Thor vs Wonder Woman, no weapons
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Thor vs Wonder Woman
Thor is without his Hammer
Wonder Woman is without her lasso
Thor beats her unconscious and uses her gauntlets for a scrunchie to put his hair in a ponytail. Then he takes advantage of her condition by playing doctor..............preggers!!!!
Are they both completely nude?
He gets his a** handed to
thor losing to wonder women yea right thor owns her easily
Everyone agrees that she's already a match for him with his hammer that's what tips the scale when people match these two up. With the greatest threat gone (his hammer) she wins. She may not have her lasso but still has her bracelets and can fly and is way faster than him.
No, or are they?shifty
This is the deciding factor in this match, you realize...
Yeah if he's naked she'll whoop his a** for that reason alone, but if she's naked.notworthy
Nude or not nude Thor wins.
Edge to Thor, and its not going to be easy for either of them. This is one example where there isent owings or easy pickings in any of theyr fights.
Originally posted by olympian
Edge to Thor, and its not going to be easy for either of them. This is one example where there isent owings or easy pickings in any of theyr fights.
How does he get the edge?
i say tie or whoever gets tired first or whoever needs to go potty first or whoever's cell phone beeps first or whoever's curfew is first or i really need to list everything?
The Ion
Thor or Diana 5.5/10
Diana can fly, has more speed and IMO, a slight edge in skill but Thor still has weather control and Godforce. Good fight that can probably go either way.
Odin: "Thor, dinner!"
Thor: "Five more minutes!"
Odin: "You march in here right now mister!"
Thor: "It's not even dark yet!"
Odin: "THOR!"
Thor: "Aw man.

Hippolyta: "Diana! DIANA!!! Get in this house right now!"
does no weapons mean no bracelets?
Skill's a tossup...
I say Diana 6/10, for flight and speed. Thor takes his 4 with the occasional Godforce blast and possibly a good shot or two to WW's face. Oh, and lightning. Lots of lightning.
Could go either way. Without weapons, too close to tell.
Both are gods and have millenia of fighting experience.
Has thor ever been kicked in his testicles devine by a being in his strenght class?
with the bracelets she would beat Thor Godforce or not. She could deflect it with them.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
does no weapons mean no bracelets?
Good question if she does than she can deflect/block his attacks I'd say her 8/10 with bracelets and 6/10 without,
Sorry, I should have been more specific. No weapons means no bracelets for WW as well.
Originally posted by Darth_Erebus
Sorry, I should have been more specific. No weapons means no bracelets for WW as well.
Than she wins 6 or 7/10
Originally posted by DrDoom101
i say tie or whoever gets tired first or whoever needs to go potty first or whoever's cell phone beeps first or whoever's curfew is first or i really need to list everything?
Originally posted by DrDoom101
*Thor & WW fighting
Thor: Take that Olympian
Diana: I'll take it and give it back!
Thor(holding grind) : Wait, wait
Diana(confused) : What?
Thor : I gotta, you know
Diana : what
Thor : You know
Diana : Oh, ohhhh hurry up
Thor(behind tree) : Sorry about that have to drain the old Asgardian Serpent.
Diana(mumbling) : Hmph, serpent my ass.
Thor : Did you say something?
Diana : Who me? no, no
Thor : All done let's go
Diana(looking at Thors hands) : Aren't you forgetting something?
Thor(thinking) : Oh yeah can't believe I forgot.
Thor(behind tree) : shake, shake
Diana(disgusted) : I'm going home. *
thor's gf killed durok once he was in a position to use it. it would kill diana. UNLESS she can access the god wave. can she?
no godwave/no godforce? it's a pickem. 50/50. thor's storm powers off set diana's speed, flight and (perhaps) skill advantage.
The Awesome Amazon would kick his sorry butt with ease.
it's settled than!

^ Yep!

"How does he get the edge?"
By being stronger and more experienced, and also a skilled fighter.
