Iron Man V Wonderman
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Its time - In Marvel comics presents Wonderman thread Simon totalled Tony!!
I was never happy with this match, Tony has beaten the Hulk in regular armour and he has offensive Weaponary that can stagger everyone below a herald - He even beat Terrax for fecks sake.
Ironman beats Hulk in Iron man 128 - 130 series 1
On the other hand Simon has faced some pretty tough guys himself and come out on top. My fave being the beserker
an eternal warrior type guy
2 classic Avengers - Who wins?
Got a good link for Wonder Man, I don't know who he is.
What class of superstrength and durability does he have?
|He used to be around the Abomination level so I guess low class one hundred
iron man is gonna take this if wonder man only brings strength power to it
Adam Warlock
This has been done before. Wonder Man takes it. Wonder Man has beaten Iron Man up before.
Another source:
<<Its time - In Marvel comics presents Wonderman thread Simon totalled Tony!!>>
i seem to remember that fight -- what were the issues? and didn't tony get some revenge in an issue of west coast avengers?
anyhow, if done properly, i think im takes it. his new armor must put him on a damn close strength level, plus he's got all the additional weaponry AND brains.
i always have a hard time imagining any one dimensional character taking tony the majority. remember when he absolutely PUNKED goliath? he's basically wm, (right down to the ionic power) but can grow to giant man size!
Adam Warlock
Wonder Man can grow too. But he doesn't do it often. Wonder Man's faster, stronger, and has more stamina. Wonder Man's first appearances he took down the Avengers including Thor. Then yet again he took them down with the help of Enchantress. Yes Iron Man was taken down along with Thor. In Wonder Man #2, Wonder Man was holding back while fighting Iron Man(He had to make it look real because Enchantress thought she had him under his control again). He proceeded to beat the crap out of the West Coast Avengers again in Wonder Man #16 & #17. Knocking around Iron Man yet once again. Stalmated Professor Hulk in Wonder Man #25.
Wonder Man wins leo.
Only way is if Tony has a bit of prep, then Tony has a chance. A small one.
But if Wonder Man is p!ssed... It'll be over real fast for Iron Man.
Adam Warlock
Oh, Wonder Man has beaten up on Goliath before as well.

I hate WM, Iron Man just wears ThorBuster...... kBLAmmMM !!
Adam Warlock
With the Thorbuster armor, he'll be powerful enough to take down Superman with ease.
But the thread maker never mentioned Thorbuster armor did he?
But this thread was done before. At least 3 times to my knowledge. I did one a few months back, then Armand, now Whurly.

Could u imagine if Stark, Richards, Doom, and Forge work together making...... the TOAA-Buster Armor !!!!
People...... we have a new contender next to JP, HKH, Batman Almighty, ......... he comes by the name....... TOAABusterArmorIRONMAN !!!
When this thread was done at comiczone can I say that the fact Tony beat the Hulk and had additional weapons tipped it in his favour - remember Tony beat Terrax

he also beated she hulk easily
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