Batman and Punisher vs Daredevil and Captain America
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grrrreeeeeeeeeat fight...who wins????????
IMO batman and punisher...ill explain lata
man stop sleepin this is a awesome fight....uppp
Daredevil and Captain America.
Daredevil can take Punisher, and Captain America can take Batman.
Therefore, DD and Cap win.
hmm i beg to differ my friend...punisher would take dd IMO cuz, think about it, what does dd have over the punisher...? superhuman senses and what is that gunna do if they already know where eachother are at??, pun would take dd either way, h2h or gunz cuz punisher's a 6 in fighting ability and dd's a 5 so yea........the punisher using guns would just be easier and alot faster....and as for batman and captain america, that would be a much closer fight, but batman would still win.....scenario 1: they both dont know where each other are at and they have to find eachother....batman wins because of his ninja stealth by just sneaking up on him and simply breaking cap's neck or putting his gauntlet blades to his throat and saying, "Yield." scenario 2: they're in an arena or in a room or on top of a building or wherever and have to fight sorry but batman wins

just because captain america may have the upperhand in strength and probably h2h ability(im not gunna say for sure but he's a 7 out of 7 in fighting skills), doesnt give him the win...batman has all kinds of little toys and tricks up his sleeve...such as: batman would just throw a smoke bomb and distort cap's vision and make him choke, batman then throws a flashbamg or two, distorts him even more, then finishes him off...

simple as that
^ what he said punisher is the weak link
punisher is the weak link. but he could hold of Cap A. while Bats uses the sonic disruptor and slaps down DD. then its doubleteam.
Originally posted by braz
hmm i beg to differ my friend...punisher would take dd IMO cuz, think about it, what does dd have over the punisher...? superhuman senses and what is that gunna do if they already know where eachother are at??, pun would take dd either way, h2h or gunz cuz punisher's a 6 in fighting ability and dd's a 5 so yea........the punisher using guns would just be easier and alot faster....and as for batman and captain america, that would be a much closer fight, but batman would still win.....scenario 1: they both dont know where each other are at and they have to find eachother....batman wins because of his ninja stealth by just sneaking up on him and simply breaking cap's neck or putting his gauntlet blades to his throat and saying, "Yield." scenario 2: they're in an arena or in a room or on top of a building or wherever and have to fight sorry but batman wins

just because captain america may have the upperhand in strength and probably h2h ability(im not gunna say for sure but he's a 7 out of 7 in fighting skills), doesnt give him the win...batman has all kinds of little toys and tricks up his sleeve...such as: batman would just throw a smoke bomb and distort cap's vision and make him choke, batman then throws a flashbamg or two, distorts him even more, then finishes him off...

simple as that
You're basing them off of their scales?
My lord, those things are so off it's not even funny. They listed Kingpin and Shang Chi in the same level for fighting ability.
Kingpin. Shang Chi. Think about that one.
Anyway, DD can pretty much dodge any projectile coming his way from the Punisher, as he's been shown to do numerous times. Punisher could never sneak up on him. And it's just plain blasphemy that you think Punisher can take DD in hand to hand. DD would smack him down so hard, it's not even funny.
And I still stand by my previous statement that Captain America would eventually take Batman down. This is more of a battle of endurance, which Cap can't lose in.
^ that ur final answer, or would u like another lifeline...lmao
Originally posted by Metalmanx
You're basing them off of their scales?
My lord, those things are so off it's not even funny. They listed Kingpin and Shang Chi in the same level for fighting ability.
Kingpin. Shang Chi. Think about that one.
Anyway, DD can pretty much dodge any projectile coming his way from the Punisher, as he's been shown to do numerous times. Punisher could never sneak up on him. And it's just plain blasphemy that you think Punisher can take DD in hand to hand. DD would smack him down so hard, it's not even funny.
