parallex in marvel world
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who would stop parallex in marvel earth??
no body over skylvl
there has to be way of stopping parallex
Nope, nothing, he kills them all.
The Ion
Parallax as in Hal Jordan? He did fairly well against The Spectre and KO'd Supes in one punch. He rapes everyone.

Parallax Hal vs Spectre Hal? Spectre still wins imo.
The Ion
He loses to any Spectre but in Zero Hour he gave Spectre one of the best fights the Wrath had ever had.
cant Phoenix, LT, or TOAA stop him?
The Ion
Of course they can but the first post says nobody over Skyfather.

If prep is included, Strange, Thanos and Doom might have a chance.
K Von Doom
Cap.... with the ultimate nullifier
stupid fight..its like saying colossus VS. any one on earth below street level....well obviously he Will win.and since parallex is way above sky-father....then saying no one above sky-father can fight him.makes the fight really stupid and one sided.
Lucid Lui
Longshot could take him...
Or Forge with prep...
Adam Warlock
FF4 with the Nullifier. Strange could mess him up if he had to and has enough prep. Not easily, but it's possible.
Doom with prep could steal his powers like he did to the Beyonder.
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
FF4 with the Nullifier. Strange could mess him up if he had to and has enough prep. Not easily, but it's possible.
Doom with prep could steal his powers like he did to the Beyonder. No prep, and the first post seems to imply heros only.
I think Hal erases reality and builds a new one.
The Ion
Prep time. Ever the BS.
Adam Warlock
If he does erasereality, he better confine that reality to Marvel Earth, because all he could probably accomplish. He doesn't want to attract to much attention or bigger fish will come out to play. Pantheon Gods are skyfather level.
So that means every pantheon god ranging from King Thor to Zeus is in this battle. Parallax will have a harder time then you guys think.
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
If he does erasereality, he better confine that reality to Marvel Earth, because all he could probably accomplish. He doesn't want to attract to much attention or bigger fish will come out to play. Pantheon Gods are skyfather level.
So that means every pantheon god ranging from King Thor to Zeus is in this battle. Parallax will have a harder time then you guys think. Those guys still wouldn't be much to someone who destroy and recreate reality while fighting the wrath of God.
they have 5 hour prep time
wat do u guys think marvel will be able to do in that time
How can Parallex recreate the universe when the loop-hole that he used to do it in the DCU doesn't exist in the MU?
Not to mention that Kyle looked like he was cut off from Oa's power source and had to resort to using a cosmic cube in JLA/Avengers.
Originally posted by Juntai
Those guys still wouldn't be much to someone who destroy and recreate reality while fighting the wrath of God.
lol lol lol lol
A guy like that would rape all heroes in DC too sans plot devices lol lol lol lol.
Originally posted by 8bitChris
lol lol lol lol
A guy like that would rape all heroes in DC too sans plot devices lol lol lol lol.
Not plot devices!
The wrath of god!
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