DR. strange with all his artifacts vs. a celestial
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DR. strange gets all his artifacts ......and gets 1 week of prep .he is pissed as shit ...the celestial gets no prep fight takes place in space....its an average celestial in terms of power.
long pig
I don't really know the power of a Celestial.

Originally posted by long pig
I don't really know the power of a Celestial.
well......i mean like...its kindaa like galactus some say stronger i guess.....dammit..just pretend.....DR. strange looks like my dad and i have to defend him by all means.....!!!!
lol. Long Pig won't answer....Strange will lose!
Kinda like when I ignore certain magneto threads. It's not because I just missed it, lol.

The Ion
Originally posted by demigawd
lol. Long Pig won't answer....Strange will lose!
Kinda like when I ignore certain magneto threads. It's not because I just missed it, lol.
Doesn't everyone do that with their fave character? I mean, you didn't see me in GL Corps Vs Tyrant thread.

I want to say Celestial there so mysterous." Celestials are total enigmas, whose physical powers my be equal or superior to the most powerful physical beings in the known universe"I just like them better to thou I give them a 70% chance of winning
long pig
No, I really don't know what a Celestial is capable of. Aren't they totally unknown?
well if strange stalemated LT and eternity and death and galactus and the affects of the IG. shouldn't he be able to really **** over a celestial?
long pig
Depending on how powerful they are. If they are around Galactus level, then I could see him beating one with all the prep and items.
Even with the Celestial fighting back???
hey LP, where exactly do you put Strange? Herald? Skyfather? Elder God?
long pig
Everyday Strange is around herald, slightly above. With prep, skyfather. With enough prep....with all his items, way up there.
I'm thinking Strange will go beg Eternity for some power and then make a ton of demons to help fight. He could win....but depending on how powerful a Celestial is.
We did the LT vs strage debunker allready. LT was nowhere near trying realy hard, since if he did he could defeat strange with a blink.
Also, I don't see Strange being at skyfather level with prep. I know Longpig will yell "He took away thor's powers!" but that was only with the help pf the other godheads, who are also highfathers.
If the destroyer armor with the odin sword can's stop them, nothing can.
(obviously something can, but you get the picture.)
long pig
Who did the LT vs Strange debunker?
Why would I yell that when it's a low point for Strange?
There was a reason why Loki went through all the trouble of robbing Strange of his artifacts and power, otherwise, with prep and artifacts, Strange would have had a good chance of handling King Thor himself.
Originally posted by The Ion
Doesn't everyone do that with their fave character? I mean, you didn't see me in GL Corps Vs Tyrant thread.
I don't everytime I see a so and so vs Wonder Woman thread I go and fight tooth and nail.boxing
YOU did the debunker.
In their first apearence, Lt's charater wasen't fleshed out, and eas even useing magic insted of power cosmic.
And the second one he just basicly made him fight the in-betweener. IT shows strange's powerful, but not that he can stop the LT.
And how did Loki steal all of Stranges artifacts I wonder?
No matter. I still doubt he could take king thor.
an average celestial is above a cube being and below a full powered galactus.
So Strange wins?

long pig
Indeed, I DID IT.

Why'd I do that?
long pig
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
So Strange wins?
Probably not. I don't know jack about the Celestials. No one does.
Hopefully beacuse your not a fanboy, and claiming Strange = LT is just silly.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Hopefully beacuse your not a fanboy, and claiming Strange = LT is just silly.
long pig
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Hopefully beacuse your not a fanboy, and claiming Strange = LT is just silly.
Yes, that's exactly what I'm doing. It's all so true.
^ you fooled me, not

