A lifting contest
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Which of these contestant's can lift these things
1 StrongGuy
2 Rogue
3 Doc Samson
4 Colossus
5 Current Thing
6 Sasquatch
7 Abomination
8 WonderWoman
The List of things to lift
1 A Metro Bus full of people
2 A full loaded Semi Truck
3 Abrams M1A1 Tank
4 747 Jet 505 tons
5 Crawler Transporters 2,721 tons
6 Nimitz Air Craft Carrier 95,000 tons
Strong Guy lifts #1, tho doesnt get past #2.
Rogue lifts #1, tho doesnt get past #2.
Doc Samson could lift #1, 2, and maybe 3.
Colossus could lift #1, 2, 3, and maybe 4.
The Thing could lift #1, 2, 3, and maybe 4.
Sasquatch could lift #1, 2, 3, and maybe 4.
Abomination could lift #1, 2, 3, tho there's no way he's lifting #4.
Wonder Woman easily lifts them all.
Obviously this is all dependent on the writer, but Wonder Woman has consistently shown she can lift all of these objects
Abomination is generally illustrated, somewhere around the angry Hulk level. He has very few feats to his name, but IMO he could lift anything short of the aircraft carrier. (Hulk regularly lifts objects of this weight, when calm)
Original Sasquatch was somewhere around Abomination, and was able to prevent a large plane from taking off. He would therefore be able to lift everything except the aircraft carrier. Current Sasquatch is depicted somewhere around the Current Juggernauts strength. IMO marvel is going through a transitional period, of 'power level increase'. Characters are starting to perform more impressive feats. With this i mind it wouldn't be hard to believe Sasquatch lifting a 747.
Thing and colossus are always depicted around the same strength level. I recently read a comic where Thing was having difficulty lifting a blue whale (These weigh about 150 tons). Both are probably capable of over powering a Full size Sentinel, but this brings them close to their limits. It would be surprising for any writer to show them lifting a plane as large as a 747.
what issue of what comic was it when he lifted a blue whale?
Originally posted by armandovalles
what issue of what comic was it when he lifted a blue whale?
A recent one, i suspect. As i live in jersey the format of the comics is different, for example the comic in question had a spiderman issue on the back of it. Im currently back in oxford so it will be hard to find out.

well what weighs more, a house or a 747? cuz i remember in a fight with Power Man a long time back Classic Thing lifted up a house out of its supports and slammed it on Power Man, and he has only gotten stronger since then.
it was in marvel knights 4 a few issues ago when they fought Diablo....I think the main reason he had difficulty with it was due to the fact it was fighting back...he also didnt think it was alive; it was a statue and then Diablo animated it into a real whale.
Originally posted by armandovalles
well what weighs more, a house or a 747? cuz i remember in a fight with Power Man a long time back Classic Thing lifted up a house out of its supports and slammed it on Power Man, and he has only gotten stronger since then.
Well it depends on what house. Im sure Buckingham Palace weighs a lot more than a 747. The average house is unlikely to, its abit ambigous to claim that he is stronger since he last fought powerman.

Originally posted by Wynndar
it was in marvel knights 4 a few issues ago when they fought Diablo....I think the main reason he had difficulty with it was due to the fact it was fighting back...he also didnt think it was alive; it was a statue and then Diablo animated it into a real whale.
Thats is the one. Reed who tests his strength regularly had no doubt that Thing should be able to remove it.

