wonderwoman vs wolverine
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who wins i say ww takes this. lets see how wolverine8888 explains this one

Probably something along the lines of how Wolverine is 'stronger' than WonderWoman, is 'faster' than WonderWoman, can 'fly', shoot laser beams from his eyes, blast fire from his nostrils, and has the power cosmic (which manifests through his adamantium claws).
Oh, and how Wolvie can defeat the entire JLA in less time than it takes to smoke a fine Cohiba cigar.
this has already been done before
Wolverine loses badly
Lucid Lui
Really badly....
Extremely, painfully, badly
aww wheres wolverine8888 when u need him?
^ Probably went to see Wolverine in the hospital.crutch
spiderboy u assume a vote for wolverine because I voted for him in fights that he clearly has the upper hand in. wonderwoman on the other hand is to good for wolverine to beat it just not gunna happen.
The Ion
This thread got owned.
Originally posted by The Ion
This thread got owned.
wonder woman more often than not... but know this.. she is in no way assured a 10/10 victory.. she's been both out grappled and out fought by batman.. only winning..well... for obvious reasons.. but wolverine has weapons that peirce.. being her weakness... if wolverine lands a hit (seeing how batman has consitstently done it to her) he'll probably secure an advantage.. but due to her speed and lasso wonder woman has the more consistent advantage here..
WW breaks wolverine in half.
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
WW breaks wolverine in half.
yeah... except for the fact that she can't...
seeing how his bones are unbreakable thats not gunna happen.
Oh it doesnt matter WW will break him in half. I seriously doubt is skeliton frame is unbreakable. With Someone as strong as WW Im pretty sure theyll break.
u clearly know nuthign about wolverine but yet u constantly comment about him. enraged hulk who is far stronger then wonderwomen could not do it so no ur plain wrong.
by the way wolverine fights people as strong and stronger then wonderwoman all the time.
Who does he fight as strong as WW?
<<wonder woman more often than not... but know this.. she is in no way assured a 10/10 victory.. she's been both out grappled and out fought by batman.. only winning..well... for obvious reasons.. but wolverine has weapons that peirce.. being her weakness... if wolverine lands a hit (seeing how batman has consitstently done it to her) he'll probably secure an advantage.. but due to her speed and lasso wonder woman has the more consistent advantage here..>>
unfortunately, that's probably pretty accurate. bats and slade's ability to hit her were annoying and probably should not have happened. her speed is enormously high. i'd say both written at their best, ww WOULD win 10/10. there really is no reason she souldn't be able to blitz him (flying or running) and get him in the lasso at her whim.
course, it doesn't work like that in the 'real world' of comics . . .

hmm let me think............ hulk, thing, namor, rough house, hercules. these just a few I named off the top of my head and most of them are stronger then wonderwoman in pure strength.
None of those are stronger then WW except possibly the Hulk when hes really angry. All those guys would take Wolverine Easily and if not thats some pretty crappy writing and biggest BS I ever heard.
ya ya ya bs righting u always say bs writing. by the way herc is stronger then wonderwomen also. thing and namor are the same strength as wonder woman.
im not saying wolverine beats wonderwoman i simply saying that she cna not break him in haft he battles and beats super strong people all the time.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
by the way herc is stronger then wonderwomen also. thing and namor are the same strength as wonder woman.
No, they're not.
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
Who does he fight as strong as WW?

don't forget about wendi...
That's the Deathwolverine.
ya death wolverine=wolverine
Originally posted by jinzin
don't forget about wendi...
ya I forgot about him
Originally posted by xmarksthespot

"Thing is as strong as Wonder Woman."
yes some versioon of thing are. some version of him are 100 ton. thou he did get depowered back to 85 tons.
Oh dear...
Chris Rock wouldn't stand a chance against you.
so ur saying that wonder woman over 100 ton characters by a lot?
She's up there with Superman, Thor, Savage Hulk, etc.
She's high-tier.
Thing somewhere in the middle.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
yes some versioon of thing are. some version of him are 100 ton. thou he did get depowered back to 85 tons. Originally posted by wolverine8888
so ur saying that wonder woman over 100 ton characters by a lot?

"Wonder Woman can't lift 100 tons. Thing is stronger."

