broly vs dc
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broly wins
who is spectre?
broly beats the sh*t out of all DC heroes.
spectre is the only one that has a chance againest broly, rest are doen, he will go to wonderwoman first so he can do the bed
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
broly beats the sh*t out of all DC heroes. Spectre is the wrath of God. He can do ANYTHING.
He could morph Broly into a tree, then chop the tree into nothingness, every .000000000000000001 seconds, for the rest of eternity.
And Dr Fate could just trap him inside of his amulet.
And a Guardian could just kill him too. Broly is nothing next to a guardian.
Broly would beat many commonplace Earth Heros like Batman, but he doesn't stand up to a lot of them in the DC Universe.
I tell you Brolly would win against Spectre. While Spectre thinks of what could he turn Brolly into, Brolly farts and he dies, and Dr. Fate comes around Brolly spits on him and just like the situation me against all of you little ants crushing....

So how are the fish biting?
please spare me the laugh broly is so strong, he makes thanos look pathtic, he can also defeat a full power tyrant
The Ion
Whats Broccoli going to do when he gets batkicked in the gut?
broly gut is harder than diamond, bat is fried
The Ion
Batkicks have shattered the universal fabric. That's at their low level.
no they havent, and were comparing this to reality
The Ion
Yes they have. You just proven you know nothing of Batman! You want reality? Reality is that neither of characters exists. You also know nothing about reality.
the Darkone
lobo, archangel Michael, saint of killers, firestorm (classic), Dr. Fate, Green Lantern Corp, Ganthet, Phantom Stranger, Spectre, Lucifer mourning star, Great evil beast,Asmodel, krona, Sandman, Darkseid, Superman (sundipped), Superman 1million, pick your poison.
Superman wins with his finger while wearing akriptonite suit.
hahahhahah, broly, every attack of broly is magical
Ultimate Hulk43
Superman would own Broly.
the Darkone

broly powers are not magical, stop smoking crack.
a kammehama is a magical blast
Ultimate Hulk43
No,it's not.
then what is it?
I don't feel like exsplaining everything, but it's pretty much ascepted on most intelgent DBz sites that Super perfect cell > Brolly.
Once you get that, this is just another stupid "ZOMG DBZ CHARTERS OWNZ YOUZ!!!" topics.
It's powered by Chi, an internal type of energy. Not magic.
Ultimate Hulk43
Originally posted by Spawnrules
then what is it?
It's Ki which is a type of energy,not magic.Notice how they shout out battle moves and not magic spells.

ohh still that will affect superman greatly
nah they won't.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
nah they won't.
Depends. If you work it out mathematically, these blasts should have the power to rip through a hundred planets. Vegeta stated he could 'splode one (Earth) in the Saiyan Saga. (Goku blocked him with another blast... Which Vegeta took head on and recovered from quickly, btw. Go durability feats) Frieza DID destroy 2 planets, and one of them in a form much weaker than that in which he fought Goku at SSj1. Vegeta's PL at the time of the original planet busting Gallick Gun: 15,000. Estimate for Goku at SSJ3 at the end of DBZ? A couple million. So with that much power backing him, blowing up pretty much anything, including Superman, isn't too much of a stretch.
If you look at the damage done when the blasts miss though... It's nothing real impressive.
If you really want to think about GT (it sucked pretty hard... and isn't always canon, but it IS where Broly's from) Goku states that General Rildo is mroe powerful than Buu, whose PL was above that of SSJ3 Goku. Goku then beat him at SSJ1, so it can be inferred that Goku went through a pretty significant power increase. When he reached SSJ4, his PL had to be at LEAST in the billions, since SSJ1 was also stated to be an increase of over 100 times. (also GT)
Mathematically, Goku=God/Batman. By feats, Goku's like... Squirrel Girl, when put next to Supes.
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to agree that Broli would destory Superman.
Superman's speed is far beneath Broli's.
Broli's Speed>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (just pretend there are several hundred more of these ">"

