Thanos vs Star Wars Universe
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Who could stop him
Great Vengeance
Darth Nihilus eats him. GG.
All of SWU including the EU?
The Vong launch a moon at him and then Luke makes a blackhole and sucks him up. GG.
Black Hole is nothing to Thanos even Silver Surfer can fly threw black Holes and Thanos beat him to death.
Deus Ex
Just because Thanos beat SS's ass doesn't mean he can neccessarily withstand a black hole. If I can beat the world's best scuba diver up that doesn't mean I can be the best diver in the world. Non sequitor.
Now, the SW EU universe contains some particularly godlike characters who can detonate stars on command. Thanos could not hope to withstand them all.
These powers are not as great as Thanos power he is a Super Genius and at this point Immortal he lifts well over 100tons and he does not feel conventional Injuries. This picture is Thanos destroying and entire Army was suppose to the most Dangerous Army in Marvel Universe and he wins with ease
Deus Ex
Are you just not aware of what I'm saying?
Hell, Luke Skywalker can create blackholes like it's his job. Nihilus can eat the lifeforce of an entire planet.
Lifting 100 tons doesn't negate this.
Show me where it say's Luke makes Black Holes and SW SITH LORDS destroyed Stars?
I believe Thanos could destroy a moon with useing enough Cosmic Power because him and Drax fought and in the process destroyed a Planet and barely noticed it.
Deus Ex
OMG... look, Naga Sadow and Exar Kun are ancient Sith lords who both made a star go nova which destroyed an entire star system. They did this with relatively minimal effort. (Tales of the Jedi comics)
Second, NJO series has Luke doing all sorts of sick crap, everything from instakill lightning to cloaking an entire planet to making a blackhole. Hell, Dark Empire Sidious could manipulate wormholes and destroy an entire space armada with his Force Storm technique.
You need to know what you're talking about before you make a silly thread like this and then say Thanos wins.
Wow... This guy seems like a Thanos fanboy...
And the other guy seems like a Star Wars fanboy
Deus Ex
Originally posted by golem370
And the other guy seems like a Star Wars fanboy
No, actually I like both Thanos and SW and I know more than you do apparently about both. Don't get upset if you didn't know one Sith lord alone could contend with Thanos. Hell, if you want to exclude Force users entirely most Imperial ships put more power out than the sun.
Deus Ex
"So do eye"? WTF? Are you not from the US?
Originally posted by KingDubya
Wow... This guy seems like a Thanos fanboy...
It's been alot of Thanos fanboys lately.

They overhype his power way to much.

Originally posted by Deus Ex
OMG... look, Naga Sadow and Exar Kun are ancient Sith lords who both made a star go nova which destroyed an entire star system. They did this with relatively minimal effort. (Tales of the Jedi comics)
Second, NJO series has Luke doing all sorts of sick crap, everything from instakill lightning to cloaking an entire planet to making a blackhole. Hell, Dark Empire Sidious could manipulate wormholes and destroy an entire space armada with his Force Storm technique.
You need to know what you're talking about before you make a silly thread like this and then say Thanos wins.
Where can I pick up SW comics, do you have a website I could use.

Deus Ex
To buy? Just google Tales of the Jedi and they should pop up like mad. For the newer ones, just check any online comic catalog.
As far as obtaining information from comics I suggest firelshare programs.
Originally posted by Deus Ex
To buy? Just google Tales of the Jedi and they should pop up like mad. For the newer ones, just check any online comic catalog.
As far as obtaining information from comics I suggest firelshare programs.

Well when there nobody below Odin and Zeus's power can't beat him that not over estimated Savage Hulk can't beat him Superman can't beat him Apocalypse can't beat him nobody can
Originally posted by golem370
Well when there nobody below Odin and Zeus's power can't beat him that not over estimated Savage Hulk can't beat him Superman can't beat him Apocalypse can't beat him nobody can
They are completely different powers. Superman and Hulk, as much as they may be stronger or faster than a force-user, has never caused a star to go supernova like Exar Kun or Naga Sadow. They have never taken control of a Black Hole like NJO Luke. They have never eaten people and made them mind-slaves like Nihilus.
And besides, if you are talking about the ENTIRE SWU, the Vong along will launch an assault that will never end on Thanos' ass. He will need the IG or the HOTO to win.
bckhsjklsdhn/kcklsncl/nl/ lllsj;;lkjs,mnbslkjdlsdhkllllccccclccccclccccclccc
Star wars kicks Thanos.
