The Avengers versus STAR WARS
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the whole Star Wars characters and power forces.... combined
the rebels and the Empire.. combined (even this is hard to imagine)....
against the following crew of Avengers (classic team members):
Thor, Iron-Man, Captain America, Hulk, She-Hulk, Hercules, Wonderman, Hawkeye, Swordsman (perhaps would be very effective in this fight ;-), Vision, Wanda
who would win ?
or would it be only a matter of time... when the laster Avenger would fall ???
I.M.O. : Thor would never fall.... the same Herc and Hulk
im actauly thinking star wars has quite a good chance. threre worlds can cut even thor. they are all pritty much superhuman due to using force powers. mace windu will be the most dangerous for the marvels they better take him out fast.
This would be a really hard call. I think you should of gave the Avengers more members too make it fair.
Originally posted by Betageuze
the whole Star Wars characters and power forces.... combined
the rebels and the Empire.. combined (even this is hard to imagine)....
against the following crew of Avengers (classic team members):
Thor, Iron-Man, Captain America, Hulk, She-Hulk, Hercules, Wonderman, Hawkeye, Swordsman (perhaps would be very effective in this fight ;-), Vision, Wanda
who would win ?
or would it be only a matter of time... when the laster Avenger would fall ???
I.M.O. : Thor would never fall.... the same Herc and Hulk
What Hulk?Savage?Prof one?Grey Hulk?Mindless?
Anyway, Thor and Hercules plus Wonderman got raw power, add Hulk, it's overkill.
The Death Star is a joke compared to Mjolnir, Thor will blow up it and the explosion will decimate a major portion of the Imperial army in space.Not to mention the storm troopers and their veichles will be smacked down from Herc and Wonder Man very easily, Simon himself could use the "human ram" tactic, and fly at high speeds through the huge mecha and the other robot like veichles, his max speed is at least escape velocity, so the storm troopers aren't going to lay and hand on him with their lasers, same for the rebels.Why don't we talk about Hercules and Hulk going on a rampage on the ground battlefield with their brute strenght?Plus with Thor at their side, which can support them with a storm so powerful it will blow up the majority of their enemies, and anti-force, god-force, cosmic energy, gravity and magnetism use, and anti matter generation, SW shouldn't mess with a demigod team
Mace Windu a threat?
The Avengers fought the likes of Graviton and Magneto, Jedi are a joke.
Thor with his powers can take them out fast and easy, Hercules and Wonder Man aren't going being stopped from telekinesis and some energy blast, they've survived worst things, check being throwed into a sun from Hyperion for WM and taking power cosmic attacks for Herc.
Originally posted by Betageuze
who would win ?
or would it be only a matter of time... when the laster Avenger would fall ???
The only way the last Avenger would fall, would be from boredom.
Hulk alone can do MASSIVE damage in the Jedi/Sith ranks.
mace windu could just pick thor up with the force and throw him in the dam sun.
mace windu is dat samual jackson mad at nigga got his ass whooped by a lil white boy anakin u guys saw tha movie he a discrace as ablack man i man he got his arm cut off mace windu a *****
he defeated the most powerful back guy jedi to ever live in under 2 minuts. he got hsi arm cut off from behind if anakin had attacked mace head on there would be no dark vader.
so he still got his black ass arm cut off
its true it aint my fual the only way star wars wins if samuel jackson makes the hella old like he did that 1 white guy he waz bouta kill when anakin cut his arm off
ya thats what i was saying windu could be a threat he and yoda are hell powerfull and he even more powerful then yoda
more powerful den yoda uh yoda my favorite jedi next ta luke but sorry i hate samuel jackson dats y i didnt see coach carter and im from richmond but anyway yoda wouls own windu but i think if ironman blast his head off yoda really cant do nothin
Wanda uses her powers and everyone from star wars kill each other.
According to the folks at the Star Wars boards, Luke has evolved into some kind of force powered Franklin Richards. And Vader is like a force powered Magneto or something.
K3VIL wrote : What Hulk?Savage?Prof one?Grey Hulk?Mindless?
of course... Savage or the Mindless one
Have we all completely forgotten the massive ranks of Jedi and Sith?
Hulk smashes whatever planet they're all on to smithereens. Thor teleports the Avengers to safety.
Lots of dead Jedi/Sith floating around in space....
Lucid Lui
Avengers. I'd love to see Thor smashing through their ranks.
Compared to the enemies the Avengers face on a daily basis, even the strongest Sith or Jedi is no big deal.
The SW characters have never met so much powerhouses at the same time (Thor, Hulk, Hercules, Iron Man and so on...), they won't know what hit them.
windu could actauly kill thor befor thor even got a 20 feet to him.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
windu could actauly kill thor befor thor even got a 20 feet to him.