Whoever is more durable of the two will win this one. I give the strength factor to Thor, but that is offset by Diana's flight and speed.
They are both equally skilled warriors/tactitians. I don't know who has more durability though.

IMO She is a bit stronger (Just as impressive fighting record + more consistent feat displays) , but he has more powerful bad guys, and he usually wins. Thor maybe.

Thor is stronger, more durable, and in the speed sector, tough Thor can't fly, it's been proved he has godly reflexes, reaction time and speed.
He rarely uses ground speed, it's not his kind of fighting style.
And about a close quarter fight, their skill are almost equal, tough I give Thor the edge cause if he decide to go Madness Mode it's gonna be a bad day for Diana.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Could go either way. Without weapons, too close to tell.
Both are gods and have millenia of fighting experience.
Has thor ever been kicked in his testicles devine by a being in his strenght class? lol I hope they're invulnerable.
I think Thor has an edge in strength, but Diana has a big advantage with flight (Thor needs Mjolnir to fly), and personally, I think she has better fighting ability (not to be confused with experience.) Could go either way. Good fight.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by K3VIL
Thor is stronger, more durable, and in the speed sector, tough Thor can't fly, it's been proved he has godly reflexes, reaction time and speed.
He rarely uses ground speed, it's not his kind of fighting style.
And about a close quarter fight, their skill are almost equal, tough I give Thor the edge cause if he decide to go Madness Mode it's gonna be a bad day for Diana.
Thor doesn't go Warrior Madness very often now does he.
That wouldn't be fair for WW. It wouldn't even be a fight then. That would be like giving Lady Di the Godwave. Then Thor would be pwned, Madness or not.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
lol I hope they're invulnerable.
I think Thor has an edge in strength, but Diana has a big advantage with flight (Thor needs Mjolnir to fly), and personally, I think she has better fighting ability (not to be confused with experience.) Could go either way. Good fight.
Hmm...I didn't even consider the flight into this for some reason. That actually would put Diana at a slight advantage, but this is still a fairly even battle.
I still say she wins even though they are even in experience when it comes to fighting I think she's better at showing it. Thor's too dependent on his hammer.
Black bolt z
WW doesn't have her bracers and thor doesn't have mjolnir.
Pure H2h.
WW 5.5/10 due to speed
Wondy for the small majority.
The Dark Cloud
WW wins due to her superior speed. This thread has already been done.
Originally posted by Konton
The Dark Cloud
Like another thread says
Omega Vision
Which of Thor's powers are tied to Mjolnir?
Thor takes it 9-10/10
Even with Mjolnir Thor has a ahuge number of abiltes he could use to bring WW down.
WW main adavatge is here speed and flying
While Thor has her in durability, strength, and magic abilites wheather control. Durok dropper etc..
It would be a good battle but Thor would win both their H2H skill are too close to tell tons of battle exp. between the 2. However Thor would widdle WW down way befroe he would go down.
Diana takes the majority. She is just as skilled, if not more, has similar strength and durability, and an edge in speed. Thor is at a greater disadvantage without his Hammer than she is without her lasso. Also since the OP only stipulates no lasso, does she get her tiara and bracers?
no he said she doesnt get bracelets
Great fight, But Thor takes the Amazon down.
WW easily wins this. Thor has a better chance in a normal fight with his hammer.
WW will easily counter any blow thrown by Thor with a combo or pressure point strike.
What if she counters with a headbutt or a throw? Didn't think of that huh?
Originally posted by StyleTime
What if she counters with a headbutt or a throw? Didn't think of that huh?
If she counters with a headbutt then Thor would be rocked and bleeding. I doubt she would counter with a throw as that would do minimal damage (unless she slams him in the ground).
