and keep hitting him with hex bolts in the fight. Plus she was really good at dodging..............
How exactly did she get good at dodging?
What we missed during those years SW wasn't on any team was her extensive studying in the martial arts - enough so that she could go H2H with Cable.
Told you YMCA Judo was hardcore!
When exactly did you mention that YMCA judo was hardcore? What is YMCA judo? And don't tell me it is something to do with gay people.
Tell me those judo masters don't look hardcore!
They look very gay to me. Could be wrong.
I work at the YMCA lol
LOL. I thought it was gay, or is it concidered gay, I mean your not um are you?
No, the YMCA isn't a gay organization, hahaha. They just had the misfortune of having a very gay group make a theme song for them...
Ah yes the good old cowboy and police man, I have the misfortune of not being able to help but spell out the words with my arms when the song comes on.
Originally posted by steverules
LOL. I thought it was gay, or is it concidered gay, I mean your not um are you?
lol no im not gay. im the farthest thing from gay. I a lfie guard for the YMCA organization
I've never known a life guard.LOL. Have you ever saved a really hot babe and then gone out with her? Do you even have a girlfriend? (you don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's just curiosity always get's the best of me).
Originally posted by steverules
I've never known a life guard.LOL. Have you ever saved a really hot babe and then gone out with her? Do you even have a girlfriend? (you don't have to answer if you don't want to, it's just curiosity always get's the best of me).
naw I havent had to save a person let a lone a hot babe yet. naw I don't have a girlfriend due to the fact that they piss me off after a while lol. I dont mind answering at all
I'm afraid of getting into a relationship, and I'm more afraid of actually asking a girl out.LOL. What exactly do they do to piss you off, don't tell they don't like wolvie.LOL
no hardly any girls i go out with know I read comics. hell msot people ins chool think im a bad reader lol. im the class clown lol. any ways they just alwyas bitching I can't stand it
I think we just gone and started a dating thread.LOL
So wolverine 8888 what do look for in a girl?LOL
Originally posted by demigawd
What we missed during those years SW wasn't on any team was her extensive studying in the martial arts - enough so that she could go H2H with Cable.
Told you YMCA Judo was hardcore!
In the contest of Champions 2. Cable attacks scarlet Witch witgh a knife but she flips him over her onto the floor saying she was trained by the best, Captain America she is probably only a little bit under deadpool in skill......
Originally posted by steverules
So wolverine 8888 what do look for in a girl?LOL
hot, nice ass, good rack, nice stomack and legs. U?
long pig
Originally posted by wolverine8888
hot, nice ass, good rack, nice stomack and legs. U?
And an adamantium skeleton?
Originally posted by long pig
And an adamantium skeleton?
no I think that be a little wierd for me, but hell if u like it ill send any I see ur way.
Originally posted by long pig
And an adamantium skeleton?
Damn, my bones are made of calcium sadangel I 'll just have to find a guy who likes em real and easily broken.

haha cable go beat by a girl
Originally posted by wolverine8888
hot, nice ass, good rack, nice stomack and legs. U?
Don't we all.LOL. You missed out blonde

why blond?? blondes are nice but what about brunettes or redheads??
Originally posted by spiderman44
haha cable go beat by a girl

its funny cos its true.................
Blondes are neally always fit....LOL
Originally posted by wolverine8888
hot, nice ass, good rack, nice stomack and legs. U?
You base your relationships on looks alone?
Originally posted by wolverine8888
hot, nice ass, good rack, nice stomack and legs. U?
Me? I would base them all around those and she would be blond, good personalty and likes me for who I am not for my money.
Originally posted by steverules
Me? I would base them all around those and she would be blond, good personalty and likes me for who I am not for my money.
nice. ya I also like mine to have good sense of humor.
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