Photon/Sentry vs Heralds
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Alright, i think everyone knows about the Photon/Sentry fight that just happenned in the latest New T-Bolts issue. And i think after seeing that fight we can all agree on 2 things, one: They are equal (with a slight edge to Photon), and two: they are both far more powerful than any of the heralds (other than the Destroyer and Tyrant). So how would these 2 fair against the 6 main heralds?
Silver Surfer
Morg (no WOL)
Who wins?
the duo takes it. Not too hard, either. Look at what Sentry did to Terrax! And Terrax is about equal to non-WOL Morg.
The Ion
Sentry/Photon. I'd love to see either of them against the Surfer though.

How about against GL.

The Ion

Fine, add the Fallen One and Red Shift to the Heralds team. Now who wins?
the surfer can take the sentry or genis one on one surfer is still marvels best.
what about the two against Parallax and Ion?
they wins this by the way
Parralax and Ion ........... thats like WAAAY UNEVEN !!!!
BTW, The 2 wins !!!
^ really goodness I didn't even know that.shifty
Do you think Parrlaxx's white hair is cool ??
since when is his hair white? Hal never had white hair
those two will not beat all the heralds the surfer is full capable of taken either one then that leaves one getting overwelhmed by the rest of the heralds.terrax was obviously jobbing against sentry nothing more
SS does this to Photon
And this is Genis by the way.
This was Genis he has defeated Legacy his early name to. A while back
for people saying hey Genis has gotten Stonger ------- ohhh really well power didn't have much to do what SS did.
He just trapped Genis nothing more.
as for Sentry knowing how much power ( of how many stars)
going by what i know so far he whould take SS , but one can say
SS likes the Sun

switch out airwalker and add Stardust and the heralds would win
actually thas bull, genis is way above surfer, he defeated most of the asguardian gods by himself, he also singe handedly defeated king thor{making him more powerful than sky fathers} surfer doesnt stand a chance.
and the fallen one is above sentry or ion.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
actually thas bull, genis is way above surfer, he defeated most of the asguardian gods by himself, he also singe handedly defeated king thor{making him more powerful than sky fathers} surfer doesnt stand a chance.
when did he defeat King THor

Originally posted by leonheartmm
and the fallen one is above sentry or ion.
Fallen One got owned by thanos
He never beat King Thor. They exchanged a couple of shots - big deal.
Wolverine chopped of King Thor's arm.
SS couldn't do that to Photon now because Photon would simply teleport out of it. Did you see how effortlessly he switched in and out of the microverse? No way SS does that to him twice.
They seem to write him more powerful and versatile every issue. However, I have a feeling Surfer would find a way to beat him, maybe using his own pwers against him or turning them off.
Originally posted by demigawd
He never beat King Thor. They exchanged a couple of shots - big deal.
Wolverine chopped of King Thor's arm.
SS couldn't do that to Photon now because Photon would simply teleport out of it. Did you see how effortlessly he switched in and out of the microverse? No way SS does that to him twice. How would he teleport when he gets turned into Energy form? (genis was turned into SS board) Genis was teleporting when he was free.
SS lifted his arm and was able to hold someone LIke JACK of heart with no problem.
Does this look like he is any position to teleport?
Originally posted by kgkg
Does this look like he is any position to teleport?
I don't know what that's showing. But current Genis wouldn't have been trapped in your first scan in the first place - he'd teleport out of it. Current Genis is composed of energy - of course he can control himself in energy form.
Originally posted by demigawd
I don't know what that's showing. But current Genis wouldn't have been trapped in your first scan in the first place - he'd teleport out of it. Current Genis is composed of energy - of course he can control himself in energy form.
Shows that his physical form was unwilling chanced by the surfer.
So he gets changed like the scan i showed you.
I can't believe someone with the Nega band was trapped like that