>>>>Superman's speed.
Radditz was able to move faster than the speed of light. Easily. Radditz, guys.
Broli makes Radditz look like an autistic child. So that's one thing down.
As someone stated before, the blasts of the DBZ characters are just freakin insane. They do things that Superman could never dream of. They most likely could pretty much destroy Supes.
Fighting skills? I'm not even going to go there. Broli makes Superman look like a paraplegic in terms of fighting skills.
Strength? This one is up in the air really. The actual physical strength of the DBZ characters has never really been written consistantly. But if anything, I'd definitely say they're at least on par in terms of physical strength.
So basically, Broli can whoop on Superman.
Other DC characters? I don't really know, I was just responding to the Superman part.
At least we know that everyone below Superman would die a horrible death, that's for sure. And there are some above Superman that would suffer the same fate.
The DBZ characters are just too powerful.
Why do you insist on useing a stupid line from the american dub of DBZ that dosen't exsist ANYWHERE outside and is only there beacuse the translaters were idiots?
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Why do you insist on useing a stupid line from the american dub of DBZ that dosen't exsist ANYWHERE outside and is only there beacuse the translaters were idiots?
Well, instead of leaving me hanging, why don't you actually tell me what "stupid line" I used? I mean, you left that statement pretty ambiguous, don't you think?
"He's moveing faster then light!"
I proboly got that quote wrong, but it might intrest you to know akira NEVER wrote that line. Hell, it's not even in the canadian dub. Only in America does Raddiz move faster then light.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Well, instead of leaving me hanging, why don't you actually tell me what "stupid line" I used? I mean, you left that statement pretty ambiguous, don't you think? Piccolo claiming Raditz was light speed, when it's a fact he is not.. just because he dodged the special beam cannon.
Truth is...Instant Transmition is INARGUABLY DBZ's fastest mode of travel. When Goku was describing to Trunks what it is when he landed on Earth for the first time after fighting on Namek, he described it as light speed.. riding the beams of light.
So Raditz was FASTER than Instant Transmition e.g; light speed.?
Hard to believe.
It's one characters random claim versus a fact of the DBZ universe.
In either case, Superman in peak perfomance is faster than this, and his feats are strength of beyond the scope of any of DBZ's characters. Surely Broly is more outwardly powerful than Superman imo, but Superman would dispatch of him regardless.
by the way if ur talken about broly strongest form that is bio brolly who is far more powerful with the ability to heal him self.
bio brolly >>>>>> > > > > >> > > > >> > >>>>>>>>>>> >> > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > perfect cell
Originally posted by Juntai
Piccolo claiming Raditz was light speed, when it's a fact he is not.. just because he dodged the special beam cannon.
Truth is...Instant Transmition is INARGUABLY DBZ's fastest mode of travel. When Goku was describing to Trunks what it is when he landed on Earth for the first time after fighting on Namek, he described it as light speed.. riding the beams of light.
So Raditz was FASTER than Instant Transmition e.g; light speed.?
Hard to believe.
It's one characters random claim versus a fact of the DBZ universe.
In either case, Superman in peak perfomance is faster than this, and his feats are strength of beyond the scope of any of DBZ's characters. Surely Broly is more outwardly powerful than Superman imo, but Superman would dispatch of him regardless.
Instant Transmission isn't lightspeed... That's another crappy quote. (or they REALLY don't know what the limits of lightspeed are) IT has gone cross dimensional pretty freaking instantly. It always takes exactly the same amount of time, none at all, and so I assume it's true teleportation. They definitely aren't at light speed though. Probably approaching it, but not quite there yet. Most of them were using after image tricks that would require something like Mach 1 by the middle of Dragonball, so I'd assume Goku would be many times faster than that by the end of DBZ. However, I still doubt they're at lightspeed.
is this broly vs all of dc or just superman?
hmm seeing how goku when he was a little kid was able to dodge lighting and now he is millions of times stronger and faster I am gunna assume he moves faster then light speed.
first of all nobody in dc or marvel can beat any1 from dbz i mean it aint even fair dbz characters r way to strong dont ever mix the 2 agian
yeah ,of course broly destroyed a planet wih a single powerless blast and he defeated four super saiyans and a piccollo onetime even a super saiyan is above superman so does not matter what you say your pathetic characters would lose agenst him
Hey, Juggernaut66666. Would Broli defeat Juggernaut?
the Darkone
Originally posted by spiderman44

first of all nobody in dc or marvel can beat any1 from dbz i mean it aint even fair dbz characters r way to strong dont ever mix the 2 agian
Dude what f**king planet are you from, Their are a lot of people that would own broly! you don't read enough comics. Broly = overrated, Champion of the Universe alone would kill broly, dude is f**king immortal, mastered over 10,000 fighting styles and counting, destroyed a planet with one punch what the f**k you think he will do to broly.
There are some many powerful beings in Dc alone that will crush broly, Archangel Michael, Lucifer, Great evil beast, Superman 1million, Lobo, Darkseid, Superman( sun dipped), Captain Atom, Firestorm, Ares God of conflict, Asmodel, Neron, Gog, Doomsday, Imperix Probe, Spectre, Ganthet, Phantom Stranger, Darkseid, Krona, Dr. Fate, Nabu.
Take that DBZ sh** out of here, it's get's no love.
Goku never dodged lightning. The whole point if that exsersise was to sence where the lightning would stroke, and move ahead of time.
Spectre is far too much for any DBZ character.
Originally posted by Spawnrules
a kammehama is a magical blast
Its energy blast. Due to their power levels, if you do it mathemtaicly, their blast should blow 10000 and more planets at once.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Goku never dodged lightning. The whole point if that exsersise was to sence where the lightning would stroke, and move ahead of time.
But at the end of DBZ is millions times more powerful.
Spectre is beyond all laws of physics and nature.
He once remade the multiverse into the universe after defeating the Anti-Monitor.
That was without even being connected to the Presence.
That was only using magic.
Broly is nothing to Spectre.
Spectre could destroy him with a blink.
Yeah, the characters are powerful.
But I still can't take people naemd "Kid Buu" seriously.
Sorry. I just can't.
emit ni nezorf si ylorB
Zatanna would say.
Indeed she would.

JLA is gonna stop him, or the Teen Titans.
Broly was strong, durable, fast and his energy blast were incredibly powerful, same for his ability to defend himself using energy shields, but he's not something the JLA can't put down.
We got:
Wonder Woman
Warrior/Guy Gardner
This team will beat him down.
broly would kick ass
Tha C-Master
Alemaster's back!!!!?
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