Hulk Vs. Storm [Deathmatch with a catch]
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This is a Death Match.
Fight takes place on a featureless artifical planetoid comprised of undefined solid matter of the most extreme density (basically, completely indestructable) with one ocean the size of the Atlantic.
The planetoid has an Earth like atmosphere so the combatants can breath.
No buildings, vehicles, inhabitants, etc.
Just the two combatants.
Fight begins in the Eastern hemisphere with both opponents in each others line of site 450 yards apart.
Storm is on a pure dose of kick, so she won't tire for the duration of the fight.
Who wins?
tie. hulk cant touch Storm and Storm cant hurt Hulk.
I'd give it to Hulk. I think he can outlast her until she gets tired, then he can start to pummel.
yeah, i say hulk too. hulk managed to punch superman. One punch from hulk to storm would automatically kill her. she has regular durability anyway
didnt storm kill the hulk once?
^when it must have been a alternate reality.
Originally posted by Marvel=DC
^when it must have been a alternate reality.
i believe during the onslaught saga...
long pig
Originally posted by RAGE17
didnt storm kill the hulk once? Originally posted by Marvel=DC
^when it must have been a alternate reality. Originally posted by RAGE17
i believe during the onslaught saga...
Same thing.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by long pig
Same thing.
Onslaught Saga was an alternate reality?
I think they're referring to continuity phoning it in during the Onslaught Saga.
Originally posted by RAGE17
didnt storm kill the hulk once?
She shut his mind down with a really strong lighting bolt and Cable had to "reboot" his mind.
"Onslaught Saga was an alternate reality?"
Not the saga itself.
What came after Onslaught was defeated, until Franklin Richards was told by that Celestial he created the pocket universe/reality of whatever it was.
Where some of the missing heroes where. Strangely enough including the other Hulk who looked like the "Rick Jones Hulk" one.
It was the whole heroes reborn thing from the beginning until the end basically.
Storm is mucher sexier but Hulk wins, dont think about it....
Storm's done it before. IF she knows the fight is life or death, she won't hold back. Massive lightning bolt to the brain FTW!
Cosmic Cube
Why does no-one ever specify which Hulk is involved in a said fight? There's more than one, you know.
Storm's lightning might take down some of Hulk's weaker incarnations, but Savage Hulk can walk through a nuclear blast without being scratched. Lightning ain't enough. If Hulk gets his hands on her, Storm is done. She best play keep away.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Why does no-one ever specify which Hulk is involved in a said fight?
Probably to make Storm look uber. Like how nobody mentioned it was Professor Hulk that Batman kicked in the gut.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Probably to make Storm look uber. Like how nobody mentioned it was Professor Hulk that Batman kicked in the gut.
Batman would demolish all the Hulks. At the same time, if need be. So even if it isn't brought up, does it really matter?
And stalemate. I'd severely doubt that Hulk could touch Storm, and I'd equally highly doubt that Storm can kill Hulk.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Dizzle
Batman would demolish all the Hulks. At the same time, if need be. So even if it isn't brought up, does it really matter?
And stalemate. I'd severely doubt that Hulk could touch Storm, and I'd equally highly doubt that Storm can kill Hulk.
Don't underestimate Hulk's speed. He can leap high mach speeds, and move almost faster than the eye can see.
Hulk can leap faster than Storm can fly...and being taken down by a lightning bolt was PIS. Savage Hulk routinely fought Zzzax a being of emense living electricity with class 100 strength and psionic mind control...all his electricity would do was make Hulk's hair stand up. Hulk leaps and lightly touches Storm killing her instantly or he thunderclaps and ko's her instantly.
Originally posted by Wynndar
Hulk can leap faster than Storm can fly...and being taken down by a lightning bolt was PIS. Savage Hulk routinely fought Zzzax a being of emense living electricity with class 100 strength and psionic mind control...all his electricity would do was make Hulk's hair stand up. Hulk leaps and lightly touches Storm killing her instantly or he thunderclaps and ko's her instantly.
leap faster than storm can fly? if he leaps, then he would be in the air, in which case why would storm want to fly in the air then? anyway, storm has force-fields, in can fly and can keep the hulk at a distance, he doesn't have a way to take her out. judging by history and comic facts, storm wins.
Originally posted by stormfront13
leap faster than storm can fly? if he leaps, then he would be in the air, in which case why would storm want to fly in the air then? anyway, storm has force-fields, in can fly and can keep the hulk at a distance, he doesn't have a way to take her out. judging by history and comic facts, storm wins.
Where else would Storm fly but the air?
Hulk smash puny mutant.
Originally posted by stormfront13
leap faster than storm can fly? if he leaps, then he would be in the air, in which case why would storm want to fly in the air then? anyway, storm has force-fields, in can fly and can keep the hulk at a distance, he doesn't have a way to take her out. judging by history and comic facts, storm wins.
Judging by that this is no contest...The only reason it is contested is the PIS incident during phase one of Onslaught. Storm cant fly hundreds of miles per hour! Hulk has leapt fast enough to reach Orbit...can u grasp the physics involved? Do u know how fast an object has to move to reach orbit without propulsion? Much faster than Storm fact he would be moving faster than she could percieve so she would be getting speed blitz as much as I hate using that reason. He could also thunderclap her or just throw a rock at her. Like I explained before...Lightning has never had an effect on him before, except to his hair style. This argument is hard to debate because a win for Hulk would be so fast and easy...Hulk can rip through steel like loaf of wonderbread...his slightest touch would kill storm.
Escape velocity is about 11 km/s.
Hulk wins obviously.
But I recall Black Bolt downing Hulk with a crapload of lightning - so it's inaccurate to say lightning has never had an effect on him.
The fact that Hulk intercepts missiles and jets and stuff is an indicater that Storm's dodging abilities, which are only one notch lower than Wolverine's and a notch above Isotope E Quicksilver, won't hold out long.
Originally posted by Wynndar
Judging by that this is no contest...The only reason it is contested is the PIS incident during phase one of Onslaught. Storm cant fly hundreds of miles per hour! Hulk has leapt fast enough to reach Orbit...can u grasp the physics involved? Do u know how fast an object has to move to reach orbit without propulsion? Much faster than Storm fact he would be moving faster than she could percieve so she would be getting speed blitz as much as I hate using that reason. He could also thunderclap her or just throw a rock at her. And Flash once evacuated about 250.000 people from a town 35 miles away in less than the 0.00001 by one...having to be millions of times faster than the speed of light.
And Wolvie once took a nuke.
And Spidey once handled Firelord.
If you use science, do it properly...Hulk shouldn't be able to leap that high with legs short like his, even with his enormous strength, unless he is a real speedster on Flash's level (Yes, it's possible to overrate the Hulk and his abilities!).
Btw...Using waves of compressed air (thunderclap) against the Weatherwitch is not exactly the most clever method to take her down!