He's been working out that heart a lot...
I never said thing was stronger. i just said some version of him are close to wonder woman strength. but does not matter any ways because an enraged hulk is stronger then wonder woman and thats all I needed for my arguement.
Originally posted by Draco69
She's up there with Superman, Thor, Savage Hulk, etc.
She's high-tier.
Thing somewhere in the middle.
she not as storng as normal enraged hulk or thor or superman or herc.
thou u are probly right she may be in there leagues.
Tha C-Master
lol, When has wolverine fought superman?
Do you think wolverine can beat superman?
I remember you saying he could in an old post...
She can go blow for blow with Superman. She's pretty much the strongest female hero (and stronger than a lot of the male heroes) there is off the top of my head.
? wolverine fighting superman wtf. they have never foughten and wolverine woudl lose. could of been my brother who wrote it. I was here for 3 or 4 years but I elft a couple of times for months on end and I caught my brother saying shit on my forum name.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
ya death wolverine=wolverine
Wolverine has Death horsemen was enhanced from Apocalypse through:
Putting back the adamantium in his bones.
Giving him energy projection abilities which granted him to seriously damage an X-Jet and slay down Cable, Nate and Jean Grey with a telepathic assault.
His durability was enhanced so that he could walk through Cyclops optic blast like it was nothing, and Cyke was going ALL OUT.
He also took a telekinetic assault from Jean without reporting damage.
he's done the same thing to ces blast without being death...
as death he faired worse against angle and cable than he did as regual ol' wolverine... enhanced durability was NEVER one of his described powers.. the only people who say so are the people who don't like what happened...
wtf are u smoking dude. he was never given enegry projections? he was given just is skeleton. when was it stated thsoe abilites were given to him? also if they were given to him who took them away?
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by jinzin
he's done the same thing to ces blast without being death...
as death he faired worse against angle and cable than he did as regual ol' wolverine... enhanced durability was NEVER one of his described powers.. the only people who say so are the people who don't like what happened... He also went through one of his whirlwinds, the only people who think nothing has changed with him are.. nah I'm not even gonna say it since you two are my peeps.
He got his bones back after winning against sabes, and Apoc took the metal from sabes and gave it to him, amongst other things.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
she not as storng as normal enraged hulk or thor or superman or herc.
thou u are probly right she may be in there leagues.
First off, Hercules. Diana has "the strength of Gaea GREATER than that of Hercules." She was designed by the gods to be stronger than Hercules.
She's debatably as strong or a little weaker than Superman or Thor.
Enraged Hulk depends on how enraged he is.
hercules is stornger then thor just so u know. they had a contest and out of strength feats hercules won 2 out of 3. she designed to eb stornger then hercules form the dc unverse not from the marvel universe. unless u think she stronger then thor. also enraged normal hulk is stronger then thor and superman.
Originally posted by Tha C-Master
He also went through one of his whirlwinds, the only people who think nothing has changed with him are.. nah I'm not even gonna say it since you two are my peeps.
He got his bones back after winning against sabes, and Apoc took the metal from sabes and gave it to him, amongst other things.
all I'm saying is that there's never been any stated evidence that says otherwise...
at least none that I've seen.. though I'm open to changing my position on the matter..
and that every other comparible feat wolvie does to those he did while as death.. is simply written off as pis...

Originally posted by jinzin
he's done the same thing to ces blast without being death...
as death he faired worse against angle and cable than he did as regual ol' wolverine... enhanced durability was NEVER one of his described powers.. the only people who say so are the people who don't like what happened...
How about deathwolverine fighting against X-man's telekinetic holding...and breaking through it. Next you are going to say Wolverine could do it nowadays too...
Originally posted by wolverine8888
wtf are u smoking dude. he was never given enegry projections? he was given just is skeleton. when was it stated thsoe abilites were given to him? also if they were given to him who took them away?
Read comics.
He took out the X-Jet with energy blast.
telekiness holdings? u mean the blast thats not a hold.
he's broken through jeans telekenetic holding through rage...
Originally posted by jinzin
he's broken through jeans telekenetic holding through rage...
ya he went beseker.
it was around wolvie 125 or so...
Originally posted by wolverine8888
hercules is stornger then thor just so u know. they had a contest and out of strength feats hercules won 2 out of 3. she designed to eb stornger then hercules form the dc unverse not from the marvel universe. unless u think she stronger then thor. also enraged normal hulk is stronger then thor and superman.
Ah. But you see Marvel Hercules never lifted the Earth/Heavens. He was "exaggerating" that feat much like his feat with "throwing Manhattan Island" at Thor.
DC Hercules however HAS lifted the Earth/Heavens. And Diana is STRONGER than him.
Wow even this has gotten to three pages. I do seriously hope no one thinks this is anything less than 10/10 for Wonder Woman.
Nah. They're just arguing about the validity of Death vs. Hulk.
i stated my opinion on the first page.. I stand by it...
so now wonder woman can lift up the earth lol. so now she stronger then superman and thor and hulk lol. u gotta be ****en joking. hulks biggest feat weighed 150 billion tons. the earth was a number that is so big I can;t even say how many ****en tons it is.
by ur logic draco wodner woman is pritty much the strongest character there is.
Yes. Your opinion is purely based on massive PIS and BS. In each of Diana's "fights" with Batman she was either A) training with him or B) clearly holding back in order not to implode his skull by accident.
5,972,000,000,000,000,000,000 metric tons
Originally posted by Draco69
Yes. Your opinion is purely based on massive PIS and BS. In each of Diana's "fights" with Batman she was either A) training with him or B) clearly holding back in order not to implode his skull by accident.
like when she turned into a demonized version?