And I still stand by my previous statement that Captain America would eventually take Batman down. This is more of a battle of endurance, which Cap can't lose in.
but btw i didnt know dd could dodge projectiles, so if he can like u said then ok, yea i guess dd would win...but i saw in a marvel knights comic book encyclopedia info thing that he was only a 5 and pun was a 6...but u say its bullshyt..w/e...who the hell should i believe...and as for cap and bats, thats just our opinionsi think...and urs is captain america would win and i mine's batman would...
I like to add that punisher fihgitn skill is also a level 6 due to weapons. fighting skill if u read it is h2h and weapon skill in one listing. so of course he a master of so many diffrent guns that why his fighting ability is listed higher. in pure h2h, DD is far superior. also the reason king pin is in the same level has shang chi is due to the fact that level 5 mean master of one form of fightign which shang chi is. king ping is also a master of one form of fighting so they are in the same listing but no were near same skill. shang chi is pure skill rapes kingpin
This fight needs to be close quarters in order for team DD and Capt to win. A fight in any open area would practically guarantee a win for punisher and batman. DD and Capt have one shield and two batons for projectiles. Punisher will probably have a variety of guns and ammo. Batman has all his gadgets. If this fight was indoors I can't imagine punisher and batman winning. Batman's stealth can't hide him from DD's radar and Punisher's going to have a hard time scoring a hit vs Capts shield. DD can hold batman off for a litle whileuntil capt finishes with punisher. Then DD and capt vs batman.
Darth Macabre
Cap and DD would win.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Cap and DD would win.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by braz
Simple. Like previously stated DareDevil can dodge most of the things Punisher shoots. And once he gets close enough he can smack down Punisher.
Cap if not beat the Bat, can atleast hold him off until DD arrives.
Originally posted by braz
Well les try to match them up. DD vs Pun. Like stated before, Punisher always has the hardest time nailing DD with bullets, tranqs etc. Dd is just too agile for him. Coming down to h2h combat, Punisher may be higher ranked in terms of bios and stats. HOWEVER comic wise, Punisher is hardly a match for DD. Punisher admitted himself that Daredevil is just too good. Daredevil wins.
Cap vs Bats. As most of us know, Bats has admitted to Cap that hed probably beat him after a long fight. I myself personally is waiting to see that. Im about 100% sure that these 2 would stalemate until DD comes over to help Cap. Bats loses to the team.
Now. If the matchups were vise versa, i still believe it would be the same outcome. Punisher is the weaklink here imo. Cap, Daredevil, Batman are all in the same league im my eyes and all 3 would be able to stalemate eachother. Punisher just isnt on their level of fighting. Also his aiming isnt good enough to tag any one of them with a bullet.
Now if Bats was teamed up with Batgirl, the fight would be much much closer. Seeming how Bats vs CAp and DD vs Cass are hard matches to decide on a victor.
Originally posted by jrodslam
Well les try to match them up. DD vs Pun. Like stated before, Punisher always has the hardest time nailing DD with bullets, tranqs etc. Dd is just too agile for him. Coming down to h2h combat, Punisher may be higher ranked in terms of bios and stats. HOWEVER comic wise, Punisher is hardly a match for DD. Punisher admitted himself that Daredevil is just too good. Daredevil wins.
Cap vs Bats. As most of us know, Bats has admitted to Cap that hed probably beat him after a long fight. I myself personally is waiting to see that. Im about 100% sure that these 2 would stalemate until DD comes over to help Cap. Bats loses to the team.
Now. If the matchups were vise versa, i still believe it would be the same outcome. Punisher is the weaklink here imo. Cap, Daredevil, Batman are all in the same league im my eyes and all 3 would be able to stalemate eachother. Punisher just isnt on their level of fighting. Also his aiming isnt good enough to tag any one of them with a bullet.
Now if Bats was teamed up with Batgirl, the fight would be much much closer. Seeming how Bats vs CAp and DD vs Cass are hard matches to decide on a victor.
ok, now when yall say DD can dodge well can he dodge projectiles exactly..? as good as spiderman?, who could barely dodge a few of green goblin's blades with his spidersense and superhuman reflexes, or what..? and tell me if im wrong cuz i may be cuz i dont read comics. period. but, i just dont see how when punisher's unloading a full 30-round clip from his M-16, that DD could dodge every single bullet coming out...and as for captain america, yall say he could use his shield to deflect bullets, but how could he when its only 2.5 feet in diameter and cant cover his whole body...surely there's gotta be an open spot for the punisher to shoot at to make a fatal wound....
