Lava Men's Attibutes-Intelligence: Normal (4/10)
Strength: Enhanced Human (5/12)
Speed: Enhanced Human (5/10)
Stamina: Enhanced Human (5/10)
Durability: Enhanced Human (5/14)
Agility: Normal (2/7)
Reflexes: Normal (2/7)
Superhumanoid powers: High resistance to extreme heat and flame; continually generate intense heat from their bodies, and can increase the amount of heat at will, enough to be able to melt a weapon in his vicinity; mystical ability o cause large amounts of volcanic ash to appear, seemingly from nowhere, and to transform metal into ash; immunity to aging. Some Lava Men can mystically transform themselves into twenty foot tall giants composed of hardened lava. Some Lava Men can mystically command molten lava to do their bidding by performing a ritual prayer to the demons they worship. The golden Lava Men can transform their shapes, and in doing so, even merge their bodies with one another. They once formed themselves into a large sphere that could defy gravity
Strength: Enhanced Human (5/12)
Speed: Enhanced Human (5/10)
Stamina: Enhanced Human (5/10)
Durability: Enhanced Human (5/14)
Agility: Normal (2/7)
Reflexes: Normal (2/7)
Superhumanoid powers: High resistance to extreme heat and flame; continually generate intense heat from their bodies, and can increase the amount of heat at will, enough to be able to melt a weapon in his vicinity; mystical ability o cause large amounts of volcanic ash to appear, seemingly from nowhere, and to transform metal into ash; immunity to aging. Some Lava Men can mystically transform themselves into twenty foot tall giants composed of hardened lava. Some Lava Men can mystically command molten lava to do their bidding by performing a ritual prayer to the demons they worship. The golden Lava Men can transform their shapes, and in doing so, even merge their bodies with one another. They once formed themselves into a large sphere that could defy gravity