Anything that these two Star Wars beings to Thanos has been done to him by the Beyonder,Tyrant,Odin and yet he keeps getting up he is Immortal. and a Super Genius who can teleport great distances he has physic powers.
This is the current Thanos he is more powerful then the Past Thanos
Originally posted by Avenger2.0
bckhsjklsdhn/kcklsncl/nl/ lllsj;;lkjs,mnbslkjdlsdhkllllccccclccccclccccclccc
Originally posted by K1ll3r
This is a warning to you two; do not clutter the threads with such nonsense.
Deus Ex
Golem, you are a bloody Thanos fanboy. Instead of posting randomn feats, why don't you try and prove the case for Thanos instead of poo-pooing everything anyone else says. And really, this IS one sided. The SW universe would overwhelm him.
How about the fact that he's killed Millions of people just to please Death He is Immortal so nothing Star Wars can do to put him down for good how his Godlike Intellect and his vast cosmic powers. Galactus who is above a Skyfather crap knock out of him from Thanos. He left his world of Titan with a bunch of powerful Eternials and came back and destroyed the planet he is ruthless.
Deus Ex
This is post-curse Thanos? You made an IMMORTAL character versus an entire universe, huh? This thread should be closed on the basis of obvious fanboy tendencies. This would be like Wolverine versus a fourth grader or Master Chief versus a cricket team.
I am stating a fact period he is Immortal Death will not let him die
Deus Ex
And I am stating the fact that if you were running a thread with immortal Thanos instead of say, not immortal Thanos is STUPID.
Of course SW can't win if the other guy cannot die, period, at all, ever. So what the **** is the point of this thread? More Thanos fanboy masturbation material? Please. Go away.
Can someone explain to me exactly who Thanos is, so I can decide if this thread should stay here, or get moved or closed. Because this forum is for vs. matches where at least 1 participant MUST originate from a video game, and I know the SW universe sure as hell doesn't.
And neither does Thanos. He originates from comic books.
And you don't have to kill Thanos to win. If he's floating out without a prayer in some remote corner of the universe, he's done. Golem needs to stop ejaculating over him.
Comic book character? Alright, I'm scooting it over to that forum.
NJO Luke Skywalker explodes his body.
I envision:
1) Thanos apprenticing himself to some Sith Lord.
2) Mastering their abilities.
3) Engineering a far-reaching plot to pit everyone against one another before they even realize he's behind it.
4) Slaying his master and finishing off anyone who's left standing.
As far as the black-hole attack, he's survived such things before. If he was cut off from his teleportation tech, a supernova might get him, but he's a tough guy to outsmart.
- Thanos wins. The guy takes shots from Surfer up Walker, Odin, Tyrant Beyonder, and to Galactus.
- Blackholes and novas are not comparable to either Odin or Tyrant.
- If it's Star Wars ships as well, Thanos has armadas to kill Omega, Death Star are what now?
SW is overrated. Heck, that Vader Vs. Doom thread dragged onto 2,000 post because SW fanboys overrated the Force and Vader so much even against the majority of knowledgable posters.
Death star kills him, enough said.
There are Force abilities called "Force Storm" and "Force Crush"
2 words mace windu
While the Jedi distract him, the Death Star blasts him into oblivion.
These quotes should clarify everything up.
"You don't know the power of the Dark Side." -Darth Vader
"The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force." -Darth Vader
Originally posted by ESB Vader
bah cmon there are so many people who can just mop the floor using njo lukes hair
Ragnos--->living god
naga sadow---->blows up stars
darth nihilus---->instantly drains any1 powers
darth revan----> who is way stronger than luke in anyway
tulak hord------ the best lightsaber duelist ever
Exar kun-----who is extremely powerful in his human form. when he was a spirit he had only 1/4 of his powers in him and that was alrdy enough to kick lukes flabby @$$
many people think njo lukes the best cuz when they read the novels about his power, it explains every detail of his powers and thats why people thinks he is above them all.
Mace Windu is pretty powerful but there's not much he can do to Thanos, a lightsaber will do no damage to Thanos, and Mace is more known for he duelist skills then force powers, let the big doggs handle thanos, such as NJO Luke Skywalker or the Death Star
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
Death star kills him, enough said.
Originally posted by Beyonder
Would be funny if it was true.