strange doesnt win...not by a f ****ing long shot! thanos had to go get the IG b4 he could take them on. and even then all he was doing was tossing planets at them. and a bunch of colorful energy attacks.....get the f **** outta here with that strneg bull nonsense
Originally posted by manjaro
strange doesnt win...not by a f ****ing long shot! thanos had to go get the IG b4 he could take them on. and even then all he was doing was tossing planets at them. and a bunch of colorful energy attacks.....get the f **** outta here with that strneg bull nonsense
The One Above All and Ziran used planets against Thanos, not the other way around. Chronos used time. Stranger, Epoch, & Galactus went for a direct energy assault. Chaos & Order used will Chaos & Order on him.
As for the fight, yes if Strange could get into it's head and destroy the brain like Susan and Thor have done.
However if the Celestial decides to fight back, Strange would get stomped hard. With talismans, prep, and assistance from mystical dieties, he might pull off 3-4/10.
If it was the Strange that merged with Shuma Gorath, Strange takes 7-8/10 against a Celestial.
why does it sound so ridiculous that current strange wins easily. consider his feats{and ill try to straighten out the bullshit}
defeated mephisto in his own realm{mephisto in his own realm almost stalemated galactus and imprisoned him}
defeated dormammu many times{dormammu is way above skyfather level and even went up against eternity}
defeated a powered galactus once{without him the earth's heroes would have badly lost}
recreated the cloak of levitation{putting his powes above ZOM!}
DEFEATED the inbetweener TWICE{if any1 says that even the most powerful celestial could beat an inbetweener, im gonna smack him, the inbetweener is the third most powerful mystical being after master order and lord chaos and is nearly abstract level in power and purpose}
and strange OWNED him
has shown more power than CYTTORAK{again a being way above even the most powerful celestial
BEAT death TWICE{the abstract death admitted to being beaten which means it wasnt holding back or anything, death is WAAAAY above celestials}
with all his artifacts, stalemated the power of the infinite gauntlett{the same infinite gauntlett which destroyed eternity, death, infinite, master order and lord chaos as if they were INSECTS}
RESISTED the living tribunal{now im not sayin the tribunal was going full out or that strange is as powerful as him, but the fact is that this was the same tribunal that nullified the power of the infinite gauntlett with a single snap of his fingers and he actually had to STRUGGLE a bit shows unbelieveable power on strange's part and even more when the tribunal himself was SHOCKED at just how powerful strange's will and power is}
i hope this makes people see just how powerful strange is, honestly id be surprised if the whole celestial race doesnt pee their pants when they see the current strange{meanin strange wins 10/10}
Originally posted by leonheartmm
why does it sound so ridiculous that current strange wins easily. consider his feats{and ill try to straighten out the bullshit}
defeated mephisto in his own realm{mephisto in his own realm almost stalemated galactus and imprisoned him}
defeated dormammu many times{dormammu is way above skyfather level and even went up against eternity}
defeated a powered galactus once{without him the earth's heroes would have badly lost}
recreated the cloak of levitation{putting his powes above ZOM!}
DEFEATED the inbetweener TWICE{if any1 says that even the most powerful celestial could beat an inbetweener, im gonna smack him, the inbetweener is the third most powerful mystical being after master order and lord chaos and is nearly abstract level in power and purpose}
and strange OWNED him
has shown more power than CYTTORAK{again a being way above even the most powerful celestial
BEAT death TWICE{the abstract death admitted to being beaten which means it wasnt holding back or anything, death is WAAAAY above celestials}
with all his artifacts, stalemated the power of the infinite gauntlett{the same infinite gauntlett which destroyed eternity, death, infinite, master order and lord chaos as if they were INSECTS}
RESISTED the living tribunal{now im not sayin the tribunal was going full out or that strange is as powerful as him, but the fact is that this was the same tribunal that nullified the power of the infinite gauntlett with a single snap of his fingers and he actually had to STRUGGLE a bit shows unbelieveable power on strange's part and even more when the tribunal himself was SHOCKED at just how powerful strange's will and power is}
i hope this makes people see just how powerful strange is, honestly id be surprised if the whole celestial race doesnt pee their pants when they see the current strange{meanin strange wins 10/10}
very good post i agree completely.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
So did Thor, Surfer, Adam Warlock, and Black Panther.
Usually with circumstances. And even Dormammu is not always at Eternity level. That was his highest showing.
Celestials aren't Galactus. That trick isn't working a Celestial.
Inbetweener isn't Celestial level.
When was this?
Where are you getting this from? Cyttorak had trouble with Juggernaut twice. Cyttorak ain't Celestial level.
When did he do it twice? Even the one time he did, it was will power and Ancient One's help. Galactus brought them back to life.
Warlock held back. Otherwise, if he could handle the IG, he would've shown up and backed up the deities against Thanos w/ IG. Nebula easily trapped Strange.
LT has consistantly done more powerful feats. Strange, however, has had trouble with Shuma Gorath, needed to merge with a lieutenant to fight Shuma Gorath.
He's powerful, but he ain't that powerful.
Originally posted by long pig
Care to back up your laugh.

