Ultimate cap runs the gauntlet.
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Ultimate Cap has to go through a gauntlet of characters in a specific order. The order is not from lowest to highest in anyway intended.
Cap is recharged after every fight. he doesn't get any prep but he is aware of who he is about to fight.
Cap can get help from Ultimate Iron-man and Ultimate Thor for two fights of your choice.
1. Aunt May
2. Robin
3. Jubilee
5. Ultimate cyclops without optic blasts.
6. 100 hand ninjas
7. normal MU Sauron
8. normal MU Doctor Doom
9. Ultimate Wolverine
10. normal MU psylocke
11. Deadpool
12. Kane from Weapon X
How far does Cap get before he falls?? Or does he make it the whole way??
By the way te last 5 characters he faces gets prep..........
LOL this thread is doing well Will......

As you will see my dark phoenix vs galactus thread is doing well, I only made it this morning and already have five pages.
its been done before. i have already been on one of those many threads before you even joined this forum...........
(Not to mention the fact whirlysplatt hates the phoenix and gs loves phoenix)

Well it's still doing better than your thread LOL

question...where's batman?? cap n batman are both the same kinda superhero's cuz they dont have 'superpowers' n both rely on a strong will and fighting skills...and theyre like rivals of eachother..batmans the underdog hero of DC n Cap's the same for marvel...
Good question.
He'll need help for Sauron and Dr. Doom, so with his help-options being exhausted he stops at either 9 or 10. He definately wont get passed Deadpool.
He would lose as soon as he got to aunt may, she pimp slaps him and then blows his nuts off and then while he is crying about the fact that he has no genitalia she blows his brains out. BOOM LOL. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by braz
question...where's batman?? cap n batman are both the same kinda superhero's cuz they dont have 'superpowers' n both rely on a strong will and fighting skills...and theyre like rivals of eachother..batmans the underdog hero of DC n Cap's the same for marvel...
This is Ultimate Captain America. he would kill Batman easily. Ultimate cap is a lot faster stronger, more agile than regular Cap because of his super soldier serum. I think Ultimate cap and regular cap are probably equal in fighting skills though.
In Ultimates 1 Cap jumps out of a plane in 1945. A soldier comments on how cap just killed himself. Bucky says "Cap doesn't wear parachutes, he says there for girls."
Ultimate Cap has the super soldier serum which allowed him to beat the Ultimate Hulk in hand to hand combat and stun Hulk for a few seconds.......He is also a master tactician in the Ultimate Universe......
I know. I think either version of Cap would KO Batman, but if Robin's listed, why not Batman?
i will say robin stomps him into the sidewalk.
Originally posted by brainchild81
I know. I think either version of Cap would KO Batman, but if Robin's listed, why not Batman?
Robin was part of the warm up.....
Originally posted by hawkwind
i will say robin stomps him into the sidewalk.
Originally posted by willRules
Robin was part of the warm up.....
LOL you know its true.
The Ion
Robin takes him everytime.
1. Aunt May - Cap wins, in one flick.
2. Robin - Cap wins. Robin is not even peak human, he's close, but not quite. Ultimate Cap is a little bit above peak human in all his abilities, plus he's got an indestructible shield and Class 10 strength. Robin gets whupped.
3. Jubilee - Cap blocks her blasts until she, like an idiot, uses so much energy that she's spent, then he kicks her once and shes out cold.
5. Ultimate cyclops without optic blasts. - Ultimate Cyclops, unlike 616 Cyclops, is actually very formidable in h2h combat. He went toe-to-toe with Wolverine in h2h combat, but he couldnt beat him, so i doubt he could beat Cap. Cap wins after a hard-fought battle.
6. 100 hand ninjas - He recently fought like 30 shield/army men each with tazers, who are each probly equal to 2 ninjas, and he was kicking their ass, even after being hit with like 50 strong tranquilizers, and he didnt even have a shield, plus he was at a disadvantage also with having to watch to make sure Bucky didnt get hurt, so yea, i say he beats down the Ninjas with ease.
7. normal MU Sauron - Cap wins. Here is one of the fights where he could call in Iron Man, but not Thor. Call in IM cuz Saurons mind control wont work thru IM's robotics, so IM cant be possessed. IM and Cap together would take Sauron down. Dont bring Thor tho cuz if Sauron got close enough to him to mind control Thor then Cap's screwed.
