Tiger vs. Wolverine PLEASE ANSWER
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who would win i sat Tiger

Who the hell is Tiger?
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Who the hell is Tiger?
A large carnivorous feline mammal (Panthera tigris) of Asia, having a tawny coat with transverse black stripes.
yeah that does alot for the imagination.....do you have pic of the fellow because firet time hearing about Panthera tigris.
how the **** should i know how he looks like...he is a made up character.....i never even heard of him....my job is to be the funny guy here......
Blair Wind
Originally posted by RAGE17
how the **** should i know how he looks like...he is a made up character.....i never even heard of him....my job is to be the funny guy here......

tiger's there are 5 types out of 8 still around
tigers are the strongest of the big cats
they are also the most skilled fighters of all big cats
they are also top 3 if not top in agility and reflex out of all the big cats.
siberian tiger's is the biggest of all big cats they have been clocked in at 65 miles in 3 feet of snow.
siberian tiger's vs lions in pits fights, in almost every single fight the tiger has destroyed the lion. the only time a lion did win was because of a lucky throte bite. the siberain tigers were so un afriad of the lions that they would sleep infront of the lion as the lion walked around them. as soon as the lion got enough courage to attack, the tiger would kill the lion in seconds. the only animal the siberain tiger ever in a pit fight got nervouse at fighting was the grizzly bear which in almost every fight the siberian tiger won.
these are just some fun facts
this site tells the tiger and his story
go to photos on this site and theres tiger
That...isn't very long backstory.
i never said it was a long story and im still developing him ive gotten to the stage where i can make him fight with other characters i say tiger wins 10/10
dude no offence..but he really sucks.....
he was taught by jp platium
and nobody answers any tiger threads
but atleast people are answering now
long pig
I hate you spawnrules......
i dont hate you cause i have no reason to hate you
Originally posted by long pig
I hate you spawnrules......

Wolverine's back hair would be enough.
no it wouldnt Tiger will crush his adamtium with his ancient sword, that is older than galactus
TIGER?! LOL what kinda name is that? tigers are just really big brown kitties
did you go to the site i even told you to
dude its gay just stop it.....
ok dont nobody call me gay for sayin this, but this guy spawnrules, seems really cute,
lol. dude how old are u anyway, u talk like my 10 year old sister.
long pig
Originally posted by leonheartmm
ok dont nobody call me gay for sayin this, but this guy spawnrules, seems really cute,
lol. dude how old are u anyway, u talk like my 10 year old sister.
So....he's cute because he talks and possibly looks like your 10 year old sister?
That is all types of wrong. I mean, on another league HKH style wrong.
For a moment I thought this was Tigger vs Wolverine, in which case Tigger would bounce the crap out of him.
long pig
Hooo hoo hoo hoo!
lol. pooh and his friends are actually seraphim in deisguise, tigger would own wolverine.
im 14, Tiger has powers stronger than galactus.....and im a boy
Originally posted by Spawnrules
im 14, Tiger has powers stronger than galactus.....and im a boy
im 21 i have powers stronger then HKH.......and i am a man.......and this thread sucks......
can you please stop making fun of this thread
your on drugs ion
i bet you most people on this forum dont think so
Originally posted by Spawnrules
can you please stop making fun of this thread
i am sorry i just cant its stupid as hell......we are used to a certain level of maturity here....
Originally posted by The Ion
You suck Spawn.
indeed he does
long pig
Originally posted by The Ion
You suck Spawn. Originally posted by RAGE17
indeed he does
I hate him with the passion of a million exploding suns!
it was fun with Flash Prime, JP and HKH Batmyth, and Wolvie. But now the people who try to make their own imitation BS character its not fun anymore. Flash Prime was first then all the others above they actually had some coolness to them but now its all boring with people who don't even know the art of BS.
Originally posted by long pig
I hate him with the passion of a million exploding suns!
**** you, good for you, Tiger own spectre and everyone im leaving goodbye i dont even know why half you people hate me

I don't hate you. Stay. you just remove Tiger.
i created Tiger when i was 7, i dont want to remove him, whats so bad about hes so strong and even you guys can help make the story
Tiger says "**** you"
long pig
I hated you when you were 7.
i hated myself when i was 7 i had learning disability
The Ion
Had is past tense.
well you still suck
your cool rage why do you think i suck
Originally posted by Spawnrules
your cool rage why do you think i suck
well because long pig makes sense + you are not an established member yet like the rest.....you are fresh blood you need to know your place..and the character is really stupid
hey hey HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! stop it guys hes only 14. im sure every1 made up characters they loved when they were 7. stop bashin spawnrules.
long pig
Originally posted by Spawnrules
i hated myself when i was 7 i had learning disability Originally posted by The Ion
Had is past tense. Originally posted by Spawnrules
sorry i HAVE Originally posted by The Ion
Thank you.
I love Ion...
Yes, that way...droolio
yeah stop the bashing. Make the peace. besides I'm only 15. Yet I am kinda cool and fairly knowledgeable about comics.
pussies...fine it will stop for now..but....i am with long pig on this one.....
long pig
Originally posted by RAGE17
pussies...fine it will stop for now..but....i am with long pig on this one.....
Indeed. We both hate Spawn and we both are gay for Ion.
so am I