but shit happens
I can believe it....if they don't know what they're doing.
Problem being that now Genis DOES know what he's doing. And that's why the trick won't work again.
Originally posted by demigawd
I can believe it....if they don't know what they're doing.
Problem being that now Genis DOES know what he's doing. And that's why the trick won't work again.
who says he didn't know what he was doing?
Adam Warlock
Legacy was a rookie. He didn't know how to control his powers. He's still confused by his powers even now. But he has a better understanding of his powers now, and will put up much more of a fight than he did before. The rest of the heralds are fodder compared to Surfer.(Sans the Destroyer). Sentry could take the other Heralds, while Genis held off Surfer. Then after wiping the floor with the other Heralds, it turns into a numbers game. 2 to 1 against the Surfer. The Odds for the Heralds are not good.
6 out of 10 for Genis and Sentry.
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Legacy was a rookie. He didn't know how to control his powers. He's still confused by his powers even now. But he has a better understanding of his powers now, and will put up much more of a fight than he did before. The rest of the heralds are fodder compared to Surfer.(Sans the Destroyer). Sentry could take the other Heralds, while Genis held off Surfer. Then after wiping the floor with the other Heralds, it turns into a numbers game. 2 to 1 against the Surfer. The Odds for the Heralds are not good.
6 out of 10 for Genis and Sentry. Of course he doesn't have full control of his powers
If he did that would make him unbeatable. Like Quasar. Genis powers are also infinite they can fully tap the power of the band.
it wasn't much of control issue what SS did to Genis.
as for other are all Herald are near Thor level. Morg is above.
how about Sentry vs SS
Genis vs Heralds ------- He can't take them all at the same time
I give Sentry odds over SS.
But I think Genis vs. SS and Sentry vs. Heralds is a better match. Sentry could take them all, and CURRENT Genis could at least draw against Surfer, and IMO, take him eventually. (he had to have retained his tricks and techniques from his insane days).
Then, like the previous poster said, 2 on 1.
Sentry is to strange right now.
Seem he wasn't even trying when he battled Genis.
I was never really impressed by Genis.
It took Avenger, Genis , Jack of heart , FF etc to battle the Defenders.
Strange also believe that SS was the only one able to defeat Thanos ( genis was also there)
Genis didn't do jack to SS in the defender.
Fact is SS has defeat Genis like an insect.
I'd love to see a rematch between the two at their current levels.
If Surfer ever decides to leave that clambake, that is.