Originally posted by Wynndar
Like I explained before...Lightning has never had an effect on him before, except to his hair style. Just in the case of Storm concentrating all her might and directing it into his brain...
If this is the Savage Hulk, I believe that Storm can't take him out with lightning.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by wannabe
And Flash once evacuated about 250.000 people from a town 35 miles away in less than the 0.00001 by one...having to be millions of times faster than the speed of light.
And Wolvie once took a nuke.
And Spidey once handled Firelord.
If you use science, do it properly...Hulk shouldn't be able to leap that high with legs short like his, even with his enormous strength, unless he is a real speedster on Flash's level (Yes, it's possible to overrate the Hulk and his abilities!).
Btw...Using waves of compressed air (thunderclap) against the Weatherwitch is not exactly the most clever method to take her down!
Just in the case of Storm concentrating all her might and directing it into his brain...
I think the whole idea of Hulk jumping is the power concentrated in his legs. Logically, no one who's ten feet tall and 1,000 lbs would be have enough strength to destroy a planet concentrated in such a small frame.
You don't actually think Flash is that fast because he has really strong leg muscles, or super quick reflexes, do you? He has an ability that warps space and time. Access to the Speed Force.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
But I recall Black Bolt downing Hulk with a crapload of lightning - so it's inaccurate to say lightning has never had an effect on him.
I think that Black Bolt doesn't actually use lightning.
etc. Namor has sometimes used lightning against Hulk and it didn't help much.
And isn't Hulk able to catch fighter jets out of air?
He can just throw something at Storm.

Originally posted by DarkCrawler
I think that Black Bolt doesn't actually use lightning.
etc. Namor has sometimes used lightning against Hulk and it didn't help much.
And isn't Hulk able to catch fighter jets out of air?
He can just throw something at Storm.
Read the thread. Theres nothing for him to throw.
Note: As I stated in the initial post, Storm's on a pure dose of Kick, and combat begins with the combatants 1200+ feet apart in line of sight. Also, there is no debris, buildings, vehicles, people, etc. for Hulk or Storm to weaponize.
It's powers vs. powers to the death.
Storm, for the sake of this debate, will not tire (due to Kick dose).
Originally posted by wannabe
And Flash once evacuated about 250.000 people from a town 35 miles away in less than the 0.00001 by one...having to be millions of times faster than the speed of light.
And Wolvie once took a nuke.
And Spidey once handled Firelord.
If you use science, do it properly...Hulk shouldn't be able to leap that high with legs short like his, even with his enormous strength, unless he is a real speedster on Flash's level (Yes, it's possible to overrate the Hulk and his abilities!).
Btw...Using waves of compressed air (thunderclap) against the Weatherwitch is not exactly the most clever method to take her down!
Just in the case of Storm concentrating all her might and directing it into his brain...
Yeah lets "use science" and "do it properly" to explain everything in comics. Heck, technically since none of it makes sense it will just be Bruce Banner leaping a foot off the ground and landing on Ororo, a black lady with no powers. Wait, nevermind the fight would never happen because Bruce Banner died of radiation poisoning awhile back.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
I think the whole idea of Hulk jumping is the power concentrated in his legs. Logically, no one who's ten feet tall and 1,000 lbs would be have enough strength to destroy a planet concentrated in such a small frame.I know, but strength is not the only key to jumping, the other is speed, and it's an important one. Or do you really think that, on a smaller scale of course, the strongest man in reality are also those with the best jumping capabilities???Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
You don't actually think Flash is that fast because he has really strong leg muscles, or super quick reflexes, do you? He has an ability that warps space and time. Access to the Speed Force. I know! I used the "millions of times faster than light" example to show that even a character who already is uber can still be Hulk jumping to orbit!
Originally posted by 8bitChris
Yeah lets "use science" and "do it properly" to explain everything in comics. I said that only to make clear to wynndar that it is rather bad debating to use one tool of argumentation (in his case science) against one combatant and ignoring it when it comes to the other...i was talking principles!!!
Originally posted by wannabe
And Wolvie once took a nuke
That ended up being a napalm bomb.
As I recall from that issue of Cable where he and Storm fought the Onslaught-controlled Professor-Hulk, their lightning + psi-blast whammy put him down for a moment, but he then got right back up as Savage Hulk. Not their best move.
Originally posted by Laminator_X
As I recall from that issue of Cable where he and Storm fought the Onslaught-controlled Professor-Hulk, their lightning + psi-blast whammy put him down for a moment, but he then got right back up as Savage Hulk. Not their best move.
He got back up because storm started his heart again. He never did it by himself
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
He got back up because storm started his heart again. He never did it by himself
I'd bet my weight in blood that he could though.
Originally posted by illadelph12
Also, there is no debris, buildings, vehicles, people, etc. for Hulk or Storm to weaponize.
Someone's been playing the Hulk game!
And I don't think there's much in this fight that Hulk could do to be honest. Even with limitless strength.
Could he make a thunderclap so massively powerful and destructive that even Storm's weather control couldn't cancel it out in time to save her?
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
I'd bet my weight in blood that he could though.
He never did though. It stated that he was dead and they revived him. Thats all that matters. He wasnt physically dead he was mentally dead. That i believe is something beyond the capacity of his healing abilities to rectify. If you disagree, come up with the goods.
You're possibly right on that count GS.
His body heals damage incredibly well. But his brain wasn't damaged - it was just stopped. You can't heal from that.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
He never did though. It stated that he was dead and they revived him. Thats all that matters. He wasnt physically dead he was mentally dead. That i believe is something beyond the capacity of his healing abilities to rectify. If you disagree, come up with the goods.
What about the times Hulk has regenerated from parts that don't have any brain in them?
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
What about the times Hulk has regenerated from parts that don't have any brain in them?
Wherer has he done this? Got any scans? Theyre always helpful when making claims.
Not on me. It's Hulk though. Granted, word of mouth feats get skewed but surely you must of heard some. Like regenerating from ash or bones. The guy regenerates from everything.
I'm sure someone more in touch with Hulk has more definitive answers.
Edit: Here's a site that has a scan of Hulk getting his neck broken and still healing from it. Pretty warm.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Not on me. It's Hulk though. Granted, word of mouth feats get skewed but surely you must of heard some. Like regenerating from ash or bones. The guy regenerates from everything.
I'm sure someone more in touch with Hulk has more definitive answers.
Edit: Here's a site that has a scan of Hulk getting his neck broken and still healing from it. Pretty warm.
You need to be more specific. A mental shut down isnt something you can heal from physically. Him rehenerating from being being blasted into bits or melted down is irrelevant.
A lightning bolt physically shut his mind down but his healing factor can't regenerate it? Alright, whatever.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
You need to be more specific. A mental shut down isnt something you can heal from physically. Him rehenerating from being being blasted into bits or melted down is irrelevant.