Assuming no Mjolner, and no Lasso/Bracelets/Tiara, Thor has the edge, but only an edge: he is nominally stronger (but only marginally), and still has some god-powers available that WW doesn't; she has, however, the edge in speed and flight, as well as being *highly* skilled at fighting people in berserker rages (his going into Warrior Madness is NOT necessarily to his advantage in this -- he'll actually be more effective against her if he keeps his wits about him and tries to finesse things -- as best as he can -- as opposed to gettin' all "macho-force" on her).
Thor: 5.5/10
I gave the edge (but only an edge) to Thor in the other thread, due primarily to his having some fringe god-powers that WW doesn't; but she still gets some solid wins due to speed/finesse. And to reiterate from the other thread: while some think Thor going all "Warrior Madness" on her is the key to his victories, *really* don't get it; his best bet is to actually keep his wits about him, and try to finesse things as best as he can. Thor: 5.5/10, with WW wins being good ones, too...
Originally posted by tideoftime
Assuming no Mjolner, and no Lasso/Bracelets/Tiara, Thor has the edge, but only an edge: he is nominally stronger (but only marginally), and still has some god-powers available that WW doesn't; she has, however, the edge in speed and flight, as well as being *highly* skilled at fighting people in berserker rages (his going into Warrior Madness is NOT necessarily to his advantage in this -- he'll actually be more effective against her if he keeps his wits about him and tries to finesse things -- as best as he can -- as opposed to gettin' all "macho-force" on her).
Thor: 5.5/10
WW is stronger, faster, and more skilled.
Thor has 0 advantages here.
He loses badly.
WW could just blitz him or counter one of his attacks with a combo or pressure point strike. This is an easy win for WW if she is fighting at her best. Speed alone gives her the win 10/10.
Most of you are imagining of how the fight would go in a comic. I'm imagining how it would go assuming the characters fought at their best as shown before.
Originally posted by StyleTime
What if she counters with a headbutt or a throw? Didn't think of that huh?

Originally posted by h1a8
WW is stronger
The hammer that infact adds nothing to thor's game because he can do everything without it that he can do with.
If she'd had the bracelets she might of lasted for a while. As it is she gets flat out dominated by someone with vastly better strength feats. Look at how supes has owned her before. Thor isnt on supes' physical level but hes alot closer than diana.
Originally posted by khazra
Thor isnt on supes' physical level Originally posted by marwash22
Don Corleone
They wrestle on the floor , until they end up in bed.
Originally posted by khazra
The hammer that infact adds nothing to thor's game because he can do everything without it that he can do with.
If she'd had the bracelets she might of lasted for a while. As it is she gets flat out dominated by someone with vastly better strength feats. Look at how supes has owned her before. Thor isnt on supes' physical level but hes alot closer than diana.
What vastly better strength feats are these? Diana isn't that much weaker than Superman either.
^ i agree.
Thor > Supes > Diana... the distance between each is minuscule.
Originally posted by marwash22
^ i agree.
Thor > Supes > Diana... the distance between each is minuscule. Idk about Thor being the strongest, but you are right relatively they are all pretty close. His strength certainly isn't that much greater than hers that it should make the difference here. Very close match really.
Thor would still hit harder with the hammer than without, imo.
Without it, i'd give Diana more of a chance, though she should certainly take a few wins anyway...
Originally posted by h1a8
WW is stronger, faster, and more skilled.
Thor has 0 advantages here.
He loses badly.
WW could just blitz him or counter one of his attacks with a combo or pressure point strike. This is an easy win for WW if she is fighting at her best. Speed alone gives her the win 10/10.
Most of you are imagining of how the fight would go in a comic. I'm imagining how it would go assuming the characters fought at their best as shown before.
Oh, H1a8...
It's almost as if you and Quan are bizarre, alternate-dimension versions of each other...
Each has very opposite views on a number of things (especially concerning Thor vs. WW), and each has certain contextual/perceptual errors that are almost so ZOMG-funny, I'd like to see the two of you locked in a room together, debating, just to watch it and eat popcorn... It'd be one of the funniest things in entertainment, period.