Windu is mud compared to Loki. And Thor eats Loki in fights more often than not.
can lokie pick up thor with enegry that thor can not get out of then throw him in the sun?
And what makes you think a jedi can. Do they fight Thor level guys by any chance?
true but there no reason thor would be able to stop it. he does not have force powers
Doesn't make any difference. Thor's been in the sun before and survived fine.
He'd just laugh, then godblast whatever planet Windu is standing on into smithereens.

Yeah he just have godly powers including something called lighting and godforce and the like.
Jedi are cool, they are mid tier but they dont go against guys that by themselves have raw power to blow planet sized objects.
true. ok say u take away all the god people who wisn then?
If u mean guys like Cap and Hawkeye, even higher like Beast etc? Then its in the range for the Jedi.
hell even keep hulk and thing also
Cosmic Cube
Zephro is always right. Avengers own.
Most of the Jedi are not in the same league as top-tier guys like Windu. Most of the Avengers are as tough or tougher than guys like Jango Fett. Think Operation Galactic Storm.
think of how many jedi there are.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by wolverine8888
hell even keep hulk and thing also
Like Zephro said, Hulk could destroy their entire planet, killing all of them. Avengers would still win. With Hulk on their team, they'd still be too powerful.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by wolverine8888
think of how many jedi there are.
0, after their planet gets destroyed without any sort of notice.
Plenty, sure. Most of them got gunned down by Clone Troopers in ROTS. I think we can safely say that any Jedi who couldn't stand up to some Clone Troopers would fare poorly against even lower-powered Avengers.
Even with Windu on hand, they were slowly getting overwhealmed by the droids in the arena on Geonosis. The Avengers beat more robot armies before 9AM than most people do all day.
Unless you could co-ordinate the entire might of the Star Wars galaxy to somehow attack Earth's Mightiest Heroes simultaneously, I'd bet on the Avengers
i'd be more worried about yoda, but even he isnt anywhere near the avengers
As long as Star Wars has NJO Luke Skywalker they have chance. Also if they Have the Death Star Bye Bye Avengers. Im starting to think this fight is little on sided. I think The Avenger and the JLA VS Star Wars would be more even. But still its one sided. I mean Star Wars has the Death Star, Super Star Destroyers, Star Destroyers, and NJO Luke Skywalker. If any hero got hit by the death star they be erased from existence. Yes Every one Im admitting that Superman would loose. Star wars has to much technology. Now if was Jedi Vs Avengers, the Jedi would get mudered except for NJO Luke Skywalker which would take out many heros but would be eventually killed.
mace is far more dangerous then yoda. also mace vs hulk would be a far better fight then u all are thinking
I dunno, man. What's he gonna do to the Hulk? Tickle him with his lightsaber? Throw rocks at him? Squeeze him with TK? Hulk might not be able to tag Mace short of maybe a hand-clap or ground-shock, but I don't see what Mace could really do to hurt the Hulk.
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
As long as Star Wars has NJO Luke Skywalker they have chance. Also if they Have the Death Star Bye Bye Avengers. Im starting to think this fight is little on sided. I think The Avenger and the JLA VS Star Wars would be more even. But still its one sided. I mean Star Wars has the Death Star, Super Star Destroyers, Star Destroyers, and NJO Luke Skywalker. If any hero got hit by the death star they be erased from existence. Yes Every one Im admitting that Superman would loose. Star wars has to much technology. Now if was Jedi Vs Avengers, the Jedi would get mudered except for NJO Luke Skywalker which would take out many heros but would be eventually killed.
Look at the above and substitute Thanos for NJO Luke, Thanos's fleet for the Imperial fleet, the Star Gem Weapon for the Deathstar. The Avengeres handled all that at once in the 70's. Granted with an assist from Spidey, the Thing, Mar-Vell, and Warlock, but if we're talking about ALL the Avengers here and not just a single lineup, it's still not a problem.
Totally agreed. Mace Windu may be the greatest duelist ever but the Hulk is Invulnerable. Mace Windu has Force powers but cant compete with many powerful other sith and Jedi. NJO Luke is the only Jedi that stands a chance. But the Death Star, Super Star Destroyer's, and Star Destroyer's take care of the rest of the avengers
hmm funny seeign how mace is more powerful then the sith lords and yoda. hell he beat cities in 2 minuts. yoda lost to citties.
also light sabers go through any thing. they would go right through hulk. adamatium, anti metal , capts shield are the only things that they probly can not go through. wolveriens claws go right throu hulk there for mace light saber should to. also due to the force mace has super every thing he is a meta human because he uses his force powers to up grade him self.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
mace is far more dangerous then yoda. also mace vs hulk would be a far better fight then u all are thinking
Mace is slighlty more skilled with a lightsabre, but yoda is way more powerful in the force, he might actuly be able to do something to hulk with his force powers.
