Full Powered Tyrant vs The Entire GL Corps
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Okay so how does Tyrant at his best handle the full GL line up including Parallax and Ion.
Tyrant(full powered)
All the GLs
Originally posted by The Ion
I knew YOU'D like it!blushing

Tyrant at full power was Galactus level.
And you can't really have Ion and Parallax they both have all of Oan energy ( most of the time)
I'd say lots of casualties, but the gl's would eventually do him in through some crazy group effort. And then the rings would be sent out and new GL's would soon take their place.
^Yeah well you can't really have three Juggernauts fighting at the same time either but, that didn't stop me.

The Ion
Originally posted by kgkg
Tyrant at full power was Galactus level.
And you can't really have Ion and Parallax they both have all of Oan energy ( most of the time)
Right. 90% of these threads would never happen.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
^Yeah well you can't really have three Juggernauts fighting at the same time either but, that didn't stop me.
So we are suppose to assume they have there power slit.
Because is Oan vs Cosmic
^ no everyone is at full power
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