Thanos has created Death Star like weapons and amassed fleets of ships that blot out the stars. No SW advantage there.
Darth Revan, Exar Kun, NJO Luke, Death Star, Gungan's booomers, etc......
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
Mace Windu is pretty powerful but there's not much he can do to Thanos, a lightsaber will do no damage to Thanos, and Mace is more known for he duelist skills then force powers, let the big doggs handle thanos, such as NJO Luke Skywalker or the Death Star
mace was more powerufl then yoda and is still even mroe skilled the luke at light saber fighting. thou luke is more powerful
SW has some big guns, but Thanos is not know for standing around to take hits. There're a couple of godlike Sith Lords who might stand a chance due to some very obtuse attacks rather than raw power.
Star Wars Universe wins. The End. WHy? because i said so. NOTE: Im not in a bery good mood.
Deus Ex
Erm, Dr. Doom. Could you NOT help sully the SW name in this forum? Thanos beyond a certain point is IMMORTAL.
listen, im not being biased or anything. i love thanos. I like him as much as Dr Doom except i like dd more. if you make a thread, Godzilla vs. thanos, ill say thanos definitely. But im not saying SW wins because i like it more. Im as much of a Thanos fanboy as an SW. Its just that the WHOLE star wars universe of all eras.
Deus Ex
Well, the point is if Thanos is immortal, then he can't be decisively beaten IN COMBAT. If he isn't immortal (Just Thanos before Death cursed him) he would get whupped.
the Darkone
Thanos sends them to Death, Thanos can't die by no means he is cursed also death has made him even more powerful than before. As one of the most powerful eternals Thanos can manipulate any forms of energy at will, rearrange molecules, mental powers, teleaportation, pisonic shield, can tap into unknown power source that increase his abilities, can project vast amount of cosmic/ plasma blast or combine them into one powerful blast.
Nothing can kill him except for Mistress Death
Originally posted by Deus Ex
Well, the point is if Thanos is immortal, then he can't be decisively beaten IN COMBAT. If he isn't immortal (Just Thanos before Death cursed him) he would get whupped.
immortality bugs me.
As far as I can imagine, the only things in the SW universe that could stop Thanos would be a direct hit from the DeathStar (a highly unlikely event) or a Force Master somehow disrupting the Cosmic Energy that courses through his body. Any "Death's Curse" issues aside, Thanos shares the Eternals of Earth's invulnerability. Normal physical attacks simply cant bring him down. They might cause him pain, or temporarily impare him, but ultimately you cant kill a high powered Eternal (i.e. Thanos, his father Mentor, or any of the Earth clan) by phisical harm short of completely blasting them to atoms, and that's no mean feat.
The only instances we've seen of one of them being killed were at the hands of the Celestials or Immortus. Those aren't the kinds of things you typically see in Star Wars.
Deus Ex
That's true. But the combined weight of an entire universe is pretty imposing, especially when you have thousands upon thousands of ships that utilize more energy than our sun.
Could lightsaber cut Thanos?
yes they could
no they can't Lightsabers had trouble cut threw a door in episode one.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
yes they could
Lightsaber = skyfather level energy

Originally posted by Deus Ex
"So do eye"? WTF? Are you not from the US?
I was with you right up until this comment
Whatever, Mace Windu was the original inventor of the Bad Mother****er wallet, an artifact of near unlimited power. He crafted it from the primodial "Force" energies of the universe.
You can beat an immortal. You just can't kill him.
And I also think Thanos would win. He would amass his own empire built with his superior tech to annihilate his enemies.
I'd be quite surprised if a lightsaber gave Thanos anything worse than a sunburn. Eternals' eyebeams can get vaporize metal, and do little harm to one another. Thanos is far tougher than most Eternals to boot.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by Laminator_X
I'd be quite surprised if a lightsaber gave Thanos anything worse than a sunburn. Eternals' eyebeams can get vaporize metal, and do little harm to one another. Thanos is far tougher than most Eternals to boot.
Probably give him a slight tickle. Like a feather browsing against his skin.
Lightsaber's don't cut by melting, they seperate things at the moleculor level.
Melting is just a side effect.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Lightsaber's don't cut by melting, they seperate things at the moleculor level.
Melting is just a side effect.
Sure took it's time with that metal door in Episode I.
Is someone here seriously saying that Mace Windu would be a match to Thanos?
And that there is some forces in SW Universe that can hurt him?
