Superboy vs. Hulk
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Since people on this board generally think that Supes can stalemate if not beat the green guy, how about his clone? Not as strong as the original(i believe), and has a weakness to fire, so no flying him into the sun. Who wins in this battle on an Abandoned Apokolips? Yes the fires of the planet still burn strong.
Yeah... Hulk may get stronger, but Superboy is going to forver be a hell of a lot faster. And that TT stuff is always useful.
SuperBoy gets murdered
I agree superboy goes down hard
Superboy murders Hulk.
who ever thinks hulk will lose need to shut up cause hulk would own superman and spiderman already owned superboy

Originally posted by spiderman44
who ever thinks hulk will lose need to shut up cause hulk would own superman and spiderman already owned superboy
when did spiderman own superboy??
i knew someone would make this theard, people were argueing about it on my wolverine vs slade thread... i am so proud of my thread
long pig
Superboy 8/10
Long range & Short Range abilities, many times faster, stronger than baseline Hulk, smarter, way better fighter, TTK makes this a quick fight.
Originally posted by long pig
Superboy 8/10
Long range & Short Range abilities, many times faster, stronger than baseline Hulk, smarter, way better fighter, TTK makes this a quick fight.
none of that shit is going to stop hulk.
and Superboy isn't Superman
Cyborg punked the Superman family
Superman alone can take most of the Super fam himself
like Supergirl , Superboy etc together.
Hulks will K.O him with few punches
the Darkone
hulk 10/10! superboy (85-90) is not stronger than calm hulk. Hulk is more durable than superboy who got put down by supergirl with one punch and broke his jaw. What the hell you think hulk will do to him, please superboy doesn't have a chance in hell.
long pig
Cyborg at one point or another, has punked everyone. That's a moot point.
It might not put him down, but it'll incapacitate him or he'll get so much more hits in, that it won't matter. Hulk won't do anything other than attempt to hit something he can't see.
Superboy isn't 90ton, you don't read shit, do you? Supergirl putting Suberboy down doesn't mean much, she's supposedly stronger than Superman.
Superboy outclasses Hulk, plain and simple. He win 8/10
Originally posted by long pig
Cyborg at one point or another, has punked everyone. That's a moot point.
It might not put him down, but it'll incapacitate him or he'll get so much more hits in, that it won't matter. Hulk won't do anything other than attempt to hit something he can't see.
Superboy isn't 90ton, you don't read shit, do you? Supergirl putting Suberboy down doesn't mean much, she's supposedly stronger than Superman.
Superboy outclasses Hulk, plain and simple. He win 8/10
how is it moot
Superman > Cyborg ( before he was sent away)
Cyborg > easily defeated Supermens/womens in the same issue where he lost to superman.
again hulk is not slow punk , he has giving the avenger good battles.
Superboy get's knocked out.
here who has Superboy ever beaten near supes level?
Originally posted by long pig
Superboy 8/10
Long range & Short Range abilities, many times faster, stronger than baseline Hulk, smarter, way better fighter, TTK makes this a quick fight.
I agree!

long pig
Hulk giving the Avengers a good battle is CIS PIS, Thor alone is leagues above him.
Hulk, is slow compared to Superboy. Hulk can't do anything to Superboy, Superboy can main Hulk all day long.
Superboy will get more hits in and will outclass him with skill and higher abilities. He wins.
Originally posted by long pig
Hulk giving the Avengers a good battle is CIS PIS, Thor alone is leagues above him.
Hulk, is slow compared to Superboy. Hulk can't do anything to Superboy, Superboy can main Hulk all day long.
Superboy will get more hits in and will outclass him with skill and higher abilities. He wins.
CIS PIS again with that bullshit? How about no that’s the nature of the Hulk’s power , the more people that were punching him he got pissed . They took him down but has Superboy done anything like it? nope
What has he done? Get knocked out couple of times by Supes level character.
Again Superboy can punch hulk all day, his efforts will be futile
Again who has Superboy defeated?
hulk wins at least 9/10
Originally posted by long pig
Superboy 8/10
Long range & Short Range abilities, many times faster, stronger than baseline Hulk, smarter, way better fighter, TTK makes this a quick fight.

Ultimate Hulk43
The Hulk will literally murder SuperBoy.Two punches,one to the face and one to the gut,SuperBoy is finished.
Lucid Lui
Originally posted by long pig
Superboy 8/10
Long range & Short Range abilities, many times faster, stronger than baseline Hulk, smarter, way better fighter, TTK makes this a quick fight.
I agree with everything here, except the smarter part. If we're talking Banner-Hulk then he'd be a lot smarter than Superboy, and would actually stand a much better chance at winning. If not, then yeah... you're right.
Ultimate Hulk43
The Savage Hulk knows how to fight pretty good and I think he'd finish SuperBoy for good(or just temporarily).

