Dr Fate with Infinity Gauntlet vs DC Universe
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Dr Fate with the
It doesnt work in DC

What if it did though
Cosmic Cube
Then he would own. But it doesn't. In DC it's just a pretty, sparkly glove.
Anyone with the IG could own the universe.
If it did work, he would be reduced to using it to turn himself into a brick so he could fight and lose to Superman.
How would he fare against Spectre or the Brothers or even Precrisis Darkseid?
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by golem370
How would he fare against Spectre or the Brothers or even Precrisis Darkseid?
Pre-crisis Darkseid isn't in the DCU. He doesn't exist anymore.
I don't think the brothers are in the DCU, but if LT couldn't f*ck with them, I wouldn't recommend Fate trying anything.
LT would beat the brothers Moringstar
LT will get raped by either micheal or lucifer, {and its not the BROTHERS MORNING STAR!}
Spectre would defeat him, though he'd let a lot of people die first.
The Spectre could, Lucifer and Michael could, The Word/The Logos could.. Imperiex Prime could (hes beyond the universe). and Destiny of the Endless.
Originally posted by kevdude
Imperiex Prime could (hes beyond the universe).
Imperiex also battle a bunch of heroes and worlds. Galactus himself has done that.
The IG was owning Galactus, Eternity, Death, two Celestials, Chronos, along with Chaos and Order at the same time. The IG blinks half the universe out of existence while locking up deities like Eternity and Death with minimal effort.
Imperiex has destroyed the entire DCU, Galactus has never done that.
Dr. Fate would wave the IG at Imperiex and Imperiex would just get bored and vaperize Dr.Fate within a matter of seconds.
Originally posted by kevdude
Imperiex has destroyed the entire DCU, Galactus has never done that.
By hollowing out a weak point in the universe. Not under his own power. And I doubt it was the DC multiverse.
Is that why Imperiex was fighting only a bunch of heroes, villains, and Kismet?
During the IG, the Earth skyfather were about to get involved. The heroes and some villains were working together. And the cosmic deities intervened, including Death and Eternity fought the IG wielder and lost.
Heck, Eternity asked LT to intervene.
Originally posted by scotsmn
Chuck Norris
Vin Diesel!
Kismet is a cosmic being as well. Imperiex Prime was here before the whole DC Multiverse. Here is a few DC History pages to go to.
Imperiex Prime is the embodiment of Entropy (which will destroy Eternity someday).
Originally posted by kevdude
Kismet is a cosmic being as well. Imperiex Prime was here before the whole DC Multiverse. Here is a few DC History pages to go to.
Imperiex Prime is the embodiment of Entropy (which will destroy Eternity someday).
Just showing you what it says, I don't trust wikipedia. Almost anyone can post on that thing.
Okay, I'll put it this way. The IG slaughtered Death, Galactus, 2 Celestials, Chaos & Order, Chronos...and Eternity combined. Imperiex ain't that powerful.
Say Imperiex = Eternity
Kismet = Death for instance
Thanos was wading through them deities and locked them up.
Imperiex was here before DC Death, which should put him above Marvel Death and Eternity. Kismet was scared to even fight Imperiex, thats how powerful he is!
Imperiex couldn't beat Eternity,Galactus and all the others??? He has already destroyed everything in creation before which puts him above all those beings..
The reason Imperiex was in the Multiverse was because the Crisis happening 20 years ago allowed Entropy(Imperiex) into the Multiverse, he then awakened thinking he had to destroy this Multiverse because he is suppose to make the perfect Universe. The Universe was already perfect except for 1 thing, that being Imperiex was in the universe when he wasn't suppose to be.
Note also that it says Imperiex is Reborn in the new universe, meaning he was here before the physical universe was. Someone though is copying from the other site and putting the info in the wikipedia site to see. It was Imperiex Primes hand that Krona saw when he looked beyond the Universe/Multiverse before it was being created.
Originally posted by kevdude
Imperiex was here before DC Death, which should put him above Marvel Death and Eternity. Kismet was scared to even fight Imperiex, thats how powerful he is!
And how powerful is Kismet? I've Dominus was owning her. Is she even able to fight that well?
He needed to hollow out the universe at a certain weak point did he not? He didn't just blow up the universe in a whim. And who even opposed him? Did anyone even oppose him? Cause when someone did oppose him, it was a bunch of terran super beings. How poweful is he if when he shows up, only low level beings fight him?
He didn't even know he was the imperfection of the universe. All he was was a virus that resulted from Crisis. Just because he was born into the multiverse, age doesn't equal power.
Galactus was also reborn into the new universe. When Eternity died, Entropy became the new Eternity. Being reborned doesn't mean your more powerful than the IG.
If he was more powerful than Eternity, Death, and Galactus, he wouldn't have fought terran beings. That's sad. He'd be fighting Ares, Shazam, Phantom Stranger, the Guardians, GL corp, New Genesis, Apokolips, Spectre, Death, Dream, and every other top level gods available.
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