Batman whoops Daredevil while Punisher hurts Captain America and stalls him till Batman can finish the job. I don't think Captain America can do much to Punisher and Batman with the right technology.
You know that Batman could just use a sonic disruptor to mess up DD. Then Punisher clips him and they double team Cap.
Originally posted by braz
ok, now when yall say DD can dodge well can he dodge projectiles exactly..? as good as spiderman?, who could barely dodge a few of green goblin's blades with his spidersense and superhuman reflexes, or what..? and tell me if im wrong cuz i may be cuz i dont read comics. period. but, i just dont see how when punisher's unloading a full 30-round clip from his M-16, that DD could dodge every single bullet coming out...and as for captain america, yall say he could use his shield to deflect bullets, but how could he when its only 2.5 feet in diameter and cant cover his whole body...surely there's gotta be an open spot for the punisher to shoot at to make a fatal wound....
DD is one of the best when it comes to dodging things. Some say hes not as good as Spiderman. Some say hes just as good. Daredevil has no problems whatsoever escaping Punishers gunfire. 30-round clip from a M-16? Daredevil can dodge that in his sleep.
Caps shield is i believe is made up of titanium/adamantium. Its unbreakable and inpenetrable. He also has enhanced reflexes, so hed put the sheild to wherever he wants to block on his body without getting hit. theres no doubt that there would be oopen spots, but Punisher sure wouldnt hit them.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
You know that Batman could just use a sonic disruptor to mess up DD. Then Punisher clips him and they double team Cap.
Who knows if Batman would even know to use a sonic disruptor on DD for one. Plus, DD would have to be somewhat in range to be effected by it. If hi is close enought to Bats, im sure they would be engaged in h2h combat. Im also sure Daredevil would know that its a sonic if it was thrown, and try to stay out of the range.
By the way Super, while this is going on, what is Cap doing? Punisher cant take DD or Cap imo. DD makes him look like an amatuer.
Originally posted by jrodslam
DD is one of the best when it comes to dodging things. Some say hes not as good as Spiderman. Some say hes just as good. Daredevil has no problems whatsoever escaping Punishers gunfire. 30-round clip from a M-16? Daredevil can dodge that in his sleep.
Caps shield is i believe is made up of titanium/adamantium. Its unbreakable and inpenetrable. He also has enhanced reflexes, so hed put the sheild to wherever he wants to block on his body without getting hit. theres no doubt that there would be oopen spots, but Punisher sure wouldnt hit them.
hmm ok w/e...if u say so..u prolly know more than me..but still it doesnt matter..whatever one faces batman no matter what the matchups are, theyre gunna lose then batman could help punisher to double team the last man standing(DD or captain america depending on matchups)....
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Daredevil and Captain America.
Daredevil can take Punisher, and Captain America can take Batman.
Therefore, DD and Cap win.
Though DD versus Batman is more a question mark, Cap can defeat either one of them.
Batman and Punisher win.
I would normally drop an essay on why Frank and Bats would win this, but I have time restrictions here at work.
I'll just say as a tandem, Punisher and Bats bring way more to the table than Cap and DareDevil do offensively.
A victory for Cap and DD is predicated on it becoming a physical confrontation, which Bats and Punisher, due to their arsenals, do not have to let the confrontation deteriorate into.
I'd take Bats and Punisher 7-8/10.
The 2-3 losses being that the two somehow forget that they have a glaring tactical advantage and make mistakes.
Originally posted by braz
hmm ok w/e...if u say so..u prolly know more than me..but still it doesnt matter..whatever one faces batman no matter what the matchups are, theyre gunna lose then batman could help punisher to double team the last man standing(DD or captain america depending on matchups)....
...So...even though we know more about the characters since we actually read the doesn't matter at all because you think that Batman defeats whoever?