Hulk Power
Hulk wins this. He's too good for Superboy and he is more durable than him.
Ultimate Hulk43
Good ol' Hulk Power.Good to see you again.
if hulk aint jobbing superboy gets killed.hulk is so underrated it gets me sick superman will not have a walk in the park vs the hulk.imo hulk could beat supes 5/5 so hulk should be able to murder that chump superboy
Originally posted by Lucid Lui
I agree with everything here, except the smarter part. If we're talking Banner-Hulk then he'd be a lot smarter than Superboy, and would actually stand a much better chance at winning. If not, then yeah... you're right.
Banner Hulk is weaker than any other incarnation of the Hulk though.

Originally posted by long pig
Superboy 8/10
Long range & Short Range abilities, many times faster, stronger than baseline Hulk, smarter, way better fighter, TTK makes this a quick fight.

Grey Hulk is the weakest. Savage Hulk would kick SB in the nuts, end of fight.
Savage Hulk wouldn't be able touch any of the Super-family if written properly. and Superboy is a high class 100 ton character.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
Savage Hulk wouldn't be able touch any of the Super-family if written properly. and Superboy is a high class 100 ton character.
Superboy easily
Superboys TTK makes this a short fight.
Can hulk resist being exploded on contact?
I thought that the TTK only worked on machinery.
can SB resist being crumpled like a paper bad on contact?
can Hulk hit something that is like 20,000 times faster than him?
Originally posted by Superherovandal
I thought that the TTK only worked on machinery.
Nope, it works on just about anything.
He started out with machinery since he was inexperienced.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Nope, it works on just about anything.
He started out with machinery since he was inexperienced.
Wow he has the potential to be way more powerful than Superman himself. He just need a few years. I remember in one comic in which the titans see the future versions and with Superboy-the grown up version using his TTK to block Cap Marvel's magic lightning.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
Wow he has the potential to be way more powerful than Superman himself. He just need a few years. I remember in one comic in which the titans see the future versions and with Superboy-the grown up version using his TTK to block Cap Marvel's magic lightning.
He has great potential. Black Zero(grown up hypertime Superboy) seemed pretty powerful...had develepoed his ttk, invulnerability, heat vision, etc...and the guy had his own army or real doomsdays.
Adult Superboy's a beast.
Normal Superboy is still WAY the hell to fast to get hit by Hulk. And TTK is hella useful.
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by Superherovandal
Savage Hulk wouldn't be able touch any of the Super-family if written properly. and Superboy is a high class 100 ton character.
The Savage Hulk can lift 100 tons too.
w8 how much can super boy lift anywayz and spiderman owned superboys ***** ass befor in marvel vs dc#3 so u think hulk can beat wat spiderman owns
that was a popularity based comic. and everyone knew spiderman but noone knew Superboy. He was a relatively new character. I nearly had a freakin heart attack after I read that crossover. Only battle that was worse was Lobo vs Wolverine.
Gotta give this to Hulk
Superboy in peak performance is too much for Hulk.
The comicmaster
Omg u guys are all so dumb superboy can be stopped by 20 army men to hold him but hulk he lifts a machine the size of a skyscraper with one hand hulk is bigger and stronger and has more stamina healing factor
Wow, people think incredibly highly of Kon-El.
Hulk beats him down.
The comicmaster
Hulk cn destroy all the superheros including my fave guy the indestructible wolverine
Lord Feron
LOL hulk murderrapes him.
Underestimating is the key. Can't believe this thread made it 3 pages.
Ummm, Hulk wins this 10/10. Superboy just got ripped through by a cheap knock off of Doomsday. There is no way in h*** he stand a chance or even a panel against WORLD BREAKER. This is a none fight. For all the power Superboy have, he is dying in this fight.
TTK and uberspeed for the win.
At the level Hulk's at now, I highly doubt TTK is going to be some kind of game changer for Kon. Especially considering Hulk's crazy ass regen and default durability.
Originally posted by cdtm
TTK and uberspeed for the win.
Wrong. Hulk has recently shown super speed as well. He has also shown that he can tag speedsters. Does everyone fall back on the speed argument? Especially debating with characters that rarely if ever use it during "combat".
Seems like a cop out to me
Hulk has enhanced speed, but he's no Pietro..
Also, the TTK is pretty useful against someone that can't fly. Conner doesn't even need to touch him to launch him into the air, he only needs to touch the ground Hulk's standing on.
He's done it before. And that would make it Conner's game, since he can maneuver and Hulk can't.
Even so, and he makes Hulk airborne...then what?
I highly doubt Kon has the power output to end Hulk. And Hulk's still not entirely helpless in the air.
Originally posted by cdtm
Hulk has enhanced speed, but he's no Pietro..
Also, the TTK is pretty useful against someone that can't fly. Conner doesn't even need to touch him to launch him into the air, he only needs to touch the ground Hulk's standing on.
He's done it before. And that would make it Conner's game, since he can maneuver and Hulk can't.
So you are telling me that we have Bi-Beast, Wendigo, Fing Fang, and Armageddon all at once attacking Hulk and being unable to even budge him but Conner can? Get out of here with that.
Conner will fly in like he always does and get ripped to shreds. If 3 Heralds combined might was unable to even budge Hulk and one of them was an Elite AMPED high Herald, Superboy is nothing but a nuisance. Might not even be that.
Somebody close this thread. Let's all meet at the Thanos vs Hulk thread...that's more interesting.
as a hulkie fan, hopefully jason aaron will keep him at the lvl he deserves
Hulk powering through Armageddon attack.
Originally posted by Juntai
Superboy in peak performance is too much for Hulk.

