Rogue Vs. Superman
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As far as I know, nobody has thought of this. Rogue-whom I call the Absorber vs. Superman the man of steel. Personally, I'd say Rogue would win because Superman would be caught of guard by her abilities.
The Parasite can do all Rogue can at a distance and still gets owned - so would Rogue and its been done

Parasite is more powerful and can absorb most forms of energy. He absorbed Supe's heat vision.
Blair Wind
Supers wins.....
It's been done superman owns her.
Ultimate Hulk43
He could just blast her with his heat vision and win.Otherwise,if she touches him,he loses.
^ not necessarily her powers don't work like Parasites.
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
^ not necessarily her powers don't work like Parasites.
I just thought about something,her touchng him to absorb his powers wouldn't matter because he's like a battery and it'd take her more than once or twice to completely drain away his powers.He has all of that power stored up so her trying to absorb his pwoers wouldn't work,besides,her absorbing that power could overwhelm her body and she in terms could kill herself.
Originally posted by Ultimate Hulk43
I just thought about something,her touchng him to absorb his powers wouldn't matter because he's like a battery and it'd take her more than once or twice to completely drain away his powers.He has all of that power stored up so her trying to absorb his pwoers wouldn't work,besides,her absorbing that power could overwhelm her body and she in terms could kill herself.
Now you're getting it.

Ultimate Hulk43
I know.

Originally posted by Ultimate Hulk43
He could just blast her with his heat vision and win.Otherwise,if she touches him,he loses.
u beat me to it.
Ultimate Hulk43
Superman could punch her in the face and not be hurt.I can see it now.
Rogue:Come on,let me get a peek at those msucles.
Superman:*superspeeds behind her and when she turns around punches her in the face and then says...*Take a gander at that.
Originally posted by Ultimate Hulk43
Superman could punch her in the face and not be hurt.I can see it now.
Rogue:Come on,let me get a peek at those msucles.
Superman:*superspeeds behind her and when she turns around punches her in the face and then says...*Take a gander at that.
Too bad she wouldn't take his powers she'd actually use the x-ray vision.
Ultimate Hulk43
I know what you mean by her using that X-Ray vision.

^ No man in the Marvel universe would be safe from the eyes of Rogue.

Originally posted by Ultimate Hulk43
How so very true.

But what about...the Hulk?!
I'm sure she'd respect the privacy of all the ugmoes like Hulk, Apocalypse, Thanos, Abomination,etc.

Ultimate Hulk43
Yeah,I guess so.But if she fought the Hulk,could she win?
The Ion
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
^ No man in the Marvel universe would be safe from the eyes of Rogue.
You bring up a good point. If Rogue is depowered in House of M, 10 bucks says she becomes the biggest **** in comics.
i think rogue would win if she plays it smart like tryna fihght him butt naked denthey would have sex and absord superman nd she'll beat his ass
she cant absorb his powers because of his skin tight technically she cant touch his skin he punches her once and she is dead
Originally posted by The Ion
You bring up a good point. If Rogue is depowered in House of M, 10 bucks says she becomes the biggest **** in comics.
Hey if I had to spend most of my adult life covered up and could never touch anyone I'd be a whore myself. She's just a girl and we all need a little sugah every now and then.

i guess superman wins then im convinced
Ultimate Hulk43
Are you a girl Marvel=DC?
Originally posted by Ultimate Hulk43
Are you a girl Marvel=DC?
Yeah is that a problem?

As much as I hate to see an X-Man lose, Rogue goes down fairly quickly.
To Marvel=DC: Woah. You're a girl? I mean no offence or anything. I just thought you were a guy. It must be the unisex name.
The Ion
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Yeah is that a problem?
Aside from just opening yourself up to a load of stalking...
Originally posted by The Ion
Aside from just opening yourself up to a load of stalking...
I knew I should have keep letting everyone think I was a guy. Now I'm gonna end up like one of those girls in a Lifetime Movie.