But...doesn't Storm's electrical strikes destroy brain cells or something?
She is not a telepath...
Hulk healing his brain stem:
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
A lightning bolt physically shut his mind down but his healing factor can't regenerate it? Alright, whatever.
Have you not read both this thread or the relevant comic in question. It was a lightning bolt along with a psi bolt from Cable. The issue stated that brain synapses are after all just a form of electricity.
Originally posted by DarkCrawler
But...doesn't Storm's electrical strikes destroy brain cells or something?
She is not a telepath...
Hulk healing his brain stem:
I rrelevant DC. Thats him healing the physical matter of his brain. That sdifferent to healing his psyche.
More here:
Since this is a deathmatch, Storm can't win...since Storm doesn't tire and Hulk doesn't have nothing to throw, Hulk can't win...
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
I rrelevant DC. Thats him healing the physical matter of his brain. That sdifferent to healing his psyche.
So...Storm is a telepath now.
Sorry, I just think that electricity causes PHYSICAL damage.
Originally posted by DarkCrawler
So...Storm is a telepath now.
Sorry, I just think that electricity causes PHYSICAL damage.
I havent said anything of the sort. Read threads properly before you spout off DC. People were talking about Hulk healing from the attack by Cable and Storm i corrected them. Thats all.
As for the electricity thing. It was stated in that comic that psionic energy is just brain synapses which are just a form of electricity. Dont try and ridicule me for layin down whats in the comics. I havent even said Storm can take out Hulk with lightning so get it right. Read the thread then open your mouth.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
I havent said anything of the sort. Read threads properly before you spout off DC. People were talking about Hulk healing from the attack by Cable and Storm i corrected them. Thats all.
As for the electricity thing. It was stated in that comic that psionic energy is just brain synapsese which are just a form of electricity. Dont try and ridicule me for layin down whats in the comics. I havent even said Storm can take out Hulk with lightning so get it right. Read the thread then open your mouth.
So, Storm can't take out Hulk with her attacks or can she?
I really don't get it how she can manipulate the brain...does she remove the synapses? Does she disable them somehow?
Sorry, Storm switching to causing psionic damage just sounds...stupid to me.
So all telepaths use...electricity?

Originally posted by DarkCrawler
So, Storm can't take out Hulk with her attacks or can she?
I really don't get it how she can manipulate the brain...does she remove the synapses? Does she disable them somehow?
Sorry, Storm switching to causing psionic damage just sounds...stupid to me.
So all telepaths use...electricity?
Youre confusing yourself DC. You really need to read/re-read the issue. Electricity is related to psionic energy just like electricity is related to magnetism and why by altering electromagnetic fields you can disrupt psionic attacks and so on. In that issue Storm augmented Cables psionic blast with her lightning which worked because the two forms of energy are related in Marvel. She never did it on her own. I never said she did. Read the thread before you jump in.
Waitaminute i just had a thought. Was it Cable and Storm who revived him or just Storm with her lightning?
Okay, I don't think it was a combination of Psi-blast and lightning bolt, but I'm going to scrounge up the issues and get scans up tonight. Keep in mind, kids, black Bolt has also knocked Hulk out with lightning. He basically wrapped Hulk in a containment field and changed its polarity so that every lightning bolt in the area hit him. Someone already mentioned that, but I felt it was worth mentioning again.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Youre confusing yourself DC. You really need to read/re-read the issue. Electricity is related to psionic energy just like electricity is related to magnetism and why by altering electromagnetic fields you can disrupt psionic attacks and so on. In that issue Storm augmented Cables psionic blast with her lightning which worked because the two forms of energy are related in Marvel. She never did it on her own. I never said she did. Read the thread before you jump in.
Waitaminute i just had a thought. Was it Cable and Storm who revived him or just Storm with her lightning?
You did say this:
"It was stated in that comic that psionic energy is just brain synapsese which are just a form of electricity."
So, Psionic energy = Brain synapses = Electricity?
Right or wrong?
I think Storm revieved him...jumpstarted something in him or something.
What is the exact issue number?
Originally posted by DarkCrawler
You did say this:
"It was stated in that comic that psionic energy is just brain synapsese which are just a form of electricity."
So, Psionic energy = Brain synapses = Electricity?
Right or wrong?
I think Storm revieved him...jumpstarted something in him or something.
What is the exact issue number?
Yes i did state that but you've overlooked what matters and taken from that anything you can use to support Namor in versus matches.
Notice i said a form of. So no Namor cant absorb and channel psionic energy.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Yes i did state that but you've overlooked what matters and taken from that anything you can use to support Namor in versus matches.
Notice i said a form of. So no Namor cant absorb and channel psionic energy.
How do you know it?
It' s a form of electricity.
Aquaman's psionic powers didn't cause anything else then a headache to Namor, when it knocked out everything around him.
Originally posted by DarkCrawler
How do you know it?
It' s a form of electricity.
Aquaman's psionic powers didn't cause anything else then a headache to Namor, when it knocked out everything around him.
Stop speculating DC. This line of argument will get you nowhere without it being stated or shown conclusively on panel.
Its related to electricity just like electricty is related to magnetism, however just because Namor can absrob electricty that really doesnt mean he can do the same with psi bolts.
Can Storm absorb and rechannel psi bolts?
Dont be ridiculous DC LOL
Regaurdless, I don't think she could do that to the Hulk without Cable's powers in the mix. Hulk has rumbled with Zzaxx on multaple occasions, no problem. Blackbolt has far more destructive potential than Storm does.
Originally posted by Laminator_X
Regaurdless, I don't think she could do that to the Hulk without Cable's powers in the mix. Hulk has rumbled with Zzaxx on multaple occasions, no problem. Blackbolt has far more destructive potential than Storm does.
Never said she could do it without Cable, that wasnt the point either side was trying to make.
As Storm doesnt tire in this match plus her powers are amped considerably as a result of th eKick i believe she would definitely be able to pull off more wins out of 10 than the hulk given the conditions of this thread.
Okay, because of Onslaught contorlling him and Cable blasting at his mind, Hulk changed colors a lot. He started out as a mind controlled Professor Hulk, then became Grey Hulk. This is the first time Storm hit him with lightning, the issue is Cable 34.
After recovering from the shock, he is now (as you can see) Savage Hulk. Note that Cable only targeted the blast, the power in it was all from Storm.
The next time it happens is in Hulk's own book. That time, it was a much larger lightning strike and she did indeed kill him. Still looking for that issue, though.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Never said she could do it without Cable, that wasnt the point either side was trying to make.
As Storm doesnt tire in this match plus her powers are amped considerably as a result of th eKick i believe she would definitely be able to pull off more wins out of 10 than the hulk given the conditions of this thread.
What are the conditions?

Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Khellendros
Okay, because of Onslaught contorlling him and Cable blasting at his mind, Hulk changed colors a lot. He started out as a mind controlled Professor Hulk, then became Grey Hulk. This is the first time Storm hit him with lightning, the issue is Cable 34.
