Exodus vs
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Molecule man
magneto graviton and selene go down, but the others would kill him, remember there is a level to which he can absorb power, nate easily overloaded him with sheer power when he got angry, theres only so much power exodus can handle.
Magneto already beat Exodus. Ditto with X-men. He could probably take Selene and Gravitron. He'd lose to Proteus. Legion would be interesting, though. I think Legion would take it in a really good fight.
They all win with ease if it's current Exodus.
Molecule man
i have always thought of Exodus as one of the most powerful mutants ever on Nate Grey's level
At some point that was probably true.
Sadly Marvel stopped agreeing.
Lucid Lui
Yeah, Bloodties Exodus could probably take X-Man and definately take Magneto and Selene (don't know of Graviton). Proteus and Legion would be hard, but great fights to see.
Current Exodus can be punked by Havok though...
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