Battle of the KMC insta-death champions
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Everybody knows that the most annoying debates to have are against the people with no rational limit to their abilities. The three I've found to be most guilty of that are:
Combo of death: steals your speed, Infinite Mass Punches you 2.3 billion times, then teleports you to Marvel. All before you realize you're in a fight
2)Hal Jordan GL
Combo of death: GL ring auto-protects you from harm. Whatever the Hell you want. GL rings allow a GL to do anything the KMC debator imagines, because it's in their GL charter.
3)Dr. Strange (or other magic users)
Combo of death: Auto-spells prevents the opponent from doing anything offensive, then casts a spell to stop time, then casts a spell to________________.
So, in a three way match to the KO, using every ability a KMC poster has come up with to its most Uber - who comes out on top?
Originally posted by demigawd
Everybody knows that the most annoying debates to have are against the people with no rational limit to their abilities. The three I've found to be most guilty of that are:
Combo of death: steals your speed, Infinite Mass Punches you 2.3 billion times, then teleports you to Marvel. All before you realize you're in a fight
2)Hal Jordan GL
Combo of death: GL ring auto-protects you from harm. Whatever the Hell you want. GL rings allow a GL to do anything the KMC debator imagines, because it's in their GL charter.
3)Dr. Strange (or other magic users)
Combo of death: Auto-spells prevents the opponent from doing anything offensive, then casts a spell to stop time, then casts a spell to________________.
So, in a three way match to the KO, using every ability a KMC poster has come up with to its most Uber - who comes out on top?
Strange , than Hal , then Flash
Flash dies hard
You forgot Invisible Woman and Jean Grey with their head explosions.
Or Nightcrawler teleporting a sword directly into your chest.
long pig
Strange time stops, rewinds and transmutes them into bread rolls.
Blair Wind
but they all have to think this through...Flash is faster than thought....he creams them both.....
long pig
Then what? Strange really can't lose in these fights. If his body dies, he just goes into Astral form and then proceeds to stop time, reverse it, come back alive and then...whammy! French Bread!
Heh...seriously, he can't lose seeing he really can't die permenatly, and can fight in the Astral plane if he's K.O'd.
Originally posted by Blair Wind
but they all have to think this through...Flash is faster than thought....he creams them both.....
True. Flash can move faster than they can think, but that will not help him here. After all Dr Strange has 'auto' spells that do not need conscious thought to kick in. Thus Strange may not know what is happening, but he is still 'protected.' Or so I hear (even though in the comics I've seen him actually get blindsided several times, but here at KMC apparently Strange has been given 'auto-protect' spells).
Anyways, the KMC itteration of Strange, with his auto-spells, would basically make Flash's speed a non-factor.
Ah, but Flash goes through time and kills Strange before Strange can set up his auto-spell!
long pig
Flash is a horrible time traveler. He never truly knows where he'll end up.
That's ok, as long as it's in the distant past, he can take it from there!
Or even better...he steals Strange's speed and BFRs him to the Phantom Zone or some shit.
The Ion
Hal wins everytime. He has the power of BS which we all know is greater than anything. You think he's the best GL because of skill? No, only he could do something as lame as this.
Thats why hes the f*in man. I still say Wally wins this.
Or.............. Forge will just make an Anti-Dr.Strange machinezorz !!!
Iceman would just flash-freeze the multiverse.
Iceman wins 10/10.
Blair Wind
Originally posted by StyleTime
Iceman would just flash-freeze the multiverse.
Iceman wins 10/10.