long pig
Not at all.
I'm enjoying all this overrating thoroughly.
Originally posted by long pig
Not at all.
I'm enjoying all this overrating thoroughly.

any one who thinks that the inbetweener and cyttorak are lower than celestial power level need to read a little more comics. and he did beat death twice{death admitted it herself}
and those other showings that wasnt CURRENT STRANGE that was the old strange{when he had trouble with shuma goroth or whatever}
long pig
Where did you see the Ancient One helping Strange against Death?
It was more of the AO telling Strange about his immortality than anything else. Which, isn't because of the AO, it's because of Eternity.
and another thing. its not like celestials are without their low end feats, thor killed one and held back others, the asgardian destroyer could supposedly hold others back too, and invisible woman killed one too.
long pig
Again, I only have one comic with a Celestial in it, and it was blasting Nebula with the I.G.
That the extent of my Celestial knowledge. Everything else is just assumptions.
Ummm i don't see the celestial race peeing their pants to be honest and strange winning 10/10, you've got to take into account that each celestial is galactus level and some arguably exceed his power e.g exitar and TOAA.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
and another thing. its not like celestials are without their low end feats, thor killed one and held back others, the asgardian destroyer could supposedly hold others back too, and invisible woman killed one too.
Thor cracked the dome of the celestial he didn't destroy it, in the process destroying his hammer. Asgardian destroyer got melted to slag so there goes your argument and IW battle was PIS, it was a FF issue, its not like they would kill off IW, which could of happened anytime in the comic.
long pig
Oh, thanks Maestro.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
and another thing. its not like celestials are without their low end feats, thor killed one and held back others, the asgardian destroyer could supposedly hold others back too, and invisible woman killed one too.
The Asgardian Destroyer didn't do much.
and what does that prove beyonder?
Thor V. Arishem 2
long pig
That wasn't a real fight, though Beyonder. I'm pretty sure you knew that.
That all happend in Marko's mind, he just willed the entity out of his body.
In their first meeting, Cyttorak owned him with nothing but a finger movement. And, since Cyttorak really isn't a physical being, punching him doesn't mean much.
cyttorak is definately above the celestials cmon.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
cyttorak is definately above the celestials cmon.
where's the proof?
cyttorak is above skyfathers but not celestials....
Originally posted by long pig
That wasn't a real fight, though Beyonder. I'm pretty sure you knew that.
That all happend in Marko's mind, he just willed the entity out of his body.
In their first meeting, Cyttorak owned him with nothing but a finger movement. And, since Cyttorak really isn't a physical being, punching him doesn't mean much.
In that first fight, Juggernaut took Cyttorak's gem. Strange put it back.
Also, where's this idea coming from that Cyttorak is greater than the Celestials?
What has Cyttorak done that Odin hasn't? Or a Cube Being?
Gaea giving an offering to Arishem.
Arishem excepts, Earth lives.
This scan shows you what the celestials think of the destroyers attacks
Kubik comparing Cube Beings to Celestials.
I hope this clears everything up.
no it doesnt, the inbetweener is still far above celestial power levels, same for the ig, death and LT.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
no it doesnt, the inbetweener is still far above celestial power levels, same for the ig, death and LT.
In-betweener was defeated because he used Chaos and Order to do so.
Nullifying his powers
Thanos has also defeated In-Betweener.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
no it doesnt, the inbetweener is still far above celestial power levels, same for the ig, death and LT.
Death? I thought willpower doesn't count?
And the IG, where did Strange stalemate Thanos w/ IG. Warlock went easy on him.
Originally posted by kgkg
In-betweener was defeated because he used Chaos and Order to do so.
Nullifying his powers
Thanos has also defeated In-Betweener.
because chaos and order don't affect him
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