Can Superman be this Herald of Galactus? AirWalkers abilities.The original Air-Walker possessed the vast cosmic power that collectors granted to all of his Harold's upon their initiation. His body and restructured to be living battery of cosmic energy, the Air-Walker could utilize cosmic power for a variety of effects: heat, concussive force, magnetism, electricity, etc. Unlike most of the other heralds the Air-Walker utilized as cosmic energy without an accompanying visible manifestation (such as Firelords "cosmic flame"
. The air war could also uses cosmic energy to rearrange molecules, although he never became adept at it as did the Silver surfer the cosmic energy augmented his strength, endurance, and durability. At maximum exertion, the Air-Walker could match strength of the Thing. He could use is cosmic power to peak capacity for several earth months without resting before fatigue or the need to dream began to impair his functions his skin was treated to be immune to virtually all the conventional rigors of space it took a force greater than the cosmic force to invest in and bite collectives to kill him. Air war could not need to eat or breed since he absorbed life maintaining cosmic energies through his cells.
The Air-Walker could fly to space at hyper light velocities. While moving through planetary atmospheres, he would curtail his speed so as not to cause catastrophic side effects. The Air-Walker did not employ such conveyances as a Silver surfer surfboard or Firelords baton in order to travel; he apparently traveled and navigated by is on power.

The Air-Walker could fly to space at hyper light velocities. While moving through planetary atmospheres, he would curtail his speed so as not to cause catastrophic side effects. The Air-Walker did not employ such conveyances as a Silver surfer surfboard or Firelords baton in order to travel; he apparently traveled and navigated by is on power.