I haven't seen any.
meh all i know is that mace windu once destroyed an entire droid army twice as big as the one in clone wars and did it with only his powers, and other jedi can do this as well, a group of jedi or sith can join there powers, palpatine's army was winning in return of the jedi because supposidly he was using a force technique that makes your appoinents just lose hope, but there are some sith and jedi with MAJOR power, some can destroy whole planets, and detonate stars, and if they can indeed create black holes then thats a big feat, the force is like the power cosmic so dont think that just cause thanos has the power cosmic that somehow these guys would not find a way to match his power cause they probably can, they can cut each other off from the force who knows maybe they can strip him of his power cosmic why did they make thanos powerful enough to supposidly be able to destroy star fleets like some jedi and sith can, never seen him do it, oh he's killed millions YEAH WITH ARMIES, and with certain weapons, but ive never seen him suck the life force from an entire planet or kill an entire planet even down to the virusis, of course he could i bet which is not suprising but what im saying is dont underestimate the star wars universe, there was a sith i think maybe im wrong but i believe he had been almost totally messed up like even down to his molecules yet using his force powers he was able to stay alive, some jedi or sith have destroyed jedi and sith ghosts, and i think a jedi sacrificed himself to take palpatine to the underworld.
King Kandy
99% Percent of the SW universe is completely ineffective.
It's the 1% that will do him in.
i don't think anyone in the SWU could withstand a cosmic blast. hell, thanos could just blow whatever planet this fight is on to shit and most characters will die immediately from exposure to space.
i don't know if any SW characters can survive unaided in space, but if they can, thanos either mind****s them or disintigrates them with a cosmic blast.
Originally posted by King Kandy
99% Percent of the SW universe is completely ineffective.
It's the 1% that will do him in.
actually, this statement is pertty true.
the large majority of SW characters wuold get annihalated by thanos, but that small precentlie of godlike jedi's would do some serious justice to thanos
but actually, jedi's can link minds and create extremely strong spirits
5 jedis somewhat recently threw an armada of star destroyers into deep space
Originally posted by Juntai
Whatever, Mace Windu was the original inventor of the Bad Mother****er wallet, an artifact of near unlimited power. He crafted it from the primodial "Force" energies of the universe.
Thanos would have to face the BMF wallet - that's just spite.
In all seriousness - am I really reading this thread correctly? People are saying that Mace Windu and the Ancient Dark Lords of the Sith can take Thanos? What are they, skyfathers now? This thread must have been in the SW forum - because there's nothing - and I mean nothing - any SW character that we've seen so far, could do to do anything other than annoy Thanos. And believe me, I know all the feats. The Ancient Sith Lords and the NJO feats were impressive - a little too impressive for SW if you ask me. However, I think SS would destroy most of the SW universe if he wanted too. Thanos? He would crush most of them with even more impunity. Including the ancients - no amount of lightsaber skills or "force" aptitude is going to save Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos, or Exar Kun from getting a class 100 pimpslap. In addition, Thanos possesses a massive fleet of ships, and his tech is above anything in SW. for example, who needs Hyperdrive when you just teleport anywhere in the universe in an instant. Thanos would probably laugh his whole way through this- and then slap the people who thought this was a reasonable fight. I love the Tales of the Jedi series and the ancient sith were bad mofos, but this is a dumb thread.
Edit: the only chance any1 from the SW galaxy has is the dude with the BMF wallet - and that's because Thanos would respect him too much to just kill him (which he would do turning him into a butterfly and crushing him with a rolled-up magazine)
Stupid Rookie
I really am having a had time with this thread. Frist of all where does it say he gets his entire fleet? It doesn't, people should read before posting.
Secondly, Thanos is immortal, ok he can still lose. Are you saying he can beat Eternity or the Celestial host? That is the biggest load of crap ever. He could be imprisoned.
Also people here are not giving the force enough credit. We are talking about tens of thousands of Jedi, and if we are using the EU, pre Lucas's films, they are way too powerful for him to overcome. I am not saying One Jedi could beat him, but there are many old sith lords, or even Jedi close in power to luke who could combine to defeat him.
Also just because Surfer can take black holes like they are nothing doesn't mean Thanos can. Why do you think thanos wanted the heralds so badly in Annihillation? He needs to understand their power because it is so great.
Wally West
Thanos could survive a black hole. In fact you could argue he already has (see Infinity Abyss).
