Wolverine vs. Darkseid
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Following Rage17's logic,
Wolverine beat Lobo which beat Superman. And Superman defeated Darkseid. So who wins, Wolverine or Darkseid?
well of course Wolverine would he surivived a nuke you know
Originally posted by DrDoom101
Following Rage17's logic,
Wolverine beat Lobo which beat Superman. And Superman defeated Darkseid. So who wins, Wolverine or Darkseid?

my logic should be the new rule in this forum
Wolverine V Lobo is the stupidiest thing in recent comics history.
The writers even admited the reason they didn't show the fight was beacuse they could litaraly not think of a way logan could win.
Well according to BS Comics Wolvie would beast Darkseid. But in real life. It would last .0000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 microseconds.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Wolverine V Lobo is the stupidiest thing in recent comics history.
The writers even admited the reason they didn't show the fight was beacuse they could litaraly not think of a way logan could win.
actualy thats not true. but ya wolverine loses
Wow. Might as well be Galactus vs. Wolverine. Wolvie's going down just as fast either way.
Originally posted by wolverine8888
actualy thats not true. but ya wolverine loses
What do you mean it's not true? Are you saying Sam DrugBringer is lying when he posted what he said (that the writers couldn't find a way of showing Wolverine winning), or do you mean that there is indeed a way for Ol' Clawface to win against Lobo? What do you mean by saying 'actually that's not true?'
However I have to agree with the second part of your post (amazing, isn't it). Wolverine loses this match, and loses it big.
The only reason he won in that DC/Marvel cross-over (it shouldn't even be called a CrossOver) is because the results were based on fan polling. That is how, for example, Storm beat WonderWoman; or better yet how Wolverine 'won' against Lobo. The only thing that would have been more ludicrous than the 'win' Wolvie had against the Main Man would have been if the polling led to QuickSilver winning against the Flash (fortunately that did not happen ....apparently even fanboys know enough to not pit QuickSilver against the Flash).
Actually the fight between Lobo and Wolverine has gone down as one of the most silly cross-over pieces of junk that ever existed. The only one that comes close is the whole BS where Batman kicked the Hulk (and didn't end up with compound fractures from his lil' toe all the way to his cranium).
Actually both DC and Marvel should have been ashamed of even printing that fight. I don't even blame the fans (actually silly fanboys) for the results, at least not wholly. The 2 companies themselves should have known better than putting Lobo against Wolvie in the first place. Dc should be ashamed for ever letting a character with the abilities of Lobo even be in the same panel with Wolverine; and Marvel should be ashamed of having the temerity to even suggest Wolverine as an opponent for Lobo. Goodness, Lobo can't even be killed having been banned from both Heaven and Hell. The dude has faced off against Superman, and destroyed an entire freakin' planet.
And yet they put him against Wolverine!
What next? Putting Strong Guy versus Thanos?!?!
no i ment he was leing when they said the wrighter could not find away for wolverien to defeat thanos thats why, they did not show the fight which is in fact not true. but yes lobo would own wolverine
Tell us how Wolverine could possibly beat Lobo.
Superman level strenth and a healing factor AT LEAST as good as the hulk.
Wolverine could not beat lobo.
If you take into account the only crossover that really counts...
Lobo took on the Shiar empire, by himself.
Then in Our Worlds at War, Lobo stormed Apocalypse, the planet of evil gods, himself....
nuff said.
lol u just said that superman heals as good as the hulk lol thats funny.
sam u got caught lieng face it I don't have to make up a way from wolverine to win to prove my piont. what u said was bull shit and u know i the wrighter never once said they could not find a way for wolverien to win thats why they did not show it, that is a straight up lie.
like I said lobo would own wolverine
Originally posted by wolverine8888
lol u just said that superman heals as good as the hulk lol thats funny.
sam u got caught lieng face it I don't have to make up a way from wolverine to win to prove my piont. what u said was bull shit and u know i the wrighter never once said they could not find a way for wolverien to win thats why they did not show it, that is a straight up lie. No he said Lobo has a healing factor at least as good as Hulk, your reading comprehension skills need work.
wolverine can defeat darkseid by deflecting the omega beams back at him using his metal claws
Originally posted by DrDoom101
wolverine can defeat darkseid by deflecting the omega beams back at him using his metal claws lol.
Wow wolverine888 is an idiot.
No. I did not say Superman has as good a healing factor as Hulk, I said Lobo does.
If you don't want to use grammar in your own posts fine. But at least know how to read.
Originally posted by DrDoom101
wolverine can defeat darkseid by deflecting the omega beams back at him using his metal claws
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Tell us how Wolverine could possibly beat Lobo.
Superman level strenth and a healing factor AT LEAST as good as the hulk.
my bad
shit my bad lol
any ways lobo healing is not as good as hulk he just simply immortal so he can not die .
Why are you guys attacking wolverine8888?
He is just stating his opinion
Originally posted by wolverine8888
? my reading needs work ? Among other things - logic, common sense, ability to type a coherent post - yes you need to improve your reading comprehension.
Originally posted by DrDoom101
wolverine can defeat darkseid by deflecting the omega beams back at him using his metal claws
Originally posted by kgkg
Why are you guys attacking wolverine8888?
He is just stating his opinion
thanks. but it use less they will keep attacking.
Is Spanish your native language? That would explain the two question marks.
Yes. I said he had superman level strength and hulk's healing factor. Why would I say superman had superman level strength? And why the hell would I be talking about superman anyway?
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
Among other things - logic, common sense, ability to type a coherent post - yes you need to improve your reading comprehension.
u can kiss my ass. also I still can't believe ur a guy lol
Originally posted by wolverine8888
any ways lobo healing is not as good as hulk he just simply immortal so he can not die .
And his induvisual droplets of bolld can form mini lobos.
Lets see the hulk do THAT!
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Is Spanish your native language? That would explain the two question marks.
Yes. I said he had superman level strength and hulk's healing factor. Why would I say superman had superman level strength? And why the hell would I be talking about superman anyway?
I already said my bad. also does not stop the fact I caught u in a lie lol
u made up that the wrighters said they could not find a way for wolverine to win so they did not show it. ya that was bullshit on ur part.
also so no one gets the wrong idea I think lobo owns wolverine.
Nope. The writers said that.
And siriously, I asked the spanish question in complete siriousness. I have no idea otherwise why you put ? beefore a question.
no show some proof were the wrighters said that. becuase I own marvel vs DC and every aritcle that pritty much has been said about it and they have never once stated that. so again ur lieing
Originally posted by DrDoom101
wolverine can defeat darkseid by deflecting the omega beams back at him using his metal claws
Originally posted by DrDoom101
On the off chance you acualy mean that, you can't deflect the omega beams like that. Hell, Superman deflecting them with his heat vision was a move that made no sence but kept cuz it looked cool.
Darkseid would make him transported into space so he could die there.
Nothing at all can stop Omega Beams.
The only reason that Supes survives them is because the Presence needs both him and Darkseid alive to maintain balance.
Put it this way - the only reason Supes put down the AntiMonitor is because he was AM was OmegaBeamed first.
I somehow doubt that Logan could survive having his every atom appear in every place in the universe and throughout time simultaneously lol. It's gotta sting somewhat.

Well when wolverine beat Lobo it was fan voted so why are u guy's using wolverine's fan voted win as an example?
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