Originally posted by armandovalles
Alright, i think everyone knows about the Photon/Sentry fight that just happenned in the latest New T-Bolts issue. And i think after seeing that fight we can all agree on 2 things, one: They are equal (with a slight edge to Photon), and two: they are both far more powerful than any of the heralds (other than the Destroyer and Tyrant). So how would these 2 fair against the 6 main heralds?
Silver Surfer
Morg (no WOL)
Who wins?
armando can you post scans of the fight of Photon and Sentry?
Originally posted by kgkg
SS does this to Photon
And this is Genis by the way.
This was Genis he has defeated Legacy his early name to. A while back
for people saying hey Genis has gotten Stonger ------- ohhh really well power didn't have much to do what SS did.
He just trapped Genis nothing more.
Genis can counter tricks like that now, he was not experienced and acting kinda fool at the time kg, you know it.
Now he has mastered his powers, he's a match for most cosmic guys.
Originally posted by K3VIL
armando can you post scans of the fight of Photon and Sentry? you want scans i got the comic.
Avengers got owned
Originally posted by K3VIL
Genis can counter tricks like that now, he was not experienced and acting kinda fool at the time kg, you know it.
Now he has mastered his powers, he's a match for most cosmic guys.
how can he counter that's what am asking.
that's the first time i have seen someone trap genis.
has anyone else tried and failed?
Originally posted by kgkg
you want scans i got the comic.
Avengers got owned
Ok but I'd like to see it kg, here in Italy seeing how slowly Marvel comics get translated or sent here, I'm gonna read it on August 2006.
Originally posted by kgkg
how can he counter that's what am asking.
that's the first time i have seen someone trap genis.
has anyone else tried and failed?
Magus trying to stole his soul and Genis countered it, it's not the same thing but quite similar, if he can defend himself from a soul stealing attempt, at his current level he can counter nrg/molecular manipulation attacks like that SS used on him.
The Ion
I already posted the scans in the Comic Scans thread.
here you go Sentry vs Genis ( The stongest on earth rite now)
Genis teleport Sentry with no effort.
The Ion
Originally posted by K3VIL
Ok but I'd like to see it kg, here in Italy seeing how slowly Marvel comics get translated or sent here, I'm gonna read it on August 2006.
Magus trying to stole his soul and Genis countered it, it's not the same thing but quite similar, if he can defend himself from a soul stealing attempt, at his current level he can counter nrg/molecular manipulation attacks like that SS used on him.
when did magus tried? issue
Originally posted by kgkg
when did magus tried? issue
Captain Marvel V#32-34
Anyway I've saw the scans, Sentry got owned, and Genis new outfit is hella cool.It was very fun when he perceived Cap was in danger and saved him without even caring of Sentry being there, like he's nothing to him.
Originally posted by K3VIL
Captain Marvel V#32-34
Anyway I've saw the scans, Sentry got owned, and Genis new outfit is hella cool.It was very fun when he perceived Cap was in danger and saved him without even caring of Sentry being there, like he's nothing to him.
Sentry didn't get Owned
He was holding back.
The plan was to leave him trapped because he was to powerful
Anyways this shows how powerful Genis and Sentry really are.
Originally posted by kgkg
Sentry didn't get Owned
He was holding back.
The plan was to leave him trapped because he was to powerful
I think Genis can beat him, come one Sentry is the one on the ground at the end of the fight.
New Thunderbolts are Earth Mightiest Heroes now.
Originally posted by K3VIL
I think Genis can beat him, come one Sentry is the one on the ground at the end of the fight.
New Thunderbolts are Earth Mightiest Heroes now.
if he could he whould have.
all the Avengers were k.O cept Sentry.
and the T-bolt were planing everything.
Genis vs Sentry ------- They looked pretty closed.
But The true extent of Sentry's power has never been shown. --- i think said that Sentry is the most powerful superhero ever.
actually thanos beating the fallen one is one of the stupidest things in comicdom{right up there with wolverine beating lobo} the fallen one was even more powerful than galactus and had galactus scared and running, also his power sourse was the VOID{the same thing that sentry fears} and his powers were limitless.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
actually thanos beating the fallen one is one of the stupidest things in comicdom{right up there with wolverine beating lobo} the fallen one was even more powerful than galactus and had galactus scared and running, also his power sourse was the VOID{the same thing that sentry fears} and his powers were limitless.
He attacked Galactus when he was in test cube.
Thanos owned him by raising his hands.

im telling u that was bull, utter crap, a single shot from the fallen one was enough to destroy thanos's ship.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
im telling u that was bull, utter crap, a single shot from the fallen one was enough to destroy thanos's ship.
How can you say that he is above Galactus
When he has two showing in the comic.\
1.) He hits Galactus who is in test tubes (not much of a feat thor , SS etc anyone could hit Galactus when nothing doing anything)
2.) thanos owned him and made him his slave.
Other than that not much is know about the guy.
your are making assumption based on what else?
But, if you look at Sentry's face, it seems like he was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally in pain ~!~
Originally posted by ImmortalOne
But, if you look at Sentry's face, it seems like he was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally in pain ~!~
maybe he had a squirrel in his pants

, or maybe photon{being the master magician that he is} pulled a rabbit outta his ass before the fight

Dang, Sentry and Genis are pretty Uber now...I'd give anything to see one of them against, say, Thanos. Or even Surfer. And actually have it end definitively, rather than a draw.
P.S. Destroying Thanos' ship isn't anywhere near destroying Thanos...The Fallen One is just another herald by all accounts...and still below Surfer until proven otherwise.
did everyone just sort of gloss over the part where sentry says "no more holding back" and photon says "that's my cue..."
photon knew that when sentry got serious, his ass was fried. otherwise, wouldn't he have just knocked that golden guardian the **** out?
Originally posted by hoorayforpeepee
did everyone just sort of gloss over the part where sentry says "no more holding back" and photon says "that's my cue..."
photon knew that when sentry got serious, his ass was fried. otherwise, wouldn't he have just knocked that golden guardian the **** out?
But fact is neither of them went all out.
My guess is Sentry is a lot more powerful.
And exactly everyone other than Sentry was K.O
They were planning, and Knocking Sentry out was am impossible task.

