ninja turles vs 100 hand ninjas
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100 elite hand ninjas vs ninja turtles who are out for blood.
who wins?
which turtle does the best?
o.g. slaughter
the hand slaughters them
I dont agree/
also u did not answer the second question
grey fox
The turtles just for the simple reason they always beat the hand.
u mean the foot. the foot are pethetic ninjas, the hand are far more deadly.
Turtles would logically lose unless Don's got that bag on him. The foot on the new series has some pretty tough ninjas who'd kick the s**t outta the hand ninjas.
Do you think that the Foot Clan is parody of Hand ninjas?
Or otherwise around?
Adam Warlock
I have an old graphic novel of the Turtles. Man that was some violent sh!t for the time. Late 80's I think, maybe early 90's. Eastman and Laird did a good job of making the foot what they should be. The Turtles killed back then. But then that stupid cartoon came out, and followed by the movie. Eastman and Laird sugar coated the Turtles for all the little kiddies.
100 hand ninjas?
Very tough fight for the turtles to win. I say 6 maybe 7 times out of 10 for the hand.
who would be the most effective? I say mikie due to the fact that he is the fastest most agile. also the most talented
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