Photon vs Rune King Thor
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Alright, in the last issue of the New Thunderbolts Iron Man stated Photon, or Genis as he used to be called, is now more powerful than ever. Well, that means he's more powerful then when he was when he stalemated King Thor, so how would he do against Rune King Thor? I mean, Photon stalemated the supposedly "most powerful hero of Marvel", Sentry, so how would he fair against the one man in my opinion who deserves more respect than anyone in comics, Thor, in his most powerful form, as King of Asgard along with the Wisdom of the Runes?
Photon was able to contend with Sentry, Sentry stalemated Galactus and has the power of a million exploding suns, as well as the void in him (was in him). And also called Marvel's most powerful being in the description of the recent Sentry mini, I think.
If Photon can contend with Sentry, I think Photon can contend with Rune King Thor.
Darth Kal-El
Rune King Thor takes it.
I gotta go With Thor. He only stalemated Sentry because Sentry was dumb enough to just keep blasting instead of flying up and punching Genis in the face. Thor is strong enough to take any punches/blasts Genis can muster, and can come back from wherever Genis might send him. Add to that the fact that he's probably double Odin's power level, and Genis gets put down.
Originally posted by armandovalles
Alright, in the last issue of the New Thunderbolts Iron Man stated Photon, or Genis as he used to be called, is now more powerful than ever. Well, that means he's more powerful then when he was when he stalemated King Thor, so how would he do against Rune King Thor? I mean, Photon stalemated the supposedly "most powerful hero of Marvel", Sentry, so how would he fair against the one man in my opinion who deserves more respect than anyone in comics, Thor, in his most powerful form, as King of Asgard along with the Wisdom of the Runes?
Given that a less than full god-force blast from Thor sent Galactus scurrying to avoid "certain death", its absurd to think that when push comes to shove Genis would stand a chance against "RKT" (as people here like to say).
i would hope galactus was not at full power since he is above the celestials and shouldnt even notice a earth gods blasts sept maybe an elder god but then again im not sure there above the celestials either, if sentry is truly equal to galactus he'd win against thor, if photon is equal to sentry he'd win thor as well but im not sure if he's equal to sentry since sentry had to power up so we dont know if he powered up to full power.
Originally posted by Mider
i would hope galactus was not at full power since he is above the celestials and shouldnt even notice a earth gods blasts sept maybe an elder god but then again im not sure there above the celestials either, if sentry is truly equal to galactus he'd win against thor, if photon is equal to sentry he'd win thor as well but im not sure if he's equal to sentry since sentry had to power up so we dont know if he powered up to full power.
Galactus is not above the Celestials, and he is about the level of Zeus. Odin is a bit special because he is three elder gods in one but he too is below the Celestials, as was Thor. King Thor is Odin plus Thor who is as or more powerful than Odin. King Thor is easily above Galactus but still below the Celestials. Regular Thor defeated Galactus by using his God-force not by swinging his hammer. He has done this to bring down a Odin-power boosted enemy so it's no surprise Galactus was sent scurrying as well. There's a marked difference between the god force and other zaps from Mjolinir. The God-force is from within Thor and Mjolinir as the conduit but even Mjolinir cannot handle the full god-force.
the Darkone
Originally posted by aliveinboston

Galactus is not above the Celestials, and he is about the level of Zeus. Odin is a bit special because he is three elder gods in one but he too is below the Celestials, as was Thor. King Thor is Odin plus Thor who is as or more powerful than Odin.

King Thor is easily above Galactus but still below the Celestials. Regular Thor defeated Galactus by using his God-force not by swinging his hammer. He has done this to bring down a Odin-power boosted enemy so it's no surprise Galactus was sent scurrying as well. There's a marked difference between the god force and other zaps from Mjolinir. The God-force is from within Thor and Mjolinir as the conduit but even Mjolinir cannot handle the full god-force.