where was her abundance of speed vs. batman though... or ds.. I guess she likes taking hits eh?

draco thinks wonderwoman strength is >>>>>>>>superman there just is not even time for me o put any more arrows in
Originally posted by wolverine8888
so now wonder woman can lift up the earth lol. so now she stronger then superman and thor and hulk lol. u gotta be ****en joking. hulks biggest feat weighed 150 billion tons. the earth was a number that is so big I can;t even say how many ****en tons it is.
by ur logic draco wodner woman is pritty much the strongest character there is.
She never has. She can't reach the realm of Atlas. However Diana's biggest feats are well into the trillions of tons.
Wolvie. Don't argue with me about WW's capabilities. It's a battle everyone has lost with me on this forum.

Batman's has also fought Superman.
Honestly, He's one big jobber aura. Best not incluse him in these.
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
Wow even this has gotten to three pages. I do seriously hope no one thinks this is anything less than 10/10 for Wonder Woman. Oh but there are, and they are entitled to their opinion of course.
Originally posted by jinzin
like when she turned into a demonized version?
That's what's called PIS. One punch from her would have knocked his batty ass to the moon.
And in the very same comic, Diana stated she was resisting the demon's possession the entire time in order to give Bruce a fighting chance...
The Ion
Batman has tangled with Superman, Wonder Woman, White Martians and New Gods among other things. Everyone jobs to Bruce.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Batman's has also fought Superman.
Honestly, He's one big jobber aura. Best not incluse him in these.
Supergirl is catching up to Batman in the jobber aura department. Cap and Deathstroke are nearly there...
Originally posted by The Ion
Batman has tangled with Superman, Wonder Woman, White Martians and New Gods among other things. Everyone jobs to Bruce.

Originally posted by wolverine8888
draco thinks wonderwoman strength is >>>>>>>>superman there just is not even time for me o put any more arrows in Dude you're sooooooooooo not in a position to accuse anyone of having bias.
draco from what ur stating that would mean wonderwoman is superman plus hulk plus thor plus herc times 200
Supergirl is stronger then superman.
Who has she beat?
Originally posted by jinzin
where was her abundance of speed vs. batman though... or ds.. I guess she likes taking hits eh?
So does Darkseid, Superman and hell even the likes of Green Lantern and Orion.
Seriously. What's next on your PIS/SvFL list.

Originally posted by jinzin
i stated my opinion on the first page.. I stand by it... Jin, she can just speedblitz him or tie him up in her lasso. She can fly for pete's sake.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
draco from what ur stating that would mean wonderwoman is superman plus hulk plus thor plus herc times 200
What xmarkspot said...
And no Superman is and will always be stronger than Wonder Woman.
Like I said you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Supergirl is stronger then superman.
Who has she beat?
super girl is not superman plus hulk plus thor plus herc times 200
The Ion
Originally posted by wolverine8888
draco from what ur stating that would mean wonderwoman is superman plus hulk plus thor plus herc times 200
I'm not trying to be mean but you have some god damn awful reading comprehension.
Originally posted by The Ion
I'm not trying to be mean but you have some god damn awful reading comprehension.
Pretty much.
Funny. His brother had that too.
Is it genetic?
The Ion
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Supergirl is stronger then superman.
Who has she beat?
Blackrock said she was stronger than Superman. Zeus's magic had no effect on her. She's just lame.
Tha C-Master
Its funny how you can make a thread like this 5 or 6 times, and nothing happens and it dies.
Then you make it one time with the right people and it soars, its what I call chemistry.