After recovering from the shock, he is now (as you can see) Savage Hulk. Note that Cable only targeted the blast, the power in it was all from Storm.
The next time it happens is in Hulk's own book. That time, it was a much larger lightning strike and she did indeed kill him. Still looking for that issue, though.
Hulk changes colors because he changes incarnations as he becomes angrier. Different personality = different physical form.
"Killing" Hulk is only temporary. It would count as a win, however...

Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
What are the conditions?
It's basically Hulk vs. Storm in a featureless indestructable environment with no objects for weaponization (buildings, vehicles, people, debris, etc).
Storm is on Kick so she won't tire and can operate at full the entire duration just as Hulk can.
Powers Vs. Powers in a deathmatch with no outside interference.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by illadelph12
It's basically Hulk vs. Storm in a featureless indestructable environment with no objects for weaponization (buildings, vehicles, people, debris, etc).
Storm is on Kick so she won't tire and can operate at full the entire duration just as Hulk can.
Powers Vs. Powers in a deathmatch with no outside interference.
It says that in the first post.
Any particular incarnation?
Cosmic Cube
Well, it's pretty clear that lightning affects at least one incarnation of the Hulk, but in this case it cause him to him turn into Savage Hulk, which wouldn't make the fight any easier for Storm.
Shorting out the synapses sounds like a fancy term for brain damage. He would recover from said damage.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Shorting out the synapses sounds like a fancy term for brain damage. He would recover from said damage.
Not if you destroy the part of the brain that regulates bodily functions, like healing as well as heartbeat and breathign and all that.
Okay, here. Hulk 444, the continuation of the fight in Cable. Their plan is for Storm to hit him really hard with lightning, whileCable attacks the parts of Hulk's mind being controlled by Onslaught. The page is a two parter.
So, Hulk is dead. His mind, since it is slipping away, is easier to wrest from Onslaught's control. Afte Cable is succesful, Storm restarts his heart.
Banner is back in control again.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Stop speculating DC. This line of argument will get you nowhere without it being stated or shown conclusively on panel.
Its related to electricity just like electricty is related to magnetism, however just because Namor can absrob electricty that really doesnt mean he can do the same with psi bolts.
Can Storm absorb and rechannel psi bolts?
Dont be ridiculous DC LOL
Well, can't Storm somehow distrupt psionics?
Well, it was really meant as joke.

Originally posted by Khellendros
Not if you destroy the part of the brain that regulates bodily functions, like healing as well as heartbeat and breathign and all that.
That part would regenerate too.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Shorting out the synapses sounds like a fancy term for brain damage. He would recover from said damage.
No because hulks hewaling factor would be able to heal damage to the brain matter only. If the problem is with the synapses then that is beyond his ability to heal. Whats so hard to understand?
Victor Von Doom
It's not actually stated that the Hulk is dead, merely assumed.
Is it even sure if Hulk's healing factor is controlled by his brain?
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
It says that in the first post.
Any particular incarnation?
For this battle, he can be any incarnation that he's been in "reality" within the books, meaning no Guilt or Devil Hulks, as those incarnations haven't manifested in the physical, as of yet, though they do exist.
On the synapse argument, it does make sense, as synapses are bio-electrical impulses.
If Storm could basically short Hulk's brain out or sap it of it's bio electrical current, he'd need some external stimuli to start it up again unless he has some kind of redundancy in his physiology that would trigger the activity after it's been stopped.
Kind of like setting off an EMP near an active electrical device like a plane or a car. Once the electrical current has been sapped by the EMP, you need some other external, non-effected source of electricity to power the devices (like a new battery that wasn't operating at the time) or to give it a jump start.
Not saying it would work or not, just stating that it, in theory, seems like a sound idea.
I'm staying out of the debate, though.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
No because hulks hewaling factor would be able to heal damage to the brain matter only. If the problem is with the synapses then that is beyond his ability to heal. Whats so hard to understand?
Synapse - The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.
If they are damaged they will repair. His neorons will start firing probably the same magical way he regenerates a beating heart or normal skin instead of scar tissue.
I don't think we know the full extent of Hulk's healing abilities. If you were to atomize the Hulk....would he reassemble? I thought that was what happened with Maestro. If that's the case, then he'd most certainly heal from "mental" death.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Synapse - The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.
If they are damaged they will repair. His neorons will start firing probably the same magical way he regenerates a beating heart or normal skin instead of scar tissue.
I used the wrong term. For that i apologise. Ive been using synapses in place of neurons. Therefore your point is still moot. The death of his psyche cannot be repaired by a healing factor.
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
It's not actually stated that the Hulk is dead, merely assumed.
His heart was stopped. That is the medical definition of dead. Your heart can be restarted sometimes, and if it's in time you won't suffer brain damage, but you were still dead.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
I used the wrong term. For that i apologise. Ive been using synapses in place of neurons. Therefore your point is still moot. The death of his psyche cannot be repaired by a healing factor.
Neurons are physical cells. Combine that with comic book magic and you have a brand new functioning brain.
I seriously can't believe people are saying that if his brain is damaged and his heart is stopped, Hulk is going to get up from that.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Khellendros
I seriously can't believe people are saying that if his brain is damaged and his heart is stopped, Hulk is going to get up from that.
What do you mean by "get up"? Hulk has recovered from "death" before. Remember that Hulk is nigh immortal. He can recover from injuries that would be fatal. Hulk can fully reform his body, almost like an Eternal.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by demigawd
I don't think we know the full extent of Hulk's healing abilities. If you were to atomize the Hulk....would he reassemble? I thought that was what happened with Maestro. If that's the case, then he'd most certainly heal from "mental" death.
Yes, that's exactly what happened. After being sent back in time to ground zero of the original test site, The Gamma Bomb reduced Maestro to atoms. Somehow, his psyche was able to reassemble his body, like an Eternal.
Comic Book Magic indeed.
For the record, I'm not saying if Storm managed to do this feat again, without cable, that Hulk wouldn't be out because he can recover. I'm just saying if they left him he'd get up sooner or later.
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Neurons are physical cells. Combine that with comic book magic and you have a brand new functioning brain.
Well thats the wrong word as well then. Forgive me im not a science student. I believe brain waves is a sufficient term. lol. They are not something that can be restored by a healing factor.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Yes, that's exactly what happened. After being sent back in time to ground zero of the original test site, The Gamma Bomb reduced Maestro to atoms. Somehow, his psyche was able to reassemble his body, like an Eternal.
Comic Book Magic indeed.
Ahhh but that was a gamma bomb which caused hulk to be blown to shreds. The gamma bomb augmented hulk and as stated in his handbook factored into him being able to reassemble himself as Maestro. The additional dose of gamma radiation is how you account for the differences between Hulk and Maestro.