Thor defeated a hungry galactus not a full or normal Galactus(I have the comic get it right, it was a weaken Galactus he defeated). Galactus is above above all the sky-fathers, elder gods, most cosmic abstracts and yes he is above the celestials. Normal Galactus is about even with the top Celestials in Aresihem, One Above All (celestial) a full powered Galactus is above Exitar the executioner Celestial. Rune King Thor is below Atum the God-eater/demogorge who is the most powerful elder god their is, Rune King Thor is powerful and he is above all sky-fathers but not a cosmic deity in Galactus who been stated by the Watchers powerful enough to destroy the universe 10x on his own powers, even eternity acknowledge how powerful galactus is he even stated he is just as powerful as I.
the Darkone
Originally posted by aliveinboston
Galactus is not above the Celestials, and he is about the level of Zeus. Odin is a bit special because he is three elder gods in one but he too is below the Celestials, as was Thor. King Thor is Odin plus Thor who is as or more powerful than Odin. King Thor is easily above Galactus but still below the Celestials. Regular Thor defeated Galactus by using his God-force not by swinging his hammer. He has done this to bring down a Odin-power boosted enemy so it's no surprise Galactus was sent scurrying as well. There's a marked difference between the god force and other zaps from Mjolinir. The God-force is from within Thor and Mjolinir as the conduit but even Mjolinir cannot handle the full god-force.
Here's Marvel top dogs Look where RKT is and look at where Galactus is big f**king difference.
2.Living Tribunal/Phoenix Force/True Beyonders
4.Eternity/ Death/Full Powered Galactus/Infinity/Oblivion/Abraxas/ Exitar(celestial)/7 freindlys(children of Eternity)
5.Celestials/Normal Galactus/ Phoenix Avartas
6.Chaos&Order/Love&Hate/Eon/Full powered Tyrant/Ego the living Planet/The Watchers
7.In-Betweener/The Stranger/Epoch
9.Mepshtio/Dormomu/Shuma-Groth/Black Heart
10.Molecule Man/Kubik/Shaper of Worlds/Kosmos(TB)/Demogorge God-Eater/
11. Atum The God Eater/Gaea/Set/Chthon/Rune King Thor/Chronos/Asgardian Destroyer/Mindless Ones
12. King Thor/Odin/Zeus/Zuras/Sutur/Tyrant/Cyttorak/All Sky Fathers/Mangog
13. The Runner/The Champion of the Universe/Grandmaster/Oblitarator
14. Thanos/Adam Warlock/Silver Surfer/Thor/Gladator/Black Bolt/Ikaris(PE)/Sersi/Morg
Originally posted by the Darkone
Thor defeated a hungry galactus not a full or normal Galactus(I have the comic get it right, it was a weaken Galactus he defeated). Galactus is above above all the sky-fathers, elder gods, most cosmic abstracts and yes he is above the celestials. Normal Galactus is about even with the top Celestials in Aresihem, One Above All (celestial) a full powered Galactus is above Exitar the executioner Celestial. Rune King Thor is below Atum the God-eater/demogorge who is the most powerful elder god their is, Rune King Thor is powerful and he is above all sky-fathers but not a cosmic deity in Galactus who been stated by the Watchers powerful enough to destroy the universe 10x on his own powers, even eternity acknowledge how powerful galactus is he even stated he is just as powerful as I.
Galactus is always hungry, the question is if he was a starved and desperate galactus but he wasnt.
You seem to have a very inflated view of Galactus and a very low view of the Celestials. He is not at the level of the celestials in terms of capability. He is at the sky-father level at best. Destroying the universe 10x over is something numerous beings in the Marvel universe can accomplish.
In the standard marvel universe, while Galactus is certainly a cosmic deity, he has never shown to have the capabilities of celestials, certainly not exitar, and certainly not eternity. This is why Galactus has been defeated numerous times, and sometimes single-handedly as by Thor.
You are confusing status with power. Galactus is at the same status as eternity or death but certainly does not have anywhere near as much power or influence over reality. He is very much limited to physical destruction and control of local energies while Death, Eternity, and even the Celestials and Odin can change aspects of reality itself.
Originally posted by the Darkone
Here's Marvel top dogs Look where RKT is and look at where Galactus is big f**king difference.
