LT vs. magic
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how did strange resist LT's power even for a brief time if LT is supposed to be master of all...also how did strange stalemate thanos with the IG?... do magical energies operate on a higher energy frequency beyond the known dimensions of the magic in its raw form more powerful then LT or even TOAA?
where is long pig?
IMO i think it just dr.strange when he is faced with the impossible that just brings the best out of him.Just look at all the hings he's done but 2 make it short strange is just 2 bad ass
long pig
Originally posted by RAGE17
how did strange resist LT's power even for a brief time if LT is supposed to be master of all...also how did strange stalemate thanos with the IG?... do magical energies operate on a higher energy frequency beyond the known dimensions of the magic in its raw form more powerful then LT or even TOAA?
Ok, I will TRY to not be biased, here.....
The first time Strange met LT was in the early-mid 60's, it was actually LT's first appearance. As so, he wasn't an extremely well thought out entity. Strange managed to undo nearly everything LT tried on him. But, I discount that feat against LT...I discount nearly everything from the 60's. Characters were just getting started then and the writing showed.
Here's the actual comic pages:
The second time Strange and LT had a bit of a tussle was in ROM, in which LT thought Strange was making the universe unbalanced with his power. So, LT brought in the In-Betweener to deal with him. But, Doc had already smacked up the IB something fierce before, so the LT nulled Strange's ability to call upon higher power. I do count this feat since it was in the mid-late 70's.
Actual comic pages:
The most Strange was able to do was to indirectly defy LT's will by holding off IB long enough to help's not too major in my book.
Basically, the times LT and Strange tangled either A.Don't count or B.Seemed more major than they were.
Ok, on to the I.G.
Strange never stalemated Thanos with the I.G, he stalemated Adam Warlock.
He did so by using all his artifacts combined, which are the most powerful artifacts in the universe. So, him being able to combat One universally powerful artifact with his own set of universally powerful artifacts seems reasonable. Being Sorcerer Supreme allows you that privilege.
So, I'd say no, magic doesn't go over the head of the LT or TOAA, mainly because they deal in magic themselves. At most, magic is the ONLY way to ever attempt to try to combat any cosmic entity, making someone with Strange's skill in magic seem very high on the totem poll.
long pig
Or....Strange is just one bad ass mother****er who don't take no jibber jabber from no TOOAAO or LT!!!111oneone!!!

LT is da man !!!!
Pimpin three girls at once !!!
i think vast reality manipulating power would work against LT too.
DUde, LT even respects Mollecule Man (Matter and Energy Manipulator)
Originally posted by leonheartmm
i think vast reality manipulating power would work against LT too.
Shut the hell up about Franklin. No he is not a match for LT. At full potential hes been stated on panel to be Celestial level. Game over.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Shut the hell up about Franklin. No he is not a match for LT. At full potential hes been stated on panel to be Celestial level. Game over.
hmm, do u come on threads for the sole reason of trying to annoy me?
Originally posted by leonheartmm
hmm, do u come on threads for the sole reason of trying to annoy me?
Says you

Do I think magic is greater than LT?
See, LT's power is limited to the omniverse - it's derived by his role given to him by TOAA.
Magic powers come from beyond the omniverse, beyond TOAA - it comes directly from TOATOAA (The One Above The One Above All). TOATOAA showed up in an issue of the Fantastic Four recently (the issue where Ben died and they went to heaven to retrieve him). TOATOAA has also shown up in Cable and Deadpool recently. Who is TOATOAA?
The writer.
And the writer is beyond the Phoenix Force, beyond WANDA, even beyond MAGNETO PRIME. When Strange (or any other magic user) channels the power of the writer through the spell of Plotus Devicus, he can literally do anything he wants - even defy the previously undefiable judgements of the Living Tribunal.
Nobody beats Strange.
Strange does not get his power from joe qusedia.
Well, Quesada is TOATOATOAA. He delegates power to TOATOAA, who in turns can make Strange as powerful as he wants. Remember, magic is, well, magical. there really aren't any defined or canon limits to what it can or cannot do. If TOATOAA wants Strange to cast a spell that turns Eternity into a kitten, then there's nothing in the nature of his powers to prevent that from happening. That's why Strange can have such incredibly high end feats.
Originally posted by demigawd
Well, Quesada is TOATOATOAA. He delegates power to TOATOAA, who in turns can make Strange as powerful as he wants. Remember, magic is, well, magical. there really aren't any defined or canon limits to what it can or cannot do. If TOATOAA wants Strange to cast a spell that turns Eternity into a kitten, then there's nothing in the nature of his powers to prevent that from happening. That's why Strange can have such incredibly high end feats.
Untrue. The likes of LT and Phoenix deal with magic as well as cosmic forces. LT's job i sto maintain a mystical balance across the multiverse. Phoenix has been called a mystical force before. Eternity is said to be the greatest mystical force in the universe. The abstracts and above deal with magic as well as cosmic energies so no magic is not greater than LT. He is as adept with it as he is with cosmic power.
You missed my point. I said (in jest, I might add) that magic gives its wielder the ability to do whatever the plot calls for. And that includes the ability to beat the Phoenix...if the plot calls for it.
BTW - I hate British accents in my music. Except West End Girls.
lol GS will shank you
Originally posted by demigawd
BTW - I hate British accents in my music. Except West End Girls.
You're rubbish!!!!
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
You're rubbish!!!!
Well, I DID say except West End Girls. Doesn't that count for something?
long pig
I put a lot of thought into my response, and I even added scans....I get no respect.

Originally posted by long pig
I put a lot of thought into my response, and I even added scans....I get no respect.
Wuzzat? Oh...hey Long Pig! I was wondering when you'd post on this thread...
long pig
Strange>>>>Magneto prime & Phoenix!
Originally posted by long pig
Strange>>>>Magneto prime & Phoenix!
Magneto Prime suffered a fate most tragic. (Poor soul never even made it on to the drawing board LOL) and as for Phoenix

I can see Strange edgeing out a victory agienst one of them, but not both.
There are no defined limits on the power cosmic ethier, it's done almost anything, so it's even more a plot device then magic.
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