Therefore Genis teleported him.
but that battle cleary shows no earth hero can match either of them right now.
Originally posted by hoorayforpeepee
did everyone just sort of gloss over the part where sentry says "no more holding back" and photon says "that's my cue..."
photon knew that when sentry got serious, his ass was fried. otherwise, wouldn't he have just knocked that golden guardian the **** out?
he didnt say "thats my cue" because Sentry said "no more holding back". He said it and teleported Sentry away because Songbird said it was time to go since they finished all the rest of the Avengers and teleporting him away was the quickest way to get rid of him, that doesnt mean Photon couldnt have put Sentry down, it just means he could get rid of Sentry quicker by teleporting him rather than fighting him. That proves NOTHING.
Now thats a fanboy statement Armando !!!
first of all, at least i admit im a fanboy. Other fanboys refuse to admit it. Secondly, sure, im a fanboy, but that was not a fanboy statement, that's the truth. He said "that's my cue" because all the other T-Bolts got finished wit their opponents so he had to finish his opponent, Sentry, quick, and teleporting him away is the fastest way, so that's wut he did. And from wut was shown, Photon was actually winning (and they were BOTH holding back, not just Sentry), so there's no proof to who is more powerful until they fight again (hopefully soon) in the future.
I must agree. The Sentry has a blank check giving him the power to do whatever the hell he wants. I doubt Photon is stronger.
They are proboly the two stongest heros on earth though, so it dosen't really matter.
The Ion
Originally posted by ImmortalOne
But, if you look at Sentry's face, it seems like he was reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaally in pain ~!~ He wasn't in pain. The teleportation from the Microverse was disorienting which is why he crumpled to his knees.
If Sentry can absorb energy from anywhere, I'd imagine he has more raw power but that obviously isn't the most useful thing when fighting Photon.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
They are proboly the two stongest heros on earth though, so it dosen't really matter.
There's no doubt about it that their the two most powerful heroes on Earth, probly even the whole multiverse, but the question is: who is #1? that we have yet to see, and u guys cant jump to assumptions by saying that Sentry is stronger (just cuz he actually SAID he was holding back, whereas Photon didnt say it even tho he was) because Photon actually was winning the fight even b4 he teleported him away. And i already explained exactly WHY he teleported him away, im not gonna write all that again.
I'm not asumeing that beacuse of any single line in a FABIAN NICIEZA book. I think it beacuse just about EVERY hero, incluseing thoes who hang out with the powerhouses like Thor and Cap Marvel say sentry is the strongest superhero.
Originally posted by armandovalles
There's no doubt about it that their the two most powerful heroes on Earth, probly even the whole multiverse, but the question is: who is #1? that we have yet to see, and u guys cant jump to assumptions by saying that Sentry is stronger (just cuz he actually SAID he was holding back, whereas Photon didnt say it even tho he was) because Photon actually was winning the fight even b4 he teleported him away. And i already explained exactly WHY he teleported him away, im not gonna write all that again.
Strange or any cosmic whole give either of these guys a good fight.
Ultimately they still haven’t shown they are at SS level of power
also Sentry is supposely stonger than both SS , and photon
Anyway we all agree Genis got the coolest costume in Marvel at the moment?
The Ion
Originally posted by K3VIL
Anyway we all agree Genis got the coolest costume in Marvel at the moment?
Well it's better than Sentry's.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Dang, Sentry and Genis are pretty Uber now...I'd give anything to see one of them against, say, Thanos. Or even Surfer. And actually have it end definitively, rather than a draw.