That is also an alternate reality occurrence and unless someone can provide scans showing hulk performing similar feat sin 616 then the point is moot.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Well thats the wrong word as well then. Forgive me im not a science student. I believe brain waves is a sufficient term. lol. They are not something that can be restored by a healing factor.
Well, then it could be. Comic magic. You can't deny it because it's greater than 9 phoenixes in a row.
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Khellendros
His heart was stopped. That is the medical definition of dead. Your heart can be restarted sometimes, and if it's in time you won't suffer brain damage, but you were still dead.
That's also an assumption though, because it's not explicitly stated that Storm is restarting his heart in the manner of a defibrillator.
That's the only point I am making- I don't know for sure he wasn't dead, I just don't know that he was. It isn't stated.
I'm not sure the 'synapses' argument is sound. Banner was shot in the head before, with no visible effect.
GalacticStorm- I think you are arguing about mind versus brain, is that right? IE the brain can physically be healed (in theory) but the tissue that replaces it will be different.
I don't think it really applies to the Hulk- but then, applying science to comic books isn't actually that productive.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Ahhh but that was a gamma bomb which caused hulk to be blown to shreds. The gamma bomb augmented hulk and as stated in his handbook factored into him being able to reassemble himself as Maestro. The additional dose of gamma radiation is how you account for the differences between Hulk and Maestro.
That is also an alternate reality occurrence and unless someone can provide scans showing hulk performing similar feat sin 616 then the point is moot.
It didn't rip him to shreds. It seperated his molecules into atoms.
The Gamma Bomb didn't turn Hulk into the Maestro. Old age, a couple nuclear wars, and a hatred for humanity did. Maestro is an insane Professor Hulk from the future.
After breaking Merged Hulk's neck, Maestro told him, "Death doesn't mean the same thing for us that it does for others. Somehow, some way, we always come back. What part of 'incredible' didn't you understand?"
It is a 616 occurence. I have the issue. It sounds like you might be a bit confused about it.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Khellendros
His heart was stopped. That is the medical definition of dead. Your heart can be restarted sometimes, and if it's in time you won't suffer brain damage, but you were still dead.
That is not the medical definition of the word 'dead.'
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
That is not the medical definition of the word 'dead.'
I was going to mention that but it seemed a bit pedantic.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Well thats the wrong word as well then. Forgive me im not a science student. I believe brain waves is a sufficient term. lol. They are not something that can be restored by a healing factor.
That's not a good argument. Hulk has thousands of psyche's in his brain.
Cosmic Cube
Brainwaves are biological as well. They can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG).
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Brainwaves are biological as well. They can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG).
I think GS might be referring to concepts of memory, and such other metaphysical quantities, but I am not sure.
Even so, I don't think it's that sound of an argument.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
I think GS might be referring to concepts of memory, and such other metaphysical quantities, but I am not sure.
Even so, I don't think it's that sound of an argument.
I think she's referring to Hulk's metaphysical psyche. Thing is, he's got thousands of them. It's a very poor argument.
Cosmic Cube
So, this fight comes down to Storm defeating Hulk with a lightning bolt before Hulk thunderclaps and sends her flying, unconscious, into orbit, right?
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
I think she's referring to Hulk's metaphysical psyche. Thing is, he's got thousands of them. It's a very poor argument.
Yeah, the whole memory bundle.
I didn't realise GS was female.
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by demigawd
She's not.
Or gender.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
That is not the medical definition of the word 'dead.'
When your heart stops and you stop breathing, you die. you can be revived, but you were dead.
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
That's also an assumption though, because it's not explicitly stated that Storm is restarting his heart in the manner of a defibrillator.
That's the only point I am making- I don't know for sure he wasn't dead, I just don't know that he was. It isn't stated.
Right. Then why do YOU think Storm jolted his chest with a pinpoint lightning bolt strike, which resulted in Banner immediately sitting up and coughing?
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
It didn't rip him to shreds. It seperated his molecules into atoms.
The Gamma Bomb didn't turn Hulk into the Maestro. Old age, a couple nuclear wars, and a hatred for humanity did. Maestro is an insane Professor Hulk from the future.
After breaking Merged Hulk's neck, Maestro told him, "Death doesn't mean the same thing for us that it does for others. Somehow, some way, we always come back. What part of 'incredible' didn't you understand?"
It is a 616 occurence. I have the issue. It sounds like you might be a bit confused about it.
But the additional gamma radiation exposure helped in turning him into Maestro physically. Theres no evidence whatsoever that 616 Hulk could regenerate after being broken down to his component molecules.
No its an alternate reality occurrence because it wasnt our Hulk who got caught up in the second gamma explosion. It was a 616 occurrence in that Maestro came into 616 however as stated in the bio it isnt known if our hulk i sgoing to change into Maestro.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Brainwaves are biological as well. They can be measured by an electroencephalograph (EEG).
But they cant be healed with a healing factor. Theyre bioelectricity. He might be able to heal the rain matter but certainly not the waves after theyve been disrupted. Hulks heart had stopped and his brain was shut down from the assault. His bodily functions would have eventually completely ceased. He was dead. Storm revived him.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
But they cant be healed with a healing factor. Theyre bioelectricity. He might be able to heal the rain matter but certainly not the waves after theyve been disrupted. Hulks heart had stopped and his brain was shut down from the assault. His bodily functions would have eventually completely ceased. He was dead. Storm revived him.
How can you be so sure that the bioelectric flow wouldn't restart once the tissue was regenerated? Hulk has been killed before.
I'd like to also note that none of Hulk's more powerful incarnations would be fazed by Storm's lightning. In his more powerful forms, Hulk walks through multi-megaton nuclear blasts.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
But the additional gamma radiation exposure helped in turning him into Maestro physically. Theres no evidence whatsoever that 616 Hulk could regenerate after being broken down to his component molecules.
No its an alternate reality occurrence because it wasnt our Hulk who got caught up in the second gamma explosion. It was a 616 occurrence in that Maestro came into 616 however as stated in the bio it isnt known if our hulk i sgoing to change into Maestro.
Maestro is 616 Hulk. He's actually less powerful than Hulk's other incarnations. There's no evidence to show that he gained additional powers from the gamma radiation. All it did was make him stronger.
Gamma radiation isn't what gave the Hulk his powers anyway. It just gave the Hulk a physical form.
Actually there is evidence of his ability to regenerate organs etc. Hulk was reduced to a walking skeleton by Vector. Hulk regrenerat all of his lost sinew, skin, blood, and even his nerves. And guess what. There was still a flow of bioelectricity through his nerve endings. Whaddya know.
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Khellendros
When your heart stops and you stop breathing, you die. you can be revived, but you were dead.
That definition is actually arguable. Another valid view states that death occurs upon the cessation of all brain activities.
However, I don't think this is the point. I'm not disputing that his heart may have been stopped, whether that means he was dead, or not.