long pig
Originally posted by Superherovandal
so am I
You aren't half has gay for Ion as me. Don't even try.
Originally posted by long pig
Indeed. We both hate Spawn and we both are gay for Ion.
u dont mean that do u?

long pig
You damn right I mean it.
Longpig=Gay for Ion in the worst way.
dam.....**** stupid kids keep knocking on my doors asking for Candy i will go to armored form and scare them
Originally posted by long pig
Indeed. We both hate Spawn and we both are gay for Ion.
And here I thought I was the only memeber who likes him.

Originally posted by RAGE17
dam.....**** stupid kids keep knocking on my doors asking for Candy i will go to armored form and scare them
So technically you're going to get hard for them.

Originally posted by long pig
Indeed. We both hate Spawn and we both are gay for Ion.
END OF STORY! Originally posted by long pig
You aren't half has gay for Ion as me. Don't even try. Originally posted by long pig
You damn right I mean it.
Longpig=Gay for Ion in the worst way.

long pig
I haven't had any kids come up to my door....I guess I should probably put the lube back in the cabnet...-sigh-
Originally posted by long pig
I haven't had any kids come up to my door....I guess I should probably put the lube back in the cabnet...-sigh-
God you're funny

I'd cum to your door.

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
So technically you're going to get hard for them.
lol i just found out you were a girl.....how old are you?
Originally posted by RAGE17
lol i just found out you were a girl.....how old are you?
I'm definitely old enough between 16 and 20 why how old are you?

long pig
Too old.
I prefer women who can't call the cops.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
I'm definitely old enough between 16 and 20 why how old are you?
Originally posted by RAGE17
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
can you post a pic?
Originally posted by long pig
Too old.
I prefer women who can't call the cops.
I'd never call the cops on you.

The Ion


Originally posted by RAGE17
can you post a pic?
Ah maybe but, I'd have to take a really good pick first and figure out how to post second.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Ah maybe but, I'd have to take a really good pick first and figure out how to post second.
just post any pic

Post a pic! Post a pic!
Originally posted by The Ion

Sorry Ion he hit on me first i tried to tell him but, he wouldn't listen.

long pig
Preferably showing some vag.
And I so am not I gay. I meant I believed what he said too.
Don't listen to Long Pig. I'm sure any pic of urs will be gorgeous.
long pig what if she IS a cop?
{n for the love of GOD take that aweful dancin gay half dolphin half annoyin impotent kid off of this place}
Originally posted by RAGE17
just post any pic
I really don't know how I don't have a camera or any pics on my PC.

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
I really don't know how I don't have a camera or any pics on my PC.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
long pig what if she IS a cop?
{n for the love of GOD take that aweful dancin gay half dolphin half annoyin impotent kid off of this place}
How many 18 yearold cops do you know?
The Ion
You still have your collection of Victoria's Secret Catalogs, Rage.
Originally posted by The Ion

btw u dont use that thing as a sex toy do u{cause thatd be wrong on soooo many different levels}
Originally posted by RAGE17
Someway, somehow I'll figure it out and you made Ion mad at me.
Originally posted by The Ion
You still have your collection of Victoria's Secret Catalogs, Rage.

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Someway, somehow I'll figure it out and you made Ion mad at me.
ion is puny
long pig
Originally posted by leonheartmm
long pig what if she IS a cop?
{n for the love of GOD take that aweful dancin gay half dolphin half annoyin impotent kid off of this place}
What? I'm just asking for a little vag....damn.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
How many 18 yearold cops do you know?
maybe shes not 18

Originally posted by long pig
Preferably showing some vag.
I actully have one like that my friend took a pic of me when I was changing the perv. Come to think of it I never saw that pic again

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Someway, somehow I'll figure it out and you made Ion mad at me.
well what do u look like?......are u hot?
thats me.....haha just missed it
The Ion
Originally posted by RAGE17
ion is puny
If by puny you mean puny, yes, I am puny.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
maybe shes not 18
I was born in 87 kid. My friend says hi.
The Ion
Originally posted by RAGE17
thats me.....
Way to finger the air.

Originally posted by The Ion
If by puny you mean puny, yes, I am puny.
Well your sig is big enough

Originally posted by The Ion
Way to finger the air.