Man, Hulk would absolutly trash Superboy

@ people responding to years old posts...
Originally posted by carver9
Ummm, Hulk wins this 10/10. Superboy just got ripped through by a cheap knock off of Doomsday. There is no way in h*** he stand a chance or even a panel against WORLD BREAKER. This is a none fight. For all the power Superboy have, he is dying in this fight. Well superboy speed is a good factor but if he does not use it properly than yea 10/10
Originally posted by guy222
as a hulkie fan, hopefully jason aaron will keep him at the lvl he deserves he really should or at least more powerful i mean think i about it..if banner ain't in hulk no more than ain't it like a mindless hulk who HAS a mind but now banner won't hold him back and so hulk is in his full yet unlimited strength and power....
Originally posted by carver9
Wrong. Hulk has recently shown super speed as well.
How fast though? Super sonic? Mach 5? Mach 10?
Even Mach 10 is very slow in comparison to someone who races kid flash.
Originally posted by carver9
Does everyone fall back on the speed argument? Especially debating with characters that rarely if ever use it during "combat".
Seems like a cop out to me
I agree Hulk wins, even stomps this one. And not just Current Hulk, but probably even Savage Hulk. But to ignore the fact that a character can move and think something like 1000 times faster than his opponent (in a PISLess forum fight no less) seems like the cop out to me.
Originally posted by DARTH POWER
I agree Hulk wins, even stomps this one. And not just Current Hulk, but probably even Savage Hulk.
Conner would destroy Savage Hulk, considering he's lost to less powerful characters like Namor and Iron Man.
He's taken to to Mon El, Parasite powered up on Kryptonite X, and Knockout. He can hang with top tiers, and at his best he's even more powerful, as the Black Zero arc proves..
Savage Hulk has also thrashed Namor and Iron Man.

Originally posted by cdtm
Conner would destroy Savage Hulk, considering he's lost to less powerful characters like Namor and Iron Man.
He's taken to to Mon El, Parasite powered up on Kryptonite X, and Knockout. He can hang with top tiers, and at his best he's even more powerful, as the Black Zero arc proves.. Savage Hulk was beaten by Namor underwater (never on land). And Namor underwater is very strong. And Savage Hulk also lost to Spider Man off-panel. Savage Hulk's bar isn't set in stone due to a few losses.
Just as Superboy's bar isn't set it stone due to a few wins. That's plainly evident if you simply reverse the thinking here, where you take all of Savage Hulk's wins against foes like Galaxy Master, Thor, etc. and take all of Superboy's lowest losses, and conclude Savage Hulk is far beyond Superboy's level.
Originally posted by cdtm
Conner would destroy Savage Hulk, considering he's lost to less powerful characters like Namor and Iron Man.
He's taken to to Mon El, Parasite powered up on Kryptonite X, and Knockout. He can hang with top tiers, and at his best he's even more powerful, as the Black Zero arc proves.. Savage Hulk has also beaten more powerful characters than Superboy. Hulk can go toe to toe with Thor for hours. Superboy isn't in the same weight class.
^ and connor destroyed the body of Black lantern Kal-L. I think savage hulk would take majority or even 9/10 but it won't be easy for him.
And for the record, people like Namor and Iron Man could do very well against Kon.
Originally posted by abhilegend
^ and connor destroyed the body of Black lantern Kal-L. I think savage hulk would take majority or even 9/10 but it won't be easy for him. So what ? Taking his absolute best feat and ignoring his consistent portrayal really isn't the way to debate imo. Hulk's average and his greatest feats are superior.
No, kon's best feat is drawing blood from SBP, destroying anti monitor tower and thrashing titans. On average savage takes him 10/10 without any problem. But higher showings kon sneaks 1 win due to speed because in forums speed's a *****.
Originally posted by abhilegend
No, kon's best feat is drawing blood from SBP, destroying anti monitor tower and thrashing titans. On average savage takes him 10/10 without any problem. But higher showings kon sneaks 1 win due to speed because in forums speed's a *****. Krypto has as well. To me damaging him isn't as impressive since his damage soak is the thing that makes Prime so tough to beat.
I disagree but what's the point in arguing with someone who believes Hulk wins 90 percent of the time against the best Kon ever.
So what do you think how many wins "best kon" would take from savage, cuz black zero would take him to school.
Originally posted by cdtm
Conner would destroy Savage Hulk, considering he's lost to less powerful characters like Namor and Iron Man.
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