Originally posted by Khellendros
Right. Then why do YOU think Storm jolted his chest with a pinpoint lightning bolt strike, which resulted in Banner immediately sitting up and coughing?
Like I said, I don't know. The fact that she did so, does not make the first premise so.
It's just as feasible that she believed he was dead, after Cable stated that he thought Hulk was dead.
I have seen people defibrillated. They don't tend to get up and cough, so I doubt that that is a piece of valid evidence.
Originally posted by Wynndar
Judging by that this is no contest...The only reason it is contested is the PIS incident during phase one of Onslaught. Storm cant fly hundreds of miles per hour! Hulk has leapt fast enough to reach Orbit...can u grasp the physics involved? Do u know how fast an object has to move to reach orbit without propulsion? Much faster than Storm fact he would be moving faster than she could percieve so she would be getting speed blitz as much as I hate using that reason. He could also thunderclap her or just throw a rock at her. Like I explained before...Lightning has never had an effect on him before, except to his hair style. This argument is hard to debate because a win for Hulk would be so fast and easy...Hulk can rip through steel like loaf of wonderbread...his slightest touch would kill storm.
it's funny that you use the term pis, considering the only reason you call this pis is because you don't like what happened, but when invisable woman had protected herself from psionic attack and has used tp in the same issue clearly has pis written all over you don't say a thing. and yes, stor, can fly mach speeds, clearly you don't know anything about he tto say she can only reach hundreds of miles per hour. yes, i realize that hulk is fast, but if he jumps up, why would storm be in the sky? she could just stay grounded if he jumps right away as you like to have it. to speedblits her, he would eiher A)jump which he would have to telegraph through body language, or B)use running speed, which he wouldn't speed blits then. and a thunderclap pases through the air, what makes you so sure it would even work.
it would have to go through force-fields.
honestly, did you read the issue? storm re-started his heart, HULK WAS DEAD.
Cosmic Cube
Death is irreversable. That's why the doctor records your "time of death," not the time at which your heart stops beating and you stop breathing. Seriously. Look it up.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by stormfront13
it's funny that you use the term pis, considering the only reason you call this pis is because you don't like what happened, but when invisable woman had protected herself from psionic attack and has used tp in the same issue clearly has pis written all over you don't say a thing. and yes, stor, can fly mach speeds, clearly you don't know anything about he tto say she can only reach hundreds of miles per hour. yes, i realize that hulk is fast, but if he jumps up, why would storm be in the sky? she could just stay grounded if he jumps right away as you like to have it. to speedblits her, he would eiher A)jump which he would have to telegraph through body language, or B)use running speed, which he wouldn't speed blits then. and a thunderclap pases through the air, what makes you so sure it would even work.
it would have to go through force-fields.
honestly, did you read the issue? storm re-started his heart, HULK WAS DEAD.
Hulk can attack with that speed too, not just run. Against Grey Hulk or Gravage Hulk, maybe even Professor Hulk, Storm has a good chance. But most of Hulk's stronger incarnations are too durable to be hurt by her lightning.
One way or another, he would have been brought back. Even if she just left him there.
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by stormfront13
honestly, did you read the issue? storm re-started his heart, HULK WAS DEAD.
It isn't stated that he is dead. Cable assumes he is dead.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Hulk can attack with that speed too, not just run. Against Grey Hulk or Gravage Hulk, maybe even Professor Hulk, Storm has a good chance. But most of Hulk's stronger incarnations are too durable to be hurt by her lightning.
One way or another, he would have been brought back. Even if she just left him there.
did you see the comic scans? she killed savage hulk. it was savage hulk they were fighting.
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
Like I said, I don't know. The fact that she did so, does not make the first premise so.
It's just as feasible that she believed he was dead, after Cable stated that he thought Hulk was dead.
I have seen people defibrillated. They don't tend to get up and cough, so I doubt that that is a piece of valid evidence.
So, instead of believing that they saw him lying there unmoving and Cable stopped reading any thoughts or sensations from Hulk and decided he was dead you choose to believe that because the Hulk fell over, they just assumed he was dead and shocked his heart just because?
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by Khellendros
So, instead of believing that they saw him lying there unmoving and Cable stopped reading any thoughts or sensations from Hulk and decided he was dead you choose to believe that because the Hulk fell over, they just assumed he was dead and shocked his heart just because?
No, I just don't extrapolate facts from assumptions.
cable wasn't getting anything from him, when someone is unconsious, you can get at least something, but when they are dead, you get nothing. cable got nothing from hulk. everything points to hulk being dead.
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by stormfront13
cable wasn't getting anything from him, when someone is unconsious, you can get at least something, but when they are dead, you get nothing. cable got nothing from hulk. everything points to hulk being dead.
It seems to, certainly.
However, perhaps the 'nothing' was the lapse between control, loss of control and the reasserting of Hulk's consciousness.
I don't know- because it isn't stated. Therefore I am reluctant to treat the assumption as fact.
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
It seems to, certainly.
However, perhaps the 'nothing' was the lapse between control, loss of control and the reasserting of Hulk's consciousness.
I don't know- because it isn't stated. Therefore I am reluctant to treat the assumption as fact.
no matter what, a telepath can get anything from you unl;ess you are dead, so the only logical conclusion is that the hulk was dead
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by stormfront13
no matter what, a telepath can get anything from you unl;ess you are dead, so the only logical conclusion is that the hulk was dead
You mean his brain had ceased to function?
Then he would be beyond defibrillation.
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
You mean his brain had ceased to function?
Then he would be beyond defibrillation.
what? well yeah his brain wasn't orking, all of the synapses were fried, but if hulk had any bit if life in him, a telepath could've picked it up, and cable couldn't get anything from him, so the opnly logical conclusion is that he was dead. yes, we all realize it wasn't stated, but it's safe to assume he was dead.
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by stormfront13
what? well yeah his brain wasn't orking, all of the synapses were fried, but if hulk had any bit if life in him, a telepath could've picked it up, and cable couldn't get anything from him, so the opnly logical conclusion is that he was dead. yes, we all realize it wasn't stated, but it's safe to assume he was dead.
Defibrillation restarts a heart, not a brain. Where's the logic in that?
Originally posted by Victor Von Doom
Defibrillation restarts a heart, not a brain. Where's the logic in that?
i know, she reatarted his heart, not his brain
Victor Von Doom
Originally posted by stormfront13
i know, she reatarted his heart, not his brain
Therein lies the problem.
Cosmic Cube
VVD is saying that if Storm had only restarted his heart, Hulk would have been brain dead.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by stormfront13
did you see the comic scans? she killed savage hulk. it was savage hulk they were fighting.
Actually I didn't. In the scan Khell showed, she dropped Grey Hulk with a lightning bolt, and that caused him to turn into Savage Hulk. In the scan, he wasn't dead.