rock on!!! Thats right iceman wins........
Don't forget te Soul Gem.
Ahem, are we forgetting a certain large green man and his infamous 'thunderclap', which instantly kills everything in a bajillion mile radius...?
Kingdom Come Flash was he was able to grab astral forms.
long pig
That's damn fast.
Yeah, KC Flash could just hop dimensions he was so fast. They'd all be screwed against him. Auto-shields ruin normal Flash's chances though.
I'd vote can always invent a new spell to work in a given situation (like when KITT used to have an invention installed just before they used it). GL's are close to that level of imaginative BS, but not quite.
Hal wills that all magic and speed surrounding strange and flash is rendered null.
What the hell? Just like you said, insta-death here, right?
Then Flash wins so hard and fast it's not even funny. Those other two just can't react ANYWHERE near in time to do anything at all to affect Flash.
He'd kill them both before they knew they were dead.
^ Youre right in a sense Metal. I dont know about Strange, but Hals aura would auto protect him from anything life threatening. Meaning he doesnt have to think about putting it up. If Flashwere to try and ko him, then yea Wally wins easy. Same for Strange imo(Although LP may say differently).
This is to the death, so Wally cant instantly kill GL. Cause the aura automatically goes up.
Eventhough i did vote for Flash,i forgot its to the death. So ill change my vote and say Hal wins.
It's not to the death. Remember my stip - to the KO.
Or some other form of defeat.
Strange has been knocked out before - I don't remember him continuing from the Astral Plane, lol.
^ In that case, ill go back to my original post in saying Flash wins.
and I still say Iceman wins.
long pig
None of the people here can fight a ghost. Strange wins.

It's useless cause Batman will come and null and destroy all. He has Cosmic Awareness.
Originally posted by long pig
None of the people here can fight a ghost. Strange wins.
Not even GL? Who's the chief GL fanboy here? He needs to get in his shots against Long Pig.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
It's useless cause Batman will come and null and destroy all. He has Cosmic Awareness.
Omniscience v. 2.0, actually. He wasn't happy with normal omniscience, so he upgraded it. During 15 minutes of prep time, right before he had an omniscience contest with Lucifer.
Now, upgrading Omnipotence v1 was a little harder. That took 25 minutes of prep. He took all of his normal omnipotence and channeled it into his foot. (creating the multiomniverse shattering batkick) he then built an omnipotence absorbing machine and kicked it an infinite amount of times. Then, he transferred all that power into himself. Done and done. Batman=God v3.0.
I forgot about Batman. He would put up a good fight against Iceman. He made a plan for the multiversal ice age 6 years ago.
Iceman 5/10
The Ion
Originally posted by long pig
None of the people here can fight a ghost. Strange wins.
Hal would recharge his ring on Strange's astral form.
Originally posted by The Ion
Hal would recharge his ring on Strange's astral form.
I guess Ion is the number 1 GL fanboy (I thought there was another one).
ok Long Pig, Ion says you're full of shit because Strange's astral form is still vulnerable. Whacha got for him????
Batman using prep time finds out how to take the powers of both TOAA and the Presence and channels it into him self and destroys all of them then goes and fixes time so that his parents were never killed. Now I know what you're thinking how and it's plain and simple he's Batman.batman
Batman transcends all realities and planes of existance... His kick wipes out all realities as it passes over them. Astral form smastral form. Yeah. I said Smastral form.
Then people start to worship not Batman but, THE BATMAN.
The Ion
He's the goddamn Batman!
Originally posted by demigawd
I guess Ion is the number 1 GL fanboy (I thought there was another one).
ok Long Pig, Ion says you're full of shit because Strange's astral form is still vulnerable. Whacha got for him????
Strange's astral form IS still vunerable to attack. Also as ive stated before(in previous debates with LP) Strange CAN and has been attacked while in astral form.
Ive also proved/stated that Strange himself said that hes weaker while in Astral form. And the longer hes in it, the weaker he gets.
**Waits for Long Pig's flame**
Originally posted by The Ion
He's the goddamn Batman!
THE BATMAN, THE don't forget the THE cause when you said Batman you fogot the THE.