8. normal MU Doctor Doom - THIS is where Cap would call in his big gun, Thor. With Cap acting as a distraction (Cap can do damage too actually, but mostly as a distraction) and Thor unleashing everything he's got on Doom, Victor's f*cked.
9. Ultimate Wolverine - In my opinion, Ultimate Cap vs Wolverine would be the best fight ever if written right, and Cap showed in Ultimate Nightmare that he was able to take care of Wolverine on his own.
10. normal MU psylocke - This would be a problem. The only real chance Cap has is if she tries to use her psychic sword instead of mindf*cking him then he can beat her in a h2h fight, but if she tries to mindf*ck him his only chance would to throw his shield at a point on her to knock her out in one shot to not give her the chance to retaliate.
11. Deadpool - sure, Cap cant kill Deadpool, but he can knock him out, which would actually be rather easy to do for Cap since he has an unbreakable shield to bash DP with and he has better fighting skills and strength than DP as well.
12. Kane from Weapon X - i dunno who this is.
1. Aunt May--U.Cap wins
2. Robin----U.Cap wins easily
3. Jubilee--U.Cap wins easy
5. Ultimate cyclops without optic blasts.----U.Cap wins
6. 100 hand ninjas-- --U.Cap wins w/help from IronMan
7. normal MU Sauron--U.Cap wins(Not a Sauron expert though)
8. normal MU Doctor Doom--U.Cap wins w/help from THORRRRR!
9. Ultimate Wolverine--U.Cap wins
10. normal MU psylocke--If she's as telepath as I remember her, the buck stops here.
11. Deadpool
12. Kane from Weapon X
Originally posted by armandovalles
5. Ultimate cyclops without optic blasts. - Ultimate Cyclops, unlike 616 Cyclops, is actually very formidable in h2h combat. He went toe-to-toe with Wolverine in h2h combat, but he couldnt beat him, so i doubt he could beat Cap. Cap wins after a hard-fought battle.
Both Cyclops versions are tough in h2h
Cyclops showing muthaf**kas what for!!!! U.Cap simply overpowers him though. Either version
Originally posted by armandovalles
Kane from Weapon X - i dunno who this is.
he was one of the Weapon x members after logan. Here is a link about him.
He had groovy metal arms which he could use to morph into different weapons like knifes and guns. Once when he fought Deadpool he even managed to make one of his hands turn into a gun and the other metal hand popped 3 very familliar looking adamantium claws........
Ultimate Cap makes it to Psylocke, and that's it. Even if she doesn't use her telepathy or telekinesis, she will stomp him into the ground with her martial arts skills. Don't anyone dare say Cap would beat her in hand to hand. She will make him wish he was still in WWII.
But both Deadpool and Kane should be before Psylocke. In my opinion, Psylocke is by far his toughest opponent to face alone. Cap can take both Deadpool and Kane, but not Psylocke.
So, he gets up to her, and doesn't continue.
I have to say i disagree. Psylocke got beat in h2h by Archangel, there's no way she has better fighting skills than Cap. No chance in hell. Therefore, i think if she uses telepathy and tries to mindf*ck him, Cap loses, but if she uses her psychic sword to fight h2h then Cap wins.
I doubt she has better fighting skills than Ultimate Cap. plus ultimate cap is stronger and faster..........
Originally posted by armandovalles
I have to say i disagree. Psylocke got beat in h2h by Archangel, there's no way she has better fighting skills than Cap. No chance in hell. Therefore, i think if she uses telepathy and tries to mindf*ck him, Cap loses, but if she uses her psychic sword to fight h2h then Cap wins.
Woah. What comic is that in? I find that VERY hard to believe. Psylocke is an expert martial artist, one of the very best in all of the X-men. She's the freakin #1 assassin in Japan because of her skills.
Putting that Archangel beating her aside, her fighting skills make Cap look like a comatose patient. She, too, has enahnced reflexes due to her telepathy. And she severly wounded and incapacitated Sabretooth before (I know he got her back, but still).
Cap goes down at Psylocke. Fighting or powers.
Im not sure. I mean his speed and strength are very good. Cap even ejected from a tornado IDS fighter jet high into the air, not in the seat and landed on his feet............the proceded to engage an eraged alien in hand to hand combat..............
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