Rune King Thor vs. Asmodel
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the Darkone
Rune King Thor
battle takes place in asgard
RKT takes my vote. Can't beat a viking God!!
Plus he's immortal, so AsModels touch won't kill him outright.
the Darkone
RKT has a chance since energy superman was hanging with asmodel, RKT sure has a chance of doing much more and he is more powerful than energy superman.
I'll wait until Avvy comes and give more details on the Fallen Angel !!!
Why does everyone say thor is imortal? HE'S NOT! HE SAYS HE IS NOT IN DISSASEMBLED, IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!!
the Darkone
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer

Why does everyone say thor is imortal? HE'S NOT! HE SAYS HE IS NOT IN DISSASEMBLED, IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW!!!
Yes he is, Thor Annual 11 states it. thor parents skyfather-Odin and Elder God Gaea. He is a hybrid God, he is immortal because of his mother bloodline.
Dude have heard of writing error it happens all the time in comics.
that MUST have been reconed, since no site on the internet list him as imortal.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
that MUST have been reconed, since no site on the internet list him as imortal.
Read comics, not internet sites. Thor is immortal. He's just sleeping the the sleep of the gods right now. Rune King Thor is the Allfather.
Asmodel wins easily. Physically. Thor isn't doing anything.
Magic will also be worthless.
Full power asmodel can destroy matter with a word.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Asmodel wins easily. Physically. Thor isn't doing anything.
Magic will also be worthless.
Full power asmodel can destroy matter with a word.
So basically Rune Thor is going to kick the crap out of Asmodel while Asmodel can't do anything except take the beating.
And no, I don't think a guy that was held back by Electric Superman can do a thing to a guy that took punches from Mangog and easily disipated Mangog.
Asmodel gets kicked around and ain't going to do jack to even affect Rune Thor.
Originally posted by Beyonder
So basically Rune Thor is going to kick the crap out of Asmodel while Asmodel can't do anything except take the beating.
And no, I don't think a guy that was held back by Electric Superman can do a thing to a guy that took punches from Mangog and easily disipated Mangog.
Asmodel gets kicked around and ain't going to do jack to even affect Rune Thor.
Gee...what a surprise! Beyonder follows me yet again!
Asmodel beats the hell out of Thor, nuff said.
Originally posted by Beyonder
So basically Rune Thor is going to kick the crap out of Asmodel while Asmodel can't do anything except take the beating.
And no, I don't think a guy that was held back by Electric Superman can do a thing to a guy that took punches from Mangog and easily disipated Mangog.
Asmodel gets kicked around and ain't going to do jack to even affect Rune Thor.
Asmodel is a badass
he did give Electric Supes good battle.

Originally posted by kgkg
Asmodel is a badass
he did give Electric Supes good battle.
Aren't you the one always whining...
"If only glads were full confidence..he'd....."
We're still waiting....
Adam Warlock
In Avy's mind,(and many others), anyone that can give superman a good fight is unbeatable.
RKT trashes him.
No !!! Homer trashes everyone !!!
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
In Avy's mind,(and many others), anyone that can give superman a good fight is unbeatable.
RKT trashes him.
Funny coming from someone who hyped up Sentry who hasn't done much.
Asmodel is inprisoned in heaven since hell couldnt hold him.
Thats pretty good credentials in my book...
Cosmic Cube
Hmm... I personally thought Asmodel was around Skyfather level. He's nothing to scoff at, but neither is Rune King Thor. This may be a close match. Can I get feats from either side?
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Funny coming from someone who hyped up Sentry who hasn't done much.
Asmodel is inprisoned in heaven since hell couldnt hold him.
Thats pretty good credentials in my book...
Hmm. One would think that Asmodel, King of the Bull Host would be quite a bit stronger than your average angel.
Who was imprisoning him in hell?
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Hmm. One would think that Asmodel, King of the Bull Host would be quite a bit stronger than your average angel.
Who was imprisoning him in hell?
He was there with Neron as punishment. He then combined with Spectre and literally froze hell over with all that power.
On his own (ie. Without any of the spectre power) he fought his way through heaven to overthrow god, made it to wherever it is that "god" is supposed to reside in just to discover that God is a manifestation of all and not some king that lives in a castle.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
He was there with Neron as punishment. He then combined with Spectre and literally froze hell over with all that power.
On his own (ie. Without any of the spectre power) he fought his way through heaven to overthrow god, made it to wherever it is that "god" is supposed to reside in just to discover that God is a manifestation of all and not some king that lives in a castle.
He's one of the most powerful angels. It doesn't surprise me that he could defeat masses of them.
I don't know much about Rune King Thor, aside from a lot of jibber-jabber about him being above Skyfather level. I don't know exactly what he's capable of, so I can't make a decision.
But I do know this; simply posting 'so-and-so would stomp so-and-so' doesn't move the debate along any. Providing facts, proof, and a good argument does.
You and Sentry still at it?

Adam Warlock
Ion posted scans of RKT killing the Mangog with a gesture. Then ripping an uber powered Loki's head off. Check out the comic book scans thread in the comic forum. Check out the Respect Thread for Thor and what he did to the Gardener. He surpassed his father in every way.
Electric Supes gave Asmodel a tough fight. King of Angels?
Powerful Angels = Superman?
Lobo is immortal because neither Heaven or Hell wants a thing to do with him. It doesn't mean he can take Rune Thor.
Yeah, Lobo RULEZZ !!!
This is right before Asmodel nearly took over heaven.
MM (deceased) and Zauriel were angels powered by the presence.
It took the presence itself to stop him...
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