green lanterns vs. tyrant
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kyle, hal, john, guy, kilowog vs. tryant
i just bought and read green lantern rebirth by brad meltzer(best author ever) and it was freaking good
the lanterns shined and destroyed parallex.....
if the lanterns team up.. will they be able to beat tyrant??
tryant beated silver surfer, gladiator, beta ray bill, terrax, and so on by himself..!!
will the lanterns shine or will they die????
Gl’s whould die
Tryant just didn't beat them; he took them out like insects
Tyrant is only inches away from being as powerful as Galactus.
He crushes them.
Tyrant just waves a damn finger !!!
If Tyrant fights to full ability he wins.
If he goes like he did against Thanos..he loses horribly.
wouldnt they at least have a good chance of winning??
since they did beat parallex
who would win if parallex vs. tyrant??
Originally posted by jacobo0o
kyle, hal, john, guy, kilowog vs. tryant
i just bought and read green lantern rebirth by brad meltzer(best author ever) and it was freaking good
the lanterns shined and destroyed parallex.....
if the lanterns team up.. will they be able to beat tyrant??
tryant beated silver surfer, gladiator, beta ray bill, terrax, and so on by himself..!!
will the lanterns shine or will they die????
Meltzer had nothing to do with GL: Rebirth, that was Geoff Johns' work, the same guy who did Flash for the past few years and is heading up Infinite Crisis. He's the best thing to happen to DC.
Anyway, The GL's are gonna have to call up the rest of the active Corps, cause anyone, I see them getting owned just like everyone else.
Wait, how dare you not include Alan Scott!?

I think he's only including actual Corps members.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
If Tyrant fights to full ability he wins.
If he goes like he did against Thanos..he loses horribly.

Yeah right. His fight with Thanos was the same against the herald level beings.
Bill, Gladiator, Terrax, Surfer, and Jack Of Heart is the group he stomped. The GLs? Nothing different. Hell, the powers are all the same, atleast the group that fought Tyrant varied in attacks.
Tyrant 9-10.
Originally posted by Beyonder

Yeah right. His fight with Thanos was the same against the herald level beings.
Bill, Gladiator, Terrax, Surfer, and Jack Of Heart is the group he stomped. The GLs? Nothing different. Hell, the powers are all the same, atleast the group that fought Tyrant varied in attacks.
Tyrant 9-10.
Wow, do you have no life? Seems like you go out of your way just to disagree with me. Still rolling your eyes like a b*tch too...
You have a different opinion? Great....simply post the reason why and quit the stupid vendetta.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Wow, do you have no life? Seems like you go out of your way just to disagree with me. Still rolling your eyes like a b*tch too...
You have a different opinion? Great....simply post the reason why and quit the stupid vendetta.
Wow, your about to lose it. I'll call Cassidy and tell him he's got a roomy coming to stay with him.
Adam Warlock
Kyle = Silver Surfer
Hal = Beta Ray Bill
John = Jack Of Hearts
Kilowog = Terrax
Guy = Morg
Not enough GL's. Tyrant whooped those herald level beings quite easily.
Tyrant > Thanos > Silver Surfer = GL
Tyrant was powerful enough to go toe to toe with Galactus. If I remember correctly, their last encounter, Galactus was bleeding from the mouth, injuries sustained fighting Tyrant, right before Morg unleashed the Nullifier.
Tyrant wins.
Originally posted by Beyonder
Wow, your about to lose it. I'll call Cassidy and tell him he's got a roomy coming to stay with him.
Sure madam.
Hey, if your thing is following dudes in threads, feel free. Looks like I have a fanboy.

The Ion
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Kyle = Silver Surfer
I am satisfied with this.
I would say that Green Lanterns could win like maybe 2-3 out of ten but they are outclassed. You do underestimate them Adam Warlock. They could individually make a herald level being construct with all of the powers of them.
Originally posted by The Ion
I am satisfied with this.
As am I. According to Daniel (Sandman) Kyle will surpass Hal.
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