(This isnt from Infinity Abyss, but its a cool scan)
I take it since nobody knew about the Thanos black-hole issue - people just aren't aware of his feats, right?
Thanos was able to outthink every Elder of the Universe who have been around for 5.5 billion years. Elders- and they each had a Gem Gardener.Grandmaster,Runner & Champion
Thanos went toe to toe with Depowered Tyrant who fought Silver Surfer,Beta Ray Bill & Gladiator and beat them easily.
Stupid Rookie
Originally posted by Wally West
Thanos could survive a black hole. In fact you could argue he already has (see Infinity Abyss).
(This isnt from Infinity Abyss, but its a cool scan)
My point was refering to the original post that said
SS could do it and Thanos has beaten him. I hate that logic. Also since he is immortal it would make it hard for anyone to say he couldn't survive. I was just arguing against his logic sorry if I didn't make this clear.
Stupid Rookie
Originally posted by golem370
Thanos went toe to toe with Depowered Tyrant who fought Silver Surfer,Beta Ray Bill & Gladiator and beat them easily.
So are we giving Thanos a power bubble for this fight, because wasn't he earlier captured by Tyrant along with the rest of them.
If you are going to post a feat at least do it accuratly. If Jack of hearts hadn't broken them out he would have been in more trouble.
According to the original poster of this thread its Thanos vs the star wars universe
i will go with the star wars universe for the win
Stupid Rookie
Originally posted by golem370
Thanos was able to outthink every Elder of the Universe who have been around for 5.5 billion years. Elders- and they each had a Gem Gardener.Grandmaster,Runner & Champion
Yeah he out though the champion that was really hard.
he also used Gems on each of them. Could he have done what he did to the gardner, or runne w/o the gems. NO
Wally West
Originally posted by Stupid Rookie
My point was refering to the original post that said
SS could do it and Thanos has beaten him. I hate that logic. Also since he is immortal it would make it hard for anyone to say he couldn't survive. I was just arguing against his logic sorry if I didn't make this clear.
No problem, I don't like that sort of logic either.
As for this topic, if it means Thanos standing there while the entire SW universe attacks (!!) he will die horribly. If he can assemble an army, get followers, ships, plot to take over the universe, etc. and try and do what the Annihilation Wave is doing to Marvel at the moment, he could do it.
I don't think there is a single force user who could take him one-on-one though, it would need to be a huge combined effort and perhaps some planning on their part while Thanos gets none.
Stupid Rookie
Originally posted by Wally West
No problem, I don't like that sort of logic either.
As for this topic, if it means Thanos standing there while the entire SW universe attacks (!!) he will die horribly. If he can assemble an army, get followers, ships, plot to take over the universe, etc. and try and do what the Annihilation Wave is doing to Marvel at the moment, he could do it.
I don't think there is a single force user who could take him one-on-one though, it would need to be a huge combined effort and perhaps some planning on their part while Thanos gets none.
Agreed, there is NO single force user who could take him out. but barring serious time for prep to start an army and maybe get some with allies I think he goes down.
You starwars fanboys have got to be kidding.
First off: Go here, read some of the feats.
Let's go over some of Thanos' powers:
- As an Eternal, he has molecular level control over his body. Simple injuries are recovered from very quickly, and he can also regenerate lost limbs, internal injuries take a little longer to recover but can be regenerated at will. Seperate his molecules? He just puts them back together.
- Thanos has already survived a black hole before.
- Thanos slapped Drax the destroyer and Hulk at the same time.
- Thanos was far beyond class 100 before he was enhanced by death.
- Thanos has 3 layers of force fields that he can use in his defense, one is technological, one is mystical, and one is his own. A direct full powered blast from Silver Surfer was nothing more than a glancing blow to him (and Silver Surfer has made stars go nova, contained black holes, etc).
- Thanos Survived a brutal attack from Odin full force and kept getting back up.
- Thanos blasted Galactus, in his own ship, through the hull of his ship and onto the planetoid they were on. Galactus blasted Thanos and admitted that he had to exert himself to pierce Thanos' forcefield.
- Thanos easily beat down Silver Surfer in hand to hand, and has better energy project skills.
- Thanos is immune to minor warping of reality; you can melt his face off and he rebuilds it.
- Thanos has technology that he has collected from all over the Marvel universe over thousands of years (he is estimated to be between 10,000 and 24,000 years old and does not age, get sick, is immune to poison and disease).