Originally posted by StyleTime
As much as I hate to see an X-Man lose, Rogue goes down fairly quickly.
To Marvel=DC: Woah. You're a girl? I mean no offence or anything. I just thought you were a guy. It must be the unisex name.
I was thinking of calling myself WonderChick69 but, that would have gotten me too much attention.
Wonderchick? nah that sounds gay.
Superman wins. The dick ehm the man of steel wins all the time.
Rogues absorbing powers wouldnt affect Supes much.
Originally posted by Arahan
Wonderchick? nah that sounds gay.
Superman wins. The dick ehm the man of steel wins all the time.
Rogues absorbing powers wouldnt affect Supes much.
Gay for a guy.
Originally posted by StyleTime
To Marvel=DC: Woah. You're a girl? I mean no offence or anything. I just thought you were a guy. It must be the unisex name. So you're a girl. I thought you were a guy too until you started talking about men and Safeway, then I just thought you were gay. Let the stalking begin.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
So you're a girl. I thought you were a guy too until you started talking about men and Safeway, then I just thought you were gay. Let the stalking begin.
No I'm not a boy but, I am coming out.
P.S. I always thought you were a girl.
So you have just admitted to being lesbian as well? If I was you I'd check my inbox as it's no doubt filled with all sorts of clever questions.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
No I'm not a boy but, I am coming out.
P.S. I always thought you were a girl.
xmarksthespot isn't a girl? Once again, I mean no offence but I could have sworn you were a girl. What do you mean by "coming out?" world is being turned upisde down. Marvel=DC is a girl. xmarksthespot is a guy. I....I don't know what to believe anymore...
Does anyone else have something they need to tell me?
hahaha I think ur right Ion
Originally posted by klintypooh
So you have just admitted to being lesbian as well? If I was you I'd check my inbox as it's no doubt filled with all sorts of clever questions.

Ah, no I meant coming out and admitting I'm a girl. Up until now everyone thought I was a guy and I was cool with that cause I didn't know how people would respond to me if they knew I was female. I have nothing against lesbians but, I'm very, very, extremely straight.
Originally posted by StyleTime
xmarksthespot isn't a girl? Once again, I mean no offence but I could have sworn you were a girl. What do you mean by "coming out?" world is being turned upisde down. Marvel=DC is a girl. xmarksthespot is a guy. I....I don't know what to believe anymore...
Does anyone else have something they need to tell me?
I'm still the funny perv I always was and will be. I'm glad I let everyone know I'm a girl. This is a whole new kind of satisfaction for men.
(Family Guy 2005)

I'm quite alright with a girl on the forum. In fact it might actually make for a good change. I mean all the guys around its good to know that there actually are girls reading comics. Marvel=DC I won't stalk u.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
I'm quite alright with a girl on the forum. In fact it might actually make for a good change. I mean all the guys around its good to know that there actually are girls reading comics. Marvel=DC I won't stalk u.
Aww that's so sweat you can stalk me anytime.kisses
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Aww that's so sweat you can stalk me anytime.kisses
wait you are a girl? how old are you?
Rouge = Overrated
Supes simply flys into space and throws the moon onto the earth

Isn't Rouge the bat from that sonic game? and a color?
Darth Martin
Then Gambit comes anbd Nukes his ***.

Originally posted by Darth Martin
Then Gambit comes anbd Nukes his ***.

Gambit sucks

Rogue and superman = hot sex.
I doubt Rogue's touch would even affect Superman considering he has a skin tight aura field around his entire body.
Originally posted by C1nd3r
Rogue and superman = hot sex. For about two seconds.

Originally posted by C1nd3r
Rogue and superman = hot sex.
C1nd3r = akward sicko

Originally posted by batdude123
I doubt Rogue's touch would even affect Superman considering he has a skin tight aura field around his entire body. Then how did Parasite absorb some of his powers?
Originally posted by ThePittman
Then how did Parasite absorb some of his powers?
Parisite >> Rouge

Darth Martin
Originally posted by C1nd3r
Rogue and superman = hot sex.

umm i don't think rogue would even have the chance to pull off her sexy little glove before superman tore her a new one...
oh, and after that he would err... beat her up.
Originally posted by C1nd3r
Rogue and Supergirl = hot sex.

Originally posted by Grimm22

Hell ya.

Originally posted by Grimm22
Parisite >> Rouge

I would disagree.

Originally posted by ThePittman
Then how did Parasite absorb some of his powers?
Um... Parasite can't absorb all of Superman's powers, and even when he does he still gets tooled. Rogue isn't even as powerful considering she'd need to hold onto Superman a lot longer to get the same effects. I even doubt that her mutation would let her receive his powers because they depend on the touch of SKIN and Parasite's power doesn't. Superman's body is protected by an aura so Rogue would be useless against him. Not only that, Superman would own her ass in about .005 seconds.
In this fight with just her starting out she would get her A$$ handed to her.
Originally posted by Grimm22
Originally posted by ThePittman
In this fight with just her starting out she would get her A$$ handed to her.
And her touch wouldn't even affect him.
Originally posted by batdude123
And her touch wouldn't even affect him.
Why is that?
Originally posted by Reaper777
Why is that?
Originally posted by batdude123
Um... Parasite can't absorb all of Superman's powers, and even when he does he still gets tooled. Rogue isn't even as powerful considering she'd need to hold onto Superman a lot longer to get the same effects. I even doubt that her mutation would let her receive his powers because they depend on the touch of SKIN and Parasite's power doesn't. Superman's body is protected by a skin tight invisible aura shield so Rogue would be useless against him. Not only that, Superman would own her ass in about .005 seconds.
Originally posted by Accel
Eh if you put the effort into it im sure you can find something on the internet

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