It isn't a case of "what would happen in the comics" in the sense of "who's more popular/is expected to win", due to fanboism, but rather "what would happen as contextually related in comics, but in a more serious setting". Quan is correct on some salient points: Thor can, and has, displayed enough ability to fight/battle beings with superspeed that WW's edge in flight/speed is *not* a dominating force; conversly, despite Quan's (and others') mistaken belief, Thor and WW are in not only the same league in strength/general resiliance, they are in the same relative grouping. He's got the edge in terms of being able to play the "god-card" (and utilize certain power *without* having to have Mjolner), and WW is edging him in speed/flight, and having better finesse in terms of skill/combat prowess.
Any other view swaying too far from a general split (5/10, 6/10, or so, favoring either one) is simply ignoring the abilities/feats *both* have demonstrated over time. Thor *can* get wins -- more than you are willing to acknowledge -- and WW certainly can get wins -- which many posters who are stating otherwise are simply doing so from general ignorance of the character -- but neither will have a stomp, or even a solid majority, over the other in a battle like this.
I went with Thor for a general split, but I could also see the arguement for Diana getting the split-majority. But no solids and/or stomps, *for either of them*...
WW is a worthy opponent for Thor--don't kid yourselves people.
She can take some of these. She is basically Superman, with boobs.
As I stated in the other Thor vs WW thread, IMO, she can take him in some of these.
Originally posted by BobbyD
WW is a worthy opponent for Thor--don't kid yourselves people.
She can take some of these. She is basically Superman, with boobs.
I agree, but Superman she is not. She is close but not quite his equal. I give Thor a slight edge.
out of 10 fights, I give Thor 5 wins. 2 would be be stalemates, and 3 would be wins from Wonder Woman.
this is too similar to the other one. merging.
Originally posted by h1a8
If she counters with a headbutt then Thor would be rocked and bleeding. I doubt she would counter with a throw as that would do minimal damage (unless she slams him in the ground).
You weren't supposed to seriously answer that.
...or were you?
Originally posted by Stoic
I agree, but Superman she is not. She is close but not quite his equal.
She's dreamy.

Originally posted by Stoic
I agree, but Superman she is not. She is close but not quite his equal. I give Thor a slight edge.
out of 10 fights, I give Thor 5 wins. 2 would be be stalemates, and 3 would be wins from Wonder Woman.
While not the kind of split I gave, I could go with this, contextually, with the caveat that WW's 3 wins would likely be OMGWTF wins due to Thor's underestimating her and her working him like he's (non-amped/ascended) Hercules.
Funny enough, this is also roughly the "split" I gave them fighting with their respective weapons, with one or two "stalemates" resulting in mutual deaths...
Really, though it would turn out like this....
Thor: Dear Odin, thine eyes have not ever beholdst such beauty.
WW: What are you looking at?
Thor: Um, ...well. Uh. Thou wouldst like to court thee, if thou wouldst allowest.
WW: Pervert! (kicks him in the nads, Thor falls, she then turns around and then says) Bye, you big blond stud (and winks at him).

Let's see, she has sub-light flight with comparable strength and superior fighting skill.
Wonder Woman 7/10
^ no.
Comparable strength and equal strength are two completely different things. The difference in strength is akin to me and Brock Lesnar... the hundred or so pounds more he can lift than me may not seem like a whole lot, but if we trade punches, it's a guarantee i drop first.
Originally posted by marwash22
^ no.
Comparable strength and equal strength are two completely different things. The difference in strength is akin to me and Brock Lesnar... the hundred or so pounds more he can lift than me may not seem like a whole lot, but if we trade punches, it's a guarantee i drop first.
I kinda agree. A martial arts expert, special forces individual, or world class boxer might be able to drop Lesnar with one punch, yet still be a lot weaker, strength-wise.
I get your point, I really do; but don't always assume it could turn out that way.