- Thanos has technology that allows him to warp in between realities, and warp from anywhere in the universe to anywhere else instantly.
- Thanos took a full powered blast from Tyrant, who's fight with Galactus ended up causing the destruction of multiple galaxies.
- Thanos smacked around the in-betweener with a cosmic energy backhand (although he was in a nexus of dimensions which weakened him, but still, we're talking a cosmic entity who in one shot could kill anything within the marvel universe by creating the force opposite to their life force).
- Thanos has built up an armada many times in the past and can do so very quickly.
- Thanos has some knowledge of the mystic and the arcane.
- Thanos has some psychic abilities and was able to destroy the Beyonder's psyche using a mental attack.
- Thanos has a low level of direct matter and reality manipulation; he has turned people into stone, amongst other things.
Cliff notes:
- Lightsabers don't go through forcefields; Thanos is constantly surrounded by forcefields both technological (and technology that is far more advanced than SW technology) and self created. Even if they somehow disabled his triple layer of forcefield it would still have trouble cutting into his flesh, as he has mental control of every molecule in his body.
- Thanos has instant teleportion; could teleport anywhere he wants into the SW universe and quickly amass an army that would dwarf the republic
- Thanos has survived Nova level attacks, black hole level attacks, reality altering attacks, mystic attacks, and mental attacks. You would need an attack capable of obliterating an entire star system in one shot to do even minor damage to Thanos.
- Thanos can quickly recover from even internal injuries in a matter of minutes.
- Thanos is a tactical genius who has outwitted beings older than the universe and on a regular basis at that, including Death herself!
- Nobody short of a cosmic level threat is going to stand a chance against Thanos.
Stupid Rookie
Kutulu Do you not consider the entire Star Wars Universe a "Cosmic Level Threat"
Originally posted by Stupid Rookie
Kutulu Do you not consider the entire Star Wars Universe a "Cosmic Level Threat"
What can STW universe do to Thanos ????
grey fox
Originally posted by Deus Ex
Hell, Dark Empire Sidious could manipulate wormholes and destroy an entire space armada with his Force Storm technique.
I read that comic . It was bullshit . They had a fully de-aged (technically a clone with palpys mind) palpatine get his ass kicked by luke and then those 'force storms' your raving about self pwned him.
Stupid Rookie
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
What can STW universe do to Thanos ????
If you are going to quote my post ask a question regarding my post. yes I do think the SWU is a Cosmic Level Threat.
And considering the force has power over pretty much everything I think they could find a way to beat T at least a few times out of ten.
check out this excellent Thanos respect thread for some cool scans:
Keep in mind that Thanos would quickly discover the powers of the Dark side of the force, and would use that to his advantage. He has dabbled in tons of different abilities and his mind is such that he could master the force far quicker than any human could. Within months Thanos would have an armada built up and would have greater control of the dark side than anybody in SWU.
Stupid Rookie
Originally posted by Kutulu
check out this excellent Thanos respect thread for some cool scans:
Keep in mind that Thanos would quickly discover the powers of the Dark side of the force, and would use that to his advantage. He has dabbled in tons of different abilities and his mind is such that he could master the force far quicker than any human could. Within months Thanos would have an armada built up and would have greater control of the dark side than anybody in SWU.
i don't disagree, but this would take a lot of time. I didn't think were just sending him there to build an army. This is a vs. Thread.
Thanos with the force would be pimp
grey fox
Originally posted by Stupid Rookie
i don't disagree, but this would take a lot of time. I didn't think were just sending him there to build an army. This is a vs. Thread.
Thanos with the force would be pimp
Thanos outranks the force . Low level Tp and Tk in the films and quasi PC in the books.
He has all this and MORE.
Originally posted by grey fox
Thanos outranks the force . Low level Tp and Tk in the films and quasi PC in the books.
He has all this and MORE.
You forgot the lighting which will sure take out Thanos

Wally West
But it wouldn't just be force users he faced would it, it would be huge Imperial/Rebel, Republic/Seperatists, Vong/New Republic etc. fleets, depending on the time frame. Things like Deathstars and Star Destroyers! He can't battle all those, and all the force users, and all the regular soilders, and whatever else is thrown at him simultaniously. Its billions upon billions of attackers!
despite 98 replies, SW is a no-no here. The only reason the Vader thread is staying open is the grandfather rule I have for myself (I don't close threads made before I became a Mod unless they get completely out of hand).
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