Originally posted by Wickerman
Show me one instance of him using his "super-genius".
Show me one of his feats to counter what Gladiator has done. Show me where Apocalypse has lifted something as large as the Baxter building. Show me where Apocalypse has destroyed a planet with his fists. Show me where Apocalypse has moved with Gladiator's faster than light speed. Show me where Apocalypse has moved at super-speed at all. Show me where Apocalypse has shown the kind of durability Gladiator has.
Show me where Apocalypse has used another power except growing in size, hitting things, and blasting things. Show me where he's used any kind of rays, or vision, or any kind of breath weapon, or any kind of sound weapon, or any kind of magnetism or matter manipulation weapon, or any kind of telepathy, or any kind of psionic powers.
If you manage to show me those things i might reconsider him actually surviving for more than a grand total of 5 seconds
The man ran from a table. Remember that.
As far as strength goes Apocalypse has the old "complete control of the molecules of his body" so I guess he could have gladiator level strength although I highly doubt the speed part.
Like most comic book characters he rarely uses his full abilities. I think DD and Cyborg Superman takes this. The main reason is that DD and Cyborg Superman seem nigh immortal. You just can't kill the B@st@rds. What ever Apoc and Atlas can throw at them, they will just keep comming back.