Originally posted by jrodslam
Strange's astral form IS still vunerable to attack. Also as ive stated before(in previous debates with LP) Strange CAN and has been attacked while in astral form.
Ive also proved/stated that Strange himself said that hes weaker while in Astral form. And the longer hes in it, the weaker he gets.
**Waits for Long Pig's flame**
Oh snap, I think Long punked out. No kgkg or Cosmic Cube either!
long pig
Originally posted by demigawd
I guess Ion is the number 1 GL fanboy (I thought there was another one).
ok Long Pig, Ion says you're full of shit because Strange's astral form is still vulnerable. Whacha got for him????
He can't absorb souls.. Strange would just take over the ring with his superior will power.
OOOOOOH dip! Long Pig says that STRANGE has superior willpower to HAL.
Anybody got anything to say about that???
Originally posted by demigawd
Oh snap, I think Long punked out. No kgkg or Cosmic Cube either!
Lucky you cause they would have torn you a new one especially pig.
Y'all er nuckin futs !!!
Batman's ALMIGHTY KICK even brought down the Great Evil Beast and Lucifer and Death and Abraxas and Oblivion and ....... JP !! ALL AT THE SAME TIME AND MANOUVER !!!
The Ion
Nobody has more willpower than Hal. Hal as a rookie stood up to his future self as Parallax. Only Hal can pull some BS like that.
Originally posted by ImmortalOne
Y'all er nuckin futs !!!
Batman's ALMIGHTY KICK even brought down the Great Evil Beast and Lucifer and Death and Abraxas and Oblivion and ....... JP !! ALL AT THE SAME TIME AND MANOUVER !!!
Duh that's why I said THE BATMAN.
long pig
Bah. Strange was told by Eternity that he had the most willpower of any being in the universe.
Eat it! Eat it all!
Originally posted by The Ion
Nobody has more willpower than Hal. Hal as a rookie stood up to his future self as Parallax. Only Hal can pull some BS like that.
Kyle wold have pulled out something way cooler than a fist though. And Strange would have created a spell that extracts Parallax from Hal. And Batman would have kicked in his general direction, and atomized him just with the air displacement.
Originally posted by Dizzle
Kyle wold have pulled out something way cooler than a fist though. And Strange would have created a spell that extracts Parallax from Hal. And Batman would have kicked in his general direction, and atomized him just with the air displacement.
That's what I've been trying to tell you.

The Ion
Originally posted by Dizzle
Kyle wold have pulled out something way cooler than a fist though.
You're right. Kyle would choke a fool!
Originally posted by The Ion
Nobody has more willpower than Hal. Hal as a rookie stood up to his future self as Parallax. Only Hal can pull some BS like that.
Nor does Superman himself have more willpower that Hal has. Lesser wills says the ring.
long pig
Well, I think we will all have to team up to find a way against the Bat-Kick.
It's pretty much universe shattering.
Wally the God Boy !!!!
Originally posted by The Ion
You're right. Kyle would choke a fool!
See. I was right. As always. (fear me...)
Originally posted by long pig
Well, I think we will all have to team up to find a way against the Bat-Kick.
It's pretty much Multiomniverse shattering.
Fixed it.
Ohhhh snap. But did Eternity have the omniverse in mind when he said that?
Originally posted by long pig
Well, I think we will all have to team up to find a way against the Bat-Kick.
It's pretty much universe shattering.
If I were Strange, id put a thorn damage spell on myself. Therefore whenever Bats tries anything, WHAM!! Whatever he tried on me gets returned to him ten fold. Ol'Bats wouldnt be prepared for that.
The batkick you know I taught him that it was a cold day in hell at the time.devil

long pig
Originally posted by demigawd
Ohhhh snap. But did Eternity have the omniverse in mind when he said that?
He did...he even said "I really do have the omniverse in mind while telling you this...", it must be true. It must be.
Originally posted by jrodslam
If I were Strange, id put a thorn damage spell on myself. Therefore whenever Bats tries anything, WHAM!! Whatever he tried on me gets returned to him ten fold. Ol'Bats wouldnt be prepared for that.
Oh, he'd be prepared...and you know this.
I dunno....I think when Eternity says Strange has the greatest willpower, that might mean more than these puny Hal scans. I think Long Pig's Strange is winning. No come backs?
The Ion
Originally posted by long pig
Well, I think we will all have to team up to find a way against the Bat-Kick.
It's pretty much universe shattering. Hows this?
Dr. Strange w/prep
Kingdom Come Flash
The Goddamn Batman
Can the team survive for 5 minutes?
No they can't and won't survive it's THE BATMAN.
long pig
Strange got to hang out with TOAA.
Can. not. beat. that. Wussy boy Hal and his yellow fear monster can eat it.
long pig
Originally posted by The Ion
Hows this?
Dr. Strange w/prep
Kingdom Come Flash
The Goddamn Batman
Can the team survive for 5 minutes?
The kick is instantaneous, in fact, faster than instantaneous, so he basically kicks the universe and they all die.
'Cept the Goddamned Batman!
The Ion
The Spectre needed Hal's help to get rid of Parallax. Hal = Spectre > Eternity and Dr. Strange