2.Living Tribunal/Phoenix Force/True Beyonders
4.Eternity/ Death/Full Powered Galactus/Infinity/Oblivion/Abraxas/ Exitar(celestial)/7 freindlys(children of Eternity)
5.Celestials/Normal Galactus/ Phoenix Avartas
6.Chaos&Order/Love&Hate/Eon/Full powered Tyrant/Ego the living Planet/The Watchers
7.In-Betweener/The Stranger/Epoch
9.Mepshtio/Dormomu/Shuma-Groth/Black Heart
10.Molecule Man/Kubik/Shaper of Worlds/Kosmos(TB)/Demogorge God-Eater/
11. Atum The God Eater/Gaea/Set/Chthon/Rune King Thor/Chronos/Asgardian Destroyer/Mindless Ones
12. King Thor/Odin/Zeus/Zuras/Sutur/Tyrant/Cyttorak/All Sky Fathers/Mangog
13. The Runner/The Champion of the Universe/Grandmaster/Oblitarator
14. Thanos/Adam Warlock/Silver Surfer/Thor/Gladator/Black Bolt/Ikaris(PE)/Sersi/Morg
That list is a status guide, not a guide to relative power or capability. For example, Thor, at number 14, has repeatedly defeated ego who appears at number 6. Odin, who you rank at number 12 has defeated Infinity who you have at number 3 (and in the same comic waved his hand changed space and time, restoring earth and whatever portion of the universe infinity had destroyed as if nothing had happened) demonstrating his ability to manipulate space (Infinity) and time (Eternity).
the Darkone
Galactus powers are greater than you think, Galactus feeds yes to survue also to maintaine the universe population. Galactus has destroyed the uninverse more than once, he destroyed the whole f**king Celestail race including Exitar with all the cosmic abstracts with the universe. I never said he is more powerful than eternity or death get it right, Galactus at full powered is right below the top dogs and he is above Exitar and Celestials and other cosmic abstracts. Dude have you heard of plot device hello, thor in his own book is not going to lose to ego or a hungry Galactus. To even think that a Rune King Thor is in the same power level as a normal or Full powered Galactus or ant other cosmic abstract you are only fooling yourself, Galactus has a important role in the universe as where Thor doesn't, Galactus is part cosmic trinty Eternity/Death/Infinity/Oblivion/Galactus/Abraxas. Galactus has died and come back to life as where Thor dies that's it. To even think Odin is even in the same league as a Galactus or Death or other cosmic abstracts is insulting as hell.
The way I have everybody rank is pretty right fing other threads and compare. Galactus blows up Asgard just by starring at it.
Rune King Thor beats Photon any way. 10/10
grey fox
Rkt uses S-T-F-F-Y-B vision to end the fight in a nano-second.
Originally posted by the Darkone
Galactus powers are greater than you think, Galactus feeds yes to survue also to maintaine the universe population. Galactus has destroyed the uninverse more than once, he destroyed the whole f**king Celestail race including Exitar with all the cosmic abstracts with the universe. I never said he is more powerful than eternity or death get it right, Galactus at full powered is right below the top dogs and he is above Exitar and Celestials and other cosmic abstracts. Dude have you heard of plot device hello, thor in his own book is not going to lose to ego or a hungry Galactus. To even think that a Rune King Thor is in the same power level as a normal or Full powered Galactus or ant other cosmic abstract you are only fooling yourself, Galactus has a important role in the universe as where Thor doesn't, Galactus is part cosmic trinty Eternity/Death/Infinity/Oblivion/Galactus/Abraxas. Galactus has died and come back to life as where Thor dies that's it. To even think Odin is even in the same league as a Galactus or Death or other cosmic abstracts is insulting as hell.
The way I have everybody rank is pretty right fing other threads and compare. Galactus blows up Asgard just by starring at it.
Rune King Thor beats Photon any way. 10/10
You are talking about Earth X. You might as well refer to ultimates and how thor has no powers without some silly belt.
In the regular marvel universe and associated story lines, Galactus isnt that powerful. He can smack people around or zap them, but thats about it. He has no control over space and time, only a fancy plaque on his wall that says he's a member to an exclusive club.
As I stated earlier, sky fathers do have control over space and time, particularly Odin, turning back time for the entire universe, blinking billions of people in and out of existence, so on and so forth
the Darkone
Originally posted by aliveinboston
You are talking about Earth X. You might as well refer to ultimates and how thor has no powers without some silly belt.
In the regular marvel universe and associated story lines, Galactus isnt that powerful. He can smack people around or zap them, but thats about it. He has no control over space and time, only a fancy plaque on his wall that says he's a member to an exclusive club.