Well then. I guess you win with that statement. I'm not sure what I could come up with to counter that.
Originally posted by roughrider
Though DD versus Batman is more a question mark, Cap can defeat either one of them.
batman could take captain america i said though, it wouldnt be an easy fight..batman def couldnt take on captain america h2h str8 up though after having to fight DD...he'd have to use a few smoke bombs here and there or a flashbang or two, then finish him off when he's most vulnerable and distracted....
Originally posted by Metalmanx
...So...even though we know more about the characters since we actually read the doesn't matter at all because you think that Batman defeats whoever?
Well then. I guess you win with that statement. I'm not sure what I could come up with to counter that.
the stuff yall already knew about comic characters i didnt know before i know now...and using common sense because of batman's advanced arsenal of high-tech gadgets, would yes, take either DD or Captain America..but not at the same time...he would need someone like The Punisher to hold one off until he gets to the other one...
and when i said "it" doesnt matter i wasnt talking about the fact that theyve read comics i was talkin about their opinion on the fight otherwise based on facts
Originally posted by braz
the stuff yall already knew about comic characters i didnt know before i know now...and using common sense because of batman's advanced arsenal of high-tech gadgets, would yes, take either DD or Captain America..but not at the same time...he would need someone like The Punisher to hold one off until he gets to the other one...
and when i said "it" doesnt matter i wasnt talking about the fact that theyve read comics i was talkin about their opinion on the fight otherwise based on facts
Well first of all, DD would take down Punisher pretty quickly. You need to read up more on Daredevil, my friend. That fight would last a few minutes. And honestly, DD doesn't even need to double team Batman with Cap.
Cap can indeed take on Batman by himself. It would take hours I'm sure, but Cap would eventually come through with the win. Batman's gadgets aren't anything that Cap hasn't faced before and prevailed over. He is the Ultimate Soldier for a reason.
hmm ionno i said its just our opinions, and btw, aren't they about to come out with a captain america movie like pretty soon?
Originally posted by braz
hmm ionno i said its just our opinions, and btw, aren't they about to come out with a captain america movie like pretty soon?
I hope so. They had better not screw this one up either.
If anyone is a weak link it is batman, punisher doesn't hold back and will light cap and dd up, end of story...
Originally posted by jgiant
If anyone is a weak link it is batman, punisher doesn't hold back and will light cap and dd up, end of story...
batman aint the weak link jabroni....he can take on either one of these clowns

Sometimes batman is cool and other times he hangs out with robin...
lol hey yall guess what...ive never even seen DD the movie and i just now bought it and im bout to watch it

Lucid Lui
Save yourself the torment.
Terrible, terrible movie.
really..?? why is that..? ive actually heard it was really good
ok this is a great fight but i gotta give it 2 batman and punisher just beacuse DD i mean he's blind wat can he do and punishe shot DD befor in the past with a sniper rifle and he whooped DD ass i think cap nd bat is a perfect mach up but just cuzz punisher whould just kill DD hella quick cap is on his own
Originally posted by spiderman44
ok this is a great fight but i gotta give it 2 batman and punisher just beacuse DD i mean he's blind wat can he do and punishe shot DD befor in the past with a sniper rifle and he whooped DD ass i think cap nd bat is a perfect mach up but just cuzz punisher whould just kill DD hella quick cap is on his own
word^ i hear that
btw i just got done watchin daredevil...not too shabby, coulda been better but it was aight..he was pretty badass though, but still bats n big pun would take em down....n btw one thing i didnt get about the movie was, where did dd get his martial arts skills?....or was that just a part of losing his sight and just having quick reflexes in h2h fighting...?
Originally posted by spiderman44
ok this is a great fight but i gotta give it 2 batman and punisher just beacuse DD i mean he's blind wat can he do and punishe shot DD befor in the past with a sniper rifle and he whooped DD ass i think cap nd bat is a perfect mach up but just cuzz punisher whould just kill DD hella quick cap is on his own
Wow. So, you're basis for DD sucking is because he's blind.