The strength difference isn't that big judging by how she does against superman though. A weightclass or two down (analogy-wise), but not a 100 lbs difference.
Was Thor able to lift the weight of the earth? How heavy is the Serpent that's wrapped around Marvel earth? If that big ass snake is as heavy as a planet, the comparison in strength may be far more than a simple 2:1 ratio.
It took the combined efforts of Superman Wonder Woman, and the Martian Manhunter to tow the earth. So could we use this to gauge which one of them is physically superior?
Oak Parker
Originally posted by Stoic
Was Thor able to lift the weight of the earth? How heavy is the Serpent that's wrapped around Marvel earth? If that big ass snake is as heavy as a planet, the comparison in strength may be far more than a simple 2:1 ratio.
It took the combined efforts of Superman Wonder Woman, and the Martian Manhunter to tow the earth. So could we use this to gauge which one of them is physically superior? Towing the Earth and lifting something maybe a tenth the mass of the earth are very different things. WW and Thor are pretty even at strength. They are pretty much the same in durability. Especially given neither have thier blocker weapons. Thor has more innate godly powers to call upon. WW has a few innate powers of her own,(according to the respect thread)and flies and is faster. Thor should be as skilled as WW but from comics, she seems to use her skill far more than he does. I can't see it going any other way but a split. You add in thier weapons and it pretty much stays a split. It's like they are made to fight each other.
Originally posted by Oak Parker
Towing the Earth and lifting something maybe a tenth the mass of the earth are very different things. indeed. Thor's feat is more impressive. sneer
Originally posted by Oak Parker
WW and Thor are pretty even at strength. lolwut. prove it.
Sr J-Bieb
Originally posted by marwash22
indeed. Thor's feat is more impressive. sneer
lolwut. prove it. Gary Oak is just out to be better than you.
man Thor wankers in full effect. you have one guy saying thor 9/10 and saying it will be a close good fight. how is that going to be a close or good fight? pretty lobsided if you ask me.
Diana has this. she is too well trained that plus combat speed, speed, and flight = win
Diana gets 6/10
Originally posted by Stunner2xx
combat speed prove it.
and after you prove it, inform me as to how she's gonna put him down when he's stronger than her by a considerable margin.
Originally posted by marwash22
prove it.
and after you prove it, inform me as to how she's gonna put him down when he's stronger than her by a considerable margin.
Actually WW is stronger than him by a considerable margin. She has the quantifiable feats to prove it.
The problem here lies in speed. With proper speed one can guarantee a win every time (combo to ko). With skill and speed one can guarantee a counter attack every time if they wanted.
Here's the breakdown
WW has greater strength
WW is faster
WW is more skilled
WW is about as durable
Thus WW wins the majority. This is a no brainer.
Even if we accept that WW and Thor are the same strength, her blows will do more damage than his. This is because she will be using pressure points with them. Like how CA can put down far stronger foes. If WW wanted she can dog walk Superman too.
In this fight I see WW not getting touched at all, so either she
1. counters Thor's first attack with a nasty combo (using pressure points) to ko.
2. Pops Thor first and then combo off that hit for the easy ko.
Many of you view this as kind of extreme but based off what she can do and assuming she is fighting at her best it becomes truth.
Originally posted by h1a8
Actually WW is stronger than him by a considerable margin. Originally posted by marwash22
prove it.
Oak Parker
Originally posted by marwash22
indeed. Thor's feat is more impressive. sneer
lolwut. prove it.
Pulling an unquantifiable weight which is the midgaurd serpent isn't any more impressive than Wonder Woman holding up the Spectre with infinite mass. Certainly the Spectre feat is just as impressive. Especially since Superman was also struggling with his half of the Spectre. That would put Wonder Woman right in the same class as Superman.
Superman cleaned Thor's clock in far less punches than he's ever done to Wonder Woman. I'd say they are pretty even.
Its also stated in D.C. that WW has the speed of Mercury, strength GREATER than that of Hercules, etc.
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