Originally posted by Draco69
So does Darkseid, Superman and hell even the likes of Green Lantern and Orion.
Seriously. What's next on your PIS/SvFL list.
gimme a sec I gotta think of something good....

Originally posted by Draco69
What xmarkspot said...
And no Superman is and will always be stronger than Wonder Woman.
Like I said you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
ok so u admitt superman stornger that would mean thor and hulk and herc are as well. this is marvel herc since I don't know dc herc
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by jinzin
gimme a sec I gotta think of something good....

Don't dissapoint me jinzin, you never do...

Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Supergirl is stronger then superman.
Who has she beat?
She's SUPPOSEDLY stronger than Superman. It's never been proven.
But seriously the entire friggin JSA and Teen Titans jobbed to that b****.
Originally posted by The Ion
I'm not trying to be mean but you have some god damn awful reading comprehension.
she said wonderwoman is stfonger then herc form dc and herc from dc, who lifted up the world.
The Ion
Originally posted by wolverine8888
super girl is not superman plus hulk plus thor plus herc times 200
Exactly what I'm talking about. What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Originally posted by The Ion
Blackrock said she was stronger than Superman. Zeus's magic had no effect on her. She's just lame.
Still, it's not jobing unless there's no reason for it.
Well, I have no idea about the magic, but just being stronger then clark dosen't give her jobing power.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
ok so u admitt superman stornger that would mean thor and hulk and herc are as well. this is marvel herc since I don't know dc herc
Can you read?
As I said before Superman is stronger than WW. WW is the same league as Thor and Hulk.
But Hercules absolutely not.
And if you don't know DC Hercules, who is paramont to my arguement, than you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.
The entire JLA Jobed to deathstroke.
Teams don't seem that effective....
Originally posted by Draco69
Can you read?
As I said before Superman is stronger than WW. WW is the same league as Thor and Hulk.
But Hercules absolutely not.
And if you don't know DC Hercules, who is paramont to my arguement, than you don't have any idea of what you're talking about.
again marvel herc is strong or stronger then thor.
DC Herc is not as inportant a charater as marvel Herc.
But didn't WW beat him once?
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by Draco69
She's SUPPOSEDLY stronger than Superman. It's never been proven.
But seriously the entire friggin JSA and Teen Titans jobbed to that b****. I read that yesterday actually.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Still, it's not jobing unless there's no reason for it.
Well, I have no idea about the magic, but just being stronger then clark dosen't give her jobing power.
Jobbing to god magic and the entire team of TT and JSA is major jobbing.
God I hope she dies in the Crisis.
<<Ah. But you see Marvel Hercules never lifted the Earth/Heavens. He was "exaggerating" that feat much like his feat with "throwing Manhattan Island" at Thor.>>
draco, you are my FRIGGIN' HERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have no idea how long and ridiculous the debate i had with olympian was on this point. he still claims herc has done it in marvel because of some flashback image. i said no he never HAS done it in a real-time, real-book setting so it CANNOT be considered canon. aside from that, some of herc's feats in marvel were actually done by gilgamesh! thanks GOD someone else around here undrestands what has and has NOT happened in comics . . .
and jin -- why CAN'T she blitz him 10/10? same reason she didn't blitz ds and bats, i assume you will say . . . but written to potential, i see no reason she couldn't do so . . .
and 8888, (are there really 8887 OTHER wolvie's out there . . .?) it's less about strength than it is about speed in this fight. though to your credit, i DID see where you said you didn't think wolvie would win this one . . .

Originally posted by wolverine8888
again marvel herc is strong or stronger then thor.
Wolvie, you're just babbling now...
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
DC Herc is not as inportant a charater as marvel Herc.
But didn't WW beat him once?
Says who? What does importance have to do with pure strength?
well it true herc is as strong and as powerful as thor. if u do not believe me go read there dam fights.
I think he's saying Herc = thor = hulk =~= WW.
The Ion
It's not being stronger than Clark I have a problem with. It's Jeph Loeb going out of his way to prove Britney was superior to the JSA, the Titans and even skyfather magic.
im saying hulk>herc=thor=superman>wonderwoman. in pure strength
Originally posted by wolverine8888
well it true herc is as strong and as powerful as thor. if u do not believe me go read there dam fights.
What is your point? I think you're just plain afraid of the fact that MAYBE WW is stronger than Thor. Who knows? We don't have a clear indicator.
They both have high-end strength feats that put them both in the same class. I'm not saying WW is stronger or weaker than Thor. I'm just saying we don't have a clear indicator.
But Hercules isn't even an option...
Originally posted by The Ion
It's not being stronger than Clark I have a problem with. It's Jeph Loeb going out of his way to prove Britney was superior to the JSA, the Titans and even skyfather magic.

