angel,and spike(from angel) vs blade
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who wins? no prep
Blade shoots them and they die.
spike and angel beat down blade.
Next Venom_girl
Are Spike and Angel carrying any of the misc. magic artifacts from the series. (Immortality stone, hammer of doom, sort of items?)
C'mon, let them have Nina at least.
Whedon-verse vampires are the bottom rung of the vampire ladder, they are so weak it is pathetic! Honestly Blade could beat Spike, Angel, Buffy, Faith at the same time unarmed and hardly work up a sweat while doing it.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Whedon-verse vampires are the bottom rung of the vampire ladder, they are so weak it is pathetic! Honestly Blade could beat Spike, Angel, Buffy, Faith at the same time unarmed and hardly work up a sweat while doing it.
Are they? I thought I heard once that Buffy is like, nuts. Seems to me that Angelis (Angelus? idk) is better than her, so...idk.
The people from the episode of Rocko's Modern Life come in, the dudes from "Dracula: Done To Death". They kill them all and then get some bagels.
Blade can only lift about 1,000 pounds. In Buffy the vampires strength went up and down depending on the episode. In some episodes in Buffy the vampires were much stronger than Blade and able to lift well over a ton. Other times they were not.
blade slays both of them
In the buffy verse at their most powerful (since their strength and speed always changed) vampires are about three times faster and stronger than blade. Also lets not forget silver does not effect them and Spike and Angel are suppose to be some of the greates fighters on Earth. They have taken down more powerful beings then Blade. The two combined would have no problem beating him.
Sea King
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Whedon-verse vampires are the bottom rung of the vampire ladder, they are so weak it is pathetic! Honestly Blade could beat Spike, Angel, Buffy, Faith at the same time unarmed and hardly work up a sweat while doing it.
not really even thier speed has been shown to be well above blades in the ep were pen comes to town he shows to be as fast as the blood god(maybe a littel slower)
their healing is above his and their strength has been shown to be above blades and angel has taken mainy opponents that are far above blade in strength,speed,exp..ect
so yes spike or angel could take blade by themselfs so both together is over kill.
also none of blades weapons would harm them (except his sword witch is only by way of cutting off their head were blade is not fast enough to do)
blade and spike are overrated coughs.............but thats just my thoughts.........i mean buffy gets her butt kicked one ep then she suddenly beats up on glory the next yeah right even with the troll hammer its not like she should have been able glory should have used her super speed to beat her up and just reach through her body and pull out her spine end of ep end of buffyverse, and there where opponents that angel couldnt take on spike either, like very powerful sorcerers and that guy that sent his son into another dimension though his son beat him eventually due to his speed.
This is a monumentally unfair fight...for Blade, that is. He is at a stark disadvantage at every step of the way. For viewing pleasure, I'll list a number of those disadvantages here:
1.) Blade is a Viral vampire which sets his strength and ability level well below the standards acheived by the Whedonverse/Demonic vampires. At best, due to his human frame and the ever present laws of physics, Blade can lift somewhere in the low sub-ton region (I'd guess about 900 pounds conservatively, and 1000 pouds otherwise).
--Our two Whedonverse vampires, on the other hand, are empowered by a supernatural entity, which gives them strength that isn't entirely reliant upon their physique as is the case with Blade. Lower level Whedonverse vampires have demonstrated impressive feats of strength. In fact, I remember one episode that showed one such Whedon-pire hurling your run-of-the-mill garbage dumpster at the ditzy slayer...with one hand. Dumpsters are generally MULTIPLE tons, to give you dedicated readers some idea of reference.
2.) Blade's armament is ill-equipped to deal with the Whedon-pire. Their weakness is wood because of some obscure mystical property. Blade carries no such material; all of his weapons are either silver or some alloy of that metal. Thus, if Blade manages to drive his sword into Spike's heart, he will be met with great surprise once Spike's face takes on its true demonic visage and his body fails to crumble into ash as would a Blade-pire.
3.) Whedon-pires are faster--much faster--than Blade-pires. The reason for this is exactly the same one that accounts for the Whedon-pires extreme physical strength: a slight negation of the laws of physics and biology due to the presence of supernatural factors. Blade is fast, by all human standards. But he cannot possibly be as fast as a Whedon-pire because that essecne which animates his body is grounded in scientific laws and principles.
4.) I suppose I could list experience as anoher of Blade's drawbacks. After all, he's about 30 standard years while Angel and Spike have hit and surpassed their century marks. That's one-hundred years plus of martial combat, against ordinary and extraordinary foes alike. Also, did I mention that Spike has killed a Slayer?