Well then, what does that say for DD's many dangerous foes? You know, those foes that CAN SEE.
Daredevil would whoop Punisher so bad, Pun would never tough DD with anything.
And, in my opinion, Cap can take Batman.
So, I dunno where your "he's blind" deal, fits into this.
If anything, being blind gave Daredevil more abilities lol.
Originally posted by spiderman44
ok this is a great fight but i gotta give it 2 batman and punisher just beacuse DD i mean he's blind wat can he do and punishe shot DD befor in the past with a sniper rifle and he whooped DD ass i think cap nd bat is a perfect mach up but just cuzz punisher whould just kill DD hella quick cap is on his own
What can DD do? Do as in terms of what? Are you implying that just because hes blind, he automatically loses?
And when did Punisher nail Daredevil with a sniper rifle? Was it in a what if comic? Punisher already admitted that Daredevil was too good.
In the crossover, by a slight inclination of the nose, Batman realized that all of Daredevil's other senses were heightened: namely hearing. So Bats would definitely be smart enough to take him out with the sonic weapons easy.
Either that or Batman beats him hand to hand. Punisher is pretty tough, I'll say he can stall, but he can't beat any of them. Plus Daredevil and Captain America are in a state of inclusion in terms of teamwork. Then again, Batman is the greatest tactician out of the four.
Daredevil and Captain American win 6/10
Although I do agree with your post, Captain America is the far better tactician than Batman. That's just a given.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Although I do agree with your post, Captain America is the far better tactician than Batman. That's just a given. He's better at managing gigantic groups perhaps.. but better tactician? The battle strategies Batman has put together on the fly in JLA make Cap's cavalry leading look weak.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Although I do agree with your post, Captain America is the far better tactician than Batman. That's just a given.
no1 is a better tactician than batman..i mean, u act like captain america's like some god...hes not that great...yea, he has some of the best fighting skills and a shield that can stop virtually everything, but that doesnt mean he IS virtually everything
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Daredevil and Captain America.
Daredevil can take Punisher, and Captain America can take Batman.
Therefore, DD and Cap win.
Are you kidding me Batman has already beat Captain America. Daredevil isnt a superb fighter so he aint realy going to do much except get shot.
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
Are you kidding me Batman has already beat Captain America. Daredevil isnt a superb fighter so he aint realy going to do much except get shot.
Question. When did Batman beat Captain America?
Also you say Daredevil isnt a superb h2h fighter? Are you serious? Hes not going to do much but get shot? Its clear you dont know much about Daredevil.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Daredevil and Captain America.
Daredevil can take Punisher, and Captain America can take Batman.
Therefore, DD and Cap win.
how? daredevil can't dodge grenades and bullets forever. he has trouble sometimes with punches from the kingpin. batman's gadgets and money will do the rest
Originally posted by jrodslam
Question. When did Batman beat Captain America?
Also you say Daredevil isnt a superb h2h fighter? Are you serious? Hes not going to do much but get shot? Its clear you dont know much about Daredevil.
i know dd. he only has 5/7 fighting skills on the marvel scale compared to 6/7 from punisher.
Originally posted by cheldon
how? daredevil can't dodge grenades and bullets forever. he has trouble sometimes with punches from the kingpin. batman's gadgets and money will do the rest
Im about 90% sure Daredevil can dodge grenadees and bullets till Bats and Punisher run out.
Hell, Punisher alone has emptied clips at DD and hit nothing. DD is highly underestimated here.
Originally posted by cheldon
i know dd. he only has 5/7 fighting skills on the marvel scale compared to 6/7 from punisher.
I wanst refferring to you. Unless youre JediMasterLuke5.
Secondly, Once again with the bios and stats. Yes Daredevil is rateda a 5/7. So what. Punisher is a 6/7, AND DD whoops his ass in his sleep. Punisher even admitted that Daredevil was too good.
Punisher may be rated a 6 in the bios and stats but he cant f**k with Daredevil when it comes to h2h combat. Not that many people in Marvel can. Only a handful.
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