As I stated earlier, sky fathers do have control over space and time, particularly Odin, turning back time for the entire universe, blinking billions of people in and out of existence, so on and so forth
Before Galactus Odin and Zeus where the most powerful beings around until Galcatus appears. Galactus appears in Asgard Odin and the other Asgardians where sh**ing in their pants even Odin didn't even wanted to f**k with a hungry Galactus. Thor used his hammer with the help of ulik and other troll warriors made a device that would amp the god-force blast so when it hit Galactus stated he never so much in eons, the god blast weaken him even further so Galactus was in no position to fight. Odin, Thor the fighting three follow Galactus in Asgardian space by then Galactus had already absorb another planet by the time they found Galactus he was already a normal levels that's when Ego and Galactus where throwing down for the first time during that time Odin understood Galactus place in the universe is,, so after they defeated Ego Galactus and Odin made a deal that Galactus wouldn't attack Asgard in exchange Odin point Galactus to planets that where rich nourishment, Galactus word is bond.
Odin blink the same race that spawn Mangog ever body knows that story, from his throne room but he couldn't kill Mangog buy any means so Odin brought them back to life and still Mangog lives. Mangog defeated Odin before and took his place in asgard for a short time until he was defeated.
I wasn't talking about earth x, it happened in earth 616 universe future (FF 337-341)the dreaming Celestial reawaken from imprisonment and he was controlling Galactus, so Galactus came to earth 616 and devour it and then went to other dimensions and devour them also Asgard, Mount Olympus, Chaos & Order, Love & Hate, Celestials and their home world was destroyed,The Watchers home world, the only survivers where the Fantastic Four, Thor, Gladiator, Iron Man and they where trying in the process Thor was destroyed by a full powered galactus really absorb, they finale broke the control over him then Galactus in rage devour The Dreaming Celestial and restarted the whole universe again at that point basicly undoing what he did. So basiclly they preventing it from happening, in their current universe.
Galactus can consume multiverses if he wants to by not controlling his hunger. Odin is far below him and celestials would kill him if they could because one of his purposes is to undo their work by eating planets they've seeded. He is definitely not at Skyfather level
the Darkone
Originally posted by aliveinboston
Galactus is not above the Celestials, and he is about the level of Zeus. Odin is a bit special because he is three elder gods in one but he too is below the Celestials, as was Thor. King Thor is Odin plus Thor who is as or more powerful than Odin. King Thor is easily above Galactus but still below the Celestials. Regular Thor defeated Galactus by using his God-force not by swinging his hammer. He has done this to bring down a Odin-power boosted enemy so it's no surprise Galactus was sent scurrying as well. There's a marked difference between the god force and other zaps from Mjolinir. The God-force is from within Thor and Mjolinir as the conduit but even Mjolinir cannot handle the full god-force.
you need to read and understand things, Galactus has lost to Thor, FF is no big deal, Jean Grey Destroyed the right hand of Aresihem, invisible woman stopping eixtar with her force shield, but does that shows it's a plot device. Written to form they would get crush even skyfathers and elder gods are not in top level of the most powerful beings go here enlightened yourself
The Ion
Photon transports Thor to the microverse and gets the hell out of dodge before Thor comes back.
I like Photon, but he dies a horrible death here.
Originally posted by The Ion
Photon transports Thor to the microverse and gets the hell out of dodge before Thor comes back.
Right, and Thor reappears right in front of Genis and blasts him with Rune magic.
The Ion
Originally posted by Khellendros
Right, and Thor reappears right in front of Genis and blasts him with Rune magic.
His cosmic awareness would see it coming. I think it's safe to say he could flee the battle and I doubt Thor would keep chasing him.
Originally posted by The Ion
His cosmic awareness would see it coming. I think it's safe to say he could flee the battle and I doubt Thor would keep chasing him.
Maybe he wouldn't, but since fleeing doesn't count as a win, it doesn't matter a whole lot anyways.
The Ion
Originally posted by Khellendros
Maybe he wouldn't, but since fleeing doesn't count as a win, it doesn't matter a whole lot anyways.
So what? I wasn't arguing for the win. I was doing something besides saying "RKT wins" since this is obviously lopsides thread anyway.
Originally posted by The Ion
So what? I wasn't arguing for the win. I was doing something besides saying "RKT wins" since this is obviously lopsides thread anyway.
Eh. It's probably not lopsided in armando's opinion. As you can probabyl tell, he loves Genis.
i see RKT's fanboy based following blindly support rkt again. genis has higher showings than RKT deal with it., he wins.
the Darkone
RKT killed a sky father being in Mangog, killed the ones this sit in the shadows, bascilly destroye asgard universe to restart asgard all over again. RKT is like elder god, would smite photon into atoms.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
i see RKT's fanboy based following blindly support rkt again. genis has higher showings than RKT deal with it., he wins.
Does he not know much about rune magic or the odinforce?
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