Again, Thanos brought all that to bear in his second attack on Earth in the 70's and the Avengers & co. plowed right through it. Thanos's big bang destroyed STARS, not planets. The heros were on him so fast never got a chance to fire a shot
Originally posted by Sparkz
Mace is slighlty more skilled with a lightsabre, but yoda is way more powerful in the force, he might actuly be able to do something to hulk with his force powers.
actauly thats not true at all. mace was actauly yoda superior.
yoda was wiser even stat wise yoda only has wisdom over mace. mace was not just slightly more skileld he was a lot more skilled. hell yoda aint even second most skilled for that era. also again cities beat yoda. amce beat cities ass rather easiliy.
The Avengers would put up a really good fight considering they are hoplessly, halariously out gunned, out numbered, and out matched.
The Hulk is p o w e r l e s s against ANY jedi or sith.
"Hulk smash!"
"No, the hulk does not smash. The hulk goes to sleep in a garbage compacter. Bruce Banner dies."
"the force has a strong influence on a weak mind."
Earth is ONE planet ONE star, and is a primitive caveman culture compared to the star wars GALAXY. a galaxy is made up of BILLIONS of stars and TRILLIONS of planets...
Even charaters who arnt jedi/sith have accsess to teck thousands of years more advanced than anything iron man has or could ever dream of.
Boba Fett is a good matchup for iron man and look what luke did to him. or look at jango vs mace...embarrising.
Thor couldnt do shit against a tractor beam. and would be slowed down by ray sheilds.
captain america's sheild would resist a lightsaber for 5 sec before it failed.
wolverin's adamentium skeleton wouldn't hold up either. lightsabers carterize flesh when they cut so wolverin wouldnt be able to heal either.
galactis could use a couple of Star Destroyers as roller skates. but couldn't beat an entire galaxy worth of imperial navy.
saying avengers vs star wars is silly. Star Wars would stomp the entire earth out of exsistance, death star or no, without breaking a sweat.
avengers vs jedi = the avengers are still outnumbered AND out powered. It would be like fighting over 1,000,000 proffessor X's cept each one can walk, jump, run + lightsaber.
The entire marvel universe vs just the jedi order = might be a good fight.
Silent Master
Avengers wins.
Originally posted by jediAvenger
The Avengers would put up a really good fight considering they are hoplessly, halariously out gunned, out numbered, and out matched.
The Hulk is p o w e r l e s s against ANY jedi or sith.
"Hulk smash!"
"No, the hulk does not smash. The hulk goes to sleep in a garbage compacter. Bruce Banner dies."
"the force has a strong influence on a weak mind."
Earth is ONE planet ONE star, and is a primitive caveman culture compared to the star wars GALAXY. a galaxy is made up of BILLIONS of stars and TRILLIONS of planets...
Even charaters who arnt jedi/sith have accsess to teck thousands of years more advanced than anything iron man has or could ever dream of.
Boba Fett is a good matchup for iron man and look what luke did to him. or look at jango vs mace...embarrising.
Thor couldnt do shit against a tractor beam. and would be slowed down by ray sheilds.
captain america's sheild would resist a lightsaber for 5 sec before it failed.
wolverin's adamentium skeleton wouldn't hold up either. lightsabers carterize flesh when they cut so wolverin wouldnt be able to heal either.
galactis could use a couple of Star Destroyers as roller skates. but couldn't beat an entire galaxy worth of imperial navy.
saying avengers vs star wars is silly. Star Wars would stomp the entire earth out of exsistance, death star or no, without breaking a sweat.
avengers vs jedi = the avengers are still outnumbered AND out powered. It would be like fighting over 1,000,000 proffessor X's cept each one can walk, jump, run + lightsaber.
The entire marvel universe vs just the jedi order = might be a good fight.
lol at some of these points.
I don't even know where to begin.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
I don't even know where to begin.
Tony Stark
This is laughable
The Avengers in a STOMP
If this includes star wars characters like the ones, (the father, the son, and the daughter,), the celestials, and if they can use weapons like center point station, and the sun crusher, and are commanded by someone like Palpatine or thrawn, then the avengers lose pretty easily.
If the vong, and all the Jedi and sith armadas are included, it's even worse for the avengers, and that's not even counting things like star wars version of ego, the living planet zenoma seekot.
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