Originally posted by Draco69
What is your point? I think you're just plain afraid of the fact that MAYBE WW is stronger than Thor. Who knows? We don't have a clear indicator.
They both have high-end strength feats that put them both in the same class. I'm not saying WW is stronger or weaker than Thor. I'm just saying we don't have a clear indicator.
But Hercules isn't even an option...
what the **** don't u understand? herc and thor are ****en equals dam u can be so ****en dense some times read there newest comic togather or there old fights.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
im saying hulk>herc=thor=superman>wonderwoman. in pure strength
Immortal Hercules would be somewhere in the top tier. But not the Hercules that's been around for the last decade or so.
In my opinion:
Hulk (when appropiately enraged)>Superman>Wonder Woman=Thor>Hercules.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
what the **** don't u understand? herc and thor are ****en equals
I disagree. Thor seems to be stronger.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
dam u can be so ****en dense some times read there newest comic togather or there old fights.
Now this sounds familiar.
God knows how many times alot people have said this to you....
Thor HAS lifted the world you know.
There's a lot of debate over Superman vs Thor.
But it dosen't matter. What are we argueing about?
Herc IS equal to thor. It's been shown and said many times.
well ur oppion is wrong flat out wrong. ever fight has been stalemate and it always has shown herc the stornger but thor a little more powerful enegery wise. go read there newest comic to gather herc wins there fight i think and he is drunk lol
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Thor HAS lifted the world you know.
There's a lot of debate over Superman vs Thor.
No he hasn't. He lifted that big snake...forgot it's name.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
But it dosen't matter. What are we argueing about?
I don't know...
I think everyone agrees per subject matter Wolverine would be completely curbstomped by WW.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
well ur oppion is wrong flat out wrong. ever fight has been stalemate and it always has shown herc the stornger but thor a little more powerful enegery wise. go read there newest comic to gather herc wins there fight i think and he is drunk lol
Again. I disagree. It wholly depends if Hercules is immortal or not. And he's not...
He used to be...
I doubt anyone here thins Wolverine could win.
Anyway in fact, I don't even know what we are talking about. I can only asume it has to do with Wolverine = Hulk > WW, which is just stupid.
Yeha, only immortal herc can match Thor.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
I doubt anyone here thins Wolverine could win.
Jinzin and wolverine8888 do...
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Anyway in fact, I don't even know what we are talking about. I can only asume it has to do with Wolverine = Hulk > WW, which is just stupid.
You summed it up perfectly. That equation is just so wrong....
No they don't think Wolverine's likely to win. But they still think she doesn't get 10/10.
It's far more likely that she cuts him than vice versa.
The Ion

That tiara toss will live forever. That's one of the smoothest moves I've seen.
Better than Sailor Moon...
Plagarizing b****.
WW should sue Sailor Moon for stealing that move!
I find it funny how you DIDN'T post the scans where Superman was owning her ass.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I bet Sailor Moon is a big Wonder Woman fan.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
I find it funny how you DIDN'T post the scans where Superman was owning her ass. Uh... if I was trying to omit things I would have probably taken out where he broke her wrist. I was posting scans to show ways in which she could knock the crap out of Wolverine. Posting Superman beating on her is irrelevant considering Wolverine can do none of the things Superman can.
It's relevant she broke his grip....
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
I find it funny how you DIDN'T post the scans where Superman was owning her ass.
Actually it was even. WW was holding back the entire time and Superman was going all out.
If you read the follow-up to the Sacrifice arc, in Superman's perspective, while Diana suffered a burnt face and a broken wrist. Superman likewise suffered a shattered kneecap and two broken rib bones.
Like I said, even. WW wasn't even TRYING to fight Superman. She was more like: "Get the bleep off me ya crazy bastard! You're not yourself!"
Originally posted by xmarksthespot

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I bet Sailor Moon is a big Wonder Woman fan.
Even her goddamn costume is a ripoff!