I thought that Khellendros said that she killed Hulk with lightning in a different comic.
Cosmic Cube
I know Savage Hulk is in Khellendros's scan, but are you sure that it was Savage Hulk that she killed in that issue, stormfront?
Savage Hulk being killed by a lightning bolt is a real stretch. He's taken insane amounts of punishment, even in the form of lightning. That would be a HUGE inconsistency.
However, what happens happens. If Hulk hadn't transformed, then it was Savage Hulk that she killed.
If it was, either Storm has got some hella lightining, or this is a bad showing of durability for Hulk.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
I know Savage Hulk is in Khellendros's scan, but are you sure that it was Savage Hulk that she killed in that issue, stormfront?
Savage Hulk being killed by a lightning bolt is a real stretch. He's taken insane amounts of punishment, even in the form of lightning. That would be a HUGE inconsistency.
However, what happens happens. If Hulk hadn't transformed, then it was Savage Hulk that she killed.
If it was, either Storm has got some hella lightining, or this is a bad showing of durability for Hulk.
Hey, it was Savage Hulk who BlackBolt knocked out too. There isn't much, but there IS precedence for properly used electricity hurting the Hulk.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Khellendros
Hey, it was Savage Hulk who BlackBolt knocked out too. There isn't much, but there IS precedence for properly used electricity hurting the Hulk.
Didn't Black Bolt KO Hulk by whispering in his ear? That's the only fight I recall. They fought more than once?
Do you have scans of Storm killing Savage Hulk, or the issue number of the comic it happened in?
A quick sprint, a jump and a thunderclap in Storm's general vicinity will drop her to the floor and maybe knock her out. After that he can have his way with her. If anyone thinks she can KO savage hulk, then she can easily kill superman with half a thought. This comparison is crazy.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Didn't Black Bolt KO Hulk by whispering in his ear? That's the only fight I recall. They fought more than once?
Do you have scans of Storm killing Savage Hulk, or the issue number of the comic it happened in?
Black bolt has met Hulk SEVERAL times. He has permanent ownership of Hulk, he always wins their encounters.
I just showed scans of Storm killing Savage Hulk a page or so back. I even gave the issue number.
You're assuming Hulk going unconscious is because of the lighting hurting his brain. Isn't it possible that it was a result of the shock of having Onslaught's control shattered? Something to think about.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Khellendros
Not if you destroy the part of the brain that regulates bodily functions, like healing as well as heartbeat and breathign and all that.
So, Hulk is dead. His mind, since it is slipping away, is easier to wrest from Onslaught's control. Afte Cable is succesful, Storm restarts his heart.
Banner is back in control again.
Cable says that he thinks Hulk is dead. That doesn't mean he is.
Once you're dead, your 'mind' is gone.
Storm may have jumpstarted his heart, but if his brain was dead, a lightning bolt wouldn't bring it back.
Either way, like I said, that's a crappy showing of durability on Hulk's part, or an uber feat for Storm.
A lot of crazy stuff happened in the Onslaught Saga.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by scotsmn
You're assuming Hulk going unconscious is because of the lighting hurting his brain. Isn't it possible that it was a result of the shock of having Onslaught's control shattered? Something to think about.
Very observant. What effect did Onslaught's mind control have on the Hulk's brain?
hye gang,
sorry i don't really want to read 7 pages, but it sounds good. anyone care to sum up the stances being taken? which hulk? is the sticking point that time where hulk's heart stopped? khell and storm, are you contending storm can harm hulk with her lightning?
a curious fan wants to know!
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by leonidas
hye gang,
sorry i don't really want to read 7 pages, but it sounds good. anyone care to sum up the stances being taken? which hulk? is the sticking point that time where hulk's heart stopped? khell and storm, are you contending storm can harm hulk with her lightning?
a curious fan wants to know!
Apparently Savage Hulk was defeated by Storm's lightning when he had his mind controlled by Onslaught.
Truth is, Hulk is never very powerful when being mind controlled
Cable said "I think he's dead," at the end of the fight, so for X-Men fans, that automatically meant that Hulk was dead.
Of course, everyone's setting their own limitations on Hulk's healing factor.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
But the additional gamma radiation exposure helped in turning him into Maestro physically. Theres no evidence whatsoever that 616 Hulk could regenerate after being broken down to his component molecules.
No its an alternate reality occurrence because it wasnt our Hulk who got caught up in the second gamma explosion. It was a 616 occurrence in that Maestro came into 616 however as stated in the bio it isnt known if our hulk i sgoing to change into Maestro.
Notice that Maestro said, "Death doesn't mean the same thing for us (not to be confused with 'me',) that it does for others. Somehow, some way, we (not to be confused with 'I') always come back."
He's clearly explaining to his younger self that his regenerative abilities don't have a limit.
Does it say Cable psychically scanned him to see if all neural function had ceased? Or is it more Cable looked at him and said "I think he's dead." If they damaged the vagus nerve, his heart would cease. But with a healing factor at the level of Hulk's that isn't necessarily death.
that blasted x-posse . . .
kinda tired and don't feel much like going into it 'cept to say hulk wins. he's had 100's of showings where he has taken FAR more than that. i have the issue and will check it out maybe tomorrow. one inconsistant showing isn't enough to logically tip this in storm's favor. i mean damn, he was blasted to a friggin' skeleton by THANOS!! thanos can't put him down, but storm can . . .?

life is cruell
If hulk died then storm REVIVED him, thats playing god. Storm cant just go around and bring people back from the dead. Im not sure what hulks status was but he couldnt have been truly dead.
Onslaught saga was a continuity mess though... and most of the last few pages have hinged on that incident.
I don't think Storm could generate the intensity of lightning that Black Bolt used to down him - even then it didn't kill him. This is a fight to the death. Storm will die before she manages to do anything to kill Hulk - even if she could do anything to kill him, which I doubt.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by life is cruell
If hulk died then storm REVIVED him, thats playing god. Storm cant just go around and bring people back from the dead. Im not sure what hulks status was but he couldnt have been truly dead.
X-actly. You hit the nail right on the head.
Clearly, Savage Hulk wasn't dead.
Unless, of course, you believe that Storm bring the dead back to life with a bolt of lightning. If she can, she's more powerful than any of us ever dared to dream.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Notice that Maestro said, "Death doesn't mean the same thing for us (not to be confused with 'me',) that it does for others. Somehow, some way, we (not to be confused with 'I') always come back."
He's clearly explaining to his younger self that his regenerative abilities don't have a limit.
Yes but Hulk isnt conclusively Maestro. Youre an intelligent man you must see why thats the case. Maestro is from a possible future. The future isnt set in stone he is a possible future version of hulk not the only one possible. Even in hulks handbook it was stated that Maestro isnt conclusively our 616 hulk. Therefore unless you have evidence showing hulk pulling off similar regenerative feats then thats it for that matter.