Sea King
Originally posted by MelmothTD
This is a monumentally unfair fight...for Blade, that is. He is at a stark disadvantage at every step of the way. For viewing pleasure, I'll list a number of those disadvantages here:
1.) Blade is a Viral vampire which sets his strength and ability level well below the standards acheived by the Whedonverse/Demonic vampires. At best, due to his human frame and the ever present laws of physics, Blade can lift somewhere in the low sub-ton region (I'd guess about 900 pounds conservatively, and 1000 pouds otherwise).
--Our two Whedonverse vampires, on the other hand, are empowered by a supernatural entity, which gives them strength that isn't entirely reliant upon their physique as is the case with Blade. Lower level Whedonverse vampires have demonstrated impressive feats of strength. In fact, I remember one episode that showed one such Whedon-pire hurling your run-of-the-mill garbage dumpster at the ditzy slayer...with one hand. Dumpsters are generally MULTIPLE tons, to give you dedicated readers some idea of reference.
2.) Blade's armament is ill-equipped to deal with the Whedon-pire. Their weakness is wood because of some obscure mystical property. Blade carries no such material; all of his weapons are either silver or some alloy of that metal. Thus, if Blade manages to drive his sword into Spike's heart, he will be met with great surprise once Spike's face takes on its true demonic visage and his body fails to crumble into ash as would a Blade-pire.
3.) Whedon-pires are faster--much faster--than Blade-pires. The reason for this is exactly the same one that accounts for the Whedon-pires extreme physical strength: a slight negation of the laws of physics and biology due to the presence of supernatural factors. Blade is fast, by all human standards. But he cannot possibly be as fast as a Whedon-pire because that essecne which animates his body is grounded in scientific laws and principles.
4.) I suppose I could list experience as anoher of Blade's drawbacks. After all, he's about 30 standard years while Angel and Spike have hit and surpassed their century marks. That's one-hundred years plus of martial combat, against ordinary and extraordinary foes alike. Also, did I mention that Spike has killed a Slayer?
um first no you dident mention it but you should also meation the other one he killed.
one in anchent china one on a train in new york

Darth Macabre
Originally posted by Sea King
um first no you dident mention it but you should also meation the other one he killed.
one in anchent china one on a train in new york
He killed one in the Boxer Rebellion, and then one in 1976....Angel and Spike win.
They can beat Blade. I mean Angel and Spike were once blown up in Season 5, got shot thousands of times and it didn't even effect them. They got strong will. And fighting big ass demons way over Blade.
Angel and Spike's biggest weakness is their overconfidence in this situation. THey've been shot hundreds of times, and know that standard bullets won't harm them. When Blade starts to unload on them with automatic weapons, they'll think they're safe. But his hollow-point silver bullets are filled with garlic. And they ARE subsceptable to garlic.
Lets get a clear a few things up here. Blade... he isn't very strong. He is at around class 2. In the big picture Blade is gnat BUT unfortunately for Spike and Angel they happen to be so tame they make Blade look like a freaking god. It took Angel, Gun, an other vampire and two Demons to carry a one ton casket... and the five of them where barely inching along as they strained against the weight. Blade could have carried it him self.
On to speed. What is Angels most impressive speed feat? Catching a cross bow bolt!

... Don't make me laugh man. Blade trumps Angel and Spike in speed also.
Blade has every advantage and as much as I hate to admit it (since I hate Blade but like Angel/Spike) he could beat Spike, Angel and all the Scoobies at the same time.
Blade has too many weapons to put these guys down. And even if he didn't use his weapons his h2h skills are way above Angel and Spike imo.
Blade wins.
Sea King
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Lets get a clear a few things up here. Blade... he isn't very strong. He is at around class 2. In the big picture Blade is gnat BUT unfortunately for Spike and Angel they happen to be so tame they make Blade look like a freaking god. It took Angel, Gun, an other vampire and two Demons to carry a one ton casket... and the five of them where barely inching along as they strained against the weight. Blade could have carried it him self.
On to speed. What is Angels most impressive speed feat? Catching a cross bow bolt!

... Don't make me laugh man. Blade trumps Angel and Spike in speed also.
Blade has every advantage and as much as I hate to admit it (since I hate Blade but like Angel/Spike) he could beat Spike, Angel and all the Scoobies at the same time.
you compleaty ignored the part of my post that explains the speed of a vampire from the angelverse
Sea King
Originally posted by snoopdogg
Blade has too many weapons to put these guys down. And even if he didn't use his weapons his h2h skills are way above Angel and Spike imo.
Blade wins.
angel has more fighting exp and he has fought mainy better fighters stroger and faster opponents
angel could win this by him self
and as for dracula (blades dracula is only about hameton)
spike has taken dracula from angelverse
(just so you know dracula from angela verse cant die at all because of the black arts he uses none of a vampires weaknesses can harm him because he just atuo puffs back.)
going off their best apperances ...Blade in Blade 2 when he fought the vampire princess, and in Angel where tword the end of the series he fought and killed a direct representative of Wolf Ram And Heart .
Blade has the advantage. but it is by no means an easy battle.
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