Originally posted by long pig
Strange got to hang out with TOAA.
Can. not. beat. that. Wussy boy Hal and his yellow fear monster can eat it.
Hal as Spectre used to get orders from the Big Man himself. He was Gods right hand man if you will.
Hanging out with TOAA or being his right hand man. Which would you prefer?

long pig
Hal now sounds like TOAA's sunday ****....
Right Hand Man.....

Damn. Long Pig got owned with those posts. I don't think he has a comeback for that.
>>Hal now sounds like TOAA's sunday ****....
Right Hand Man.....big grin<<
long pig
TOAA told me that, the bastard. I knew there was somone else.
Originally posted by long pig
OOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!! LP PWNZ the GL fanboys!!!
long pig
When all else fails, question their sexuality and throw a penguin at 'em!
The Ion
Originally posted by long pig
I see lp decided to bring out the big gun.

Originally posted by long pig
I counter that with Sponge Bob Squarepants the most powerful thing in any universe.
long pig want to dance? Bring it on!!
The Ion
long pig
Dora the Explora B***hes

The Ion
Childs play.
The True Fear
you dirty ****ing whore ****er **** off before i stick my wang in your butt
Originally posted by The True Fear
you dirty ****ing whore ****er **** off before i stick my wang in your butt
Who are you talking to?
And Ion I counter with Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch and Elmo.
long pig
David the mother****ing Gnome....
^ all the smurfs and umpa lumpas
Ohhh yea.
The True Fear
i wasnt talking to anyone
The Ion
long pig
Now you're just BSing, there is no known counter to David the Gnome.
None...well, maya the bee would be acceptable.
The Ion
That's it! No more kids games!
Originally posted by The True Fear
i wasnt talking to anyone
Oh cause I thought you were talking about MS. Piggy she is pretty slutty look at her track record
Brad Pitt
Tom Cruise
Long Pig
50 Cent
Johnny Depp
The Ion
Mickey and Minnie Mouse
The list goes on and on it's pathetic what some people will do to get to the top.
Originally posted by The Ion
That's it! No more kids games!
So you wanna playyyyyyyyyy okay I throw in snuggle the teddy bear from the downy commercials.
long pig
Originally posted by jrodslam
The funny thing about this is, jrodslam had to upload this to imageshack from his own computer......
Make one think....

Hed kick Chucky's ass!
^yes, yea it does.
Originally posted by long pig
The funny thing about this is, jrodslam had to upload this to imageshack from his own computer......
Make one think....
Lol. Only because i got it from another site. The real image was too small.

long pig
Originally posted by jrodslam
Lol. Only because i got it from another site. The real image was too small.
Originally posted by jrodslam
Hed kick Chucky's ass!
Holy shit, that's an evil little bastard.
^ I'm lovin the outfit
The Ion
My trump card got owned.

long pig
Originally posted by The Ion
My trump card got owned.
Well, you didn't know jrod was going to break out his own personal stash of carebears. It's not your fault.
Originally posted by The Ion
My trump card got owned.
It happens to the best of us we can't all be right all the time some people have to lose. I of course wouldn't know cause I never lose and am always right.

*Walks in...looks around the thread*
grey fox
Originally posted by The Ion
Nobody has more willpower than Hal. Hal as a rookie stood up to his future self as Parallax. Only Hal can pull some BS like that.
Kinda like macbeth then.
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