ultimate fighting.
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deathstroke vs midnighter in an adamantium cage.wolverine as referee.
no weapons. no costumes. just regular gym togs. who wins.
Wolverine goes and beats them up, cuts the cage and call cyclops to come and melt it so nobody wins except him
Originally posted by Spawnrules
call cyclops to come and melt it so nobody wins except him
Cyclops beam does not produce heat
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Cyclops beam does not produce heat
It certainly does not - It uses concussive/kinetic force only.
My money's on Midnighter. His battle awareness and option processing seals the deal.
Yeah I would give it to Midnighter.
Originally posted by illadelph12
My money's on Midnighter. His battle awareness and option processing seals the deal.
they both use that type of ability
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