P.S. Destroying Thanos' ship isn't anywhere near destroying Thanos...The Fallen One is just another herald by all accounts...and still below Surfer until proven otherwise.
actually NO. he had a full powered galactus runnin around half the cosmos to escape him. he was definatelt the most powerful herald of them all and the reason thanos wanted him to stop was that he knew he could kill galactus and if that happened eternity would become unblanced, thanos beating him was utter BULLDHIT, also his power comes from the ESSENCE OF THE VOID, tha binding halo by which galaxies are made solvent, also, thats the same void which conrinuously overpowers sentry.
The Ion
Originally posted by leonheartmm
actually NO. he had a full powered galactus runnin around half the cosmos to escape him. he was definatelt the most powerful herald of them all and the reason thanos wanted him to stop was that he knew he could kill galactus and if that happened eternity would become unblanced, thanos beating him was utter BULLDHIT, also his power comes from the ESSENCE OF THE VOID, tha binding halo by which galaxies are made solvent, also, thats the same void which conrinuously overpowers sentry.
Two things.
Sentry's void is just his overactive subconscious. It's completely different from The Fallen One's power source. I don't understand how you confuse the two.
Also, Galactus was nowhere near full power. He had defeated Fallen One countless times before that which is why The Fallen One kept coming back for revenge.
Just wait a few days, Armando is gonna make Genis look like GOD !!!
lol no i just think everyone else underestimates him way too much. I mean, the guy killed Entropy, an abstract on par with Eternity, in one blast, but people still say SS is more powerful than him. It's not that's im overconfident of his abilites, it's just that everyone else here are just haters cuz u know no matter how popular SS is, it wont get him to beat Genis. Genis also has alot of feats to back up my claims, here's some of them:
-Stalemated Sentry
-Stalemated King Thor
-Killed Entropy in one blast
-Beat down Drax the Destroyer
-Beat down all of Asgards greatest warriors on his path to confront King Thor
-Killed a Storm Giant in one blast
-Took the full impact blast wave of Asgard being destroyed in the War between Asgardians & the 2 Storm Giants with no damage
-When Genis was pissed off beyond belief during the Odyssey story arc, the Magus was too frightened of him to confront him
-Overcame the Purple Man's control
-Killed his father, Captain Mar Vell, within 2 pages
-While restraining himself (not trying to kill them but just sudbue them) he was able to beat down Blastaar & Burstaar @ the same time
-While insane, killed Burstaar within a 4 pages, then resurrected him
-Along with Thanos & Thor, beat the Walker, a being at least Skyfather-level
-Beat down Ronan the Accuser and demolished a Kree Command Center which was heavily armored by simply flying threw it
-When going all out at full potential destroyed the ShiAr, Kree, and Skrull Empires & Armadas "without leaving his house."
-Beat down the Super Skrull
-Beat down Fredd (Genis' eveil clone form another dimension), who earlier KILLED the combined forces of the Avengers and Fantastic Four from his home dimension (there was no difference of the teams, the teams were NOT depowered or anything like that in his dimension)
-While amping his strength went toe-to-toe with guys such as the Savage Hulk, Maestro, and thw Wendigo in fist-fights
The Ion
What issue was the Maestro fight?
Captain Marvel (1999-2000) #29-30
K Von Doom
Originally posted by K3VIL
Anyway we all agree Genis got the coolest costume in Marvel at the moment?
kind of ripped-off deathurge's design, without the starry things....
Originally posted by leonheartmm
"Ultimately they still haven’t shown they are at SS level of power"
thats one of the most idiotic fanboy statements ive heard on kmc{PLEASE dont turn into GS kgkg}
ha well am not the one saying Fallen one will take Galactus

Ok, so............ P/S stomps the Heralds ??
Originally posted by ImmortalOne
Ok, so............ P/S stomps the Heralds ??
Quasar is cooler than a "hollow-guy with shining stripes" though !!!
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