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
I was born in 87 kid. My friend says hi.
i was born in 88

, nice try WOMAN.
long pig
Originally posted by RAGE17
thats me.....
Ah, smelling his fingers. Indeed.
Originally posted by long pig
Ah, smelling his fingers. Indeed.
Originally posted by RAGE17
thats me.....
You're cute now I'll really have to sind a pic and yes I'm hoooot
I'm 5'11
Black hair
Blue eyes
and right now I'm at a stupid party my friend is throwing wearing a Wonder Woman outfit and she's dressed as Zatanna!

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
You're cute now I'll really have to sind a pic and yes I'm hoooot
I'm 5'11
Black hair
Blue eyes
and right now I'm at a stupid party my friend is throwing wearing a Wonder Woman outfit and she's dressed as Zatanna!
dam you are tall...i am 6'5

......hook us up with some pics!.
The Ion
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Well your sig is big enough


Originally posted by leonheartmm
i was born in 88

, nice try WOMAN.
What do you mean I was born in 87 which makes means I'm 18

Originally posted by RAGE17
dam you are tall...i am 6'5

......hook us up with some pics!.
No wonder you like Colossus.

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
No wonder you like Colossus.
well i look like him.dont i?
Originally posted by The Ion

Don't be sad that's a good thing.
Originally posted by RAGE17
well i look like him.dont i?
Yeah are you Russian? Know I wonder how many other people look like their namesake. Hey Ion

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Yeah are you Russian? Know I wonder how many other people look like their namesake. Hey Ion
i was born in russia.but raised in israel....what about you?
The Ion
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Yeah are you Russian? Know I wonder how many other people look like their namesake. Hey Ion
Damn right.

Originally posted by RAGE17
i was born in russia.but raised in israel....what about you?
I was born and raised in America. You're lucky I've always wanted to go to Russia.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
What do you mean I was born in 87 which makes means I'm 18

i meant "I" was born in 88, u called me a KID,lol, im probably even less than a year younger than u.
Originally posted by The Ion
Damn right.
Thank GOD!kisses
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
I was born and raised in America. You're lucky I've always wanted to go to Russia.
russia sucks....only lived there for 2 years....israel is the shit,
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Thank GOD!kisses
what city are you from?
Originally posted by leonheartmm
i meant "I" was born in 88, u called me a KID,lol, im probably even less than a year younger than u.
Oh you confused me I thought you were trying to say i wasn't 18.
Hey what about me? I am so not feeling the luv.
Originally posted by RAGE17
what city are you from?
Seattle, Wa
Israel really?
Originally posted by Superherovandal
Hey what about me? I am so not feeling the luv.
you always have your right hand.....
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Seattle, Wa
Israel really?
yeap.but i currently live in philli
Cool I've always wanted to go to Seattle.
I don't like that. I don't want sex till I'm married.
I live near NYC.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
Hey what about me? I am so not feeling the luv.
kisses does that help?

Originally posted by Superherovandal
I don't like that. I don't want sex till I'm married.
dam you are a virgin.....
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
kisses does that help?
you are a horny little girl aren't you

Of course I am. What did u think? I was a jigalo or something?
Originally posted by Superherovandal
I don't like that. I don't want sex till I'm married.
Really too badsadwalk
Originally posted by Superherovandal
Of course I am. What did u think? I was a jigalo or something?
no .but normal people have sex.when i was your age (15) i already did....
Originally posted by RAGE17
you are a horny little girl aren't you
No, I'm a good girl honestlyangel........shifty.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
No, I'm a good girl honestlyangel........shifty.
sure you are....

The Ion
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
kisses does that help?

Originally posted by Marvel=DC
Really too badsadwalk
Don't worry we can stillkisses.

Originally posted by Superherovandal
Of course I am. What did u think? I was a jigalo or something?
No I've noticed a lot of boys now aren't losing it till like 17+ it's cool you are and admit it. Just makes me like you more.hug
This thread has come from a dud to a stud.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
No I've noticed a lot of boys now aren't losing it till like 17+ it's cool you are and admit it. Just makes me like you more.hug
what the hell i am the cute one....and i am made of rage.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
No I've noticed a lot of boys now aren't losing it till like 17+ it's cool you are and admit it. Just makes me like you more.hug
You are my dream girl.

First time everything I do makes me more sexy.

Originally posted by The Ion
It's not what you think. I..I tripped. You know I only truly luv you Ion baby.inlovekiss
Originally posted by RAGE17
what the hell i am the cute one....and i am made of rage.
Sometimes all girls like is a nice guy I guess.
You know Marvel=DC. You are now like the girl everyone is fighting for on this forum.
Originally posted by RAGE17
what the hell i am the cute one....and i am made of rage.
He's just so sweat and innocent it makes me wanna dirty him up.

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