Originally posted by scotsmn
You're assuming Hulk going unconscious is because of the lighting hurting his brain. Isn't it possible that it was a result of the shock of having Onslaught's control shattered? Something to think about.
Unlikely because that would mean that Onslaughts control being shattered also resulted in Hulks death. The stopping of his heart and the the lack of perceivable (by Cable) brainwaves.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Cable says that he thinks Hulk is dead. That doesn't mean he is.
Once you're dead, your 'mind' is gone.
Storm may have jumpstarted his heart, but if his brain was dead, a lightning bolt wouldn't bring it back.
Either way, like I said, that's a crappy showing of durability on Hulk's part, or an uber feat for Storm.
A lot of crazy stuff happened in the Onslaught Saga.
Death is a gradual process. The end of your bodily functions doesnt happen instantly. However as shown by the scans Cable psionically tried to sense his mind and he couldnt find anything. The attack had disrupted his bodies connection to his psyche. By starting up his bodily functions again via a lightning bolt to the heart Storm re-established that connection before his mind slipped away permanently.
Does that not sound feasible.
Either way Cable couldnt sense his mind and his heart had stopped. He was dead. He was revived by Storm.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
Onslaught saga was a continuity mess though... and most of the last few pages have hinged on that incident.
I don't think Storm could generate the intensity of lightning that Black Bolt used to down him - even then it didn't kill him. This is a fight to the death. Storm will die before she manages to do anything to kill Hulk - even if she could do anything to kill him, which I doubt.
Remember that shes on Kick so her powers will be dramatically increased.
I cant see how she will die before she can affect the Hulk. Not given the conditions of the thread (i.e the lack of weapons available to the Hulk and her being on Kick)
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Does that not sound feasible.If you're going to argue a dualistic theory of consciousness then you can't have a physical process reviving the nonphysical mind. If the "link" between the "mind" and the physical body is severed and there is no detectable consciousness remaining, restarting the heart's function will not result in "reattachment" of the mind. If you're going to argue a monistic theory of consciousness, in which mental processes are derived purely from physical processes then if there was no detectable brain activity restarting the heart would be a frivolous exercise as the brain is dead. Under either model of consciousness the result of restarting the heart would be ineffectual in bringing someone back to life, as in the former there is no "mind", and in the latter the brain is dead.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
If you're going to argue a dualistic theory of consciousness then you can't have a physical process reviving the nonphysical mind. If the "link" between the "mind" and the physical body is severed and there is no detectable consciousness remaining, restarting the heart's function will not result in "reattachment" of the mind. If you're going to argue a monistic theory of consciousness, in which mental processes are derived purely from physical processes then if there was no detectable brain activity restarting the heart would be a frivolous exercise as the brain is dead. Under either model of consciousness the result of restarting the heart would be ineffectual in bringing someone back to life, as in the former there is no "mind", and in the latter the brain is dead.
You cant directly apply real world thinking to comic books X. It just doent work. How do you explain the fact that Cable detected no consciousness when he probed and then with the bolt to the heart hulk was revived?
I believe that the assault from storm and cable started off the end of his bodily functions resulting in his psyche starting to slip away in which event he'd be permanently dead. However Storm restarted hs bodily functions before that happened thereby re establishing a full connection between the physical and the mental. Speculation yes but completely feasible and will suffice until a better explanation surfaces.
You know what I've figured out here?
All we've established is that Storm can start Hulk's heart back up. This should be useful to Hulk, no?
Anyway, Hulk wins. I don't normally go for him, but he's got this match. He's taken far worse punishment before and been just fine. Nothing Storm can throw at him will do anything to stop him in the slightest. While he can thunderclap. Or just catch her in the air, since he's been shown be able to catch super-fast opponents before.
Hulk's got this.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
You know what I've figured out here?
All we've established is that Storm can start Hulk's heart back up. This should be useful to Hulk, no?
Anyway, Hulk wins. I don't normally go for him, but he's got this match. He's taken far worse punishment before and been just fine. Nothing Storm can throw at him will do anything to stop him in the slightest. While he can thunderclap. Or just catch her in the air, since he's been shown be able to catch super-fast opponents before.
Hulk's got this.
Catch superfast opponents when flying hundreds of feet in the air? I dont think so. Plus are unaware of the fact that Storms on kick so her powers will be dramatically increased.
Under the conditions of the thread Storm has a bettr chance than Hulk imo
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Catch superfast opponents when flying hundreds of feet in the air? I dont think so. Plus are unaware of the fact that Storms on kick so her powers will be dramatically increased.
Under the conditions of the thread Storm has a bettr chance than Hulk imo
"Storm is on a pure dose of kick, so she won't tire for the duration of the fight."
I see nothing there about how her powers are dramatically increased. Just that she has super endurance and stamina now.
And do you not read any Hulk comics at all? Hulky can leap to almost any height that Storm can fly to.
In my opinion, Hulk has a much better chance.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
"Storm is on a pure dose of kick, so she won't tire for the duration of the fight."
I see nothing there about how her powers are dramatically increased. Just that she has super endurance and stamina now.
And do you not read any Hulk comics at all? Hulky can leap to almost any height that Storm can fly to.
In my opinion, Hulk has a much better chance.
Ummm shes on Kick so of course her powers are dramatically increased. Thats inherent to the drug. Unless the threadmaker states that Storms powers arent increased then its the assumption that they do as thats what Kick does.
Yes Hulk can jump really far and fast but he has no control over his trajectory in mid air. As long as Storm fights from a distance she should be able to avoid him.
Also Storm has swept Hulk up in a hurricane before and tossed him about like a twig. With nothing in the environment for him to throw at her or to apply his strength to in order to escape whats to stop her suspending him in mid air and then blasting him with all shes got?
Storm has a better chance imo.
Damn X youre gonna type up some looooong explanation arent you? lol
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Ummm shes on Kick so of course her powers are dramatically increased. Thats inherent to the drug. Unless the threadmaker states that Storms powers arent increased then its the assumption that they do as thats what Kick does.
Yes Hulk can jump really far and fast but he has no control over his trajectory in mid air. As long as Storm fights from a distance she should be able to avoid him.
Also Storm has swept Hulk up in a hurricane before and tossed him about like a twig. With nothing in the environment for him to throw at her or to apply his strength to in order to escape whats to stop her suspending him in mid air and then blasting him with all shes got?
Storm has a better chance imo.
So she suspends him in the air and blasts him with lightning? So what?
Seriously, just think of all the uber powerful foes Hulk has gone against. And then compare that opponent to Storm.
Come on.
If she is anywhere within range to suspend him in the air with a cyclone, he can thunderclap and take her out. Now you're going to say it won't affect her or that she can out run it.
Can Storm outrun a sonic boom? No. And that's what will happen to Storm. A sonic boom many times greater than a normal one will hit Storm and kill her.
Hulk has this.
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