he is always stronger...its the nature of his powers...and the issue he is talking about is pretty old school i believe.
yea the issue he slammed the house on Power Man was like Mid 80's.
Originally posted by Wynndar
he is always stronger...its the nature of his powers...and the issue he is talking about is pretty old school i believe.
Its in the nature of his power ?
How come he is still listed as class 80 / Level 6 character ?
level 6 reaches 100tons
His bio admits that his strength has fluctuated greatly over the years...his states may reflect some kind of average or something. Or he could simply be a six because he isnt in the "unlimited strength" category like Hulk and Thor.
Thing is constantly evolving and constantly absorbing more radiation. He has brought this up on the mutliple occasions he's fought himself at earlier points in the time stream...usually kicking his own ass in just two or three moves. This is why his powers have manifested in the "spikey form" where he was exponentially stronger by being exposed to another cosmic storm. Or when Reed took a piece of his skin and placed in a time bubble where eons passed by every second, resulting in the fragment evolving into an omnipotent being in control of every atom in its structure throughout the whole time stream (FF vol3 #58-60).
Cosmic Cube
I've seen Thing hold his own against Thor in an armwrestling match, which says a lot. Despite all of the handbook, personally, I think Ben is above the 100 ton mark. But hey, that's just my opinion.
It all depends on the writer...although the Thing hasnt had to throw a single punch in the last nearly ten issues, except against some small automated alien ships, he appears to be the classic class 85 Thing because he's very small. This is different from the monstrous heroes reborn Thing that dwarfed Thor and was nearly the same size as a Savage Hulk. The Lobdell Thing was also pretty big and had no problem lifting the steel and glass pyramid of the Louvre and pitching like a baseball through an interdimensional portal. He also penetrated Terminus' armor which requires 100ton+ strength on par with Hercules according to his directoy bio. Claremont showed the Thing take on the Avengers in their own mansion, although most of the fight was off panel; that Avenger's line up did contain Ironman, Wonderman, and Thor. He also overpowered Ironman's armor on another occasion with Claremont and flung a full sized kree version of Giantman by the hand. Nonetheless, the present series illustrates him the same size as a normal guy...although this run looks like its over.
Thing looks like he's going to be pretty tough in his own series.
That was the moloid Terminus though, wasn't he?
I don't think he is as strong as normal Terminus.
The Louvre thing was cool though. He lifted and threw it easily.
I was just refering to the actual armor which the directory points out is highly durable and can only be petrated by a 100+ character. The cover shows Thing's fingers going right through the armor of the chest plate which was not made of moloids. But yea, Im not sure if moloid terminus should be considered weaker or not, he was still superhumanly strong and his destructive power was eminating from his staff...The F4 had the Surfer helping them in that fight.
Originally posted by R.O.T. Yahman
Obviously this is all dependent on the writer, but Wonder Woman has consistently shown she can lift all of these objects
Abomination is generally illustrated, somewhere around the angry Hulk level. He has very few feats to his name, but IMO he could lift anything short of the aircraft carrier. (Hulk regularly lifts objects of this weight, when calm)
Original Sasquatch was somewhere around Abomination, and was able to prevent a large plane from taking off. He would therefore be able to lift everything except the aircraft carrier. Current Sasquatch is depicted somewhere around the Current Juggernauts strength. IMO marvel is going through a transitional period, of 'power level increase'. Characters are starting to perform more impressive feats. With this i mind it wouldn't be hard to believe Sasquatch lifting a 747.
Thing and colossus are always depicted around the same strength level. I recently read a comic where Thing was having difficulty lifting a blue whale (These weigh about 150 tons). Both are probably capable of over powering a Full size Sentinel, but this brings them close to their limits. It would be surprising for any writer to show them lifting a plane as large as a 747.
Juggernaut is back to full Strength now. And Wonder Woman could lift everything on this list.
Petroleum tankers will be added to the lift contest weighing in at 650,000 and just for the fun of it the Earth that weights earth 5.978,000,000,000,000,000,000
Originally posted by D-Block
Juggernaut is back to full Strength now. And Wonder Woman could lift everything on this list.
That's an old post.
Originally posted by golem370
That's an old post.
My bad didn't even look at the date good looking out golem.
I added to the lift gauntlet
Classic Sasquatch should be able to clear 1-4 easily. Might be able to squeak by #5, but I don't think he can clear all 6.
Classic Sasquatch's other top feat was towing a fully loaded military destroyer to land and lifting the aft section of it so Guardian could effect repairs, but there was leverage and bouyancy involved, so I don't think Sas would be up to the task of lifting the aircraft carrier, or really anything much bigger than a fully loaded 747.
The new list
1.Classic Juggernaut
3.DOS Superman
5.She Hulk
1 A Metro Bus full of people
2 A full loaded Semi Truck
3 Abrams M1A1 Tank
4 747 Jet 505 tons
5 Crawler Transporters 2,721 tons
6 Nimitz Air Craft Carrier 95,000 tons
7 Oil Tanker 650,000 tons
8.Mountain that Hulk braced 150,000,000,000 tons
9. The Earth 5.978,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tons
The Earth only weights 5.978000000000000000000 tons?
Originally posted by Priest
The Earth only weights 5.978000000000000000000 tons?

~The Wickerman~
Originally posted by golem370
The new list
1.Classic Juggernaut
3.DOS Superman
5.She Hulk
1 A Metro Bus full of people
2 A full loaded Semi Truck
3 Abrams M1A1 Tank
4 747 Jet 505 tons
5 Crawler Transporters 2,721 tons
6 Nimitz Air Craft Carrier 95,000 tons
7 Oil Tanker 650,000 tons
8.Piece ofMountain that Hulk braced 150,000,000,000 tons
9. The Earth 5.978,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tons
fixed it.
Originally posted by golem370
The new list
1.Classic Juggernaut
3.DOS Superman
5.She Hulk
1 A Metro Bus full of people
2 A full loaded Semi Truck
3 Abrams M1A1 Tank
4 747 Jet 505 tons
5 Crawler Transporters 2,721 tons
6 Nimitz Air Craft Carrier 95,000 tons
7 Oil Tanker 650,000 tons
8.Mountain that Hulk braced 150,000,000,000 tons
9. The Earth 5.978,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tons
DOS superman is pretty weak compared to the current one...
Originally posted by Raoul
DOS superman is pretty weak compared to the current one...
Yeah, but he'd still make it to nine, though he'd certainly stop there.
Byrne Superman threw into space a mountain so large that it developed it's own atmosphere, if my memory serves.
Originally posted by Soljer
Yeah, but he'd still make it to nine, though he'd certainly stop there.
Byrne Superman threw into space a mountain so large that it developed it's own atmosphere, if my memory serves.
aye, i think i remember that...
In the book it said mountain range not a piece of mountain.
When molecule man lifted it up the comic said it was a mountain range that dwarfed the Andes Mtns. But certainly the whole range was not sitting on him. And he was bracing it from collapsing, not lifting the whole thing.
I am 32 and actually still have this comic at my parent's house from when I was a kid. I love it when this keeps being brought up because I do not own a comic past probably 1986!!

Makes me wonder where Absorbing Man falls in there. He (while normal human size shifted to concrete) lifted a 747 Jet and threated to drop it on Spider-man. In his giant form I assume he'd could go well beyond that.
I am 27 and still have the book in my room somewhere.
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