She said she was holding back A BIT. It's not like she is when sparing with Batman.
And WW was a lot more clearheaded.
A "bit" isn't really an accurate term. If WW wasn't holding back we would see her using the lasso as weapon (i.e. weedwhipper) to tear limps off. Or using the Godwave. Or simply using her tiara to decaptitate Superman instead sliting his throat.
Originally posted by Draco69
Plagarizing b****.
WW should sue Sailor Moon for stealing that move! Who used it first?
Originally posted by Draco69
Even her goddamn costume is a ripoff!
Yes, they could be twins. . .

How can you tell them apart?

What's a MaryLou?
Originally posted by Creshosk
Who used it first?
Wonder Woman did. She's been using that techinique since WWII. Literally.
Originally posted by Creshosk
Yes, they could be twins. . .
How can you tell them apart?
Bah! She's just some heretic from some WW fan club.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
What's a MaryLou?
I'm guessing the artist that made that picture. Human I think. . .
Originally posted by Draco69
Wonder Woman did. She's been using that techinique since WWII. Literally. Interesting. . . though this may not be(if it is indeed influenced by DC then there are at least two that I know of) the only instance of DC affecting anime.
Anyone know who A-Ko's parents are hinted to be?
Originally posted by Draco69
Bah! She's just some heretic from some WW fan club. You never know, in the case of Naoko Takeuchi she did draw from various western and Asian influences to create this particular show.

Originally posted by wolverine8888
thing and namor are the same strength as wonder woman.

Not even close.
grey fox
I have a ten to one bet they will end up sleeping together
Originally posted by grey fox
I have a ten to one bet they will end up sleeping together Thing and Namor?
I was about to ask how in the hell this has gotten to 7 pages, but then I realized that a lot of this is just off topic stuff.
Wonder Woman makes a footstool out of Wolverine.
spiderboy5, you must think wolverine fans are idiots. the only reason you posted this thread was an attempt to witness the stupidity that does not even exist within the minds of the so called "fanboys." you suck.
wonderwoman wins.
Ah... but does she win 10/10? Some disagree...
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
Ah... but does she win 10/10? Some disagree...
he's not fast enough to gut her.
That's what WE said....but these other guys....
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by cheldon
spiderboy5, you must think wolverine fans are idiots. the only reason you posted this thread was an attempt to witness the stupidity that does not even exist within the minds of the so called "fanboys." you suck.
wonderwoman wins. I remember you WOLVERINEFAN, the one who thought wolverine beat hulk and iron man.
As many of the fanboys as I've befriended, wolverine ones are still #1 worst of the forum, hands down...
Originally posted by wolverine8888
? wolverine fighting superman wtf. they have never foughten and wolverine woudl lose. could of been my brother who wrote it. I was here for 3 or 4 years but I elft a couple of times for months on end and I caught my brother saying shit on my forum name.
Funny. I cannot detect a whit of difference between your posts and the mumblings of your brother! Are you sure that you and your bro are not the same person?
As for this fight .....well .....unless wolvie gets the same BS writing that had him beating up Lobo, Wonderwoman will win this. Easy!
So easy that she will probably feel guilty for taking it out so hard on such a short man with a ludicrous haircut.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
draco from what ur stating that would mean wonderwoman is superman plus hulk plus thor plus herc times 200
You show surprisingly atrophied logic! Nowhere did Draco say that WW is Supes+Hulk+Thor+Herc multiplied by 200.
Yet you somehow came to that conclusion.
Once again you prove to everyone that you are either:
a) In pre-school (your spelling does tend to indicate that).
b) You need a mental upgrade (this stems from your logic .....or should I say lack of).
Anyone who can read Draco's postings, and come up with the nonsense you put above, needs to take a 2 week vacation, some remedial classes, and a 3-month supply of gingko biloba.
Have a nice day.
The Ion
Originally posted by spetznaz
You show surprisingly atrophied logic! Nowhere did Draco say that WW is Supes+Hulk+Thor+Herc multiplied by 200.
Yet you somehow came to that conclusion.
Once again you prove to everyone that you are either:
a) In pre-school (your spelling does tend to indicate that).
b) You need a mental upgrade (this stems from your logic .....or should I say lack of).
Anyone who can read Draco's postings, and come up with the nonsense you put above, needs to take a 2 week vacation, some remedial classes, and a 3-month supply of gingko biloba.
Have a nice day.

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