jack Hawksmoor and Midnighter v Wolverine and Deadpool
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It had to happen - none of them worry about killing
Who wins
Doors are allowed for the Authority members - The Carrier weapons are not
Originally posted by Whurlysplat
It had to happen - none of them worry about killing
Who wins
Doors are allowed for the Authority members - The Carrier weapons are not
Holy crap, doors allowed? Well, now both the Authority members are truly untouchable. Jack and 'Nighter 10/10.
Originally posted by Khellendros
Holy crap, doors allowed? Well, now both the Authority members are truly untouchable. Jack and 'Nighter 10/10.
Can't deadpool teleport as well

also teleporting wont help u fighting wolverine
Originally posted by wolverine8888
also teleporting wont help u fighting wolverine
What if Jack Hawksmoor has some Skyscrapers attack wolverine?
I only know wolverine and deadpool lol so I can't realy answer this thread. I do know if they attacked wolverine teleporting as night crawler did it would not work
Originally posted by wolverine8888
I only know wolverine and deadpool lol so I can't realy answer this thread. I do know if they attacked wolverine teleporting as night crawler did it would not work
Jack hawksmoor and Midnighter are a lot more bloodthirsty imo they kill thousands regularly
what are there abilities? night crawler gets nailed by wolverine rather easiliy when he teleports.
Jack Hawksmoor super strength at least class 25, super speed, agility at least spiderman level, healing factor ability to control cities, strength increases in cities, empathic link with cities including the people within them etc etc
Midnighter - fight precog and judging from revolutions a lot stronger than we have given him credit for superstrength at least 10 ton based on Revolutions, Superspeed, healing factor, weapons and combat expert, super senses, genius intellect, fight precog.
Carrier doors give both teleport and ability to teleport others.
are these marvel characters?
Originally posted by wolverine8888
are these marvel characters?
No Wildstorm, check them out they are part of the Authority
I will next time i go to the comic store they sound cool. hey do u know a guy that looks like gambit but has like a robotic eye his name is like night some thing
Originally posted by wolverine8888
I will next time i go to the comic store they sound cool. hey do u know a guy that looks like gambit but has like a robotic eye his name is like night some thing
I don't think so - sounds call though
ya I saw him on some comic oage I guess he fights wolverine and in another comic he fights gambit. it looks crazy thou cuz the guy looks so much like gambit
Hawksmoor has to be the ****ing weirdest superbeing I've ever seen.
Originally posted by EsteemedLeader
Hawksmoor has to be the ****ing weirdest superbeing I've ever seen.
Without a doubt

Depends on where it is...in a city this fight isn't even close. Hawksmoor is almost at herald level in a big city. In a desert or something they still win, but it's a lot closer...Logan and DP might get lucky. Even in that scenario, team Wildstorm 9/10.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Depends on where it is...in a city this fight isn't even close. Hawksmoor is almost at herald level in a big city. In a desert or something they still win, but it's a lot closer...Logan and DP might get lucky. Even in that scenario, team Wildstorm 9/10.
in revolutions Midnighter kills him in one reality/timeline and comes out even in the main Authority timeline. Midnighter is much tougher than I thought.
Yeah MN'ers a complete badass...it doesn't surprise me that he can lock up with Hawksmoor, though presumably it wasn't in a city (in which case it would have to be considered PIS).
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Yeah MN'ers a complete badass...it doesn't surprise me that he can lock up with Hawksmoor, though presumably it wasn't in a city (in which case it would have to be considered PIS).
In the alternate timeline they didn't say. They've fought two other times as well. Once, it was fairly even, but it was in a city and the fight got stopped before they could really go at it. The second time, they were on the Carrier.
Though the Carrier is large enough to fool Jack's body into thinking it's a city and keeping him from getting sick, he doesn't seem to have access to his niftier powers, just the strength, agility and durability. Midnighter, being controlled by Bendix, won.
Originally posted by Khellendros
In the alternate timeline they didn't say. They've fought two other times as well. Once, it was fairly even, but it was in a city and the fight got stopped before they could really go at it. The second time, they were on the Carrier.
Though the Carrier is large enough to fool Jack's body into thinking it's a city and keeping him from getting sick, he doesn't seem to have access to his niftier powers, just the strength, agility and durability. Midnighter, being controlled by Bendix, won.
Midnighter is a lot tougher than most people think and a lot stronger. Although when the cities are angry, Jack is awesome....
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