Phantom Stranger vs. Korvac
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The Advisor of JLA vs. the archenemy of Avengers !!!
Adam Warlock
This Korvac?
Adam Warlock
Korvac killed a bunch of Avengers and then brought them back to life. He was weird. A nearly full roster of Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy were defeated by him.
korvac was extremely powerful.
{btw has any1 noticed a resemblence between adam warlock and lion-o}
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Korvac killed a bunch of Avengers and then brought them back to life. He was weird. A nearly full roster of Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy were defeated by him.
Best Avengers Arc ever, he killed the Collector by pointing

Jim Shooter at his greatest.
it was a GREAT arc!! he also said that even odin couldn't stand against him. cap's stand in that fight was AWESOME!
Originally posted by leonidas
it was a GREAT arc!! he also said that even odin couldn't stand against him. cap's stand in that fight was AWESOME!
agreed as was Wonderman overcoming his fear
Originally posted by leonidas
it was a GREAT arc!! he also said that even odin couldn't stand against him. cap's stand in that fight was AWESOME!
Korvac was indeed a beast when he faced the avenger etc.
it was said that Korvac powers rival that of Galactus or close.
SS did pretty well for awhile
So ??? can PS beat him ??
I'd say Korvac. PS is part of the Quintessence, as is Zeus. Zeus being pretty much equal to Odin, who is apparently not all that and a bag of chips when compared to Korvac. LOGIC WILL SET YOU FREE!!! Or the truth. That works too, but in slightly larger doses.
Dude, I need a website on Korvac, got any ??
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